
Financial authorities, Samsung intensive monitoring after crash

Centralized monitoring,w too

Work Konakatta original voice actor φ ★ 2013/06/13 (Thu) 02:56:45.70 ID to ask @ 332 and came back: 1:??

Recently, associated with the stock plunge situation of Samsung Electronics, financial authorities joined the centralized monitoring. Report after the announcement of foreign securities companies, the possibility of some sort of strategy is because were raised tendency selling foreign intensified.

The 7th, the day that was reduced to 1.9 million won from 2.01 million won price target of Samsung Electronics, Samsung Electronics trading price at 1.5 trillion 82.9 billion won, JP Morgan has increased 278.6% from the previous trading day. Short sale transaction amount that foreigners often used especially in the one thousand 14.8 billion won, has increased 588.6% from the previous trading day.

Korea Exchange official and then as "being monitored intensively in the direction of unusual transactions related to Samsung Electronics", "plan that describes the content of the transactions related to the Samsung Electronics" revealed.

Source (Korean)

[Korean economy] Samsung Electronics shares fell 3 percent, concern sluggish sales of mobile [06/11]

pattern surplus Samsung shares plunge as well, authorities intervene in the exchange market does not remain
2013/6/13 (13:10)

South Korea

PYH2012012702470001300_P2 [1]
Work Konakatta original voice actor φ ★ 2013/06/13 (Thu) 02:56:45.70 ID to ask @ 332 and came back: 1:??

Recently, associated with the stock plunge situation of Samsung Electronics, financial authorities joined the centralized monitoring. Report after the announcement of foreign securities companies, the possibility of some sort of strategy is because were raised tendency selling foreign intensified.

The 7th, the day that was reduced to 1.9 million won from 2.01 million won price target of Samsung Electronics, Samsung Electronics trading price at 1.5 trillion 82.9 billion won, JP Morgan has increased 278.6% from the previous trading day. Short sale transaction amount that foreigners often used especially in the one thousand 14.8 billion won, has increased 588.6% from the previous trading day.

Korea Exchange official and then as "being monitored intensively in the direction of unusual transactions related to Samsung Electronics", "plan that describes the content of the transactions related to the Samsung Electronics" revealed.

Source (Korean)

[Korean economy] Samsung Electronics shares fell 3 percent, concern sluggish sales of mobile [06/11]

2: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/06/13 (Thu) 02:58:04.95 ID: bEijPiM1

Also I think I know why combed short-selling ban

Madashimo If only that, Kanen combed order prohibited SELL

100: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/06/13 (Thu) 06:12:18.84 ID: s2ipJ7dB

2 >>
"Prohibition order to sell"
The spear w'll Kanen if South Korea Swarovski soot key curve
And that fate is ...

105: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/06/13 (Thu) 06:17:51.36 ID: Yh + jIZoS

100 >>
Such as Failure to have a plan to make short selling ban in the market as a whole rather than Samsung

14: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/06/13 (Thu) 03:06:55.81 ID: u2hB0RRf

1 >>
> Possibility of some sort of strategy is because were raised selling trend of foreigners is strengthened

However, than just being played is ...?

19: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/06/13 (Thu) 03:08:39.07 ID: 1M0b8uCx

14 >>
Correct answer

I have sucked up the money of investors in Korea in such play

20: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/06/13 (Thu) 03:08:41.72 ID: DSEK6gvG

And w such as monitoring for is thought the government is buying support
Feel free to w who's bald'll hurl sell

26: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/06/13 (Thu) 03:11:22.65 ID: co4Z/dgI

How can you get risky Nante there is only Samsung
♪ I wonder industry but by the development of other if brightest minds of Korean
posted by nokija at 22:00| News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

Buddha,theft from Tsushima, a korea expert analysis possibilities of fake

why say now?

1 2013/06/13 (Thu) 13:35:13.45 ID::??? P φ ★ month of baldness: Name
Tangible cultural property of Nagasaki Prefecture specified brought into Korea stolen in October last year in Nagasaki Prefecture, Tsushima on "Kanzeonbosatsu seated", the 13th, there is a possibility of fake experts South Korea South Korea paper, the Chosun Ilbo was reported to have pointed out.

Claim and laity organization and pumice stone temple of Korea central part, a thing that was looted in Japan made in the temple in the 14th century about the Buddha. February this year, Daejeon District Court of South Korea has decided to temporary injunction to enjoin the time being the return to Japan.

Nippon side has been rebound to posture of group without a base temple side judgment and of district court, is seeking the return to South Korea side. Some are circumstances that when it was brought into the South Korea, has passed through the customs Official Appraiser of Busan Minato it is determined as "imitation product" Buddha statue.

Source: 47NEWS (such news Na yon)

Quoted source: http://uni.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1371098113/
Source: http://www.47news.jp/CN/201306/CN2013061301001044.html

7 Name: Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​2013/06/13 (Thu) 13:36:40.91 ID: b5OaU4T60
And then return it because it was imitation, do not be because Ne and well by this

8 Name: Nameless @ 13 Anniversary: ​​2013/06/13 (Thu) 13:36:43.17 ID: gHWIw3Pj0
Na a country costume
26 Name: Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​2013/06/13 (Thu) 13:38:47.73 ID: OkLRfQN90
It looks and looks underlying motive secretly substitute.

22 Name: Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​2013/06/13 (Thu) 13:38:26.32 ID: YbauiqT00
W that I come back and magnitude is 1/10

42 Name: Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​2013/06/13 (Thu) 13:40:48.98 ID: oDFTC6HPO
I had produced a dummy during this time: free translation

53 Name: Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​2013/06/13 (Thu) 13:42:55.81 ID: ahZzk/JE0
What kind Swarovski soot key whether are you waiting

54 Name: Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​2013/06/13 (Thu) 13:43:02.11 ID: 0vMoeqrXP
The feeling is fake, even as came back

96 Name: Anonymous @ 13 Anniversary: ​​2013/06/13 (Thu) 13:49:05.00 ID: yoCvTFil0
It is the underlying motive to say if you send to Japan to build fake to hide the real thing stolen

124 Name: Nameless @ 13 Anniversary: ​​2013/06/13 (Thu) 13:52:22.05 ID: EHLkefqY0
The "I'll return because it is fake"
The "I will not need because it is fake?"

A litter exposed to anyway

143 Name: Nameless @ 13 Anniversary: ​​2013/06/13 (Thu) 13:55:06.32 ID: Na5rLlMQ0
> Expert of Korea

<`∀ '> I can trust this!

173 Name: Nameless @ 13 Anniversary: ​​2013/06/13 (Thu) 13:59:28.50 ID: MyzCNoMT0
・ Return to the fact that public opinion of fake return, South Korea within scared to Japan fake made ​​in a hurry

Kana on Yappa
posted by nokija at 21:00| News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

North Korea do not answer the phone,talks after stopping North-South ministerial

North and south Korea,do the same action.

1: 壊龍φ ★: (water) 2013/06/12 23:35:27.29 ID:???

The 12th, [June 12] AFP South Korea Ministry of Unification in intergovernmental direct-dial telephone with North Korea that was recently revived
Put the contact at 9 am the same day, but it was announced North Korea did not respond.

Once again, put the phone call in the afternoon also from South Korea, but North Korea did not respond again

The ministerial-level talks between the two countries North and South Korea Seoul official talks is 6 years is (Seoul)
It was scheduled to be held on the 12th hotel, Grand Hilton Seoul (Grand Hilton Seoul).
However, according to South Korean officials, North Korea to South Korea Under Secretary side as the "downgraded" the chief representative
It was decided that to rebound, meeting does not take place hurry Become a 11 day and night. North Korean side with this
Official announcement will not come out.

On the other hand, the South Korean government, claims to have according to the positions of chief representative of North Korea. This
Zheng Hong Hara (Jung Hon'u~on, Chung Hong-Won) that was asked in Parliament about the correspondence
To the north "In the past, Japan had conceded endlessly, but the Prime Minister of the same in both countries
When represented by the officials came. To be "I think pride of the Republic of Korea also should be considered

The ministerial-level consultation was supposed to take place, South-North Joint Kaesong (Kaesong) Industrial Park other two
It was scheduled to resume operation of the business rises as agenda. 123 Korean companies based companies in the same housing complex
Stakeholders such as the consortium representative is, in consultation stop "politics is ruining the joint venture" and
I have to reveal disappointment. (C) AFP

17:34 the 12th June 2013: AFPBB

Combat Organization
To stop North-South officials meeting which had been scheduled for the Korean Peninsula [] 12 days [06/11]
[] Korean Peninsula from the 12th North-South official talks will not stick adjustment meeting of the ministerial agreement [06/10]
Korea proposed [06/07] [] North and South Korea ministerial talks, held in Seoul on the 12th

(Water) 2013/06/12 23:36:46.74 ID:: 3: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s BKa6LzRS

Pretend to be out w

84: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ') says: 2013/06/13 (Thu) 12:15:39.43 ID: SvIIkukH

3 >>
Www, it has not been North Korea People's all go out
7: ◆ 65537KeAAA: 2013/06/12 (Wed) 23:38:45.02 ID: SzYHQcaM BE :52185582-PLT (13001)

Do not receive a personal letter: South Korea
I do not answer the phone hot line: North Korea

What. Or the same race.

(Water) 2013/06/12 23:39:45.08 ID:: 9: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s uF6xRPE /

Judgment is difficult Na which one of isolated
(Water) 2013/06/12 23:46:02.58 ID:: 18: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s V26l8dCr

North Korea do South Korea's opponent, and w Na good You really take the piss

(Water) 2013/06/12 23:49:21.05 ID:: 23: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s j8JGan7p

18 >>
Because it is the same fellow, you hate what you are prompted,
It Is not known well

(Water) 2013/06/12 23:47:11.51 ID:: 19: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s eVEskxyl

Ww I do not answer the phone below the top also inconvenient

(Water) 2013/06/12 23:47:27.79 ID:: 21: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s J0vA3GRd

Do not answer the phone convenience becomes worse in the south and is also the same, although would have been exposed

(Water) 2013/06/12 23:52:18.16 ID:: 24: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s N2ki/J5K

W Na's controller of personal letter mail since

33: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ') says: 2013/06/13 (Thu) 00:09:49.13 ID: 62WVnb3H

And I guess the Korean culture me this.

"I do not answer the phone and there it is inconvenient!" Is used to "pretend to be out" what to Japan Korea
2012/8/24 18:07

And Takeshima illegal landing of President Lee Myung-bak, personal letter back problems, such as Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda, has steadily deteriorated relations between Tokyo and Seoul.

Meanwhile, the fact "Korea does not answer the phone convenience and worse" and has become clear. Too childish
Storm of giggles has raged in the country in diplomacy.

"There were several times that the report does not attach"

In the Upper House Budget Committee was held on 24 August 2012, Yamamoto Kazuta member of the House of Councilors of the Liberal Democratic Party took the question.

About Takeshima illegal landing of President Lee, Masatoshi Muto Korea ambassador tried to protest but Yamamoto lawmakers and South Korea
I questioned that the contact did not stick. If there is a major incident only "that, Korea Ambassador to contact the South Korean government
The Koichiro Gemba and "that it was the contact I can not tell, this is that there is no leadership of Foreign Minister
I drew closer to the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

On the other hand, in the case of South Korea, Gemba Minister such as do not answer the phone the other party hard and it may be inconvenient "Well,
You answer while smiling even laugh amazed that contact will not stick, and "are aware that there were several times in the history of Japan-Korea relations.

Yamamoto lawmakers and press a person to be "should take it seriously and more? Is that such awareness" and "contact
I'm there is that it does not quite answer the phone If you try to take. It is certainly serious, it is serious it,
It, I'm totally serious. Because is why such things like that reality, it only takes a corresponding advance in light on it
I answered, "I believe that it would be of no.

"This does not answer the call, Korean companies also together"

In the Asahi Shimbun morning edition of August 24, '12, the story of "Korea that does not answer the phone" has been introduced. Korean government of Prime Minister Noda
August 22, it was reported policies and the return delivery of the private letter, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been telephone to confirm the facts in Korea Foreign Affairs and Trade phase,
That he did not lead.

On the Internet for the attitude of these South Korea, "I'm not a boyfriend you have... Fighting me not answer the phone. It (anger)"
"The Korean government, I do impossible such as future-oriented such as state? Friendship even pretend this is a pretend to be out without even out the phone when it is inconvenient"
I'm considered an enemy here anymore, your opponent must be put to the disposal legitimate if it was, I'm not willing to listen Nante story over here the other "partner
Voice of anger and shocked and "probably regret is up.

In addition, "when I was working for company, there ..... and then there that was cut suddenly when you call in English to South Korean company for the account it was awful"
"This does not answer the phone and there is a problem feel embarrassed, Korean companies also together", and do not answer the phone to the experiences of not only the Korean government also has been written.

46: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ') says: 2013/06/13 (Thu) 00:54:58.74 ID: r7OYq78H

33 >>

things to do is it's the same.
42: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ') says: 2013/06/13 (Thu) 00:35:47.93 ID: A9CEox9f

The ww by this or the next day you had to say Japan is Nida, that is increasingly isolated, the consultation of Panmunjom in in a big way

43: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ') says: 2013/06/13 (Thu) 00:37:44.51 ID: O5ZfH98c

W Do have been completely Korea disposed

77: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ') says: 2013/06/13 (Thu) 10:46:52.77 ID: wT4V6ojy

What is not going to originally, to talk
South since the bankruptcy, do not because I said if economic aggression slowly!
Because there is money and resources in the north, at that time, South Korea will revert to Lee Dynasty!
It not it just
Because I'm saying more of Lee 's morning was better than Japan at the time annexation!

79: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ') says: 2013/06/13 (Thu) 11:05:20.54 ID: DH6HSDxa

There are only a fool specific Asia It looks there a country of Apartments also Korea

ラベル:the phone
posted by nokija at 20:18| News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

"To explain why they can use the Rising Sun flag" Korean

After from the time of soccer in London Olympic,Korea's people began to loudly condemn the Rising Sun flag

Translation: http://www.ilbe.com/1093402254
1. Korean (main thread)

Has recently taken up frequently on the use of the Rising Sun flag in the media, but I'm not sure of what this is the problem personally. Was generalized to, I have memories of Ki Sung-Yong whether (apery) ceremony after probably. The decade of the previous, there was little such that the media is to report the Rising Sun flag

It is a case of the photo below that roamed two Japanese woman holding a Rising Sun flag in Myeong-dong at the beginning of 2009. At that time, were not people who say something about this in Korea. It is did not know correctly the Rising Sun flag, will tell you what. This means that the Rising Sun flag allergy recent 's such that someone that was brainwashing.

The first place is wrong premise from which to criticize the Rising Sun flag.
Place as a representative, and said that the thought of as the same clear distinction on the Haken Kreuz of Nazi Germany and the Rising Sun flag.
This is a completely brainwashed.

Two, but evidence that not the same I met some, first of all, that after the war, use that is allowed by the Allies Rising Sun flag. Haken Kreuz is still disabled for. And I look at the photo below. U.S. military is cruising calmly.

Second, that a symbol of the country itself that Japanese Rising Sun flag has been used since the time of the Meiji Restoration of the 1870s. On the other hand, Haken Kreuz which was used from the time when the Nazi party was uprising, it is a symbol of the political forces of Nazi specific. Allied is upon separate Non permission to use flag Partly for this reason.

There is a good example of one more.
During World War II, is used as a symbol of the German army, mark of iron cross, had a reputation along with Harken Kreuz. If if it is the same as the logic of the Rising Sun flag disabled, it must also be prohibited.

But, in fact ...

As can be seen from this photo, German Chancellor Angela Merkel has been awarded the Medal of iron cross mark. Because this mark, because it is a thing that has been used as a symbol of the country called (Germany) Prussian 18th and 19th centuries. It is not possible to equate the Haken Kreuz is a symbol of the political organization of specific named Nazi. Also iron cross mark, Rising Sun flag as well, has approved for use with the Allies.

It can be said that if the logical thinking in such Rising Sun flag is not a piton Kreuz, and is subject to be compared with equivalent iron cross.

After, you have soak send a letter of protest to say like "I found a mark similar to the Rising Sun flag" frequently over the internet, but there is a lot normally such as mark similar. Or say you guys, even with Kaero flag by threatening the president of Macedonia?

I think I want you to finish up by adding the objections of two at the end.
If you're that must be prohibited because a symbol of aggression also it may be whatever reason 1., And because of a flag that was used when the tricolor of France and the Union Jack of the United Kingdom were also colonial invasion, since the prohibited Order of the Rising Sun flag It is a muscle as long,'s to ban the flag these first.
There are guy "or Japan believer you?" Says whenever you write these things 2., But it should be denied it in advance.

2. Korean
Japan believer or you?

6. Korean
Anti-Japanese sentiment be because severe Korea

7. Korean
Guy anything, skip it stupid to take Ageashi is no different leftist in Rising Sun flag

8. Korean
Still hate the Rising Sun flag

9. Korean
National flag of Macedonia than not recognized as a formal?

10. Korean (main thread)
9 >>
Although recognized as an official national flag ...

11. Korean
When thrust further, Haken Kreuz was also a symbol of good luck in the Germanic peoples originally

12. Korean (main thread)
11 >>
To be exact, I wonder why that was established in its current form

13. Korean
12 >>
By the way, I looked for a flag similar period but the Rising Sun flag of the Russian Ministry of Defence and the flag of the Russian Air Force is also very similar

15. Korean
Rising Sun flag What was Ki Sung-Yong later?
And I think certainly, there was a thing that was beaten and dressed entertainer is the Order of the Rising Sun period design

16. Korean (main thread)
>> 15
I do not remember very well how things TOP of BIG BANG ...
A comparison of the last two years, it did not become much of an issue at the time

17. Korean
Are you a Korean family?

18. Korean
Do not would be correct rather than Japan and South Korea, to watch in the position of a third party

19. Korean
We are just because the United States no matter how, if what the United States have allowed, seemingly that you will have to allow all?
Although I think the story or say different from that to which the Rising Sun flag has been used since ancient times, as long as it committed a wrongdoing to bring the flag

20. Korean (main thread)
19 >>
So, why the flag of the United Kingdom and France not a banned if it was the logic? You might say

21. Korean
I do not know ... you're confused

22. Korean
There is no spirit If there guy basis Na Japan's followers

23. Korean (main thread)
22 >>
Is it a Japan believer When you tell the truth?

24. Korean
Japan to be recognized to have the same properties as Haken Kreuz's former Japanese Imperial Navy flag word Rising Sun flag in ignorance of attrition main thinking on the same line as the case of Europe, so caused the war only against us If so, but not willing to be treated like a flag of France and England, it set a imperialism and Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere as a member of the Axis powers, began to invade neighboring countries one after another to the Nazi Germany is exactly what Japan no way you do in this situation we are the same, while it is damage parties that were trampled under the control of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, a situation that has a direct war with Germany, Western countries and Asia In summary different in terms of interest, the Rising Sun flag of Japan and Empire Harken Kreuz Nazi Germany to avoid the arbitrary interpretation is a symbol of aggression that is on the same line

25. Korean
24 >>
To say the British Empire and still not invaded?
Though it is a country that does not sink the sun?
I hope that the use of the Rising Sun flag that will not say bullshit is prohibited internationally, but logic You are funny clearly

26. Korean (main thread)
24 >>
That it is of reading statements written by me?

27. Korean
26 >>
Axis country's history of the winner in the invaders all wars, it will be the British Empire you're writing it because I read, but it is What, Allied Haken Kreuz you victory against it is important that it is banned in Europe and the United States, invaders perspective for Japan point Western was (crimes against humanity) Holocaust mass is something completely different from the Asia and that it is not in the country where we have a war of 1:1 simply but, invasion (Japan Asian countries at least to think) have experienced, Europe and the United States as banned Haken Kreuz, and should take appeal a ban on Rising Sun flag

28. Korean (main thread)
27 >>
I What is the difference of aggressive war and war of 1:1? (Laughs)
Such U.S. predominantly the United States though not say anything against the Rising Sun flag from the comparison with a simple but rather the number of deaths later, to say coder Korea's Oh you I'm talking like a comedy

29. Korean
28 >>
In the Korean War North Korea and South Korea fought, the invaders were in North Korea, but the world is past is Nakara has invaded other countries for some reason it does not call it's imperialist North Korea, However said that it was imperialism for Western countries was also carried out colonialism, imperialism of modernization Subsequent colonization and invaded the nation a large number of these three countries is not Germany, Italy, only three countries of Japan However the, the Western, hence interest was thin to events that have these in Asia, this do not understand also the Rising Sun flag is a symbol pattern of invasion still, such as war parties and the number of deaths Haken Kreuz is if the symbol of Nazi Germany, temporarily that is a symbol of Imperial Japan, Rising Sun flag just because there is no interest Westerners, it is important does not matter as seen on white eye from Asian countries If you carry it the Rising Sun flag It also would be, or not arrested if we carry it in Europe Haken Kreuz?
I want to say it in that Hikishimero in mind, that we Na to the arbitrary interpretation with a symbolic flag of the same category

30. Korean
Rising Sun flag is the old Sea of ​​Japan battle flag originally, but there was no problem at all, guy suffering from the anti-Japanese paranoia stupid is, the visit to the Yasukuni Shrine Rising Sun flag is a symbol of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere that you want to use it do you even say the victim mentality of slaves who received a servile colonial rule that was criticized as also used when ...
ラベル:the Rising Sun flag
posted by nokija at 19:58| the Rising Sun flag | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

Set to 12 September [Takeshima issue] "World Day of Dokdo tourism"


1: earthworm φ ★ 2013/06/10 (Mon) 23:53:38.67 ID:???
(Doctorow, Japan name: Takeshima) islets day before yesterday, tourism and related industries patron National Action headquarters is the 12th September every year
It was decided to promote the exercise signature public versus trying enacted in 'World Day of Dokdo tourism'. Dokdo people around the world
That to attract tourism, to inform the whole world that Dokdo is Korean territory that purpose.

For history scholars at home and abroad to study the Dokdo, to discuss Dokdo guardian National Action headquarters 'Dokdo forum'
Sometimes you requested to try held. And its Considering Dokdo usurpation ambitions of Japan that are blatantly of gradually
It is the meaning of the attempt is not small. Participation as a national interest is required to petition.

September 11's day tens of thousands of people were killed twin buildings in the United States bombed. Related organizations world Dokdo tourism
It was established on September 12, the day of the Dokdo contemplated invasion of Japan is the same as the peace destruction terrorism of Bin Laden
That there is intent to grave the fact that it.

The group plans to the 12th September coming, with the declaration ceremony day of Dokdo Dokdo in the tourism field. In addition, organizations will come
July 7, the whole nation Koreans simultaneous cry tournament Paphos crying five times the cry of 'land of our Dokdo'
that decided to Mansu also to promote.

Japan is even more blatant of the Dokdo usurpation ambition more recently. First, Japan's Dokdo territory governments in
This application claims ownership, claim to their own territory Dokdo openly in government-dimensional now. Japan's Dokdo also textbooks
It is taught that way to describe descendants to be a land of their own. Japan's militarist past Become a Abe administration in particular
While denying the fact of aggression principle, put the foundation stone to invade neighboring countries to amend the peace constitution of their
I have Kyohon to. It will not be said to be completely different Japan Even if stepped on the steps of aggressive war.

Japan has conducted quiet diplomacy for Dokdo until now. Japan has effective control Dokdo
To just being, and he did so in the judgment that there is no need to respond one by one to the claim of Japan. However, this
At the same time solidify, Japan to build on economic strength as the default in fact descendants of the people and their sovereignty over Dokdo to
I have things the public opinion of the world. We also we need Dokdo guardian measures a little more aggressive in this situation.

To enact the World Day of Dokdo tourism also it's enough to draw the attention of people in that sense. National Dokdo
Scheme to World Cultural Heritage Site and be specified in the park also worth considering. Was the Navy officers and men War Memorial to Dokdo
There needs to be to hold a memorial event each year Te also try to take into account. The methane hydrate production of Dokdo waters
There is also a need to increase manipulation.

Enactment signature campaign newspaper Daegu (Korean) 'em world of Dokdo (Doctorow) tourism': source

Delete wording = upper house election pledge draft ★ 3 [06/05] of "government-sponsored" Day of [Liberal Democratic Party] Takeshima: Combat Organization
[Takeshima problem] rice expert, "Nobel Peace Prize If possible give up Abe, Dokdo" [06/05]

(Tue) <丶`∀ '> 2013/06/11 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 00:47:28.12 ID:: 83 7iup0RdY
If you look at the one calmly >>
W that it is methane hydrate mining while World Cultural Heritage Site
You do not know the meaning what you're saying

3: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s can not be after (Mon) 23:57:26.64 ID: 9pbaQzvp
Cho ....
And of Ne Ja does expire this America spotted?

4: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s can not be after (Mon) 23:57:29.21 ID: ZC8Hm5z8
You use the 9.11 sensibility Its crazy

(Tue) <丶`∀ '> 2013/06/11 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 00:03:07.10 ID:: 14 KZOvG7Mz
Do not let's peerless Once done that you nerve Sakanade

(Tue) <丶`∀ '> 2013/06/11 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 00:03:24.23 ID:: 15 24gg2p9F
In terms of such
I really to think it wish I ethnic same with North Korea after all

(Tue) <丶`∀ '> 2013/06/11 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 00:11:48.87 ID:: 23 J0l8vDwM
Japan has conducted quiet diplomacy for the Takeshima issue ever

Here comedy point of maximum

(Tue) <丶`∀ '> 2013/06/11 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 00:16:41.26 ID:: 27 j7BxOnsa
Annoying too Warota www

42: ◆ 65537KeAAA 2013/06/11 (Tue) 00:26:32.12 ID: DOYY3hHh BE :32616252-PLT (13001)
I think all the time, but Na is not What does it think of the pain of others Te Korean
Myself and others wonder if because they feel sorry I thought most

(Tue) <丶`∀ '> 2013/06/11 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 00:29:10.67 ID:: 44 WD65dMf4
Tsu even after a victim is U.S. 911, ze I'm a victim of Japanese Takeshima
It would not make sense

(Tue) <丶`∀ '> 2013/06/11 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 00:31:28.80 ID:: 53 UqlECsrY
> September 11,'s day tens of thousands of people were killed twin buildings in the United States bombed

3025 people, direct victims of 9-11, such as mercury and asbestos after engaged in relief activities
56 people, police prosecutor that died suffered health damage.

"Tens of thousands" is not sacrificed.

(Tue) <丶`∀ '> 2013/06/11 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 00:33:38.37 ID:: 57 KSRMdT2C
I repeat fabricated in fabrication, the original purpose of not even know, do not is the aspect of the orgy.
This place is looks interesting is wait and see.

(Tue) <丶`∀ '> 2013/06/11 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 00:39:21.91 ID:: 70 LA97MECg
The guy that said that stupid even for free ... Na Sugge example,
On that engulfed the country does not matter, if you want to touch of the country
The trample such as the place that does not go ...

Do you want to help the United States, do you want to fool ...
'm A Which?

(Tue) <丶`∀ '> 2013/06/11 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 00:40:44.44 ID:: 72 c + owA / ZI
I wonder because "Nida to piggyback on 911" In a nutshell

(Tue) <丶`∀ '> 2013/06/11 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 00:41:12.15 ID:: 73 cpjLfscj
Korea just you guys Is I wish they make a fool
I determine what is correct world as comfort women issue any

(Tue) <丶`∀ '> 2013/06/11 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 00:42:51.99 ID:: 77 ni3WQq0B
Do not'm feeling reluctant ally is wanted anyway
This will only just Sucks and from the other

Tuesday Ninpocho that began apostate priest @ trumpet [Lv = 40, xxxPT] (2 Tasu0:9) [64.5%] TEPCO ◆ hakaiM9XNY 2013/06/11 00:43:42.24 ID:: 79 q9tgOf9R
77 >>
Do not a phenomenon which is not seen in the others such as hate earn a little in all directions ally is wanted ...

(Tue) <丶`∀ '> 2013/06/11 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 01:26:39.58 ID:: 108 + a3LfYME
Under Chung by using the death of the American people, to hide the massacre of his own'll die by hanging neck

(Tue) <丶`∀ '> 2013/06/11 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 01:46:34.87 ID:: 114 efrfYUVK
Next to the Holocaust I or 911.
In order to justify the dirty lie of his own from, they are not willing also be bore the wounds of people with no relation at all.
Do not I congratulated me also the earthquake in Japan.
Korean'm a humble person only creatures Don.
I do not go back to smile can of previous more truly.

(Tue) <丶`∀ '> 2013/06/11 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 01:53:38.38 ID:: 115 nVufnnU1
By linking with 9.11, intention the whole world, want to composition of enemy of the West is at least Na can feel Japan. No, that's what I'm thinking really Japan.

(Tue) <丶`∀ '> 2013/06/11 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 02:31:46.41 ID:: 124 NpPl50WA
Justice Nida from Uri is correct
Nida allowed what to say that if justice
Nida that America world to support course
posted by nokija at 06:00| News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

"Disappointment Japan is not in response to there is a will to stabilize the Japan-Korea relations, the attitude in good faith" Foreign Minister

"I's bad because of others" Korean

1: Kajitetsu! φ ★: 2013/06/11 (Tue) 20:03:06.23 ID:???

○ to improve relations between Japan and South Korea Foreign Minister = efforts

In responding to questions in the Diet of the 11th, Yoon炳世Foreign Minister of South Korea for Japan-Korea relations
"(South Korea) into the new administration, the firm that stabilize the relationship between the two countries
Though there was a will, action of Japan is not in response to it, I let down
I stressed that "was something.

On top of that, (towards strengthening relations with Japan) "The Korean government various Foreign Minister Yoon
The effort, there is also a time schedule, but if you knock also to the palm
The sound is said to leave, need to Japan show the attitude that good faith is "certain,
I asked the efforts of the Japanese side. In addition, regardless of the historical issues, and private economy
I showed the idea and want to strengthen cooperation in the field of exchange.

□ Source: Newsletter

Can not be after (Tue) 20:09:06.50 ID:: 22: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' H07gYbyR

What grudge continue in 1000, w It was your anti-Japanese mode from ride to.
Can not be after (Tue) 20:09:31.79 ID:: 25: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' TrQlS/r0

In the ever tells forever the history issue you guys

The Jan has told you blah Yeah 1000

Let 's break-off of diplomatic relations soon

Chung can not be helped when we want to swap extension

Can not be after (Tue) 20:10:02.98 ID:: 28: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' FV1hk4GO

As resolute response to Japan, South Korea 's Ja must stop all up for a while?
It will not afford to not tighten know whether the country South Korea should be emphasized much for Japan.

Can not be after (Tue) 20:10:05.58 ID:: 29: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' 6ui1hdjJ

The Jan told you blame me in 1000.
Still, I'll remain about 999.5 years.
Can not be after (Tue) 20:10:28.05 ID:: 33: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' FQp6DHp5

Formal beauty that ...... what the bad things Japan too soon

Can not be after (Tue) 20:10:38.52 ID:: 35: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' XIVaRjg0

Are arranged to lie in cold blood What is Korean, but Na're good without a sense of shame me
Can not be after (Tue) 20:12:37.29 ID:: 44: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' 2xAIWYwu

Impression that it was Aso beat it pissed off to Aso who attended all the way to the Presidential Inauguration.

Can not be after (Tue) 20:13:00.74 ID:: 47: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' 208FwUtG

W or whining to say if you me to swap short extension
Ww die and Sassa though, I feel that over here

Can not be after (Tue) 20:13:48.98 ID:: 48: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' u4X/6ihP

By Suttoba future-oriented shortly after taking office that you've done even Roh Moo鉉酋length
It was said that such as blame in 1000, but where whether there was intention of stability

Can not be after (Tue) 20:14:58.03 ID:: 55: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' 4CVuNJV6

Attitude to listen to what you say attitude → Korea in good faith

Can not be after (Tue) 20:14:58.89 ID:: 56: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' NNqAUtt0

Prove sincerity while leave the illegal occupation Takeshima?

Can not be after (Tue) 20:15:49.56 ID:: 58: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' EifThNWF

1 >>
Although not surprise you because I'm going, so he knows all about the ecology of Chung as inhabitants of this board ...

Belly Na stand still seething about the internal organs.
And I want everything to purge to clean all these guys seriously.
Can not be after (Tue) 21:00:50.91 ID:: 196: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' KmYQVAwm

It 's got to request the "action" in Japan South Korea have expressed only "will".
If you want the other the "action", it will not be first himself to such "action"?

Can not be after (Tue) 21:03:44.08 ID:: 203: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' knJ9QMMb

Sense of "victim yourself is not bad" of such Korean Na serious
To self-justification and with no remorse, and make a virtue of necessity, cheat, lie
I do not think there is a future in this country
Can not be after (Tue) 20:37:51.20 ID:: 132: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' DQFfY/8u

1 >>
• The return a Buddha statue stolen
• The case officially apologized to that it has insulted His Majesty the Emperor
• The return Takeshima
• The Oshiero to all over the world and the Korean people that it has trumped the comfort women issue

I'll think to do with this story if item can be first, point-and-shoot government

Can not be after (Tue) 20:38:08.86 ID:: 133: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' Mitk25Ky

Hey wow sure you have confused only that, is, Show me the sincerity!
Hoodlum state exactly!

Can not be after (Tue) 20:39:04.42 ID:: 135: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' y26aVbk9

133 >>
I'm no choice but to put another bluff

Can not be after (Tue) 20:39:18.87 ID:: 136: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' 57qUXkMy

"But they say little it anyway dont listen to reason," the U.S. military

ラベル:Foreign Minister
posted by nokija at 04:00| News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

income increase of Korea workers is to stop state

No action? Can't Action?

1: Kajitetsu! φ ★: 2013/06/11 (Tue) 12:57:28.85 ID:???

○ crisis of deflation coming, last for 1 percent price increase in South Korea
Now, price increases slowed in the economic downturn, South Korea's economy is facing a crisis of deflation coming.

Inflation rate has remained of one percent year-on-year in seven consecutive months for the first time since the currency crisis, the situation below (OECD) average Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development is followed by two years.

Current state of the Korean economy is similar to the situation in the early 1990s, Japan fell into prolonged recession. The impact of the real estate bubble burst, inflation rate stays 1% level for the second consecutive year in 1992, Japan fell to 0 percent economic growth rate.

According to the Korea National Statistical Office, consumer price inflation in Korea, has remained at 1% units in seven consecutive months from November last year. South Korean government official said, "likely to be 1% level in this year full-year high" and. Economic growth rate has also become a low growth of 0 percent year-on-year to eight consecutive quarters.

In comparison with developed countries, the seriousness of the low prices of Korea's more apparent. Inflation rate last year in Korea (2.2%), and lower than the average of the OECD countries (2.3%), the same trend has continued this year. Inflation rate is below the OECD average for the second year in a row, it will be the first time since the financial crisis. OECD countries is the most developed countries in Europe with a population structure is aging, belong economic growth rate is low in the "low growth and low inflation state", in North America. Inflation rate of South Korea's lower than it, I show that the vitality of the economy has declined that much.

■ wages, real estate prices, deflation is already

That said inflation rate has decreased, although not to fall to minus still. However, experts are concerned that if left untreated the situation inflation rate is low, and could fall into apathy the Korean economy is similar to the deflation.

Since the financial crisis worldwide, house prices and real wages have remained virtually unchanged. Minus 3.0% plus 3.8% minus 0.2% minus 8.9% in 2008 and '09, and '10, and '11, '12 is 3.1% plus, real wage increase for workers in South Korea, five years recently is a downward trend as a whole. House prices is also true, rose 4 percent in 2007, but the fall has continued 10 years later. It can be said that if you look at the house prices and real wages, South Korea and the state of "pseudo-deflation".

□ Source: Chosun Ilbo

2: Kajitetsu! φ ★: 2013/06/11 (Tue) 12:57:47.83 ID:???

(It is a continuation of >> 1)

■ deflation spur to economic downturn

Until now was a good news in the sense the word "price increase has stopped" and is, that to reduce the cost of living burden of common people. However, the inflation rate decline of recent, there is a problem in terms of housing price growth engines of the Korean economy is weakening, wages of workers, middle class has purchased will not rise.

Deflation to accelerate the economic downturn at the root of the two financial, and real economy. First, the real interest rate if the rise in prices decline, debt service burden is increased in the financial side. Therefore, I fall into a vicious cycle that people Uriisogu holdings before the damage comes out increases, asset prices will decline further. Commodity prices if the decline in deflation in the real economy, investment and corporate household consumption is reduced, the economy deteriorates further.

Ha Jungyon professor of Hanyang University (economics) has pointed out, "Unlike the inflation that interest rates will rise, coupon clipper to benefit economic agents all become victims deflation" he said.

■ price policy is iron

Among economists, deflationary concerns are widespread, but the measures of the government are turning to iron yet. Becomes the admission season, And so to crack down cram school uniform cost and price, and to monitor the fruit and vegetable price if it becomes in the summer. Government officials leaked "because of the stereotype that what should be suppressed whatever price, even if the price went up a little, surface hard to say vitality of the economy is to recover some government" he said.

Some economic ministers experience was emphasized that "In order to solve the burden on the common people, to increase the income, you have to change the framework of price policy to deal microscopically only to items that are closely related to real life," and .

(It will be more)
Can not be after (Tue) 13:03:41.67 ID:: 9: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' znNBnywu

It will do really understand factors also Mazemaze recession

Can not be after (Tue) 13:03:57.34 ID:: 10: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' twnyV9iE

W Hey was born somehow at refrain barely if Japan national power but because different

Can not be after (Tue) 13:04:41.37 ID:: 12: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' 3y1GnBQ7

All right Nida Because buy cheap stuff

Can not be after (Tue) 13:06:14.09 ID:: 16: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' PLAf0nal

Do not is no problem for Koreans to be living in delusion
What standing,
Koreans leaking shit, man around even though it has already been noticed in the smell,
Korean is the person who leaked
By you get the idea that strong "I do not leak, it is not leaking," and
Such mon got them great intelligence and thought 's not the reason is I smell of this shit, Koreans.

Can not be after (Tue) 13:07:44.70 ID:: 19: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' CjZnLWJ8

Although I think it is not a deflation if the price increases
The only was such a thing What deflation?

Can not be after (Tue) 13:09:35.75 ID:: 23: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' + PPlXziy

19 >>
When it is high cost of living down wages, it's "Sutagufu" What I, Chong w to either hiding that fact, you do not understand
Can not be after (Tue) 13:47:03.88 ID:: 65: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' kZpbeIRi

Or deflation
Envy ~ ~ ~ w price of things is what makes cheap

Can not be after (Tue) 13:49:32.25 ID:: 67: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' 83j/dl8D

- Huh?
Barker. Before looking at the character of the output of deflation, and ww 's all there in hanging neck in all bankruptcy
(It's shaped nest of stagflation to be exact, but the result is the same)

Can not be after (Tue) 14:01:13.88 ID:: 78: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' aJduWA32

What South Korea, do not I do not fit this problem such as deflation such as inflation
What countries nowadays Shitoru Order for the Acts of Virtuous Government of Ann?

Can not be after (Tue) 14:07:22.87 ID:: 81: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' Zv7GIm2D

Is not it state that salary is not increased economy is stagnant even though the price continues to rise Sutagufu me?
It's the possible Nante transition to deflation from such a state? To tell people erotic ('・ ω ・ `)

Can not be after (Tue) 16:49:06.63 ID:: 114: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' znNBnywu

81 >>
I'm good in Korea premise, but it's pretty rare
It's not possible once there? What big impact from the collapse of the real estate bubble
After, cheap things, it's possible the service is then coming from abroad under the influence of something US-Korea FTA
It seems I have changed won price is or becomes hup Tteka policy as soon as
However, what is good seems to be no inflation, even if the deflation Which
Inflation → national impoverishment, not it occur in a riot of them?
Bankrupt one after another in real terms increase in deflation → debt, not it occur in a riot of them?

Can not be after (Tue) 17:15:56.63 ID:: 125: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' 6rQyYKwh

81 >>
I think it's a personal opinion, but it's a kind of deflation 's stagflation.

You all know me supply and demand curve.
Prices demand decreases, price increases supply is reduced. This is at the same time
Stagflation person of the supply reduction will be stronger and, occurs.

Can not be after (Tue) 18:31:50.28 ID:: 138: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' wxD82bkn

125 >>
When depressed a little more from the description
You mean that you can guess that it is status quo decline in supply becomes bottomed out, decrease in demand is there catching up to supply

Is that early talk me one step forward in the final stage of stagflation
Such as hyper inflation just before the Argentina is a good reference

Can not be after (Tue) 14:11:25.52 ID:: 82: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' jPOe + vm /

It will only go to poorer real or rather Sutagufu
Do not think I should remember South Korea in the 1970s

Can not be after (Tue) 14:15:21.18 ID:: 84: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' 9fSLpCZz

Demand will only no longer the economy worse simply

Can not be after (Tue) 14:31:32.45 ID:: 88: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' wxD82bkn

How can you get inflation inflation rate because I have not scaled out to minus
Inflation stagflation in doubt that it is the economic situation in South Korea

What is stagflation end Come to think of it ...

Can not be after (Tue) 14:47:36.92 ID:: 92: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' cO6Xn2u9

Newspaper of South Korea even though the writing of deflation coming as "crisis",
If you come with a Japanese newspaper, written in cold blood a better article of deflation, such like good.
What of this.
Can not be after (Tue) 16:56:37.20 ID:: 119: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' eS + ZkSNG

Because I was stagflation malignant state already in the case of Korea
Become a destination this inflation, but it would deflation, but not it does not matter much anymore?

Can not be after (Tue) 17:02:33.70 ID:: 122: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' XTigJ8uk

However, I wonder a country to fall into economic crisis frequently
Feel like nothing has changed since the Goryeo Dynasty ...

Can not be after (Tue) 17:05:19.28 ID:: 123: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' 7Q37tTpP

122 >>
I'm become economic crisis frequently yeah Korea because not financially independent ...
But has been pointed out that since the 1980s the structure that does not make anything export of capital goods and industrial machinery has stopped from Japan
It is a South Korean economy's have not been any improvement

Can not be after (Tue) 17:44:25.23 ID:: 128: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' SxbOSE06

122 >>
• You work by the sweat of one's brow work of the slave class.
-Not willing to suppress the life in accordance with the revenue.
・ Because not do the record of the past, there is no measure for the future. I step on the same rut infinite times
・ Because not do the records of the past, I do not remember the economic crisis of recent
• There is no duty must help South Korea to Japan.
• There is no duty must help South Korea the United States.
-Win eventually if Steal market share even if there is not it is profitable even if it's South Korea.
, Money is infinite growth in a three-story high-rise loan 2 story
・ The lower forms of Southeast Asia, Arab and China come up for sale even though silently Nante food raw materials
-Have an obligation to make a free technical assistance to South Korea to Japan
・ Worldwide buy an excellent Korean products unlike China

This is the thinking of Korean

Can not be after (Tue) 17:58:12.20 ID:: 129: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' JIi9gDWW

And Jan are making nuclear power plant in the Arab guys
Thingy that is ridiculous full benefits
Since the incident in India tanker, because it no longer let me in on insurance, South Korea 's just off the Jibara guarantee of this nuclear power plant
'60 This destination, it Is and I take care of electricity in the UAE in the hard-earned tax money of Korean

Who here is very probably more deflation yada

130: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ') says: can not be after (Tue) 18:00:09.97 ID :/ nNEn5Wn

Www Seoul to an electrical shortage

Can not be after (Tue) 19:31:44.08 ID:: 142: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' egHZQYZs

Even if say, because I was building up oodles the surplus in the current account,
About 10 years will cogel bicycle in the savings.

I should of,,,

Can not be after (Tue) 19:49:24.33 ID:: 145: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' JizDVK1x

What is economic growth in civilization not stop flowering country,,,

Jan fat determined

posted by nokija at 03:00| News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

South Korea is a democracy country only in Eastern Asia


(Water) 2013/06/12 00:08:05.33 ID: work Konakatta original voice actor φ ★ that came back: 1:??
Hong?-This newspaper editorialist universal values ​​that can be convincing soldier point of view of the challenges ideas and values ​​to the Korea-Japan solidarity (4) individual

There is a difference considerably to say the same maintenance in Korea and Japan.
So, assuming you aim the direction of one of South Korea and Japan with the cooperation set a common value, what to aim.

And would not it be said To put it simply, worth aim is liberal democracy revolution founding of South Korea, and the expansion of safety and personal freedom. For such value, South Korea military fight prepared for death.

What Japan is, what has been aimed as the best value since 1945. Self-Defense Forces of Japan what of. I will fight back if you are attacked from outside.
It is as natural organic body, but it is whether the act based on what values.
I think that you want to see from the per, be the starting point you want to check the shared values ​​of Korea and Japan.

It is marked "in order to protect the peace and independence of our country, to maintain the security of the country" in the Self-Defense Forces Law of Japan.
I think to fight for the country and precious thing of course, but a desirable there is also some sort of universal values ​​that can be convincing members of the individual.
If became members for the sustenance of life, it is not the same as mercenaries.

Army of communist state, just fight according to the instructions of the party and communist ideology.
Purpose is clear South Korean Forces of free democratic society. This means that there just cause of justice and goodness to combat communist dictatorship, release the north, giving the safety and freedom the same as the Korean people of 20 million people, and universal values ​​to be convinced yourself. Japan What about in that regard.

Maintenance of Korea, desire an alliance with Japan.
South Korea because it is the only country in the free democratic system is rooted in the Asian continent of the Ural Mountains eastward probably is that want to give the safety and freedom to all the people of Asia, if possible, it is a vision of maintenance. I want to do with Japan to do so.

It is possible to bring the safety and freedom to stand up Asia if Japan and South Korea signed an alliance.
To do so, the efforts to keep in hand to clarify the universal values ​​common on Korea and Japan were aware of each other's differences, it would be necessary is now. (Conclusion)


(Water) 2013/06/12 00:10:28.60 ID:: 5: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s wXDrLVoR!
> East Asia continent

I'll see for the first time, this character array.
(Water) 2013/06/12 00:17:38.65 ID:: 22: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s tmN9qJpN
5 >>
Ze are stupid you laugh but Europeans are also said there "continent".
Although should only very western Eurasia.
(Water) 2013/06/12 00:39:09.90 ID:: 82: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s J69dd3np
5 >>
You willl me disconnect the Japanese Do not would be preferable
(Water) 2013/06/12 00:13:06.24 ID:: 9: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s yTIi8m / Y
What is democracy in Japan around, and I just Japan?
(Water) 2013/06/12 00:16:52.85 ID:: 18: Pyongyang (AAry ◆ lMFGv5fLY. 9NsHzS8L
9 >>
Do not forget that there is a Taiwan Mongolia Thailand Indonesia India Cambodia once
(Water) 2013/06/12 00:25:32.46 ID:: 44: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s yTIi8m / Y
18 >>
Is not it exactly subtle, Taiwan Mongolia as the Korea

And then Southeast Asia's other
(Water) 2013/06/12 00:14:55.43 ID:: 13: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s oN + XFa2K
It has been Suriyo~tsu suddenly from yesterday in a variety of fields.
(Water) 2013/06/12 00:15:00.82 ID:: 14: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s bWK1ggUR
'll Nationalism if you look, together with the north
(Water) 2013/06/12 00:16:58.90 ID:: 19: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s PxNe1WW0!
Is this the strategy of the new Korea. 'll Fool.
(Water) 2013/06/12 00:26:11.11 ID:: 50: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s HAwdiOVx
1 >>
What Nanzo Eastern Asia? Are you talking about east of the Eurasian continent?
"National has cried" or or "only" or "Top" or "sales No1" within the range and narrowed its scope
I wonder if not you stop technique cheat consumers
(Water) 2013/06/12 00:27:44.12 ID:: 56: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s nbznOYCl
50 >>
China, North and South

This alone
"Urinara fort Nida of liberal democracy"
I wish also is said to ...
Muridana If you do not the place to do military coup and also, if you do really
(Water) 2013/06/12 00:27:40.83 ID:: 55: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s KJfDvYZx
Do not refuse it any way you slice it

It is necessary to why take the risk of being shot from behind in the war
58: 680 yen ◆ 7ZL.3C19WKcC: 2013/06/12 (Wed) 00:27:51.60 ID: FJvxD +1 B
South Korean conservative forces Na unless this is done from the expansion of freedom of speech for the time being

The challenge is more than the wonders of the north I do understand, but it is putting the cart before the horse there would be committed to anti-Japanese
(Water) 2013/06/12 00:30:18.56 ID:: 63: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s nbznOYCl
58 >>
After democratization, that you have not been in too much Gabagaba expansion rather?
Kunekune is I have picking yeah such as more middle three
(Water) 2013/06/12 00:31:54.14 ID:: 68: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s qs7XYt / h
Overthrow, overthrow communist east or thinks that it is the way of military democracy?
I think it's too old indeed, but I sense at the forefront of the West It looks have not come out yet
To begin with what 's army to going primary defense is any ideology
(Water) 2013/06/12 00:35:38.97 ID:: 76: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 1LbJWS + A
I can not understand the Self-Defense Forces
The was read, but do not know what do you want to say to other
(Water) 2013/06/12 00:43:10.04 ID:: 87: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s MO5tqqqc
Even selling indisputably how much, I can not swap extension If you do not request properly?
(Water) 2013/06/12 01:02:51.36 ID:: 121: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s lYOAvu65
Japan is the only one who tries to change Article 9, the habit of fuss Dano invasion ambition of Japanese colonial militarism Dano

(Water) 2013/06/12 01:20:46.96 ID:: 137: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s bf5ypT2s
China also Ya fight without saying if the north cause to fight the communist dictatorship
I do not Nanzo obligation to release North Korea to Japan, it is enough abductees
(Water) 2013/06/12 01:21:26.74 ID:: 138: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2Nche + z4
1 >>
Because declared that Urama thousand years I etc., from you, such as inferiority species then Chii
(Water) 2013/06/12 01:21:39.67 ID:: 139: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s i0nGwH / f
Korea freedom of the press freedom of speech even if there is no Democracy '?

The anti-Japanese book publishing OK. The book pro-Japanese traitor treatment in the press-long total remarks. Pro NG.

Thinking circuit with North Korea does so different!
(Water) 2013/06/12 01:43:52.37 ID:: 173: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 6GuQedOc
Conservatives in Korea It looks like I do have a little scared
W Naa mon's henchman state of China like you leave this

But you guys are'm bad
W do not criticize the domestic left-wing guys, because I was doing anti-Japanese and together

Well, w me about the Circle without permission
(Water) 2013/06/12 01:50:36.10 ID:: 181: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s cq5mp2Uf
Do not 's not a decent race,
Do not matter what is the best.
World wide, only China and South Korea is not the world.
posted by nokija at 02:00| News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

Constitutional reform debate in the presidential system

Can not be after (Tue) 21:28:19.80 ID: work Konakatta original voice actor φ ★ that came back: 1:??
Voice of authority of the President of South Korea as too strong, from some members of the ruling and opposition parties, and should enter into a discussion of the constitutional amendment to review the presidential system now in the National Assembly of South Korea increases, the future, the debate constitutional amendment increases It is also expected.

The National Assembly of South Korea, the 10th, among the questions to the government, as "not prevent the corruption of President during his term in the presidential system power is concentrated in one person the President", decentralized during the year members of the ruling party Senuri party I said that it must complete the constitutional amendment to presidential system of.

Also, from members of the opposition Democratic Party, unlike "America, evil is larger and has a strong authority that is not subject to control of the Congress president of South Korea. You should enter into the discussion of constitutional reform any day now I was stressed ".

On the other hand, focusing on "the National Assembly, and to discuss the role of government and politics is desirable, Zheng? Hara (Chung Hon'u~on) Prime Minister is, in time to be devoted to national issues such as welfare measures and employment You have answered You take up the issue of constitutional change is to be "not timely.

In South Korea, Park administration since the birth on the 25th of February, there was no discussion for the constitutional amendment, but the constitutional amendment debate over the authority of the President become active gradually are also expected.

[Korean] "presidential power is too strong" from the ruling and opposition parties voice of constitutional reform debate [06/11]

Can not be after (Tue) 21:29:32.11 ID:: 2: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' MQCwhJgp
Rip-off of Japan even constitutional amendment?

Can not be after (Tue) 21:29:56.57 ID:: 3: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' bYn6CXZI
It will rubbed me like that President? Different?

Can not be after (Tue) 21:31:16.85 ID:: 5: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' NpPl50WA
translation: I do hear nothing that you say woman

Can not be after (Tue) 21:32:08.17 ID:: 8: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' r41uazM5
1 >>
I do not prevent the corruption of President while in office

It's expected w Na's banged There fraud first

Can not be after (Tue) 21:34:40.52 ID:: 11: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' ZqzJtDvA
It would not matter because the death of the president after term
Can not be after (Tue) 21:47:54.29 ID:: 24: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' 4puCXfn2
Nante law will no more, South Korea.
The Shimae was abolished all.

Can not be after (Tue) 22:02:21.68 ID:: 31: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' bFac + o3B
Because he does an arrest such as the death penalty After term end
That's ok, you let 'em whatever you want.

Can not be after (Tue) 22:04:13.97 ID:: 32: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' llIckpGq
Give great power to the Korean yeah anxiety would be impertinent.
Can not be after (Tue) 22:11:33.62 ID:: 35: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' ey + zZi + r
Seeking constitutional amendment ruling party is bound president, opposition parties or are you against it.
Do You mean waste, of Rupi tube par.

Can not be after (Tue) 22:12:38.43 ID:: 36: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' n2XCc2PQ
How can you get the difference of either fraud with everyone or fraud someone played a central role in

Can not be after (Tue) 22:14:04.63 ID:: 37: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' wxD82bkn
It said that at the time of before the previous administration or the previous administration was only evil for South Korea
Even though it's incompetence is now is better than harm

Can not be after (Tue) 22:22:37.87 ID:: 39: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' doKWFOY1
National polity is' s collapse it comes to things like dampen the authority of the president to that one yet
Coup or not you get up

Can not be after (Tue) 22:23:39.86 ID:: 41: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶 `∀>' CHaC5 + / 1
39 >>
Father undergoes a coup, daughter or be awakened a coup ...

posted by nokija at 01:00| News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

"Partner South Korea and India, 2000 years ago"

South Korean media is ignorance?
Or service of the Indian Ambassador to Korea.

1: HONEY MILKφ ★: 2013/06/08 (Sat) 13:43:23.11 ID:???

40 jubilee Korea India ambassador, establishment of diplomatic relations

"India and South Korea has maintained a relationship from before 2000. We're strategic partners"

Yesterday morning, in Hoam Professor Hall of Seoul National University, 40 anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between South Korea and India
I said (57) as at the beginning Vishnu Prakash Korea India Ambassador done, attended.

And South Korea, "India is the largest economy in Asia third, fourth, Ambassador Prakash cultural in Asia
I said, "a country economically important.

(Also coined to suit formerly of Mumbai as "Bombay" and "Hollywood") of Bollywood "India,
The introduction has turned out into the world of movie reviews more than 1200 years, "said film production base, the world's largest
I said, "plans to actively support the exchange of students in India and South Korea" further.

On the other hand, Ambassador Prakash that the sexual assault case recently, aimed at foreigners in India are one after another
Whenever the "unfortunate event occurs, as well as strict application of the law, investigation of the case also for the rapid
It said the "going to go to. In addition, Korean tourists visited India last year to reach 120,000 people.

And more. Many people of "India has an affinity for South Korea also Prakash Ambassador
I said, "I hope that the international students and Korean tourists, company officials visit the India.

Source: Chosun Ilbo
ttp :/ / www.chosunonline.com/site/data/html_dir/2013/06/08/2013060800658.html

Can not be after (Sat) 13:44:26.33 ID:: 2: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' 7IEjwGTX

Na overkill

Can not be after (Sat) 13:45:26.06 ID:: 4: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' FwnE4nJT

Wonder if sarcasm?

Can not be after (Sat) 13:47:14.25 ID:: 6: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' DOl6u1 / b

I mean there was no country itself 's 2000 before w Na's sarcasm completely and then w

Can not be after (Sat) 13:48:31.40 ID:: 7: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' wuJD8nSx

To deny officially I mean take the commitment to the content of some problem
The trap is hard to say that if a decent country like "hate" and "Gimme a break"

The huh 2000 even if the
The w wonder I wonder also break the ice 's land of Silk Road end

Can not be after (Sat) 13:48:48.49 ID:: 9: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' zOuscmJH

You did not think through the mocks such as sarcasm to those guys?

Can not be after (Sat) 13:52:48.44 ID:: 17: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' NLXpPygu

In some Indian law I Oke and in moderation

Can not be after (Sat) 13:52:49.65 ID:: 18: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' TERP / Lg +

You have a sense of intimacy?
It was what tanker accident?

Can not be after (Sat) 13:53:29.85 ID:: 19: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' g+ UMwHGG

There was no South Korea in 2000 before.

Can not be after (Sat) 13:55:22.09 ID:: 23: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' e1dPblDJ

The country should not be lip service world

Can not be after (Sat) 13:56:55.31 ID:: 24: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' ERNZG783

Thing or Buddhist Te 2000

Can not be after (Sat) 13:58:50.14 ID:: 25: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' lBYMXbVO

Country of Nim is probably country of decent '50 founding

Can not be after (Sat) 14:00:27.15 ID:: 28: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' FHykxhy6

1 >>

> India and "South Korea has maintained a relationship from before 2000

> 40 anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between South Korea and India

Two lines only contradiction is ...

Can not be after (Sat) 14:01:44.02 ID:: 31: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' 3weydbNA

It's the time of the ease of鮮郡new at that time, Buddhism is not even brought over from India to Shina mainland.

Can not be after (Sat) 14:05:01.81 ID:: 33: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' p8UIpWXh

Na's fake years ago

Can not be after (Sat) 14:06:25.58 ID:: 37: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' ePn8evOi

India "Indo you do not know Cho, what are you saying a little"

Can not be after (Sat) 14:08:50.89 ID:: 39: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' Jgt3rYQh

I want to flow to India as it is in the nuances of this article.
I think the country and know little or mon What kind Korea by itself.

Can not be after (Sat) 14:11:38.20 ID:: 41: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' zpALqSpI

You Did not refused the satellite launch?

Can not be after (Sat) 14:16:27.86 ID:: 46: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' EFhjnRNz

There is no South Korea in two thousand years ago.

Can not be after (Sat) 14:17:25.66 ID:: 48: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' pPeegwgO

Oh, not only was detained by inflicting a false charge to Indian captain in tanker collision incident
Due you have to break the precepts of Hinduism in Kuwase beef in South Korea government-led to restraint during, Samsung boycott is your continued even now riot occurs in India
Due the court made ​​a mess judgment to protect the Samsung it off, ship Indian nationality or did I have to go boycott Korea

Hey partner of year 2000 ...

Can not be after (Sat) 14:18:06.25 ID:: 50: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' pGViwvv4

Or "2000 years ago", and w 's what harassment in Korea

Can not be after (Sat) 14:25:01.87 ID:: 57: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' Gw5LrCP0

> About what sexual assault aimed at foreigners in India are one after another

Did you say such a thing from you all the way at the 40th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between events?
Or is Chosun Ilbo did you question all the way?

Can not be after (Sat) 14:33:37.71 ID:: 64: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' u76nzGsa

I think I know why such known at all that of South Korea at the time of mistaking such as China completely before 2000.
posted by nokija at 01:00| News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

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