
Korean lawyer has been arrested on suspicion of bank robbery

Criminals are every country

1: earthworm φ ★: (day) 2013/06/09 19:26:05.82 ID:???
▲ Ronald Jin Man Pak, 47, (from The Augusta Chronicle)

Korean lawyers in popularity has been arrested on suspicion of bank robbery.

The 7th, according to local media such as the Augusta Chronicle of Georgia 2:00 pm leave the 4th, after entering Wells Fargo Bank of Augusta north to (Wells Fargo Bank) to contact staff Koreans Park certain (47) lawyer " The request has been made ​​to have a gun, and "put out the money.

After all, he was arrested by the police that was dispatched in response to the report to run away in the car that had been parked in the parking lot of the bank before it without receiving the money. Park lawyer is charged with heavy criminal suspects, currently being imprisoned in Columbia County jail without bail.

He has worked as a lawyer nationality and immigration law in the Atlanta Korean people live a lot in the third in the United States and graduated from the Georgia State Dafa large. He was known as a respected person is high on the Korean human society take the initiative to the Korean people II youth leading business there is a history of Senator Legal Adviser.

(Korean) Korean lawyer is bank robbery Korea Times: source

Related Articles: Lawyer tried to rob bank, police say


(Sun) 2013/06/09 19:29:02.77 ID:: 8: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s N2NDhCyK

Stuffiness of Bikuni society trumps the Korean people ran to him Kyoko
The white apology and compensation

(Sun) 2013/06/09 19:29:09.53 ID:: 10: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s W6RsIkZj

> The requested "I have a gun, put out the money" he said.
> After all, he is still not obtained the gold

Do not wonder that you did not have guns.

(Sun) 2013/06/09 19:31:12.14 ID:: 14: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s iPthdO3Q

So I do have more than one million lawyers' s America.

In, people only law practice is not good to eat when there are many.

(Sun) 2013/06/09 19:38:40.10 ID:: 55: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s mLrj2Wi3

14 >>
Something administrative scrivener and judicial scrivener also, Did not you not will correspond to all lawyers in the U.S. In terms of Japan.
(Sun) 2013/06/09 19:34:33.22 ID:: 32: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s oydADdAc

W N popularity is not that there was higher because it was robbery

(Sun) 2013/06/09 19:35:39.81 ID:: 37: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s pnPfHjDs

The w I wish dumb Although I took great pains to lawyer
And I'm not crazy-plated vanity considerable popularity is What was higher in Korean human society
W such as robbery and as a last resort in the results broke

It did not seem to escape from ethnicity to self-destruction it off superimposed a lie a lie after all

(Sun) 2013/06/09 19:37:34.07 ID:: 48: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 48iBeT1v

Koreans represent the reveal one's true colors even if left alone
That was sorry not to be pretending Japanese If you caught the expected

(Sun) 2013/06/09 19:38:08.82 ID:: 52: Ninja Art [Lv = 40, xxxPT] (1 +0:9) Z8M7NARB

Trial w do you defend yourself

(Sun) 2013/06/09 19:41:21.93 ID:: 69: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s NJHfAcxD

W It's a strange incident
Even if I say, and then suffer as well as the original Democratic Party secretary working in customs,
The United States, Might not a state falls lawyer Throw a stone.
And outside the scope of the lawyer is either made ​​or politician, the mayor Become robbery Become swindler.

(Sun) 2013/06/09 19:48:34.09 ID:: 108: 717 ◆ IPIjV/Dn8Y IW1pjMoj

Oh yeah that spokesman ww wonder if what are you doing
Crime of Chung as brake does not work 's something social status
W I do not think that it 's I Can not committed in other genetic level

(Sun) 2013/06/09 19:48:36.75 ID:: 109: Spring Breeze Pavilion strange Taito ◆ NetoUyoWhY hy + xsznI

W to cause problems at critical times in only Korean people

(Sun) 2013/06/09 19:51:33.63 ID:: 120: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s eeTlX8DH

Lawyer or bank robbery ...
Well, I wonder is it keeps to impress always always to賤人...

(Sun) 2013/06/09 19:51:35.36 ID:: 121: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 9oYFcTSh

What Chung,
Where you can be portable to crime without being influenced by the environment w Na is amazing

(Sun) 2013/06/09 19:53:41.84 ID:: 135: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s pnPfHjDs

What I guess I was doing to say 's lawyer
What is that popularity was high on the Korean human society Might not be a convenience to Korean immigrants was the center
(Sun) 2013/06/09 20:07:40.39 ID:: 198: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s wsqJBv3y

Work by Korean American begins

<丶`д '> He is here Nida ← now you have become a heavy hospital psychosis Te received the terrible discrimination

<丶`д '> He Nida who was suffering from discrimination on the basis of American society

<丶`∀ '> his victim Nida

<# `Д '> U.S. Nida that apology and compensation for the US-based Korean people!

(Sun) 2013/06/09 20:19:02.47 ID:: 253: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s z56HXrqB

Momantai Korean human society of 1.7 million people across the United States since the end up to the human rights issue because strong unity
W It looks

(Sun) 2013/06/09 20:20:01.98 ID:: 258: Hin'nu Muslim Ninpocho [Lv = 40, xxxPT] (1 +0:9) 01Uh0yCS

> Nationality lawyers and immigration law in the Atlanta Korean people live a lot in the third in the United States

Fumufumu. Atlanta and What does it place the Japanese Do not go,
I thing lawyer who was helping illegal immigrants willl caught.

(Sun) 2013/06/09 20:27:50.89 ID:: 284: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s IRSP2Q1F

> It has been working as a lawyer nationality and immigration law.

No, I want to ask pardon of this kind in the Seriously.
How can you get muscle's work hard in his country.

(Sun) 2013/06/09 20:34:45.61 ID:: 316: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s phXcP9bR

It looks did or are Fumitaosa reward to Korean customers

(Sun) 2013/06/09 20:43:45.56 ID:: 349: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s leWJ9jrs

Is it not exist hurdle is low? Against crime, endless

(Sun) 2013/06/09 20:45:23.80 ID:: 361: Taizo ◆ 6YtHw9Csqs ifYPNkiO

349 >>
The crime that you only say that is a negative After Barre for them.

(Sun) 2013/06/09 20:48:02.86 ID:: 367: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s leWJ9jrs

361 >>
Over or do unless Barre
I do not think people

(Sun) 2013/06/09 20:49:09.85 ID:: 370: Taizo ◆ 6YtHw9Csqs ifYPNkiO

367 >>
One man with more than 70% I would answer the "protect the law even though it has already been found for Sonsuru fool" What 's home country.
795: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ') says: can not be after (Mon) 01:18:57.14 ID: nDVvw03i

> Was higher popularity on the Korean human society

Popularity level of their
Far from the global standards. Tend to determine its people after occupation.
An often determined by multiplying filter at a deep weak to privilege also characteristic of Korean.
posted by nokija at 22:00| News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

world's highest per capita number of credit card

now good,future...

1: HONEY MILKφ ★: 2013/06/10 (Mon) 10:25:23.88 ID:???
Credit card number of payments per capita of Koreans were found to be most common in the world major countries. In addition, last year, the number of card payment of the entire credit card, check card, etc. (debit card) topped the 10 billion for the first time in history.

The 10th, according to the "settlement payment statistics of major countries and Japan," the Bank of Korea, credit card number of payments per capita of South Korea recorded a 129.7 cases in standards in 2011.

This was most often in the member countries of the 15 countries (CPSS) leading Bank for International Settlements America, Germany, and Australia (BIS) payment settlement system committee over the same period. Canada ranked second showed a great difference in Korea and 89.6 Reviews. America at the 3-position also remained at 77.9 Reviews.

United States (78.4 cases), was lower than (71.8 cases) Canada credit card number of payments per capita in South Korea (68.3 cases) until 2007. But after exceeding the state of these 81.3 review, 2008 was 96.3 scampering single review in 2009, 114.9 in 2010 review.

"The foreign exchange crisis, Korea has supported the institutional activity of credit card for consumption promotion and tax revenue secured," said officials of the central bank, the scheme that the government increase the check debit card is "currently I explained that "it is promoting.

2011, the number of card usage per capita of South Korea, including all of the checks and credit card is 167.8 filed, was fifth in the countries surveyed. First place was 235.2 cases in the United States. Canada (209.9 cases), Sweden (206.3 cases), and Australia (190.9 cases) followed after.

South Korea The 9,562 dollar card spend per person also (U.S. dollar currency equivalent value), it was sixth followed by Australia (18,285 dollars), Canada, etc. (15,083 dollars). Card usage amount per settlement was sixth from the bottom in the $ 57 average.

All card payment number of Koreans in 2012 was 10 billion 1,676 million cases of 1.4 billion 7,043 million cases (17.2%) increase from the previous year.

It's topped 10 billion for the first time in history. After a two-fold in four years 49 millions of units in 2008 from 2.3 billion units review of 2004, the number of card transactions Korea has doubled in four years again.

Expanded 13.4% from the previous year 7.4 billion 7,952 million cases a credit card of this. Check cards increased 31.3% in the 2.4 billion 9,188 million cases. Decreased by 27.3% and 17.0% respectively prepaid card debit card and (4,476 million cases) and (580 000 cases).

Number has increased significantly, but the settlement amount of the entire card was limited to only a 5.6% increase from the previous year at 646 trillion 5,820 billion won. This is because of the tendency to use the amount of per is small into gradually.

Source: NAVER / Seoul = Yonhap News (Korean)

Rise [Korean economy] credit card delinquency rate [06/05]

2: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ') says: can not be after (Mon) 10:25:50.42 ID: soKdk + hS

Was not this idea

4: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ') says: can not be after (Mon) 10:25:58.04 ID: 5zVVr6LZ

Credit card powers?
16: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ') says: can not be after (Mon) 10:29:47.68 ID: nfMyYskG

so fool around pitiful

17: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ') says: can not be after (Mon) 10:30:01.11 ID: y1Ty8Bpa

While that is so supposed to be scary such as delinquency rates.

19: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ') says: can not be after (Mon) 10:30:10.81 ID: tmBMGM2l

It will Dekin absolute Horuhoru if there is brains that can be understood by any company anywhere in the country card company of the attached photo.
country to use card mounds do not know why such as powers. I can not see only weak country.

20: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ') says: can not be after (Mon) 10:30:12.44 ID: udWgI8Wa

Is it not shameful character of the Korean people of lack of planning sex is out with a willy-nilly?

24: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ') says: can not be after (Mon) 10:32:02.15 ID: 6Ht6k6wf

What? Where you Horuhoru What is this?

25: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ') says: can not be after (Mon) 10:32:15.17 ID: xeVJM0Uh

Credit card utilization number 1

Credit great power!

Credit great power!

Korea Nida country that is trusted world! `∀ '

29: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ') says: can not be after (Mon) 10:33:48.06 ID: y1Ty8Bpa

You Is not it ended up being Chuuchuu fees such as interest, capital of the country?
's Fine?
53: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ') says: can not be after (Mon) 10:39:55.55 ID: ur9SpQu2

1 >>
It is thought to be a defeat if you do Tsukko.

58: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ') says: can not be after (Mon) 10:43:36.52 ID: u89oDN0x

Own people is not you do not trust the local currency?

65: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ') says: can not be after (Mon) 10:45:46.43 ID: d1Tg/3yF

58 >>
Or over one, on top of the country in which homeless even Moteru the card in monkeys examination, if you are paying only interest even if it becomes a multi-debtor, once, mon Order for the Acts of Virtuous Government've got out, How can you get loss you have to use the card in a few years ?

70: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ') says: can not be after (Mon) 10:47:21.24 ID: NyNw55t /

65 >>
Financial The company whether they get along?
Although I think it's full tilt bankruptcy Once the level banks to bankruptcy in Korea how much ...

80: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ') says: can not be after (Mon) 10:51:19.38 ID: d1Tg/3yF

70 >>
How can you get looks something like the country to take over the debt? I think I have been in such a feeling is the centerpiece policy of the new president.
However, from where budget wonder gives rise? w
82: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ') says: can not be after (Mon) 10:51:49.54 ID: 1KTEWge2

No no no w

That settlement amount 's small, will be me you bought everyday goods. That delinquency rate is unusually high in it,
Life is painful that is, it would be me you Fumitaoshi For in debt. W Is not full tilt to collapse

The swaggering Why? Kureka great power Why?
It is a country that I do not know meaning seriously.

87: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ') says: can not be after (Mon) 10:53:59.91 ID: c75NRNYq

82 >>
I ...... I do not think things like swaggering What 's thought.

120: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ') says: can not be after (Mon) 11:07:54.43 ID: U63Ur8C4!

So many be personal bankruptcy after another, the life of the Korea or about two years after
ラベル:credit card
posted by nokija at 21:00| News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

'Restore the korian imperial empire', 42% favor - 23% oppose

Koreans do not know the history of one's own country

1: leopard (Tibet Autonomous Region) can not be after (Mon) 08:00:06.90 ID: X6MCFURoP BE :2114481964-PLT (12020) Award points
In a recent claim that attempts to restore the imperial family of the Korean Empire is happening in part,
Our people were surveyed favor opinion imperial restoration is the dominant.

Result of the poll polling institute real meter ask the pros and cons of imperial restoration,
Restore favor opinion is 40.4%, it was found that more than 17% (23.4%) restoration opposite.

However, this number is a number that favor opinion has greatly reduced the percentage of (54.4%) of the survey in 2006.

Opinion is in favor to restore the imperial family and (19.9% ​​agree 35.7%> opposite) and women (26.0% agree 44.0%> opposite) Men
It has upper hand, favor opinion largest number (39.5% agree 48.7%> opposite) 20s by age,
(27.4% agree 45.8%> opposite) 30s, (13.7% favor 37%> opposite) 50's and above, of (28.0% agree 36.5%> opposite) 40s
Became the order.

Favor opinion shows (23.2% agree 53.3%> opposite) highest in Daegu / Gyeongbuk the imperial restoration,
Although investigated in order (21.9% agree 47.2%> opposite) Incheon / Gyeonggi, of (10.0%, 46.7% favor> opposite) Jeonbuk,
In Seoul, I found that the opposite (34.8%) is above the favor (29.1%).

Restore opposite (31.2%) is slightly less than (28.9%) in favor of error range is also all south / Gwangju
I found that many.

March 4, this study, to investigate on the phone in 1000 for men and women 19 years of age or older nationwide,
Sampling error was ± 3.1% at 95% confidence level.


2: Egyptian Mau (Tokyo) can not be after (Mon) 08:01:18.55 ID: 2eS9uqNk0
It will say, traitor of serious mon 's royal Korea

3: Snow Leopard (Nagano) can not be after (Mon) 08:01:48.38 ID: nOLBguF10
Do not you think such as emperor to whom was found?

8: Singapura (Ishikawa) can not be after (Mon) 08:06:36.94 ID: SddV0Bin0
W Jan want Korea seems really royal family is that disappeared doing pro

6: Ragdoll (Fukuoka) can not be after (Mon) 08:05:43.26 ID: avt9dLSz0
It's come back it is good to be free, but the trap depends on how you treat me from other countries
It seems there was a royal family that was hidden in Japan the other day, but pedigree is whether they can maintain?

12: manul (Fukuoka) can not be after (Mon) 08:08:33.98 ID: MgQhjK + w0
6 >>
Noble, king, emperor's not just what you made of a pedigree
It is it's willl dominate the region ~ ~

18: Ragdoll (Fukuoka) can not be after (Mon) 08:11:11.89 ID: avt9dLSz0
12 >>
I rather than reality because it is a democratic country once, where the where I'd be doing to dominate?
No I, Then and w you think should raise the fat festival in North

11: American Wire Hair (United States) can not be after (Mon) 08:08:11.18 ID: aDBjV6kCP
> Claims that try to restore the imperial family

I do not know the meaning

14: Wildcat (mushroom) can not be after (Mon) 08:09:09.68 ID: wFml2kl90
Were there such a thing?
Blood but likely extinct long ago, even though there

19: manul (Fukuoka) can not be after (Mon) 08:11:21.42 ID: MgQhjK + w0
14 >>
Emperor titular living in apartment
http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/% E6% 9D% 8E% E6% BA% 90

17: Borneo down Biao (garden) can not be after (Mon) 08:11:06.18 ID: fVVO1iKc0
Though they have two home descendants of Joseon
I have a throne fight fierce both families

21: La Perm (Fukuoka) can not be after (Mon) 08:11:59.29 ID: taPN9V5x0
1 >>
What does it start over from vassal state of the Qing Dynasty?

25: Snow Leopard (Nagano) can not be after (Mon) 08:17:04.88 ID: nOLBguF10
21 >>
What does it start over from Japan annexation era
Vassal state of Qing era because it was "king"
It came to be introducing himself as emperor
After Japan was recognized
Therefore, Lee house that called himself royalty currently
Worked pro-Japanese act, to become the offspring

27: La Perm (Fukuoka) can not be after (Mon) 08:21:38.36 ID: taPN9V5x0
25 >>
Oh, because I'm a vassal state is not a trap, "Emperor"

26: Berman (Mie) can not be after (Mon) 08:19:20.01 ID: We/SCQ9r0
Era In Na made to reverse back over there just what do you say?
Or revival movement of Joseon Now you if you think you have returned to the book sealed country

28: Ocelot (Okayama) can not be after (Mon) 08:21:41.34 ID: HwMfJfEf0
Or this? w

115: American Short Hair (Tokyo) can not be after (Mon) 11:16:37.44 ID: hYIiYbAc0
28 >>
I comment about the w photo

're Suffered head It seems steel helmet of the German Imperial Army infantry.
Coat a thing of the British Army cavalry,
In incongruous figure is holding a sword of French light cavalry trousers French Army cavalry,
Ambassadors that were present in a field of audience is such as he was a bitter smile

Because it is the seat of the unveiling was crowned emperor,
Although you should have a large formal dress if a military uniform,
(It is also the junior ranks of all places) because I was dressed in military uniform gathered,
Ambassador of countries fussy etiquette has had a bitter smile might be also of course

36: Korat (Ibaraki) can not be after (Mon) 08:54:47.99 ID: Sm/sJCl50
In addition, wwww half of the people or become slaves

54: British Short Hair (Nagano) can not be after (Mon) 09:32:44.60 ID: gCEftm5A0
36 >>
Half of the people I'm a slave of Samsung even now and w will not change

42: Japanese Bobtail (Kanto Koushinetsu) can not be after (Mon) 09:08:35.63 ID: gcKUpI / TO
Is not supposed to be able to understand the weight of history in South Korea, which has been compiled conveniently their history always

45: African wild cat (Inner Mongolia) can not be after (Mon) 09:20:17.18 ID: f16dKGEzO
It was an independent Korea Might not something Koreans know even Treaty of Shimonoseki

69: Berman (Fukuoka) can not be after (Mon) 10:01:30.34 ID: bIKfJHXl0
Imperial restoration w
W It's not a mon can you fill or empty out so well I wonder if do not know
The first place it is not known the meaning of empire
I wonder if there was not came as criticism to say imperialism until now

80: Nekomata (Chiba) can not be after (Mon) 10:21:12.04 ID: tJJlBhMz0
69 >>
What did you say content'm good
those who do not know the contents well within the Nde who are spreading rumors about the circumference,
It is imprinted "Oh, Yeah" 's
I lie in w me wonder what Speaking hundred times

(Claims that the origin of the Japanese tea ceremony) Korea tea ceremony

72: Berman (Fukuoka) can not be after (Mon) 10:05:38.87 ID: bIKfJHXl0
Only a fool anymore
Too low level
I'll have trouble does not come because he is next to
Europe such as the United States Na will do know such a hard time

79: Sabiironeko (Osaka) can not be after (Mon) 10:19:59.03 ID: ZBCG8iMC0
http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/% E6% A1% E5% B1% B1% E8% 94% E4% B8% 80
Takashi Hara is the eldest son of Lee (Momoyama) Kenichi of Itsuo the Korean king Gojong,
I like close to the lineage of the eldest son in most lineage basis.

81: striped calico (Fukuoka) can not be after (Mon) 10:23:31.13 ID: t03j5/6t0
79 >>
It's like a person that Japanese nationality but www if I've got to

86: Sabiironeko (Osaka) can not be after (Mon) 10:27:03.21 ID: ZBCG8iMC0
81 >>
And I think we are bullying because it is of mixed race and Japanese Wow.

I mean, mon Nante royal be impossible if you do not grow up in that kind of environment.

That it does not take the adopted child at the time of the baby about Japan if the royalty to the descendants in the male line of the old 11 Miyake.

100: Berman (Fukuoka) can not be after (Mon) 10:54:10.03 ID: bIKfJHXl0
86 >>
> Mon Nante royal be impossible if you do not grow up in that kind of environment
Even though there is a sense that came to play a responsibility of its own way Inheriting the cotton variety
Though it is a majestic born Only with effort and a long long time
And though not a massaged the "I do royal family and also I had been stopped until now" to put as taking
I wonder if do not know the people without royal thing of the neighborhood

82: black and white (Aichi) can not be after (Mon) 10:24:02.12 ID: u9NZo3pr0
Do you things like respect the house of some ethnic afresh of jealousy crazy? w

85: Turkish Angora (Inner Mongolia) can not be after (Mon) 10:26:42.24 ID: + a2309u3O
82 >>
Feeling to be in the Republic boom to drive out royal me "discrimination Nida! Though it is the same person," which

93: Maine Coon (Miyazaki) can not be after (Mon) 10:35:28.92 ID: BuhSUDUF0
It is crushed moment you will not have in '10, it was reported taxes such as relies 100 million annually

97: American wire hair (Kanagawa) can not be after (Mon) 10:45:36.10 ID: 2pcSO1YKP
93 >>
When it is Japan, by massaging, such seems to paying retention of events and tradition has continued for many years (like Ninamesai)
Not you there is no tradition, do not because you do know what to pay big bucks

101: European lynx (tenement) can not be after (Mon) 10:56:43.04 ID: TrFpDAut0
It will look too Korean drama completely

120: Singapura (Kanto Koushinetsu) can not be after (Mon) 11:26:58.97 ID: G/8tYvt8O
101 >>
Do not'm Urinara fantasy drama Osugi of setting me Once royal Korea has still surviving
And what imperial family such as I do and self-proclaimed It used to be luggage and Japanese dumping ground of China for many years?

108: kodkod (Xinjiang) can not be after (Mon) 11:04:55.45 ID: zqSbMYnY0
Why themselves or was the Aborigines?
Frustrating! Frustrating!
Why! ! Or was the natives! ! ! ! Frustrating! !
It begins this has began to loop
And longing for Japan changes to jealousy
The changes themselves were not natives, Japan, and bad
Be to the bad guys in Japan, cultural figures there was a tradition ourselves were aborigine
It was decided to position it. It was a lie at first but guys are starting to think so seriously

112: American Carl (Tibet Autonomous Region) can not be after (Mon) 11:08:20.78 ID: c8Wnn6vf0
108 >>
Do not I have come to a place where it is not turning back

118: Oriental (Kumamoto) can not be after (Mon) 11:19:54.66 ID: c/lYbFno0
1897-1910 Korean Empire
(26th king Joseon) 1897-1907 Korean Empire first emperor

Koreans do want to restore this mon serious?

123: Japanese Bobtail (Kanto Koushinetsu) can not be after (Mon) 11:30:50.94 ID: PUzFJ9kFO
The shit in the history of fabrication 5000 years Do not'm busy. (Laughs)
Oh, do you feel push through "Japanese imperialists were destroyed" in place also bad circumstances?

124: Turkish Angora (Kanto Koushinetsu) can not be after (Mon) 11:38:59.51 ID: 0PiYtLP1O
123 >>
The w Hideyoshi continued to sabotage can move freely in time and space as well Na from there if you unexplained 's Japanese colonial
posted by nokija at 20:00| News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

Big boom in Korea! New work of Cho Yong Pil topic Japan release delivery!


Is a stalwart of Korea music industry, singing star of yesteryear, known his name in Japan, Cho Yong Pil Announces "Bounce (Bounce)" a new song for the first time in 10 years recently. At the same time and released in South Korea, won the first place in various music charts with less of that new song PSY, it becomes a big topic as a clash of new and old Star, momentum shows no signs of fall thereafter.

Speaking of Cho Yong Pil, and have been popular in the "Come Back to Busan Port," a big hit in the 1980s in Japan, song of Yong Pil crisp and light guitar sound matched perfectly, lock taste new song "Bounce" tune full of high spirits.

This album release was recorded this "bounce" and "Hello", ear of K-POP fan of "these days" is also pleasing to more than enough no matter where they listen, pop tune of Tsubuzoroi, ballad is full. Become a big boom in the comeback after a long time also convinced. When it becomes K-POP fans also human, you know even a little of the latest whole body "King of Song" truly, his name, it's powerful items you would like to listen by all means.

(Sun) 2013/06/02 18:03:16.26 ID:: nYU5fBCv0 2: Nameless I'm afraid @
Do not I'm the person who is singing such as five hundred years han

(Sun) 2013/06/02 18:05:47.52 ID:: cngWaAfUO 5: Nameless I'm afraid @
'm Is there any meaning Nante 1 in Korea

(Sun) 2013/06/02 18:08:13.11 ID:: gvkaEeKq0 8: Nameless I'm afraid @
It 's really annoying.

(Sun) 2013/06/02 18:08:38.63 ID:: 80tcmOSk0 9: Nameless I'm afraid @
There was a paddle that waited

(Sun) 2013/06/02 18:10:57.60 ID:: e/ik34SG0 11: Nameless I'm afraid @
I'm so buy in about 100,000 's one in Korea

(Sun) 2013/06/02 18:11:29.24 ID:: LMgsa7LY0 12: Nameless I'm afraid @
The Come Back to Busan Port

(Sun) 2013/06/02 18:12:17.46 ID:: c4mQjyST0 13: Nameless I'm afraid @
It will do the music industry collapse more quickly than Japan

(Sun) 2013/06/02 18:12:18.20 ID:: s1jN15f10 14: Nameless I'm afraid @
I wonder I wonder was a gimmick people say go back to Busan Port of Cho Yong Pil also What will of offering to Japan such as advertising agency
And I believed as it is If I had to have popular in television reliability of TV because was high at the time

(Sun) 2013/06/02 18:13:37.43 ID:: 0Gq4zjQ90 15: Nameless I'm afraid @
Do not push Japan to those of South Korea that late '30.

(Sun) 2013/06/02 18:14:01.28 ID:: h0IDWN7L0 16: Nameless I'm afraid @
What do you want to obtain the K-POP 63-year-old?
(Sun) 2013/06/02 18:18:57.97 ID:: LMgsa7LY0 21: Nameless I'm afraid @
Chung POP Formosa,
Do not but have been accepted, up to a TVXQ per K at best such as such as BOA

W that supposed to be funny and pouring into Japan in droves in dark tone Chung Because I do not know the trick

(Sun) 2013/06/02 18:24:35.00 ID:: lAFJgEMJO 30: Nameless I'm afraid @
21 >>
Na really
But I had never felt uncomfortable when I was a BoA

(Sun) 2013/06/02 18:30:45.96 ID:: rNuHnBXtO 34: Nameless I'm afraid @
It's not hate at all Yong Pil. Man I get from a clear criticism anything and everything.

(Sun) 2013/06/02 18:31:21.29 ID:: Asi7JiBT0 35: Nameless I'm afraid @
I'll go back to Busan harbor from good

(Sun) 2013/06/02 18:31:23.79 ID:: 0vO + KOAv0 36: Nameless I'm afraid @
You go home I do not want to know someone

(Sun) 2013/06/02 18:31:58.50 ID:: WMwmeZvK0 38: Nameless I'm afraid @
Do you hostile to Japan, do you want to popular in Japan, and white uniform to any which way

(Sun) 2013/06/02 18:32:14.59 ID:: rNuHnBXtO 39: Nameless I'm afraid @
Japanese guys but I've been accepted obediently When I Yong Pil had been active
It really backs it became unpleasant era

(Sun) 2013/06/02 19:18:56.99 ID:: c4mQjyST0 53: Nameless I'm afraid @
39 >>
Masugomi is, will I was hiding the anti-Japanese?
Such as the anti-Japanese movie imagine your made, you were not did not know almost

(Sun) 2013/06/02 19:28:27.32 ID:: z33x2yIw0 57: Nameless I'm afraid @
53 >>
It will only accepted because it is a good song normally> to go back to Busan port
I was shedding CM Bambang but it then was not accepted Mekkoru

Mekkoru TV CM (30 sec ver Japan, fantastic reviews)

It is a song to become a habit, but a little w

175: Nameless @ I'm afraid: can not be after (Mon) 02:09:19.28 ID: + eOwuO6d0
39 >>
When was the unpleasant era because it is over there

(Sun) 2013/06/02 18:41:44.58 ID:: WUdH5H1 + P 42: Nameless I'm afraid @
That was very well liked husky voice of that unique Keiunsuku
Such as deportation, and ...... or'm a fool only Don in Shabu

(Sun) 2013/06/02 18:43:36.47 ID:: 9OjAONgq0 43: Nameless I'm afraid @
42 >>
But why are you me Koreans not stupid?

(Sun) 2013/06/02 18:51:36.38 ID:: WUdH5H1 + P 46: Nameless I'm afraid @
43 >>
Well, w I, including the neighborhood

(Sun) 2013/06/02 19:45:37.71 ID:: hc0quGokP 64: Nameless I'm afraid @
To say a big boom in Korea
The habit of media is not sold almost copy culture deluge
W Do you've got to say what

(Sun) 2013/06/02 19:52:50.36 ID:: 0kvN5mSu0 73: Nameless I'm afraid @
Do not have heard in a long time Cho Yong Pil me

(Sun) 2013/06/02 19:58:02.62 ID:: wsv3LCzq0 76: Nameless I'm afraid @
Come Back to Busan Port With A hit in Japan certainly

(Sun) 2013/06/02 20:06:59.66 ID:: 5m37aEk20 78: Nameless I'm afraid @
Big boom in Korea! Disgust just me. Comfort women aunt is determined great, to lie.

(Sun) 2013/06/02 20:27:23.74 ID:: 18qe + A5 / 0 84: Nameless I'm afraid @
You are in hysteria and causing a spinal reflex in me only words "Korea"
I thing a lot of guy.
What words only "Japan", and the people of the country causing the spinal reflexes are Tsu "fire disease" softening
196: Nameless @ I'm afraid: can not be after (Mon) 08:46:26.70 ID: w95Oqfgy0
The bad feelings Chong's increase YouTube Views
It's annoying amazing Chung video gibberish to YouTubeJP's coming out
Kasuchon Shineyo Seriously

200: Nameless @ I'm afraid: can not be after (Mon) 15:34:51.87 ID: HkGYzpKeP
196 >>
The advertising agency of Korea Institute affiliated content
Because issue copyright application on its own in any one video of all
It anyway hit also those of others

In Is So work that KPOP comes on top of the search as the related advertising

(Sun) 2013/06/02 23:39:48.34 ID:: wiYfXSaTO 167: Nameless @ I'm afraid
It may be like than PSY ...
ラベル:Cho Yong Pil
posted by nokija at 20:00| News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

[editorial] The Korea = should be prepared to the impact of Abenomikusu failure

It is the opinion of the editorial of South Korea.
They are like want you to fail to Abenomics.

Can not be after (Fri) 09:26:38.72 ID: 1: "cold tofu" φφ ★ ◆ TOFU / XEczQ @ sweet treatment:??

Three Arrows eyes Abenomikusu aimed at recovery of the Japanese economy is likely to remove the point. The 5th, Shinzo Abe, Japan Prime Minister announced a growth strategy and outline mitigation of pharmaceutical industry regulation and the creation of a national strategy zones, and increased investment to the power industry. It is an arrow at the end of the "Three Arrows" and was prepared in order to restore the Japanese economy which was appointed at the end of last year, the long-term stagnation.

But this last arrow as soon as the leaves the bow, stock prices plunged even more than 3.8%, the Japanese yen has risen to $ 1 = 99 yen level. Last arrow of Abenomikusu 's I tried not to hit the target market. In order to achieve the goal of full of ambition to raise more than $ 60,000 per capita income of Japan (GNI) in 10 years, it's growth strategy evaluation of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe that shortage. Relaxation of dismissal provisions and corporate tax cuts that freshness is dropped because it is the content that growth initiative, which was announced this day was out already, most Japanese business community has been requested, such as deregulation of the medical field and agriculture is not reflected at all Takarada. Appetite for growth was great, but the policy specific means to achieve this thing is not accompanied.

Recently, the expansion of government spending and (QE) unlimited quantitative easing of arrows two eye eyes one of the Abenomikusu also ceased to have effect. Concern government bond interest rates in Japan rise, the United States is to reduce the quantitative easing has been raised, the recovery of the real economy it became opaque. Then, share price rise was synonymous with Abenomikusu outcome will stop, it became situation stock prices to plunge even more than 7% in June 23. Depreciation of the yen became the foundation of export competitiveness recover, turned to the yen Japanese yen exchange rate and crack the $ 1 = 100 yen. It is a market that aspect it was crazy to Abenomikusu is, toward the distrust Abenomikusu.

After all, such a reaction in the market, indicates that even if only to ease the financial strengthen the real economy and structural reforms fundamental of the Japanese economy remains without the economy that it is difficult to recover. You go and assume Abenomikusu has failed entirely of course it is still early. There is a possibility of a temporary adjustment to cool excessive enthusiasm or prejudice, hasty market that occurred before the outcome of Abenomikusu appears to slow down the depreciation of the yen and stock plunge. But that it includes the possibility of experiments ambitious of Abenomikusu deviate to common sense ends in vain adventure is clear.

point Abeno-mix boom calm, anxiety weaker yen raid is weakened somewhat is Fortunately for Korea. However, if the Abenomikusu fails, the effects of it more than a few. Japanese economy towards the bankruptcy finances Japan fell into the abyss of stagnation also, facing a huge debt Abenomikusu if it fails. Financial problems of Japan if surfaced in this vortex, there is a risk of falling into crisis the international financial markets and the world economy. Korean economy is also not free from the shock wave never. That is why the business community and government, financial sphere is focused on the success or failure of Abenomikusu, should not loosen the tension. It seems that is the time to envy from the success of Abenomikusu, to prepare all possible measures to effect a failure brings now.

49 minutes 08 at the 7th June 2013 source JoongAng Ilbo


2: Kamikaze @ anonymous: can not be after (Fri) 09:28:48.21 ID: PUzvUWcd

How about When you prepare for the end of the swap before that?

Can not be after (Fri) 09:30:34.51 ID:: 3: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' MJEtG2Mw

Chung economy ww that Shineru in failure dead in Abenomikusu success

Can not be after (Fri) 10:17:04.59 ID:: 43: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' l0/NNUui

3 >>
Na, but I do not have way to live Abenomikusu is successful, can only cling to the mercy of the available capacity
Although I think whether Yet if you are fueled anti-Japanese
If all the baby-boom era of betrayal of one's own country is not popular in the mainstream net,
The Maybe, or should I say, such a person is but must've pulled out more aid
Good old days' s was done for South Korea

Can not be after (Fri) 09:36:05.06 ID:: 16: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' + cm7X/l4

I Shimae to slaughter 's Bank of Japan shelling from over and let the other Mendoku

Can not be after (Fri) 09:42:01.80 ID:: 21: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' Tp17IoaY

> Finance of Japan facing a huge debt towards the bankruptcy.

Do not try to return the debt to Japan before that Japan is headed to bankruptcy Yeah because it is problem of Japan

Can not be after (Fri) 09:46:24.34 ID:: 25: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' C4VpElIk

Japan After the collapse, at you and w I are Keshiton without a trace

Can not be after (Fri) 09:56:21.54 ID:: 34: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' 9yIFMpSR

Do you do Ne Ja be cheaper if the currency of the country in which towards the bankruptcy
Why the strong yen

Can not be after (Fri) 10:11:06.77 ID:: 38: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' X1UbPiHH

Although I think the Japanese financial collapse and definitely
It is the Korean economy it is to collapse before it

I mean, Korea www collapse of state already

Can not be after (Fri) 10:12:38.33 ID:: 39: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' fk4 + ikv7

South Korea such as receive economic impact in the yen weak yen
The w Na're good leave me alone

Can not be after (Fri) 10:15:34.48 ID:: 41: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' sRkoDKmb

Well, Japan Lehman shock bubble collapse is super strong yen also Na because I lived through on their own no matter what someone says.
Is I feel like there was somewhere countries have not survived Come to think of it, and not to the IMF under management.

Can not be after (Fri) 10:23:49.07 ID:: 46: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' N1mDOAUk

state the world has become to stock prices at the same time.
Japan, because it is better still, yen is high even though it has already been monetary easing.

Can not be after (Fri) 10:32:09.64 ID:: 51: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' VIixog2b

Anyway ... I'll try to let you return the money you have lent creditor nation the world's largest After bankruptcy ...

By the way, I have a country that owes a large amount of money from a country that impending collapse that I ~?

Can not be after (Fri) 10:36:55.68 ID:: 53: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' WuStO65D

It 's got to me Abenomikusu success. Confident

Can not be after (Fri) 10:38:28.65 ID:: 54: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' xskBtiao

W do you Raren information only lowering material of China 's intranet

Can not be after (Fri) 10:48:26.30 ID:: 59: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' iLiaX92G

Do not be let your guard down until you collapse from Korea
Do not be let your guard down even after bankruptcy
Do not be let your guard down as long as you are near the mad three countries

Can not be after (Fri) 10:49:56.30 ID:: 60: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' erd8JER +

Basic premise of thinking Urinara brain,
Urinara the world's best in any event!
All right, Uri but surely damage received by Japan even if the bankruptcy ...
I'm sure I'm not thinking only about that.
I'm thinking seriously if you Fumitaoseru to roar Nante debt from Japan of course.
It is thought that it is suited other way from all over the world Nante also impossible even Fumitaoshi.
Because Urinara thing It is the center of gravity of the world.

Can not be after (Fri) 11:31:35.74 ID:: 66: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' YuNBCKvq

Ready to blame Japan in either case in this perfect Nida

Can not be after (Fri) 11:43:10.05 ID:: 74: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' uFEYOxQH

Korean residents is stupid really.
Themselves also influence Japan that are parasitic becomes funny
To receive.
And what is profit Korean economy even at upwards even if
It would be no.

Can not be after (Fri) 11:47:47.71 ID:: 76: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' oub37iFo

W such as EU such as Shina, do not get into eyes

Can not be after (Fri) 11:49:59.76 ID:: 78: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' 07am3iHi

Get ready! And good, but what of Korea live specifically? What would not be helped

Can not be after (Fri) 11:53:10.32 ID:: 79: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' lsr1c7rI

Korea Why do not tip at making the economic base that is not dependent on the Japanese economy first?
And I would be impossible Well.

Can not be after (Fri) 12:02:01.67 ID:: 84: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' zEcB9viF

To finance in their own country, yet Japan is a creditor nation.
That it is still bad now that's for sure, to be sure, but there is still time of grace.
Korea geek colleagues w 's a what
Because it says nothing but cheeky, it is not Yara to swap extension.

Can not be after (Fri) 12:17:29.00 ID:: 90: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' + dMpCO7H

What this w
South Korea 's economy get hit even if success if it fails after all
W you just want to clean up Jan to blame the failure of Japan their

Can not be after (Fri) 12:20:52.58 ID:: 92: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' qVSHTIIx

> It seems that is the time to envy from the success of Abenomikusu, to prepare all possible measures to effect a failure brings now.

Japan away measures = South Korea all possible advances to impact failure = failure of the + Abenomikusu Mora

That it is best in the long run

Can not be after (Fri) 13:46:49.17 ID:: 97: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' KSnXkgqE

Abenomikusu tries to success, but try to fail, but South Korea is the cause of the decline of their economies,

"Nida Japan to request and compensation. Apology bad because Nida Nida. All of Japan!"

It was found that it is planned that to say, it Nasuritsukeru in Japan.

Can not be after (Fri) 15:14:00.06 ID:: 100: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' Kj3ajXTF

This article, hey that's what desire of Chung.

ラベル:Abenomics fail
posted by nokija at 06:00| News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

Samsung Electronics Co. crash.Exposed the danger of too much emphasis smartphone

Industry in South Korea is too biased.
Plantation is like.

1: Rough seas φ ★: 2013/06/08 (Sat) 10:49:30.84 ID:???
In response to that announced a report that investment banks overseas to pessimistic sales forecast of future smartphone of Samsung Electronics' Galaxy S4 ", the 7th, share price of Samsung Electronics slumped 6.2 percent the day before ratio, 1.427 million won (about I closed at \ 123,900).

(About 1 trillion 320 billion yen) market capitalization of Samsung Electronics fell by 15 trillion won in the same day only.

Samsung Electronics Yasushi e ・ IT stocks of other-friendly, over-dependent on the smart phone, the problem of the Korean economy reliance on Samsung Electronics is high was relief.

■ reduction range since August last year

Decrease the width of the share price of Samsung Electronics, was up 7.5 percent lower since immediately after losing in the patent lawsuit with Apple in August last year. Order bulge 660 billion won (about 57.3 billion yen) foreigners sell to Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., led the share price plunge.

In addition, IT parts stocks patron to produce parts of smartphones (10.9 percent lower), and inter-plex (10.6 percent lower) also fell sharply in unison.

Sales volume of S4 Galaxy has decreased rapidly JP Morgan investment bank the day before, stock prices plunge of Samsung Electronics announced the report to forecast operating margin third quarter (July-September) and later reduced that you were triggered.

Based on the results of examination of the parts suppliers of Samsung Electronics, JP Morgan lowered to 60 million units from 80 million units expected sales of Galaxy S4 in this year.

I revised down to 1.9 million from 2.1 million won won target price.

The 7th, well that was revised downward to 65 million units from 80 million units more than expected shipments this year Galaxy S4, CIMB of Malaysia Securities leading the sale of smartphones the entire second quarter of Samsung Electronics (April-June) It was pointed out that remain to 75 million units, the number is less than 80 million units of the initial forecast.

Samsung Electronics raised operating income 8 trillion 780 billion won (about 762 billion yen) in the first quarter.
This corresponds to about 30% of the operating profit of listed companies of the entire Korea.

It was what radio division (6 trillion 510 billion won) to produce a smartphone began to earn 74% of them.

Reliance on smartphones and other Galaxy S4 is too high,
It's looking the market has reacted significantly to that pessimism has been shown in the future of the smartphone.

Article Input: can not be after 08:50


Exposed to danger [economic] Samsung Electronics Co. crash, the smartphone overemphasis [06/08]

Can not be after (Sat) 10:50:11.68 ID:: 4: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' 47SDt5Mj
So, I told about it .....

Can not be after (Sat) 10:51:00.21 ID:: 8: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' DNoKSbSC
Or that foreign capital has escaped me

Can not be after (Sat) 10:52:53.50 ID:: 17: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' Ico1p4hH
8 >>
Gold man I wish since issued withdrawal alarm "stock price of Korea stretches from now" What

Can not be after (Sat) 11:17:43.30 ID:: 104: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' 4EkhrAKS
17 >>
But first thing out of his mouth are raised advises me "'s and end remains by this dangerous Korea" in Ohakune at the same time
Na'm friendly (bar

Can not be after (Sat) 10:52:10.24 ID:: 12: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' 4EkhrAKS
Because yelling "Japan end! Japan! Was abandoned to foreigners" and when stock prices in Japan slumped in other words this time
I wonder if I By "South Korea end! Korea! Was abandoned to foreign" right?

Can not be after (Sat) 10:52:33.71 ID:: 14: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' lQbTFQiX
What those guys would do Do Kuitsunai smartphone disappears

Can not be after (Sat) 10:56:16.46 ID:: 25: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' ERNZG783
14 >>
Exports of kimchi then seems strong. Do not may be caused to foreign currency deposits to the public

Can not be after (Sat) 10:56:26.40 ID:: 27: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' Ico1p4hH
14 >>
Compensation from Japan
Claims of self-styled comfort women is a first step

Can not be after (Sat) 10:52:45.57 ID:: lust ◆ nQM54KR6E0bH and captivating: 16 yATHShox
And flight ready or interest確売Ri ...

Can not be after (Sat) 10:53:07.66 ID:: 18: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' SL637Gk0
Over only Don country 's lean on a mobile one

Can not be after (Sat) 10:53:14.21 ID:: 19: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' iuKJOS + +
Although I was surprised by the low profitability of listed companies in South Korea more important than that
Therefore there are only two trillion yen strength together all

Can not be after (Sat) 11:32:02.62 ID:: 141: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' D2ANM/bF
19 >>
Moreover Urinara accounting
Large deficit inevitable 's Western standards

Can not be after (Sat) 10:59:42.62 ID:: 44: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' iJ/3T7up
W only Ri Fabyo me crash at 6.2%

Can not be after (Sat) 11:01:02.80 ID:: 51: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' zpALqSpI
In 70% of Jan story willl smartphone in Samsung 20% of GDP
And ends Sumahobumu worldwide, and I guess I feel that if you are to come

Can not be after (Sat) 11:01:27.36 ID:: 54: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' aQymC2IT
Sales of daily consumer electronics huh interesting country 's 30 percent of the revenue of the state.

Can not be after (Sat) 11:01:31.11 ID:: 55: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' ah/ol61v!
"Japanese stocks plunge Zama~a wwww" → Korea also share substantial drop

Korea idea willl also benefit Let 's original If Japan economic recovery

Can not be after (Sat) 11:02:14.01 ID:: 58: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' GkeQP7BV
Interest-bearing debt from me tremendous Samsung, falling stock prices, there 'a big problem

posted by nokija at 03:00| News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

Wen Tony Awards in U.S. 'war criminals in Japan based' image?

Korian started to say suddenly recently
Rising Sun flag

1 Name: [- {} {} @ @ {} -] Zoo φ ★: 2013/06/11 (Tue) 15:12:31.70 ID:???


"I prepare countermeasures" US-based Korean human society surprise
I fell into the depths Tony Award, the Japanese war criminals flag

Ripples are spreading stage of Tony Award ceremony was broadcast live on TV in the United States throughout is decorated with images of Japanese war criminals flag.

67th Tony Awards opening February 9, was held at Radio City Music Hall in New York
Background of the stage at the time of the performances are decorated with the image of the Rising Sun flag of red war criminals, have shocked the US-based Korean human society.
Scene in question, appeared to highlight the opening performance of the day.

Between about 8 minutes too much, opening Neil Patrick Harris actor who served as the moderator led the singing and dancing,
It was decorated like a scene from a brilliant musical magic and trampoline are in harmony. (Snip)

On this day, was awarded the department and four performers of (Kinky Boots) Kinky boots swept the six departments such as Best Actor
Including the four children of actor "Matilda" is typical and "Chicago," "The Lion King" and "Spider-Man"
Performances ran up at the height of the characters who Broadway musicals appeared one after another, the surprise
It was Koritsuka Korea who had watched the performance image to be is appeared.

Red sun pattern while the image of the sun 50 seconds after 6 minutes performance when, after hanging in background figurine trophy Tony Award quickly
I changed the image of the Rising Sun flag war criminal. Performance is over, the audience is cheered standing and kicked the seat
I also sent 1 minute 20 seconds what the applause. Neil Patrick Harris in the middle of the image of the Rising Sun flag war criminal
Was enthusiastic and dominated the line of sight hanging on, audience, and also enthusiastic.

The 10th, Kim Hee-jeong, who live in Fort Lee, New Jersey is really exciting "
Seemed to hit one shot with a hammer suddenly I watched entranced so performance. Image of war criminals flag of Japan Display
It was, "he said surprised because it is.

Park Jung Hyun's flushing the CBS home page and search the web site of "this morning
I could not believe my eyes Rising Sun flag war criminals is not big at stake. It was a great sight you should take a look at the video. Totally
I was amazed audience that all the "seemed to send a standing ovation to the war criminals flag of Japan. (Snip)

CBS home page, of course, performances Wall and New York Times the next day was just to loud
Image between the Rising Sun flag war criminals is noticeable immediately Street Journal also regardless of online or offline
Photo and will be published, many media took up a picture of the same scene.

2013.06.11 13:44
The image of "Japan flag war criminal" to the U.S. Tony Awards?

Followed by

2 Name: [- {} {} @ @ {} -] Zoo φ ★: 2013/06/11 (Tue) 15:13:06.70 ID:???
>> It is a continuation of one
Also on this day, it is aggregated with that many viewers have seen the most since 2009, ceremony Tony award, the Order of the Rising Sun
Image of war criminal flag became looking to enjoy the effect that is exposed to many Americans. 2018
CBS you have a relay broadcasting rights to announced the viewership data of this day, in the event of "last year
I was happy to be "found that the viewing rate of 18-49 years has increased more than 20 percent.

Korean society, including Choi Yoon-hee Co-Chairman of the New York Korean human parents association for the situation of this time
I have prepared a positive response. Image of war criminals flag of "Japan, in American society Choi Yoon-hee chairman
It is spreading like a poisonous mushroom. The award ceremony of the Tony Award, the people of the world as well as the United States watch
I pointed out that "it is serious in terms of events.

Recently, New York Koreans parents Association caused a stir in the public relations thing utilizing the image of the Rising Sun flag war criminal
If you have received the promise of relapse prevention and official apology from New York. Choi Yoon-hee Chairman
Situation "This is also said to be ignorant mistake of American war criminals to the Japanese flag, the symbol of Nazi
I want to know or be able to put it over to Tony Awards by modifying even a little. New York Korean people
We found that it "proposes to create countermeasures in society level.

19 Name: [- {} {} @ @ {} -] Zoo φ ★: 2013/06/11 (Tue) 15:16:04.51 ID:???
1 >> Combat Organization
Mental illness screening = stress social background, world's first [Korean] all the people - the South Korea [06/25]: 1. 壊龍 φ ☆: 2012/06/25 (Mon) 22:10:49.42 ID:??? to 25 days, and to carry out medical examinations to all the people from the target in 2013 [current events] Seoul Korea Department of Health and Human Services ... the comprehensive measures related to mental illness

"Need to have a check of psychiatry" small teenagers of education [/ Medical] Korea, 220 000 people [02/17]

Quoted source: http://awabi.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/news4plus/1370931151

Can not be after (Tue) 15:15:11.52 ID:: 8 Name: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' EpjYneWd

Base outside of the stable.
Although I think it would've been no longer stick retracted another,
Nida truth, Na I wonder what I say 100 times lie.

Can not be after (Tue) 15:15:23.08 ID:: 9 Name: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' vtkp0iM0

Brains Chong different structure from the ordinary human.

Can not be after (Tue) 15:15:50.36 ID:: 11 Name: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' u0D5ES1b

Ww that Jan completely different
Or mad

Can not be after (Tue) 15:15:51.90 ID:: 13 Name: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' z + UsmdWm

How to put Ichamon everything radial

Can not be after (Tue) 15:16:05.98 ID:: 20 Name: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' hxlPh0no

The candy Na annoying in w Stuck false charge does gibberish
Heck this w be different no matter how you look at it

LV to put cavil is Jewish to look map of swastika mark of temple

Can not be after (Tue) 15:23:11.86 ID:: 69 Name: (? Tits) liked ◆ Tetsupye8Q Breasts B +32 vssl
20 >>
Shorinji Kempo is attached cavil, Do not I remove the swastika mark.
Zong Miki eyes hetare!

Can not be after (Tue) 15:19:31.91 ID:: 43 Name: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' ByM28bF4

Chung w It looks do follow the path you do not worship the sun even in the future

Can not be after (Tue) 15:20:03.41 ID:: 46 Name: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' 5u7Ov1nm

Chong No w I Ru fire disease every time I see every morning Sun to rise in

Can not be after (Tue) 15:20:28.36 ID:: 49 Name: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' QYZtXxTp

British Flag because even out radially from the center and you think well, the color
And that matter if you arrange to rising sun, the Koreans basis.

Can not be after (Tue) 15:20:54.90 ID:: 55 Name: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' EjeLjc96

It is obsessed only Koreans that are not war. wwwwwwwww
Can not be after (Tue) 15:21:58.91 ID:: 62 Name: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' 9kF4YOUl

Koreans w gonna say one complaining ..... I in America you win by fighting with Japan

Can not be after (Tue) 15:29:02.51 ID:: 112 Name: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' qyVojBtP

No, w Do not be quit to the article this kind of story anymore
Www be no way that I really

Can not be after (Tue) 15:30:11.64 ID:: 118 Name: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' QnneFUkF

This, there 's story indeed
If you were serious, you would at the level for which it will be round and round par Joseph
Can not be after (Tue) 15:32:35.49 ID:: 143 Name: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' o1t9Bht7

Japan = evil
Do not from being rubbed since I was a kid and

Base outside you can not think of things where they stopped thinking

Can not be after (Tue) 15:32:40.60 ID:: 145 Name: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' 3IUz + / hN

Anyway man of few if're saying strange things like this,
Overall public opinion in South Korea 's too this

Can not be after (Tue) 15:35:30.73 ID:: 166 Name: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' kbem44Z7

Them if these guys
"Union Jack is also a Rising Sun flag!"
You could say me

Can not be after (Tue) 15:37:44.52 ID:: 188 Name: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' tbZXXUtm
166 >>
When I bought annoying in the Sea of ​​Japan name already, it entwined in Falklands War to the United Kingdom
That you should have got bit

Can not be after (Tue) 15:36:10.65 ID:: 170 Name: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' Fp9WqESh

I, nausea so I do to Looking national flag of Korea
ラベル:Rising Sun flag
posted by nokija at 02:00| News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

Under the command of South Korean troops USFK is!

(Xinjiang) 2013/06/01 (Sat) black tiger 18:36:55.40 ID:: 1 1TuzRmPV0 BE :257583252-PLT (12000) Award points

To "union theater headquarters" founding = U.S. Army 29 minutes delivery (Sat) 18:01 June newsletter to Korea under the command

[Seoul] current events

The 1st, due to the transfer of troops from South Korea to the U.S. Forces Korea (USFK) of wartime operational control, which is scheduled for 2015, USFK commander deputy, South Korea military Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman is commander in Korea defense official It made it clear the United States and South Korea both armies has agreed to serve each of the founding commander the "Union theater headquarters".
Yonhap news reported.

Form the U.S. military to deploy the world enters under the command stationed in the country is unusual.

2: Caracal (Iwate prefecture) 2013/06/01 (Sat) 18:38:28.54 ID: RJ8xfK3p0
There, it was not raised in this U.S. military?

15: Turkish Van (Mie) 2013/06/01 (Sat) 18:48:29.86 ID: SIN31o2f0
2 >>
Withdrawal wonder if was from the first ground troops

3: Persian (Chiba) 2013/06/01 (Sat) 18:38:38.76 ID: 5HUkjFXM0
Nida saw his dream of

4 Fabric: white (Kanagawa) 2013/06/01 (Sat) 18:39:25.87 ID: WwIyFTof0
It was South Korea people are just delusion that

5: black tiger (Osaka) 2013/06/01 (Sat) 18:40:45.68 ID: cZY3Tklu0
Nida was a dream to say <ヽ `∀ '>

6: leopard (Kagoshima Prefecture) 2013/06/01 (Sat) 18:41:26.25 ID: 6dS6FEAS0
Even Obama in this

7: Murray wildcat (central region) 2013/06/01 (Sat) 18:41:36.18 ID: ZcGulHNb0
This, rice from a very going to peace with north in 2015

8: Selkirk Rex (home) 2013/06/01 (Sat) 18:41:38.00 ID: GRTKTdoB0
Urinara fantasy

9: Jaguar (Tokyo) 2013/06/01 (Sat) 18:42:15.64 ID: vwMHIaex0
U.S. President of the United States come out such as elected from Koreans as much next year

10: Smilodon (Kanagawa) 2013/06/01 (Sat) 18:43:48.34 ID: o2ytmZr60
It's a Korean> U.S. If you look at the influence of the world 's too country responsible for the top of the United Nations to be apparent

U.S. President'll be a Korean American in the near future

(Kanto Koushinetsu) 2013/06/01 (Sat) 18:43:50.63 ID and SHI to:: tUKB0sw / 0 11
Www you fool

13: Turkish Angora (Osaka) 2013/06/01 (Sat) 18:46:08.05 ID: YFqE/nsX0
> USFK commander will serve each of the deputy commander, the commander Korea military Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman

Or two, the U.S. military to be commanded, but would'm back to home country. It's lead in the American soldier husband cleaning of facility management?

14: Panpasuneko (Fukuoka) 2013/06/01 (Sat) 18:47:15.13 ID: tpG9BGlT0
I thought that happens I'll get jealous as Japan

16: Snowshoeing (Ibaraki) 2013/06/01 (Sat) 18:48:32.02 ID :/ j60B9WQ0
Command is that you will be caught, you will also take responsibility for me.

17: Murray wildcat (central region) 2013/06/01 (Sat) 18:49:19.68 ID: ZcGulHNb0
U.S. "Well, because I go from"
"Japan> Best regards after" rice
Day "?"

Of such like I Yada

18: Borneo wildcat (Inner Mongolia) 2013/06/01 (Sat) 18:50:23.64 ID: 2Ns6rdIuO
Are we entering this year in spite of Korea began to say wartime operational control, Kaese me, Do not Kayes! U.S. military Na draw from front-line base! The Taro out demand right?
Nida'll ask annexation, Do not you doing the same thing as aggression Nida

19: Puma (Osaka) 2013/06/01 (Sat) 18:50:36.57 ID: NCQAF2fS0
Production forces is probably withdraw from the peninsula that came to Army Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force but had been stationed in Japan until now would have been making the headquarters of the Army cook Yokota in preparation for this

25: Wildcat (Tokyo) 2013/06/01 (Sat) 18:53:20.11 ID: QRnJooIJ0
19 >>
Do not it with the Korean War or tactics to make crowded attack with an empty Korea deliberately

20: Russian Blue (Fukuoka) 2013/06/01 (Sat) 18:51:26.94 ID: 9dKHoH6T0
Korean chief instructed → North Korea southward Tsushima invasion immediately → Second Korea Fireworks Festival

21: Russian Blue (Hyogo) 2013/06/01 (Sat) 18:51:39.00 ID: H68wu3pg0
North I or romp If you wait another two years

22: Tsushima wildcats (Hyogo) 2013/06/01 (Sat) 18:51:51.75 ID: ltU3kcHq0
U.S. military in South Korea under the command

I do not impossible

23: Leopard (Aichi) 2013/06/01 (Sat) 18:51:56.66 ID: vstGvR6s0
How can you get Horuhoru usual

24: Somali (East) 2013/06/01 (Sat) 18:52:30.00 ID: MHy1QiNf0
In other words, it would be North Korea 's please southward just eyeing the moment that chain of command confusion

26: Ocicat (Miyazaki) 2013/06/01 (Sat) 18:55:35.39 ID: 4LUv5pP70
And I think it 's just the mounting U.S. military to be able to intervene immediately when something happens once Do not since there afford to go out still got to be good-bye by passing authority to Korea

posted by nokija at 01:00| News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

"attack on titan" ,we can listen a cult revival of militarism eerily

Can not be after (Fri) 09:23:32.86 ID: work Konakatta original voice actor φ ★ that came back: 1:??

"Lines of giant" and "advance has a cult revival of militarism eerily to listen" -

The anime airing, books and break through the 20 million unit, popular manga to continue Cocoroyoshingeki "giant advance" (Written and Isayama not). The anime airing, it seems caused a big boom at about the same time in Korea, but it has become a debate because it is interpreted as such as "It's a militaristic" in between some of the "netizens".

Story in column 30, dated May 2013 IT professional paper of Korea "etnews" The (electronic version), the advent of giant, and be forced to the battlefield from the weak who live in the outer wall Recalling the militarism of "Japan It pointed out that "no choice but to. On top of that, it was claimed, "the sending constantly a message to the Japanese Covered in defeatism, which it will out to hold the army. Extreme right-wing politicians Abe administration overlap" he said.

Was published on May 27 prior to the this, read the article by citizen reporters "OhmyNews", currently, as the interpretation of the "giant advance" most compelling among the Internet users in South Korea, the "Japan militarism It was written that there is a principle praise. "

According to that interpretation, the main character is a human race that has evolved in that it was confined to the wall in the play are those obtained by projecting the public sentiment in Japan, giant one means such as powerful countries and China in the near that.

It was revived economy again from the state in which Japan is defeat in World War II, all became high for one "invasion since the first of the giant, to build walls, pursue stability in the" to that there is a place to communicating pulse phase. Then, the secondary invasion of giant begins with wall it was strong collapses again, and position of Japan that you fall in nuclear accident caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake, crisis awareness of the rapid growth of China's that is reflected.

And, if you look at it in mind such "reality", lines like the following in the play is likely "have a cult revival of militarism eerily to listen".
The "you can not win fight! If you have to fight ... live if you win (...)!"
"Desertion in the face of the enemy deserves a capital offense. Everyone, dedicate their lives Kokoroshite!"

In addition, the series start cartoon "giant advance" in 2009. As of March '11, outer wall is broken long ago in the original during the invasion of giant had begun.

Of these Korean netizens to "claim", from Internet users in Japan,
"The Ne descended I wonder if to say even giants aggression"
"W think too much unnecessary things"
Tsukkomi is one after another and so on.

Of course, also in the Korean fans, people who question the point of view before any I have.
"Have a point for the view of the large room of the complex. Various political abuse, but it is though, because of the work ..."
"I think it should not be interpreted politically, I want you to enjoy. Author also do not want to such words (of meaning), and I do not know if later because it is early yet ..."
Rather than for the ambition of world domination, soldiers come out to giant "and" "advance, so are drawn once when I fighting to survive and protect ... I do not know what future story or be Well, bottom line, gonna be interesting (laughs) "

The Twitter, this opinion was also written in Korean.


In [Korea] Korea analysis "Japan, human Korean giant" as buzz "giant advance" anime ★ 2 [06/06]


Can not be after (Fri) 09:53:35.93 ID:: 36: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' 60ixv8Gc

> Position of Japan ,that failed caused nuclear accident by the Great East Japan Earthquake

Do not not be on its own downfall.it is neither a natural disaster,
South Korean nuclear power plant has stopped caused the "falsifying documents" in a reliable "man-made"
Rather than fall, and www , "even up from the beginning"

Can not be after (Fri) 09:26:01.58 ID:: 2: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' uLM4WKqa

The Ne leave out medicine because it is sick

Can not be after (Fri) 09:26:22.02 ID:: 3: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' x2mgV7fT

I also sloppy white accusation
Wwwww Na's ethnic helpless really

Can not be after (Fri) 09:31:45.06 ID:: 12: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' quoUBL0a

It's become strange and when I try to report the story of a decent guy civilian control and the foundation of democracy is such a ... Do not you even know Na not impossible

Can not be after (Fri) 09:37:43.83 ID:: 17: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' jns77tjW

I think I do to stop broadcasting for a foul trick.
The Speaking "received a relentless protests from Korean" Do Son, Jan expire run into Korea OTA overseas.

Can not be after (Fri) 09:41:12.07 ID:: 23: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' fhYE1DIO

W would have been out of rip-off apps you guys

Can not be after (Fri) 09:42:55.15 ID:: 25: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' J/e1WVR +

Territory from invasion from foreign enemies, such as Shina Korea, in order to defend the territory, Japan is of course to fight resolutely.
But anime given that they have animation. Do not look if unpleasant. ... Can not be the only unspeakable.

Such interesting manga and anime is if you can not work at home, there is no way in Kuyashiku~tsu. You mean the trap information to understand it well.

Can not be after (Fri) 09:46:47.38 ID:: 29: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' zHtnwc5M

'll Pro - Japanese crime guys , see Japanese animation

Can not be after (Fri) 09:54:35.17 ID:: 38: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' 7b8Ye5t /

W Na to go insane surely showed such " fleet of azure"

Can not be after (Fri) 10:09:05.77 ID:: 53: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' 58cYeaSy

38 >>
I saw all these fleet of the Rising Sun, but I laughed Chino pr Korea without having come out
I do know the original

Can not be after (Fri) 10:01:31.10 ID:: 46: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' vQDycRLK

if "Terminator," "matrix" was made ​​in Japan,you Korean
called me such as militarism surely

they must comprain to japan enerything
I wonder not only children thinking ability or rather intelligence quotient?
There is also a case like do not do even a child

Also text the writing of editorial writers and reporters of Korea
I can see point of view there is only self-centered a naive

It indicates that the well of Korea and Korea under
Vexatiousness and fun of real Korean is Korea aberration correction, in case a OINK Korezo

Can not be after (Fri) 10:02:28.71 ID:: 47: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' qMBOlTqr

Shit Warota
Check on negligible because visible coming cavil to put everything when you comfort women resolution

Can not be after (Fri) 10:07:49.20 ID:: 52: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' Hg8IXZDn

Because it is a country where history drama is the evidence, this too Ja there is evidence of wrongdoing of Japanese colonial later?

Can not be after (Fri) 10:09:31.91 ID:: 54: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' zHtnwc5M

Do not I have been complaining to the Summer Wars

Can not be after (Fri) 10:19:21.20 ID:: 62: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' g7tn6YkA

It's stupid that they put cavil to cartoon"sgt.keroro" of militarism of Japan.
The w I do seem downright

Can not be after (Fri) 10:32:56.57 ID:: 74: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' 1eBQq1cF

62 >>
and they said "gindam" is a "right-wing cartoon"?
charactors are "Saigoh the gay" "MayonnaiseHolich Hijikata" "Lady KurushimaMatabei",Whay is the idea the comic is this to the right wing

ラベル:Attack on Titan
posted by nokija at 01:00| News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

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