
There is a need to work together to face up to Abenomikusu Asian countries

Why is the opinion of Bank of Korea Governor and Foreign Minister different
"There is a need to work together to face up to Abenomikusu Asian countries," Bank of Korea Governor

1: FinalFinanceφ ★ 2013/06/18 (Tue) 07:56:27.10 0
Zhong Xiu gold Governor Bank of Korea (central bank) 17,,
Asian countries said that there is a need to work together to face up to the depreciation of the yen,
Was urged to deal to cooperate with adverse effects associated with the economic stimulus package in Japan.

Gold Governor committee of the National Assembly,
It is not possible to stand in one country "Japan.
You should aim for cooperation between countries corresponding to the impact on the region as a whole "
"Asian countries. Others that are affected directly or indirectly in Korea are also affected Abenomikusu"
I said.

Remarks of President Kim, 8 major countries (G8) Summit (Summit) is from the 17th in Northern Ireland
The process was performed in accordance with the timing will be held for the dates of two days.
South Korea has strongly criticized the side effects of Abenomikusu even this.

To questions from MPs if that Korea should be addressed to the weaker yen and monetary easing in Japan,
Gold Governor
Some industries of South Korea and electronics "passenger cars, such as iron and steel are competing directly with Japanese bias.
You should support the market policy and industrial policy issues of a particular industry these "
I have pointed out.

Combat Organization
Exports of Japan and South Korea, overlap rate to the world of the weak yen and won high surge ... to 52% from 20% in 2000

The 64: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (Tuesday) I'm nameless 2013/06/18 14:26:59.55 0
1 >>
Even as there is something to be Abenomikusu, although I do not by even triggered yet.

The 4: Save up! 's oleoresin me, (Tuesday) I'm nameless 2013/06/18 08:02:25.33 0
South Korea 's Ja okay made efforts to change the industrial structure of their own than that?

The dangling Samsung when good economic

I wish there is a non-South Korea that have not been nothing cross-legged

Is it a capitalist country really? Is it a national euthanasia and South Korea

2013/06/18 (Tue) 08:05:31.34 0 to help Mother: 7
I wish Speaking directly at the G8
Korea or was not a member of the G8 there
Hey, I'm sorry quality Re~i

The 12: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (Tuesday) I'm nameless 2013/06/18 08:09:18.83 0
Economy of Japan is good, (because industrial structure and repeat a school year after failing Japan), China and South Korea becomes deep-evil
Take off Southeast Asia. (Due to its complementary relationship with Japan)
Many Asian countries, I'm Abenomikusu welcome. w

Specialized sub-variety ~ w

The 15: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (Tuesday) I'm nameless 2013/06/18 08:11:32.44 0
W Na and white currency swap to the other party to face with hostile

The 31: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (Tuesday) I'm nameless 2013/06/18 08:39:00.67 0
South Korea, but Notamau to be in conjunction with the Asian countries immediately
But why are you fellow of Asia in South Korea
South Korea, I noticed quickly in the world, in Asia, and even though it has already been isolated at all

at 37: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (Tuesday) I'm nameless 2013/06/18 08:54:32.06 0
In the cheap rip-off of the difference between the products and services of Japan until now
How can you get charge account, which has been the industry stalker.
To reform the industrial structure, to cultivate new industries, to compete
State itself has no I have to go to differentiate their products and services.
But basic research or to just rip-off of the achievements of creative people
You can not expect at all, such as investment for the future.
It can be proved from the fact that can not be taken at all Nobel Prize.
There is no future in Korea anymore.
Not only about the way foreign exchange earnings the only original in the "whore export".

The 46: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (Tuesday) I'm nameless 2013/06/18 09:19:41.78 0
Asian countries that hates South Korea
Japan, Taiwan, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, North Korea, Shina, Mongolia
You will too hated brother
I'm being hated so what After
posted by nokija at 23:00| News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

I want to repair relations with Japan

if Korea be carried out apology and compensation
Quoted source: http://hayabusa3.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/news/1371529620
South Korea
The "stopped breach, I want to repair relations with Japan"

(Tokyo) 2013/06/18 (Tue) Siamese 13:27:00.17 ID:: 1 qdFghnk70 BE :144795555-PLT (12051) Award points
In the wake of the intention = multilateral dialogue of improving relations with Japan - South Korea Foreign Minister

The 18th, in the National Assembly, Foreign Minister Yoon 炳世 of Korea relates to a Japan-South Korea relations have deteriorated in such historical issues
You said, "do not think you have to go without limit forever in such a state", through the framework of multilateral dialogue such as Japan and the United States-Korea showed its intention to want to measure the improved relations.

Foreign Minister stressed that "Japan, share a strategic interest of democracy and the market economy we are aware of its importance" he said.
I said, "With the exception of historical issues, has been actively encouragement for such exchanges between the people and economic cooperation" he said. (2013/06/18-12: 54)

(Tibet Autonomous Region) 2013/06/18 (Tue) Berman 15:33:10.14 ID:: 507 UK0qTwQf0
1 >>
At the thought of everyone of the Korean people
You think the person who sought the policy that does not rely on Japan again is good
You think he would hate Japan from relying on Japan

South Korean officials and the South Korean government
Relying on the Japanese people and Japan
You think you should establish a state that is completely independent of the Japanese economy and Japanese

(Osaka) 2013/06/18 (Tue) Sphinx 16:25:27.54 ID:: 615 i6doRjv10
1 >>
What Except for historical issues, Urinara fantasies Chong to a problem
What's this guy In saying?
Investigate a whole bunch Japan, and re-create all including textbooks, Chung government apologized to the public,
If you do me reflect on it face to face with the past of their real, and get to the negotiating table is
Not Yabusaka. Only, from start along.

(Tokyo) 2013/06/18 (Tue) puma 13:27:32.58 ID:: 2 44VWfj5W0
But I refuse

(Kyoto) 2013/06/18 (Tue) Bombay 13:30:25.51 ID:: 21 ylleE0dO0
Do not mon or swap deadline soon [:: ━ ◎] Roh.

(WiMAX) 2013/06/18 (Tue) Egyptian Mau 13:30:53.69 ID:: 24 UOKHnGvU0
Do you noticed in Japan and South Korea currency swap expired by now? w

(Saitama) 2013/06/18 (Tue) Berman 13:31:45.95 ID:: 34 tGceygrh0
■ word literal translation of the President of South Korea [Source: Yamato newspaper]

The Come (derogatory term of His Majesty the Emperor) "Sun King If you want to sincerely prostrate people in South Korea,
It tied the hands and feet worthy of felony human
Let someone apologize it rubbed against the ground and stepped on his head.
Felony person does not even kneeling down on the ground, a story that is fun if you are just apologize with words, such a stupid story not hold water,
Then I will not allowed to enter "

Performance stomp at all is allowed to prostrate the person you gave the back a poster wrote [daily] Korea as "Showa Emperor" (Photos)

(? Catv) 2013/06/18 (Tue) Iriomote 13:31:48.50 ID:: 35 dhyDUTu20
Blur 's refusal
His Majesty the Emperor and Takeshima landing insult the president, the retraction of a statement that continues grudge 1000 year first
Fucking nation and do it

(Fukuoka) 2013/06/18 (Tue) Sphinx 13:32:31.02 ID:: 38 L9 + mpWdv0
> "I do not think you have to go without limit forever in such a state"
> "Japan, share a strategic interest of democracy and the market economy we, we recognize the importance of"
> "With the exception of historical issues, you are actively encouragement for such exchanges between the people and economic cooperation"

It was said it would only this? Jean bullish at all Japan is Orero unilaterally

> Through the framework of multilateral dialogue, such as Japan, the United States can, I showed its intention to want to measure the improvement of relations

Or rather desire of current affairs reporter dot com Ne Ja fabricated this part?

(Saitama) 2013/06/18 (Tue) Japanese Bobtail 13:32:35.32 ID:: 39 QWiW6lI7P
Burn the Japanese flag and doll protests in South Korea, Prime Minister Abe
Apr 26, 2013

The 25th, or the statement involving the history of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in front of the Japanese Embassy [Xinhua net] Seoul, Korea
Demonstration to protest against the visit to the Yasukuni Shrine and acceptance of ministers took place.
Participants were to burn the doll and likened to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister Abe denied the history of aggression,
Have protested violently as was Kaba~tsu visiting Yasukuni of ministers.

(Saitama) 2013/06/18 (Tue) Berman 13:33:38.39 ID:: 48 tGceygrh0
Performance stomp at all is allowed to prostrate the person you gave the back a poster wrote [daily] Korea as "Showa Emperor" (Photos)

South Korea one likes stepping on a picture of His Majesty the Emperor of Korea [everyday] (photo)

(Osaka) 2013/06/18 (Tue) Kuroashineko 13:33:56.58 ID:: 51 oY2x8yq00
It will do return palm When I get the money with this?
I do good in a sense but dry, Then Japan, too Let's go to dry.

It 's appeal to such information only when or what. 'm Stupid.

(Kanagawa) 2013/06/18 (Tue) puma 13:35:12.27 ID:: 58 myVLS + yC0
I do repeat many times the same farce
The Japanese side will do accept a proposed settlement this time anyway

(Kanto Koushinetsu) 2013/06/18 (Tue) Bobcat 13:35:19.82 ID:: 59 8tk6YrkrO
The Korea 's really country people also It looks do not have pride

(Wakayama) 2013/06/18 (Tue) Bombay 13:36:28.05 ID:: 63 viS3fe5E0
59 >>
Is there a vanity

(Sanyo region) 2013/06/18 (Tue) Tonkinese 13:43:32.25 ID:: 117 3wn3U6SPO
Nothing doing.
This out returning instruction to everyone in Japan and Takeshima return if you want to got to hear the story.
Once they have finished, I'll listen to the story.

(Chiba) 2013/06/18 (Tue) 13:44:36.85 ID and Nuko:: JnKY7VeR0 124
Do not I he said there was not forget even after 1000

I will not forget you ever said apologize by kneeling down on the ground and tied hands and feet in front of the Korea people to come to His Majesty the Emperor also:
It 's not just the general public, do not because it is the word of the President

(East) 2013/06/18 (Tue) Turkish Angora 13:46:10.53 ID:: 131 t6VwBn2Z0
124 >>
Na also such as atomic bomb sake.
Was also terrorism aimed at Japanese, and there is no cut.

(Fukuoka) 2013/06/18 (Tue) Kuroashineko 13:46:50.48 ID:: 137 mvkqlJwu0
Do not you wonder teen now until retire active duty?
I'll think public opinion will not wake up saying to forgive another Korea

(Company) 2013/06/18 (Tue) Norwegian Forest Cat 13:48:48.89 ID:: 148 cyvxvbUa0
It 's just following her stingy with historical issues other nothing Nde also me back
I'll watch out conditions such as the South Korean government, such as the mass media of not attack Japan in historical issues again

(Fukuoka) 2013/06/18 (Tue) Devon Rex 13:50:30.43 ID:: 156 RQDaW2ie0
148 >>
I have Japan and Korea Basic Treaty already

(Dion Army) 2013/06/18 (Tue) Manx 13:58:03.28 ID:: 201 37wn9UcJ0
148 >>
Was endlessly sticking to the story it to put out because South Korea said, "to be settled politically in this" is also such as Kono discourse
Does not mean anything of Nante promised Korea opponent

(Inner Mongolia) 2013/06/18 (Tue) manul 13:52:25.42 ID:: 166 OH/m/8PCO
You fool with Takeshima invasion, and comfort women fake, stealing Buddha statue, and insult the Emperor, on top of all that you have crazy cause burns terrible, You say,,, Let's do get along
ラベル:Foreign Minister
posted by nokija at 22:00| News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

"Revenge in football, with sweat instead of blood"

Do your "Best",Koreans
Quoted source: http://awabi.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/mnewsplus/1371529801
"Revenge in football, with sweat instead of blood" [soccer] Iran Director (JoongAng Ilbo) [13/06/18]

Knight φ ★ 2013/06/18 (Tue) 13:30:01.31 ID and Kkya do:?? 0 1

"Revenge meet with sweat in the blood is in football." -.
Carlos Queiroz director of football Iran is the 17th,
At a press conference held in the (W Cup) stadium Ulsan Monju World Cup
I had a great calm appearance.
But (Son Funmin, Leverkusen) grandson Hirotoshi few days ago,
For that you have to speak to a "cell out the tears of blood from the eyes of Nekunamu of Iran" is

"30 years, we have been a director in the UK and Spain, but Queiroz director like this
I've never experienced football of vengeance and blood. I think that we should stop now.
Said revenge in football, and "respond with sweat in the blood.

Nekunamu captain of Iran (Esteghlal) is
I do not feel the need to comment directly to the statement of "Hirotoshi grandson.
But if say it added, tears of blood nor special.
The returns received to devote their lives for the home country also "possible.

Queiroz coach continued.
By driver of car rental South Korea lost, Queiroz director arrived to press conference
Was delayed. Queiroz coach despite apologizing repeatedly as "sorry",
"I would have engaged in a war of words in protest you were Choi Ganhi director, but I'm not so"
I said.

- I will continue -

2013/06/18 (Tue) Nameless I'm afraid @ 14:46:32.06 ID:: 143 skGDt79S0
1 >>
Do not I thing this corresponding common sense
That low-or cultural standard of how Koreans
It can be said that also are scared that much but well www

Knight φ ★ 2013/06/18 (Tue) 13:30:05.83 ID and Kkya do:?? 0 2
- Is a continuation -
The 11th, Choi Ganhi director, "I want to go to this tournament and hateful. Uzbekistan Iran"
For that you have mentioned, Queiroz director uniforms of Uzbekistan to "Choi
Had expressed anger, saying that it "to present.
Then Choi and "want to sent a 11 wearing uniforms players so that the wear"
Returns received.

In the press conference of the day, "do you have with the uniform of Uzbekistan really"
Question goes out, I tried to Koyo has a "first place, but the coach Queiroz 11pcs
You laughed and said, "was not able to bring that you have requested.

Queiroz director of each other while exchanging uniforms and Choi "after the game
I wanted to celebrate this tournament advance. Too, the flowers of traditional Iranian to pass Korea if confirm the finals advance
It was, "he said brought.

- That's it -
Related attrition
The provocation to be "let someone shed tears of blood" [football] Korea representative FW grandson Xing Min (Son Funmin), the Iran national team of South Korean criticism

2013/06/18 (Tue) Nameless I'm afraid @ 13:33:25.68 ID:: 5 jjWJxclF0
Terrorist vs Real off-base
You do it more and more

2013/06/18 (Tue) Nameless I'm afraid @ 13:35:32.99 ID:: 13 1CNJuh3E0
Driver ... guy car rental ...

2013/06/18 (Tue) Nameless I'm afraid @ 13:38:39.44 ID:: 26 fNG5jB + V0
The w's fun in either choice which way you have seen from a third party

2013/06/18 (Tue) 18:57:31.46 ID :/ PQrdR3c0 Nameless I'm afraid @: 316
26 >>
Iran Na but supports adult normally

2013/06/18 (Tue) Nameless I'm afraid @ 13:40:16.01 ID:: 30 wW3owzG80
What South Korea, do not you express respect for the other party in any sport?
And, not verbal abuse of Netouyo, you are a guy can be explained calmly properly?

2013/06/18 (Tue) Nameless I'm afraid @ 13:52:07.01 ID:: 62 zQsgJ7Mb0
30 >>
Israel looks down elect ideological education → Korean other than surprised and crummy race
It seems that it is probably this
So do not choose to win by all means → Impossible myself and others such as lose, it means
Of course not even respect to the other players

2013/06/18 (Tue) Nameless I'm afraid @ 13:41:03.94 ID:: 31 Ft94xJkcP
It's opponent Iran then I feel like I raised barrage racist political or related to I
Audience also Na Check it

2013/06/18 (Tue) Nameless I'm afraid @ 13:46:22.52 ID:: 43 t262Juen0
> The 11th, Choi Ganhi director hateful and "Iran.

The w of had to say also that this other than Japan Cho w

2013/06/18 (Tue) 13:47:30.09 ID :/ p + HoAYo0 Nameless I'm afraid @: 45
Such as revenge in sports such as let someone shed tears of blood
Idea then, right a cartoon level
It 's feeling you are watching cartoon

2013/06/18 (Tue) Nameless I'm afraid @ 13:51:35.41 ID:: 61 qfaLsR/W0
I think FIFA and I do permanent exile is such team players and insulting remarks

2013/06/18 (Tue) Nameless I'm afraid @ 14:12:17.74 ID:: 101 KDUxH0XI0
I was proud to be a newspaper interview that he won the game with it stabs Iran players in nail a former national soccer player of South Korea had been concealed during the game against Iran come to think of it

2013/06/18 (Tue) Nameless I'm afraid @ 14:18:54.94 ID:: 113 RQAmKF5d0
What is this, the Chung basis, would there be to be like losing Iran?
In the country Chung, you can howl put out loud, who it is large wonder a win? w

2013/06/18 (Tue) Nameless I'm afraid @ 14:26:21.98 ID:: 121 thtkGAzV0
113 >>
Do not I'm thinking similar to Femi of Japan
Seriously comparatively

2013/06/18 (Tue) Nameless I'm afraid @ 14:24:13.74 ID:: 117 Ax3FPVBK0
And I had seen the same level and Korea
This guy was likely to lead story still
Queiroz I'm sorry

2013/06/18 (Tue) Nameless I'm afraid @ 15:37:34.38 ID:: 190 Ac0Qichj0
If such as 0-0 draw in this
FIFA and w to enter the inspection

2013/06/18 (Tue) Nameless I'm afraid @ 15:39:32.55 ID:: 196 t262Juen0
190 >>
I think it was found at the time of the Olympics, but we can not expect that to the legitimate attitude to South Korea in FIFA
ラベル:Football Iran
posted by nokija at 21:00| News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

popular crash of Ban"Secretary-General of UN"

He called "International President" in Korea

(Tibet Autonomous Region) can not be after (Tuesday) tiger 14:46:22.91 ID:: 1 p3yZs7eUP BE :2466896047-PLT (12020) Award points
United Nations, human resource structure adjustment of the first-ever ... "popular crash of Secretary-General Ban"
UN hits in 4% United Nations headquarters staff (more than 6,600) for the first time since its inception in 1945
I have been promoting structural adjustment to reduce the 260 or so people.
That member countries suffering from economic difficulty has requested a reduction of $ 100 million or more to feel the burden on financial contributions to the United Nations
It is because you are accompanied.

United Nations sources requested anonymity to
The popularity of (Ban Ki-moon) Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon at the UN headquarters in the promotion of "structural adjustment
It was, "he said depressed.

09 minutes 11:11 June 2013


(Kyushu region) can not be after (Tuesday) margay 19:15:52.67 ID:: 131 dbPkwMZsO
1 >>
's Not popular and probably from before.
But would not respected the more fall.

5: Jofuroineko (Okayama) can not be after (Tue) 14:52:55.77 ID: j + hxkkaM0
Do not be that percentage increases further reduce the staff, but Korean is not reduced

(Tokyo) can not be after (Tuesday) Balinese 14:55:00.89 ID:: 8 9i7265iR0
Increase the Korean staff, or did I have to only Korean-made electrical appliances.

(Hyogo) can not be after Tuesday Cornish wreck 15:22:06.67 ID:: 39 BkFXszEh0
8 >>
And are you doing such a thing seriously?

Hideo example.

(Empty) can not be after Tuesday serval 16:04:37.67 ID:: 81 eUX5jU + I0
8 >>
Do not terrible by any privatization.

(Garden) can not be after (Tuesday) Somali 20:06:59.28 ID:: 151 OTkLOprM0
8 >>
What was the guy that Aso was to story

(Mushroom) can not be after (Tuesday) domestic cat 14:55:27.17 ID:: 10 ppQQ2Owh0
Although likes of Korean Well why? Some think that

(Aichi) can not be after (Tue) 19:26:56.48 ID Calico:: CLXNWIQt0 139
10 >>
It is useful pan-kun is weak to the strong guy basically, so obedient to remarks permanent member of the Security Council.
Press of America was strong because it is easy incompetent to control for the United States in particular.

146: exotic short hair (Tokyo) can not be after (Tue) 19:44:20.03 ID: wrpxaWGp0
140 >>
"I then, right know thing in even puppet in how much incompetence?" America

"It was confidence from America! I must have surely talented!" Pan-kun

Member States Everyone "..."

(Dion Army) can not be after (Tuesday) tiger 14:56:30.04 ID:: 12 0 + nRW55GP
K is involved, resulting decayed even from outside from
This little talent w

(East) can not be after (Tuesday) Jofuroineko 14:59:18.93 ID:: 15 fx1CnQAR0
This guy would be the first Secretary-General did openly far influence peddling to their countries of origin
It's Mon to hide from trouble and usually suspected but ......

(Gifu) can not be after Tuesday, American Carl 15:00:58.67 ID:: 18 mkDNg1nz0
But there would be a problem of human Korea Wow
World situation of these days when I think I even away from there, the United Nations wants to influence an important issue a little more

24: exotic short hair (Tokyo) can not be after (Tue) 15:04:57.42 ID: 045DQnMp0
Secretary-General of the United Nations is customary to be elected from developing countries (developing countries)

(Osaka) can not be after (Tue) 15:04:57.64 ID pheasant white:: Ui0VCCb70 25
It is not paying a contribution, let Annan predecessors regardless phase in the conflict areas.
Too people mock at the time I do not think I like the Koreans at all, it's ashamed of this.

(Tokyo) can not be after Tuesday, American Carl 15:06:11.56 ID:: 26 ELHVRLdi0
No way a decent human being in the country of former President is a criminal every time you change of government

(Oita) can not be after (Tuesday) Jaguar 15:10:49.88 ID:: 29 eYbierVN0
The Tokai notation Sea of ​​Japan, Takeshima 's too stupid mistake such as brochures you Notama~tsu such as Korea territory Ban Ki-moon
It is to hate anyone if you look at the Shokon rotten Korean Gukku in privatization covered

(Wakayama) can not be after Tuesday, Turkish Angora 15:35:02.66 ID:: 49 VgKJYcPZ0
I fired the Korean non-human
In, corruption of the organization to proceed

(Tokyo) can not be after (Tuesday) kodkod 15:38:31.83 ID:: 52 + bwI6XNe0
Korean, Ban Ki-moon, the world's most dangerous
ttp :/ / www.newsweekjapan.jp/stories/world/2009/06/post-234.php

(Tokyo) can not be after Tuesday Borneo down Biao 15:49:48.29 ID:: 66 EKjFSQ4M0
Speaking of Japan 's reduce contributions, Kell had high s all
In delivery appliances from the cold Chung, the wonder is getting rebate

(WiMAX) 2013/06/11 (Tue) Jungle Cat 15:52:21.57 ID:: 68 VU0baxJp0
I examined me What is someone now I've picked up an old copy and paste

2005/04/12 (Tue) 12:43:26 ID:: Nameless of eggs: 299 9VWFOxIR0
- Delinquency rate of South Korea UN PKO contributions to China 1st 2nd worst -

China 64%, Germany 25%, France 31%, Italy 31%, America 41% 0% Japan

Gold is applied to the PKO activities. The activity of two of the first, it was applied in the cost of the United Nations, but in '56
I have changed since "UNEF (United Nations emergency force) -1" of. At that time, the United Nations gold is too consuming
I requested a special fund. U.S. (50%) and member countries of the remaining $ 200 million cost (20 billion yen), (50%)
I was paid to. Later, it was established a burden of the Member States, but as other people's affairs the "world peace"
Perhaps because you are thinking, if you are mouth shut wallet, arrears is very large.
The end of 2004, the United States has failed to pay the $ 700 million out of $ 1.7 billion.
The proportion of arrears, China (64%), Germany (25%), France (31%), Italy (31%)
It is a tough situation, such as.


(Tokyo) can not be after Tuesday Tonkinese 16:23:34.00 ID:: 86 0jKS1Ul80
What this late hour
W Though it is a person who is up to a theory that was laid on purpose in order to eliminate the meaning of the United Nations

(Osaka) can not be after Tuesday Tonkinese 17:02:51.99 ID:: 93 + MmDDaEr0
Do not have to prove to the world at a level that can not excuse what kind of guys

(Tokyo) can not be after (Tuesday) snowshoe 17:04:46.08 ID:: 94 kzlPUIqk0
Annan is the Secretary-General of the predecessor said with sympathy in earnest in Japan that is adjacent to China and Korea

"Neighbor is not possible to choose"

(Kansai and Tokai) can not be after Tuesday, Turkish Van 19:06:03.27 ID:: 129 6iKUBDmGO
Coined the intelligence level of the average elementary school world president or something (laughs)
Na because I have used with gusto the national newspaper, South Korea.
It 's country and incredible variety.

(Aichi) can not be after (Tue) 20:05:49.09 ID Calico:: CLXNWIQt0 150
Place not only interested in their own thoroughly, great thing about bread-kun, where you do not want to interfere with the permanent members.
Words I said when I went to Korea for the first time after he took office is great
"I pay the contributions are paying even in Japan. Ore humiliated"

Even when complaints were out of the country because it does not work too further
"There is a charisma for me"
I had a barb unknown meaning.

But thank goodness it exists in the permanent member of the Security Council because they do not adjust anything seriously.

(Saitama) 2013/06/12 (Wed) Andean cat 21:40:40.85 ID:: 187 cv8S4jqo0
Koreans from a very only just guess bastard just without an exception of one person really.
I mighty.

190: Himalayan (Aichi) 2013/06/13 (Thu) 01:39:48.28 ID: ofwLGNHs0
187 >>
I, decent people who deserve respect as well just ... I did were many, those who had received education in Japan to merge age or killed in the Korean War, in the name of Syngman Rhee as "McCarthyism" in the past or is purged
Reduce the number with or be punished by pro-Japanese crime, the most alive and well still a few people in white and Shogun?

White good yup
http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/% E7% BD% E5% 84% E3% A8% E3% 97
Although I said that such people some sense, also the conscience of South Korea last ...
> Chin'irupa that was recommended in the Roh administration era (in pro-Japanese) impeachment motion, it was listed as pro-Japanese, which helped Korea colonial rule of Japan to the pro-Japanese Dictionary of National Biography, which was announced by the anti-ethnic special law.
In the Diet, when you talk of annexation era true, for "hero of national salvation", members of the moderate 30-year-old, disposal to call someone liar ...
(White general, if it's not home, the country is destroyed Nante Korea, I would have been living the same as the brethren of the north this time, ...)

188: White (West) 2013/06/12 (Wed) 22:54:16.00 ID: f47jTj4g0
What decline, Is not like was popular before that

(East) can not be after (Tuesday) Sphinx 15:54:17.85 ID:: 71 B6BrXUWp0
"Famous for incompetence" Aoyama Shigeru Sunny Stories

(Garden) can not be after (Tuesday) manul 15:57:35.85 ID:: 75 2FJ4uDBM0
When the people of Sweden to retire, Borokasu w Na had told you that the Secretary-General does nothing
posted by nokija at 20:00| News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

W Cup qualifiers, Korea Republic players Iran declared in assault against Iran today

South Koreans does not know the "sportsmanship"
1: Ocelot (Tokyo) 2013/06/17 (Mon) 17:52:20.83 ID: e0UwFjpR0
BE :354703542-PLT (12104) Award points

Ahead of the match against Iran group A 2014年W Cup soccer tournament in Brazil (2014 World Cup) Asian final qualifying round,
Korean national players to speak to a "cell shed tears of blood" captain of Iran,
It looks like to welcome in the context of the worst head-to-head on the 18th.

It has become a fierce war of words while that is waged between the two countries to heat up.
In one battle that takes place in Seoul, South Korea,
Iran while has become the absolute requirement wins,
Korea representative is able to earn berth in finals at point 1 or more wins.

In response to that (Choi Ganhi) director made ​​a statement that "inflict pain" on Iran Choi Kang-hee of South Korea representative so far,
Captain Jabado-Nekunamu had criticized this severely and Carlos Queiroz coach of Iran, but South Korea national team has a new bite.

I belong Hamburger SV in the German Bundesliga 1 part (Hamburger SV)
Grandson Xing Min (Son Funmin) is,
Let someone shed tears of blood, "his (Nekunamu). He is famous for talk too much.
I express the pitch that I want to say.
Was provoked three points, I and we "prove I can win it took four points.

I is that the South Korean side was spewing dissatisfaction beginning of the conflict and was badly treated in such a shoddy practice facility and issuance of a visa in the expedition that took place in Tehran in October 2012.
After a fierce battle, South Korea has lost the game 0-1.
Choi says the memory of expedition at the time and remain in the clear in the players even now,
Vowed revenge commensurate before the match against Iran, which marks at home.
Nekunamu Queiroz and director was denounced as "shameless" and Choi In response to this.

However, Choi was only to say not able to direct attack against criticism, would be that the coach Queiroz to watch TV at home in Portugal W Cup next year.

Meanwhile, to decorate the representative debut in against Uzbekistan was held on the 11th,
(Lee Myonju) has dismissed Iran to show a bullish posture as well as through the media Nekunamu Li Ming Zhou was elected Man of the Match of the game.

Nekunamu do not know someone is "I, and only I have heard in the news.
I do not think Iran is strong. It would be our opponent to win even if we concentrate on our own game "

3: Kuroashineko (Saitama) 2013/06/17 (Mon) 17:53:34.86 ID: 7n + bgNbI0

Hey nothing growing from Japan and South Korea WC

10: Siberian (mushroom) 2013/06/17 (Mon) 17:57:00.19 ID: ZWUptZWaP

I'm a ya because this is involved and Korea

23: Smilodon (Tokyo) 2013/06/17 (Mon) 17:59:52.19 ID :/ emTYe/l0

Of that sports game with South Korea will too many aftertaste is bad.

I do not want to tangle if possible.
Issue of victory or defeat earlier.
2: imitation of classical styles (Saitama) 2013/06/17 (Mon) 17:53:30.70 ID: WEKNF0JFP

Do you intend to kick the eye
Do not would do if Korean

19: kodkod (Kanto) 2013/06/17 (Mon) 17:58:49.40 ID: 9GYr52CxO
2 >>
Nadeshiko is Na had been done before
Eye was fine but pain around the eyes have swollen black people I scolded
Korea woman probably afford even mon A representative this way -

(Soft bank) 2013/06/17 (Mon) 18:10:04.55 ID black:: dxGfoZvu0 40

Nature is bad and will do our best for them = from being directly connected to rule useless

93: Jungle Cat (soft bank) 2013/06/17 (Mon) 19:04:59.40 ID: mKFG1Usf0

Because not dispose properly when draft FIFA
The victim increases

37: Bobcat (Tokushima) 2013/06/17 (Mon) 18:06:56.41 ID: Gyy8d6rY0

I Is not it the idea of fight fair and square

145: White (Kyoto) 2013/06/17 (Mon) 19:55:43.41 ID: 2YVqIJZr0
37 >>
And no way there

The Nuko (empty) 2013/06/17 (Mon) 18:17:03.09 ID:: 46 uQupviX10

Expression is Na's barbaric.
Is not the spirit of sportsmanship in Korea?

59: British Short Hair (Saitama) 2013/06/17 (Mon) 18:22:24.56 ID: c1TgaEc / 0
1 >>
South Korea is not a sport anymore

114: imitation of classical styles (Tibet Autonomous Region) 2013/06/17 (Mon) 19:19:11.23 ID: SM088ITmP

It is the heartwarming story is representative of the old game, it's me win the stabs Iranian players in the nail that was concealed

※ The stab in the nail when fighting supplement Korea soccer Secret History, a strong team?

The incident began Korea since met with Iran in the quarterfinals at the time.
Korean team was a strong contender for the title but was full of confidence,
Was discouraged brat at once If you look at the opponent and so on.

Physique was greater then looks Iranian players who grew up mustache was menacing.
Team held an emergency meeting to be sure to win,
Eventually it was decided to plan a 'nail foul Unstoppable'.

As the game begins, the Korean team players took out a weapon treasured.
Players began stabbing ass Iranian players while hiding a nail.

Korean players were supposed to receive a physical examination of the referee in protest of Iranian players.
However, nails was After discarding all operations are done already.
South Korea advanced to the semi-finals empowered to nail strategy.
naver News (Korean) excerpt

ラベル:W CUP Iran
posted by nokija at 19:59| News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

the Rising Sun flag war criminal image, diffusion in South Korea

There is so much the rising sun flags in the world

Rising Sun flag war criminal image, diffusion in South Korea ...
The war criminal Flag Concept ads in news media
(Photos) [06/16]

Large Chief φ ★ 2013/06/17 (Mon) 23:05:26.96 ID to play the piano: 1:??
The war criminal Flag Concept ads to spread .. news organization in the Rising Sun flag image war criminal Korea


Image 'Order of the Rising Sun flag' is a war criminal flag of [New York] = Nyushisu Roh Chang Hyun correspondent = Japan one after another in the United States
In to become a problem, the Order of the Rising Sun flag image ads blindly course domestic and foreign companies, etc. also web site of news media
That spread is revealed. Weight loss that are available on the website of influential press in from the left side
Advertising, is available on the website of the American supplier of advertising 'iTalk BB', is available on the website of a company
Nasolabial fold ads.

Source: NAVER / Nyushisu (Korean) article input 2013-06-16 08:13

Combat Organization
[Korean] Japanese colonial war criminal flag? Murals unidentified was drawn to embankment controversy [06/14]
[Korean] "war criminals flag of Japan appeared the ceremony of U.S. Tony Award!" To actively support the Korean shock, freeze [06/10] ★ 5
Chocolate company of the Rising Sun flag [] New Zealand up to "Whittaker's" announcement Japanese war criminals flag symbol similar thing, in the U.S. and South Korean human society controversial [06/08]
The [Korean] W BBS Cup qualifying, with the Rising Sun flag football cheer "to learn the history," "war criminal flag is the same as the swastika" Japan ★ 6 [06/05]

22: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/06/17 (Mon) 23:10:21.28 ID: g81pvNer
1 >>

It is! Begin to regulate the concentration line never really

A fool? No such just stupid? N? > Chung

5: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/06/17 (Mon) 23:06:51.00 ID: xMTi54pK
~ Geez's push, you can only laugh! w

6: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/06/17 (Mon) 23:07:00.54 ID: 7kgGmy3U
Those who lived in the world without the sun is not it?

11: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/06/17 (Mon) 23:08:20.25 ID: dIBbMSTq
Stupid ethnic be caught in one's own trap
Nobody probably evidence you did not care until now

29: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/06/17 (Mon) 23:12:27.27 ID: Msus6I1O
Www or that stupid dog like chase its tail

150: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/06/17 (Mon) 23:54:17.25 ID: a15Z85ks
141 >>
I think that? The guy who was supposed to medal injunction when the Olympic Games
Guy who comment belly this is really standing in the apparent audience

70: 56 2013/06/17 (Mon) 23:25:00.02 ID: cCljSbFs
1 >>
I'll found stupid behavior patterns of the same pattern After foraging Cho w past log.

1: earthworm φ ★: 2012/07/21 (Sat) 19:42:41.99 ID:???
interpretation controversy is heating also visiting labeled a wartime mobilization Kayo day emperor sang when national events and military Inspector to "patriotic march" and "East Sea".

20 July 2012 (Sat) 21:34:21.55 ID:: 244: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶 `∀>' lckASjlF
Wait wait.
First of all inception of this discussion is that you guys

The "come out to the" patriotic march "," East Sea "is going to say one more thing a basis you were Koreans!"
And because he was the funny story like that?
Was started to say first Japanese jokes.

13: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/06/17 (Mon) 23:08:34.17 ID: xDzueRF2
And I are working to desperately to make the word war criminals flag
W do you not think it strange that there is no country that is saying to other peninsula, and, inexcusable

Peninsula people, too much is danced to the media

68: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/06/17 (Mon) 23:24:50.14 ID: S/7x1aLU
Country was annexed to Japan with no resistance whatsoever w such are fighting bravely and Japan after World War II most

40: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/06/17 (Mon) 23:14:44.32 ID: 7HHGmF7J
It is a war criminal nation, Koreans, which is also a national defeat (laughs)

You say ignoring the fact that Koreans also play a Katabo of war criminals, was defeated in together, it will say, stupid half-assed (laughs)

53: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/06/17 (Mon) 23:20:50.71 ID: x86fkqt2
If you think just the other day, football players in South Korea, and lied for prevarication, the lie is in the national policy.
History of the lie of Korea, and I was made to do this, events can be seen well.

107: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/06/17 (Mon) 23:36:49.14 ID: BIj37B0v
What is this, so I do have been put Ichamon to Japan Dodge to South Korea because it was that the guilty in football right?
I started good at this stage of the game Although I did not say anything for 60 years after the war might be about because there are things that you want Dodge Korea?

(Tue) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/18 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 00:01:40.01 ID:: 165 TGb5P + sk
• It is problematic in Britain Ki Sung-Yong is to imitate the monkey Paphos on the pitch
→ "Nida I saw the Rising Sun flag in the auditorium"

-Dokdo card → Korea media movement is hero → IOC simultaneously in London Olympics
→ "uniform Japanese gymnast is war criminal Nida flag!"

57: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/06/17 (Mon) 23:21:34.34 ID: YpRURd8Q
> That the Rising Sun flag image advertising has spread to senseless revealed.

, Not there is spread, what was not aware of much until now,
Because it was me, trying to be like "war criminal flag" in the opportunism of a sudden one day
Context and history that has just been made incoherent

21: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/06/17 (Mon) 23:10:03.19 ID: uAuCWflN
Rising Sun flag
http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/% E6% AD% E6% A5% E6% 97
> Is very popular as one of the design to symbolize Japan as a "Rising Sun" in Europe and the United States,
> In addition to that it be incorporated in the design which is the image of Japan in many cases,
> Case that foreign fans to cheer the Japanese team is in the stadium shake more than a few.

Koreans do not like Japan's popular in Europe and the United States
The Kyoben in the international community with a weapon emotions arbitrary complaint or "flag war criminal",
It's cavil to foreigners who have a liking to Japanese
In the act of destroying the international goodwill, and inexcusable resolutely

30: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/06/17 (Mon) 23:12:27.56 ID: 63 +1 KWPv
"Koreans of Japanese troops I'm not supposed to not be in protest you guys, Why is it? Wonder fought with me we Americans under the Rising Sun flag?" American

Korean and "unexpected bran tool"

88: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/06/17 (Mon) 23:29:57.72 ID: YZMrqCn9
However, it does not bite in the Asahi Shimbun far to fuss Why.
Although I think it's what the Rising Sun flag itself.

39: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/06/17 (Mon) 23:14:43.28 ID: dIBbMSTq
The Korea Masugomi stupid when I mention the Unification Church

Nika you can not touch the fear? ?


118: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/06/17 (Mon) 23:39:48.78 ID: 6QCmZH1X
Although I think that we should be excluded from school in the materials that you say protractor also a war criminal flag design basis soon.
The dangerous child is brainwashed and remains this.

121: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/06/17 (Mon) 23:40:19.65 ID: RKjGpZUG
Poster of President Obama (President Obama)
Bible With Cross American Stars Stripes
Jesus Christ Jesus Christ
Maria maria statue
Holy Grail Holy Grail
Stars and Stripes Stars Stripes
phototalk.exblog.jp / iv / detail / index.asp? s = 10673751 & i = 200902/16/86/c0199386_4493416.jpg
sekiai.net / others / Graphic / USABanner.jpg

138: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/06/17 (Mon) 23:49:36.09 ID: RKjGpZUG
Seal of the United States ADEQ
www.azdeq.gov / function / about / history.html
Logo of U.S. companies Days Inn
en.wikipedia.org / wiki / Days_Inn
Logo of U.S. companies Folgers
en.wikipedia.org / wiki / Folgers
Seal of Kansas
en.wikipedia.org / wiki / Seal_of_Kansas
Seal of Oregon
en.wikipedia.org / wiki / Seal_of_Oregon

(Tue) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/18 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 00:04:43.87 ID:: 172 PwmnfDZg
Koreans fought to the UN along with the Japanese.
It would have been waving the Rising Sun flag than anyone else.

I forget conveniently (laughs)

(Tue) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/18 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 00:13:12.74 ID:: 192 jUsYmIBE
There are human beings that you are spoofing laughing matter, but I though might be suffering from thought to be torn off the body for the party
How do you yourself become likely to be killed by murderers, then when it is no longer shall not Ika live in a world that was filled with portraits of the killer?
Japan I wonder no longer can be considered from time to become the position of the other party. It is too silly or rather bad faith

(Tue) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/18 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 00:17:52.49 ID:: 203 yxHI3CPe
192 >>
The fight as Japanese at that time, it would leave even want nickname of Korea bar child in Chicago
Korea with BC class war criminals are produced of many was happening to me?

(Tue) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/18 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 00:18:54.45 ID:: 205 p0C9XVpN
192 >>
In terms of the example, are you doing in South Korea Do not He keeps such like are screaming like "! Suck ass face because you have gouge trauma" to catch from one end the human face is a bit like.
Besides, things happen in the trauma of mutual hostility in almost.

78: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/06/17 (Mon) 23:27:35.50 ID: N2kJOUTi
South Korea is no good anymore.

I believe the victims are all correct and.

Scary brainwashing education, monster outrageous future so springing crawling

(Tue) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/18 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 00:19:33.92 ID:: 207 vAzBIzbx
China intense Korean mosquitoes, I do not come to this bite Xi Jinping since
W wonder if wait-and-see indeed

104: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/06/17 (Mon) 23:36:38.64 ID: xdMVvR00
(Maybe) it would be one of the few in history,
We It looks are you see now, the country in which the Do ruined by stupid.
ラベル:the Rising Sun flag
posted by nokija at 08:00| News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

Japan and South Korea currency swap extension opposition

Can South Korea do say"please"?
[Korean] Buddha statue theft
Satsuki Katayama member
"Attitude stole" that fake "has led to the public opinion of Japan and South Korea currency swap extension opposite"

Work Konakatta original voice actor φ ★ 2013/06/17 (Mon) 16:45:18.36 ID that came back: 1:??
The Korea, I began to claim extraordinary.
Tangible cultural property of the prefecture specified Korean thieves remains stolen in October last year from Nagasaki Prefecture Tsushima, has enjoined the return to Japan of "Kanzeonbosatsu seated", "possibility of fake" he said South Korea's paper reported.
Officials of the Japanese side shaking with anger "Do not bother to return to the excuse of denial". Effect matures next month "Japan-Korea currency exchange (swap) agreement" to also likely come out.

The 13th, as a result of experts South Korea's analysis of the photos Kanzeonbosatsu seated, Chosun Ilbo holes of the rectangle always there in casting method (2) traditional Signs that was colored with chemicals (1) surface - Not as such,
I reported that "the decision not to those made in the casting technology of traditional Korea, and those made in the 20th century".

Seen in 1330, and made of the Korean Peninsula of Goryeo era, this statue that more than 600 years, Kanonji of Tsushima has been defended important.
Korean thieves who stole has been arrested, loose rock temple in Korea claimed that "something that was looted in the 14th century". February this year, Daejeon District Court of South Korea decided to temporary injunction to enjoin the time being the return to Japan, the Japanese side has been strong opposition.

"Fake theory" is a translation has emerged in these circumstances, but Tsushima Board of Education puzzle shows a slight "I only see on photos only, rather than the result of the investigation properly, and can not comment" he said.

Takashi Tanaka section before the chief priest of Kwan Yin is also referred to as "not be socializing and Korean", and told.

While keep stealing "Kannon statue, initially, the Korean side has denounced us as those" which was looted in Japanese pirates to "Goryeo era.
Do you feel such escape as "(do not return from) a fake Buddha" in the top it off. Is not it Buddha's heart to them. "

There is a "non-Mogo Commandment (fifth floor Let Fumo)," "non-theft Commandment (Fuchu Tokai)" and the teachings of Buddhism. The former means "shall not steal those of others", the latter is the meaning of "Do not lie".
It can be said that regardless of the ethnicity or nationality, and universal morality as a human being.

In the Japanese side ownership of Buddha any genuine any. Fake that I want you to become a country of adults who know the common sense of the world in "South Korea. Immediately, Katayama Satsuki Mr. Minister Parliamentary Secretary should get back.
that "should be understood that this kind of attitude has led to public opinion in Japan and South Korea currency swap extension opposite.

The Korea-Japan currency swap agreement, lessons learned from the Asian currency crisis, and in an attempt to Ao and flexibility for the currency in the event of an emergency, it was signed in 2005.
Never after the war, Japan fell into a currency crisis, in fact, it's agreement to stabilize the vulnerable Korean Won.
Of the $ 13 billion worth total limit, $ 3 billion worth of Bank of Korea and the Bank of Japan has signed a expires on July 3.
Battle for the extension, gold Zhong Xiu governor of the Bank of Korea will not disturb the high horse and "possible if the benefit for both Japan and South Korea".

Katayama asserts.

"It is!" If the benefit to the "Japan-Korea both, real. Japanese and Korean currency swap ridiculous, is a credit enhancement to Korea by Japan. Not deserve to ask for an extension from Japan" (Azumi Akiko)


From [Korea] Tsushima or "fake"? Buddha theft [06/13]
[Korean] Buddha statue theft Nagasaki "intellectuals have been designated cultural property, there is no comment on the fake theory of Chosun Ilbo" [06/15]
[Japan and Korea] Bank of Korea Yoo Sande international director "The Bank of Korea, Japan and South Korea currency swap extension is not a problem to be discussed already." [06/10]
[Japan-Korea economic] Korea side "extension of the Korea-Japan currency swap agreement, no need to show a weak attitude to Japan. Status quo conclusion at the end of the month later this" ★ 3 [06/11]
[Japan and Korea] currency swap agreement, Kan Secretary ★ 4 [06/10] "Study in the global point of view as long extension request from the Korean government."

234: liquor ◆ VSOP51jGtE 2013/06/17 (Mon) 23:29:11.23 ID: 6dfsuJDY
1 >>
W or "not return so, because it was something that was stolen from South Korea" and "fake"

In other words, "those of South Korea, all fake" Therefore, w Do not yo thing

7: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/06/17 (Mon) 16:49:09.93 ID: Kn9mzJf5
When you have to be to come back to Japan without a doubt it is "fake"

11: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/06/17 (Mon) 16:52:05.45 ID: tXKH3mJn
7 >>
Theory armed do not return because it is fake will not necessarily return

13: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/06/17 (Mon) 16:52:34.16 ID: 7Ne98RSs
7 >>
I eh
With to be like a fake Buddha stolen, it will swap White extension by returning fake
It's while you are making fake look-alike now

228: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/06/17 (Mon) 22:32:17.27 ID: xdT/I1q1
13 >>

I wonder what about.

Had been stolen from Japan in return fake, made in the twentieth century.

Then, designated a national treasure in Korea genuine original temple that was its original after that is because it was discovered by accident.

32: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/06/17 (Mon) 16:59:10.55 ID: QAeut / xu
I also I thought whether the public opinion building 's "Nida that pressed against the Chopari quickly because it is fake"
I whether the the "Iinida and not returned to the Chopari because fake".
Slant on expected

18: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/06/17 (Mon) 16:54:44.88 ID: M8oS7Bq3
> Real Japanese and Korean currency swap is a credit enhancement to Korea by Japan.
> Not deserve to ask for an extension from Japan

GJ I said well

26: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/06/17 (Mon) 16:56:06.22 ID: UEA3cG5E
Itself next to South Korea and it would be a Butsubatsu
It is nowadays feel like that is> <

34: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/06/17 (Mon) 16:59:32.34 ID: sONPYQvM
Priest www

What Is not it Buddha's heart, and I w is no way there is to them
Not robbery commandments also not Mogo Commandment also www does not communicate in 'em

207: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/06/17 (Mon) 19:44:30.15 ID: T3qwYYye
34 >>
Be irony. Korean temple because I'm involved in the theft at all.
Do not I know if monk? I think it's Ora

75: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/06/17 (Mon) 17:15:34.15 ID: MFsy4T8t
Nante appraisal Korean like are saying pile of curse of Japanese colonial and (feng shui) surveying the pile that struck Japan's annexation of the Korean Peninsula in
Those who believe the w 's funny

121: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/06/17 (Mon) 17:31:11.39 ID: khsn8Ag4
Japan-Korea swap'm not a beggar, kneeling down on the ground of Korea fundamentally
Logical to try to deny it'll not break down

161: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/06/17 (Mon) 18:10:53.01 ID: bsabe4j6
South Korea would be fatal if you swap it stop

172: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/06/17 (Mon) 18:22:06.41 ID: 9ODdbF + j
161 >>
Because he weathered in Noda swap time and most painful
And I will be going on in the bull
China Na 's not necessarily spits out the money if you hit and want to see Japan
Fun future is waiting no doubt

116: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/06/17 (Mon) 17:28:22.31 ID: dttSOH7I
Themselves from a very do not even apologize to the annoying habit apology, and compensation is usually

197: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/06/17 (Mon) 19:09:00.21 ID: fo1KEn16
Koreans are good very ethnic groups to the selection of the worst at the worst possible time.
posted by nokija at 07:00| News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

Japanese right-wing cartoon "giant advance"

Korea National Assembly will be in confusion in the interpretation of the anime

1: call φ ★ 2013/06/15 (Sat) specialized sub 13:04:51.61 ID:???
It is gaining popularity by drawing the desperate struggle of human beings placed in danger of extinction with the advent of cannibalism giant
Japan cartoon have been caught up in controversy 'right-wing' suddenly. Some Nurikun
(※ Internet users) was put on the blog of writer-Isayama Hajime
Controversy began by introduced by translating the sentence.

He has respect for Japan military Akiyama antiquarian blog writer Hajime According to this Nurikun,
Sentence Pyxis person who appears in giant advance made to model the Akiyama raised
That's right there. My name is added a word beginning that they are respected Akiyama.
Akiyama is antiquarian and Qing day war a person who has assumed the army general in the Japanese Imperial era
It is said to be a person who participated in the Russo-war.

Pyxis they appear to (left) and Japan military antiquarian Akiyama (right)

Nurikun us the basis of other writers that right-wing controversy is greater
Was presented. 'Mikasa' is the one person in the character of Attack on Titan dew day war
One of th Nurikun us to present the terms of the same as the name of the Japanese battleship at the time
Is basis.

In addition, giant advance that are affected by novel of Ryotaro Shiba
Point is also one of the grounds. In the historical novel dealing with the Russo-war ,
A historical view of Japan seen as right-wing self-defense war Russo war with beautify the war of aggression of Japan
It is a novel that has received the criticism that has been reflected as it is.

Giant fan of advance does not prohibit E painful. In "Today de toque (Tokujiru of (※ geek
Declared that "the word) that quit Korea expression) was a row. Twitter
When you do so tweet giant bots advance (@ Eren_WY_bot) that stop the bot activity


Nurikun who do not agree with the opinion that the right-wing cartoon giant march also were many on the other hand.
Is it can be viewed as a right-wing just because I respect the historical figure first
There is a criticism to. The writer is a separate piece of the propensity of the writer as well as a right-wing
Pointed out to say or not a problem but many. The Japanese Ani not only giant advance in particular
The only problem giants dare to advance is put the militaristic elements of Japan in large part
Refutation were many on whether there is a reason to or. A giant march against this
Nurikun who claim to be the right-wing cartoon spit out the criticism, "there is no historical consciousness" and
Directly below.

On the other hand, tilt the interest even the reality of South Korea than or a problem by placing the Japanese manga
Opinion that there must also were many.


Cho Yunho reporter

▲ Media Today (2013/06/13 15:38)

■ black history currently in progress (10/4/2010 03:37)
Sorry for the update is stuck! To reply!

(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/15 (` c') Mr. ('? ω ? `) 13:49:46.00 ID:: 170 inBVyBfr
1 >>
Or two, you'll not look from the very beginning if Japan hate, yet w Bakka will crack

(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/15 (` c') Mr. ('? ω ? `) 14:25:46.56 ID:: 288 ZjVqZ0bl
1 >>
"Russo-Japanese War is war of aggression Japan" even?
Not a backer?
Ignorant guy I your mouth shut so far.
Far'm stupid? The Koreans that w

(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/15 (` c') Mr. ('? ω ? `) 16:01:06.13 ID:: 868 rQSKBtVw
1 >>
People who participated in the Russo-war and Qing day war war criminal?

(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/15 (` c') Mr. ('? ω ? `) 13:07:23.58 ID:: 4 79eStzAg
Reaction of other overseas
I'm stupid Korea? Because wwwwwwwwwwww

(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/15 (` c') Mr. ('? ω ? `) 13:08:42.38 ID:: 6 oihqlaK9
First of all these guys probably illegal viewing
Domo is shameless

(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/15 (` c') Mr. ('? ω ? `) 13:09:56.02 ID:: 10 qlhuEogO
Na I do not have to see dare If it has an unpleasant feeling to see.
There are a lot of things like that in Japan anime.

(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/15 (` c') Mr. ('? ω ? `) 13:11:49.72 ID:: 20 tsiVsWMy
2013/06/15 (Sat) 10:24:03.32 ID:: 2BlIjl1j0 [2/2] [sage] Posted Anonymous is on account of the author: 538 Name
Large-scale coverage in Korea

"Giant advance" is, right-wing cartoon of Japan?
(Korean source)

That correspondence study of giant advance in Korea ordinary Diet session next week
expected to bipartisan requests to abort the broadcast sales to Japan side

Giant advance also dangerous

157 >>
Oke I know about it

Korean government pressure blackout Korea Oh character is not like you can fart
Flames broadcast end by Go Koreans Hikaru lost to hero
The Juli create postponement hurriedly pressure and Capcom to make a Street Fighter Korean character
Large criticism claim Korea becomes the strongest civilization pressure postponement Korean civilization is too weak and put out the Civ Korean civilization

(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/15 (` c') Mr. ('? ω ? `) 13:12:55.06 ID:: 24 HQCmq9vB
By the way, but its Sino-Russo-Japanese War, do not the day morning Why war?
In the doing to you, Lana ('? ω ? `)

Saturday specialized ajia 2013/06/15 13:13:06.83 ID:: 25 36zAmwJe
Akiyama antiquarian The Na I was one of the heroes of modern Japan.
The have a large number of Japanese to be respected of course.
The Matsuriageru as a hero of the country assassin, a terrorist
Unlike ethnic humble, the team won the fight fair and square for the country
To respect the military, it's honor is natural.

Well, Do not Do not be come involved in Japan before it, so annoying anymore!

(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/15 (` c') Mr. ('? ω ? `) 13:14:19.60 ID:: 28 KBtEgGu1
It's a country to ban the screening Grave of the Fireflies. It's a good one to be seen.

Korean'll em that you do not put the watch or concentrate line of red white anime of all, I put Japanese flag, with kimono and out the other.

(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/15 (` c') Mr. ('? ω ? `) 15:02:21.34 ID:: 521 QHpqMfba
30 >>
This is also left the fan Kankokujin because it is illegal default view
This is I'm a zero economic harm. There is a great benefit to Japan just minutes you do not see here.

(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/15 (` c') Mr. ('? ω ? `) 13:19:01.85 ID:: 42 WxS28ThD
That Koreans' s no longer the Yoritsuka

Reverse law is invoked, do not come determination of Hollywood movie

(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/15 (` c') Mr. ('? ω ? `) 13:20:44.06 ID:: 52 io4rBIQo
If you hero Sino-Japanese War, the Russo-Japanese War, I do Ja heroic but also for Korea?

(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/15 (` c') Mr. ('? ω ? `) 13:22:23.89 ID:: 59 k77BXmur
Give a fuck also is not it going to be viewing boycott Because not pay money to the content guys Chi try smelt in
Do not harassment because of poor quality in a group to authors

Advance because it is already popular abroad, Chung'll Sorry to you not only to the enemy in Japan country

(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/15 (` c') Mr. ('? ω ? `) 13:24:38.89 ID:: 64 OprAqkJx
I've never seen but should I recovered banned prior to development in international issues is in good for me?

(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/15 (` c') Mr. ('? ω ? `) 13:28:32.06 ID:: 85 VKIl4Ejq
64 >>
Such as international issues, In No rotten thy head in cartoon

(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/15 (` c') Mr. ('? ω ? `) 13:30:29.40 ID:: 95 79eStzAg
64 >>
If it Ya~tsu
OTA from abroad other than Korea what it
Korea Furubokko

(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/15 (` c') Mr. ('? ω ? `) 13:44:45.29 ID:: 157 6ME6lKMZ
64 >>
You are in article "Koreans author HP cyber attack me fire disease" What in the anime series overseas sites already.
Have become an international problem on its own, but there is no problem from being in flow Koreans are accused of course.

(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/15 (` c') Mr. ('? ω ? `) 14:14:21.22 ID:: 256 IhXzSSy6
233 >>
In fact, >> Akiyama antiquarian seems to have been Motemote in Europe in Japan

However, whether the stupid me "Japan military war criminals" Even though people Nisshin, the Russo-Japanese War.

(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/15 (` c') Mr. ('? ω ? `) 13:26:11.26 ID:: 71 FGM3n1 / f
What's Nurikun Though a word to see from a mobile shop terrorism cover of Italy
It seems to point Nuri "world"-kun "people" = Internet users

Did not think netizens?

(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/15 (` c') Mr. ('? ω ? `) 13:59:57.82 ID:: 200 JbmkNtKH
71 >>
Means "net user" in Korean "Nurikun"
what Nuri (world) + Hami (net) + kun (human) was shortened. From the point of view of Korean Junka movement, National Language Institute in Korea devised as the term "netizens" alternative.

In the same idea with the kanji word exclusion, it 's like I made with the English exclusion

(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/15 (` c') Mr. ('? ω ? `) 13:29:45.71 ID:: 91 dhEPncGQ
Japanese animation
It is too early stuff 100 years to Korean
Country elsewhere is to know how to enjoy

(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/15 (` c') Mr. ('? ω ? `) 13:31:57.93 ID:: 103 + b0M1M3J
91 >>
Though it is a tremendous future even after 10 years in Korea time, Nante 100 years later ...

(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/15 (` c') Mr. ('? ω ? `) 13:30:07.58 ID:: 93 + yf1Vzn3
Author w Te because right-wing

Do not do not know well the definition of right-wing Japanese say they

(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/15 (` c') Mr. ('? ω ? `) 13:37:39.34 ID:: 123 oihqlaK9
93 >>
All right guy you do not love to Korea

(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/15 (` c') Mr. ('? ω ? `) 13:40:21.88 ID:: 133 + yf1Vzn3
123 >>
And, but in this case, then it does not become a hot topic at all such as South Korea originally
W that I do not know well what to In angry

(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/15 (` c') Mr. ('? ω ? `) 13:41:42.22 ID:: 139 onu08vzA
133 >>
Be the same as the Rising Sun flag, do not I just, struggling on its own in the image of recall on its own
How to put Ichamon and w 's professional grade

(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/15 (` c') Mr. ('? ω ? `) 13:34:17.57 ID:: 109 WxS28ThD
I Na I have noticed

Korean fussing me right Nida all Japanese goods that you are not repugnant.
Does not matter what reason is bad or.
Only ugly jealousy that comes from longing for Japan.

Grave of fireflies even far-right animation.

(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/15 (` c') Mr. ('? ω ? `) 13:41:49.82 ID:: 140 + b0M1M3J
However, if there is any thing that mocks the Korea blatantly more What anime late at night?
Could they not seen anything like that?

(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/15 (` c') Mr. ('? ω ? `) 13:43:25.10 ID:: 149 NshAqdC1
Japanese hate Korea do not see the Korean drama, I could not hear as well K-POP,
Why Korean anti-Japanese or are you looking at the Japanese animation?

Or not there is no pride Koreans?

(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/15 (` c') Mr. ('? ω ? `) 13:55:01.22 ID:: 184 OprAqkJx
Disgraceful discrimination

(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/15 (` c') Mr. ('? ω ? `) 13:58:51.89 ID:: 197 NC0k6pHo
You give out, but its content geek even in Korea, When you stop the geek only circumstances in Japan,
In are you know even synonymous with admit geek content in Korea do not deserve to see as a geek?

216: Ninpocho [Lv = 40, xxxPT] (1 Tasu0:9) [TEPCO 90.3%] 2013/06/15 (Sat) 14:05:26.39 ID: qxX8eINJ
197 >>
In the sales ranking of cartoon Ranobe bookstore Korea
Most'm not contain only one or two are made in Korea in the works of the Japanese top 20

(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/15 (` c') Mr. ('? ω ? `) 14:02:12.98 ID:: 205 vjEjHcv +
Apology after another request from the Korean people under the authorship people

It is likely to be taken up by the Korea National Assembly finally

"Giant advance" is, right-wing cartoon of Japan?
(Korean source)

That correspondence study of giant advance in Korea ordinary Diet session next week
expected to bipartisan requests to abort the broadcast sales to Japan side

(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/15 (` c') Mr. ('? ω ? `) 14:03:30.02 ID:: 206 PqJ4CMyg
205 >>
W These guys really stupid

(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/15 (` c') Mr. ('? ω ? `) 14:06:01.53 ID:: 218 + yf1Vzn3
205 >>
For example, do you seek to Japanese side? w
Because he seems taking license once
And of Ne Ja should be sought for a company of South Korea If you're requested to abort?

The as seek to Japan, grounds What's the? w

(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/15 (` c') Mr. ('? ω ? `) 14:33:42.63 ID:: 322 A + DBc9bC
218 >>
The license fee in accordance with the agreement put an end to the Korean company
Have to pay.
And then not pay the license agreement discarded and put an end to Japan
It could be from compensation in breach of contract if you well.

(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/15 (` c') Mr. ('? ω ? `) 14:38:46.94 ID:: 343 + yf1Vzn3
322 >>
However, there is a pro-Japanese elements if the Korean company
It seems I should in such as, I'll apply the pro-Japanese sin if you do not stop

How do you put an end to Japan I'd got to
You are doing in business, and gold also because not running
And I think if you do not present a good reason, and shall not to be like that found yes

Other such as the National Assembly come out in such a problem, w that I do not know why it is too different dimension

(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/15 (` c') Mr. ('? ω ? `) 14:03:34.54 ID:: 207 WXTrOVXN
Do not because much of 鮮人 are you saying this to say that such Hiroshi world
Those guys be seen whether Minjoku a shit how

(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/15 (` c') Mr. ('? ω ? `) 14:04:35.35 ID:: 211 5/1tOzU9
207 >>
W Na dumb of intrinsic or rather fucking

(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/15 (` c') Mr. ('? ω ? `) 14:13:21.38 ID:: 251 2pTgfusc
America at that time I do not it was blown from the various South Korea 's became anti-Japanese?
With university construction Yara hospital by pulling infrastructure to Aborigines state of those that are only exploitation
The Tsu willl only Urama unilaterally like this was to let me be modernized Korea It's a funny story
Although I think it is too unnatural fire that disease and to that continues to compensation much after the war ...
Japan but I wonder hate a prime now Well ...

272: Ninpocho [Lv = 40, xxxPT] (1 Tasu0:9) [TEPCO 89.8%] 2013/06/15 (Sat) 14:19:52.06 ID: qxX8eINJ
251 >>
I made for the Syngman Rhee becomes the liberator from the emperor ruled the day rascally
Propaganda of Urinara Fantasy
If we may vote to do it also anti-Japanese military dictatorship after, and it will do not say that was a lie at this late hour

What it would fuss over compensation waiver of Japan-Korea agreement was concealed until 2005

(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/15 (` c') Mr. ('? ω ? `) 14:21:26.75 ID:: 276 46KJKZDV
272 >>
> What it would fuss over compensation waiver of Japan-Korea agreement was concealed until 2005

Do not be. Those guys that'll even be defiant of the Treaties already.

(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/15 (` c') Mr. ('? ω ? `) 14:23:52.83 ID:: 284 k77BXmur
251 >>
No, belly and stand by being dressed turn it on when I have kindness to those guys, and then it is nature to hate the opposite
Swan when I divided the food in both Han was the ventral watermark by sightings of French
After eating it, and wrote a shame being sold on the likes of Swan, What killed off and the swan of the benefactor

(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/15 (` c') Mr. ('? ω ? `) 14:49:53.18 ID:: 407 i3ax9jUn
Wwwwwwwwwww white without permission

Korean wwwwwwwwwww will too childish

(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/15 (` c') Mr. ('? ω ? `) 16:16:53.89 ID:: 937 zczydLj /
Or over one, Mikasa is w I care at the time of the battleship Mikasa

(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/15 (` c') Mr. ('? ω ? `) 16:21:40.21 ID:: 956 w6KX2rL3
946 >>
Far from the Russo-Japanese War, like do not let done most world history itself.

Saturday, No. 18 demon daughter-in-law Nikki Krillin chairman ◆ 0vu.ugU20s 2013/06/15 16:22:53.45 ID:: 961 qx + vr +93
956 >>
I heard do not tell most world history from being not matter ...

Saturday Choshu vulture ◆ 82VQn4hR3A 2013/06/15 16:23:47.14 ID:: 965 s7YRr3Hm
961 >>
Or rather, lie the history of Korea and then come out w
ラベル:Attack on Titan
posted by nokija at 06:00| News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

Samsung shares plunge, followed by selling of foreign investors[06/14]

price in today is...

Work Konakatta original voice actor φ ★ 2013/06/14 (Fri) 13:35:41.95 ID that came back: 1:??
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. in the Seoul stock market, had asked the highest value has plummeted.
The stock price plunge of giant companies by market capitalization after all, accounts for 20% of the listed companies of the entire South Korea,
Decline Composite Stock Price Index (KOSPI) out any tangles. Market fell into confusion.

Samsung Electronics shares had plummeted June 7, 2013. In closing, it was 1.427 million won 94,000 won previous day (6.18%) lower.
Decline became the size second only to 7.5% when I lost the intellectual property rights lawsuit with Apple in August 2012.

Cut-out investors report by JP Morgan of the U.S. Securities and giant revealed this day.
In the editorial of June 10, Chosun Ilbo Japanese version was reported as "Korea strains confused by only report of foreign securities".

JP Morgan in the report, then sales of flagship smartphones Samsung Electronics to sell the "Galaxy S4" is lower than expected,
Pull down to 1.9 million from 2.01 million won won the initial target price, the predicted "performance to enter the recession third quarter of this year from (July-September)" he said.

Operating profit of Samsung Group as a whole in 2012 was 39 trillion won, profits of mobile phone business accounted for 19 trillion won about half of this.
Therefore, I point out, "foreign securities companies threw sell Samsung Electronics Co. at a stretch" and (Chosun Ilbo).

Although visible and 1.425 million won 2,000 won (0.1%) fell, to calm or a little 10 days of the beginning of the week,
And 1.389 million won 36,000 won (2.5%) fell, had broken the 1.4 million won is that of the 28th since January, in the following the 11th.
Market capitalization based on the closing price 11 days in 204 trillion 598 billion won, compared with based on the closing price of the 4th June,
I will be market capitalization also blew the 22 trillion won more than just one week.

In addition, 1.385 million won 4000 won the previous day ratio of 0.3% depreciation of the 12th.
Spread the width down again, at 1.357 million won 28,000 won (2.02%) fell, and continued to fall 5 days on the 13th.
Of foreign investors "sell" seems to have followed.

"Has been confirmed once again that investors in Korea to believe unconditionally report that foreign securities company has announced a large" -.
Chosun Ilbo reported that so, the sharp drop in Samsung shares. Also Asia currency crisis at the time of 1997,
The report called "Hikiagero now from Korea" of a securities company in Hong Kong has worsened the situation,
"Foreign investors and sell all at once Korea shares at report of only one, large investors in Korea was also peppered sell order one after another" this time
And, it was Yu overseas investors "dominate" the Seoul stock market situation.

On the other hand, (June 12 date 2013) Nihon Keizai Shimbun under the heading "Samsung shares plummet, signs of decline market be wary of" growing myth "" of,
Stagnation of the mainstay of "Galaxy S4" is analyzed as "has led to the concern of the slowdown in growth of the Samsung whole".
Upset was spread on the market, it is seen as "big afterimage of Apple stock prices is persistent's in between the investor",
From the observation of poor sales of "iPhone5" and concerns of slowing profit growth, as well as Apple shares stalled since late 2012,
It is a short-term view of the product life of the "Galaxy" series and weaken the growth of Samsung.

However, Nomura Securities pointed out that as "overkill (plunge Samsung shares) market concerns for the smartphone business".


ECONOMY Samsung Electronics Co. crash, exposure ★ 2 [06/08] danger of overemphasis smartphone
[Korean economy] Samsung Electronics shares fell 3 percent, concern sluggish sales of mobile [06/11]
[Korean] financial authorities, received a Samsung stock selling by foreign investors start [06/13] a centralized monitoring
Were confused by the only report of Chosun Ilbo [/ editorial] foreign securities Korea share [06/10]

Ask http://awabi.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/news4plus/1369316250/349

(Friday) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 14:54:10.39 ID:: 86 uTI8WYT2
1 >>
Manufacture of toys, such smartphone is like why I'm not rack up 1/5 of the national wealth to the main company.
If you say in Japan, it will mon 20%, such as that to earn the SCE and Nintendo.

New hard When moss, and yan lean country

(Friday) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 15:11:55.48 ID:: 110 s / 8 + ZVU5
1 >>

The 80 million won a year or two ago
1.5 million won'll's 1.4 million won to say that it has now dropped

200,000 won and dates back to 10 years ago for that matter

It will not rejoice yet Although Zutai has became more big

Do it more you guys

(Friday) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 13:37:36.33 ID:: 7 KpPes0zR
The Nida has plunged together are mistaken for Japanese stocks!
And (ry an apology and compensation

(Friday) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 13:40:46.41 ID:: 12 P0qrRsdN
7 >>
W What say by now to keep using Sumo Fuji and the CM

(Friday) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 13:39:02.07 ID:: 9 0o2UNn45
Country is a translation to imitate to the right and "Nida! So Nida! So" you do not even have shit in "comfort women Nida!".

(Friday) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 13:41:44.61 ID:: 14 0Kwp4I4S
President and change, "state-owned enterprise conglomerates" of South Korea will vary accordingly.
Web pages somewhere, I read recently such a story.

(Friday) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 13:43:46.69 ID:: 16 qTdk5vhT
14 >>
But Did not you did not like that a tie Kunekune.

(Friday) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 13:45:09.70 ID:: 20 HgpZiVD6
16 >>
I have a 恨 to Samsung

(Friday) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 13:46:13.09 ID:: 23 txYkiqOH
> By market capitalization, I account for 20% of the listed companies of the entire South Korea

Integrally with what 's the economy (' ・ ω ・ `)

(Friday) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 13:49:12.37 ID:: 27 rHCA9GoY
23 >>
It seems such a state

ECONOMY Samsung Electronics Co. crash, exposure ★ 2 [06/08] danger of overemphasis smartphone

Samsung Electronics raised operating income 8 trillion 780 billion won (about 762 billion yen) in the first quarter.
This corresponds to about 30% of the operating profit of listed companies of the entire Korea.

It was what radio division (6 trillion 510 billion won) to produce a smartphone began to earn 74% of them.

(Friday) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 13:56:29.77 ID:: 37 4z4CVnwe
27 >>
One company in Japan as well as did not issue a profit of about 500 billion yen, but does not have much

Korea, gonna die? W Na's state

(Friday) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 14:01:10.73 ID:: 43 QPAysqdd
27 >>
What country is suffering from a galaxy ....

(Friday) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 13:49:32.19 ID:: 28 NJw7a4L9
Korean government, w it seems to be moving on buying support
I'm country gibberish, really.

(Friday) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 13:51:41.76 ID:: 32 fGmF9Ozn
In, many times? What's collapse Kita country is shit?
W such yo there three or four times a year
I or occult plate, this thread
I also hope because the collapse seriously, w tell me a sign of the collapse of the real you come

(Friday) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 13:53:54.19 ID:: 35 rHCA9GoY
32 >>
Resurrection After missing a pile of good curse to unplug
Collapse After remove the piles do not unplug

The w hanging on fake feng shui master all

(Friday) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 13:59:49.43 ID:: 40 zTWrUF18
Panasonic of Japan I had to face not mind can issue deficit of 750 billion
Samsung also survived Na'll be that much?

(Friday) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 14:00:50.63 ID:: 42 dkdLd4qU
Well IMF Mr. Kana start up soon?
I started to snuggle Shina blatantly, and I abandon this time and watch for another already? w

(Friday) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 14:05:41.93 ID:: 47 nQpVb1GO
42 >>
Not afford to have bothered to South Korea in full full of the EU IMF.

(Friday) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 14:09:23.31 ID:: 52 5AShDyN /
47 >>
Recently, monetary easing has gone too far, in the context of risk-on,
That Greek government bonds such as are popular among investors.

I wish I was bubble and credit crunch to live together in difficult times.

(Friday) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 14:13:55.91 ID:: 58 nQpVb1GO
52 >>
I think speculative money and I just too much for real demand simply.
As a result of continued economic measures to rely solely on monetary easing short
It will What does it I will continue flowing to risk assets that money does not really know unless this is done properly the (public works mainly) policy to increase the actual demand.

(Friday) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 14:20:31.34 ID:: 65 WXATh4dL
58 >>
You caught a value buying up resources first so if there is real demand to hand over 100 steps

(Friday) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 14:19:18.16 ID:: 64 5AShDyN /
I gather the capital Ottatete, in South Korea the billboards of trappings of Samsung,
Advertising technique, I think I was not bad.
I think I display the appearance of Korea, the ability of the bluff ad is high indeed. Japan 's poor.

Just Jazz up domestic demand while the bluff works for, and financial capital also should have been strengthened,
In fact, the luxury end by increasing the debt and just in here.

(Friday) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 14:43:50.33 ID:: 74 P68Exz2g
Come to think of it, it's to compensate countries out subsidies deficit of Korea power
Finished it?

If you do not and power saving, a thorough control of nuclear power plant
We're Gonna turn into the second coming of the Fukushima

(Friday) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 14:47:11.94 ID:: 80 0Kwp4I4S
What Samson of South Korea, one of the bubbles of Utakata well.
Guys that clung to it, Is to meet hardship of sinking.

"Korean" What Samson, and plus write in a hurry.
It mon strange you are confused with Samson coming out in mythology.

(Friday) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 14:58:48.93 ID:: 95 iO0xVHkr
91 >>
And Sam loss in Europe and the United States
It's me you slumped to a weaker yen, and www'll likely do not know meaning

(Friday) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 15:05:56.15 ID:: 100 ukpRxPd0
Indeed, began to hit the highest amount ever profit of Samsung last year! (Horuhoru
Na I had an article such Te?

If it is a company that has so much profitable, I'm there are a lot of retained earnings? (Grin

115: Yes large absolute @ Mobile 2013/06/14 (Fri) 15:17:51.32 ID: wmVJBTHm
Put the ignorant people of policies to swallow that you say for the media.
Now What if I become clever
Takeshima territorial theory and comfort women fraud contradiction is I would no longer through
Which is good?

(Friday) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 16:23:11.84 ID:: 134 UzI1Rc16
Debt of Samsung Group
? Article excerpt?
Liability of Samsung group of top business leaders, of '08
This year 172 trillion 615 billion won (about 13 trillion 60 billion yen) is
Increased 33.6% to (about 17 trillion 460 billion yen) 230 trillion 689 billion won,
? To here?

Assets of Samsung Group, does not reach 12 trillion yen.

Profit of Samsung Group, Samsung Electronics in circulation profits
(Profit close to zero even Samsung Life Insurance) to Focus on,
Overburden, \ 125 billion / year and interest payments to 100 billion yen more than the utmost
The dividend.

This, on top of the excessive debt, s too same day bankruptcy if Japan and the United States.

(Friday) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 16:34:37.15 ID:: 138 8p0rajFL
Haya, [because of international accounting system introduced.

(Friday) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 17:05:35.59 ID:: 146 Jb3Sx + ao
South Korea government'll buy Sasaero
Instead of national Nante'm sure even how much Samsung if survive?
The Tokaseyo any medical insurance before this time, because I've been melted pension
And die

(Friday) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 17:36:20.88 ID:: 152 w5MCNZhB
The crust crust crust and the crust and the crust and the crust crust run away all right all right top form great ...................! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

(Friday) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 19:29:31.23 ID:: 154 oCXVYYGb
Modus operandi of Judah gold very simple.

1. To report sales of flagship smartphone "Samsung Electronics' Galaxy S4" is less than expected JP Morgan.

2. "Foreign securities companies threw sell Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. at once" (Chosun Ilbo)

3. Stock plunge. Short sale heaven.

In a week, but blown 2.2 trillion yen Samsung market capitalization.

Jewish financial devil's, did you ended up with a trump card out of money so much? What is put option?
I think South Korea's economy, because it is huggy state to piggyback on "Samsung Electronics", that there is a considerable influence.

Because it is a bicycle in operation scraped together the Hizeni, Judah money, does not matter Narifuri.
TPP, consumption tax increase, I'm not a House of Councillors election fraud far from July. "Gasp condition not rampant of bankruptcy just before company", I will Witness and sake bottle.

22 trillion won market capitalization blew the Samsung shares plunge, just one week

2013/6/13 19:23

(Friday) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 19:54:47.49 ID:: 157 PnS8UvAC
National budget of Korea is on 342 trillion, 14 trillion is on me, do not you be accrued which
I Was in an uproar during this time.
22 trillion Evangelion is w It is quite optimistic 's chump change

(Friday) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 20:33:37.01 ID:: 164 EW8qpz4h
(It varies depending on stock price but) dividend yield of Samsung Electronics from 0.4 to 0.5 percent
It looks about like. By the way, is more than 1.5% if the Japanese electrical machinery.

In this, do not do if you feel like you have in dividend purpose.

(Friday) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 20:54:27.40 ID:: 166 fhEBozjY
Is it less than 2 trillion yen 's 22 trillion won
It much Na 's chump change if the world famous Samsung
Nothing w such yo no problem
posted by nokija at 03:00| News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

Kan Secretary [Japan-Korea swap agreement] as "considered in global terms if korea requests a extension"

"if korea requests a extension"

Quoted source: http://uni.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1370844272/

1: obscenity unit belongs φ ★ 2013/06/10 (Mon) 15:04:32.28 ID:??? 0
Kan Secretary of the "considered in global terms if extension request" Japan-Korea swap agreement
2013.6.10 13:31

Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga at a press conference in the morning on the 10th,
The correspondence in the case where there is an extension request from the Korean government expires in July "Japan-Korea currency exchange (swap) agreement" with respect
It said, "is a neighboring country, I want to consider standing in global point of view," and suggesting its intention to respond.

Kan pointed out that "In the future, it will consider between South Korea" for the extension of a deadline.
And said, "do not listen to it that there was at this time" for extended approached from the South Korean side.

$ 3,000,000,000 worth of $ 13 billion worth total limit is scheduled to expire on July 3 Japan-South Korea currency swap agreement.

$ 3 billion worth some [political] Japanese and Korean currency swap, ★ 4 or expire without this application without the extension from Korea

14: Nameless @ 13 anniversary can not be after (Mon) 15:06:17.33 ID: GqRisSL20
'If any request'
Look at you.

15: Nameless @ 13 anniversary can not be after (Mon) 15:06:18.02 ID: AkVTDwdW0
It was a short regime popular

18: Nameless @ 13 anniversary can not be after (Mon) 15:07:19.17 ID: g1ax66Pe0
And why it $ 3 billion worth of the $ 13 billion?
It Is not going to do just fine apart from me?

113: Nameless @ 13 anniversary can not be after (Mon) 15:13:22.90 ID: ZkoS76As0
18 >>
> And why it $ 3 billion worth of the $ 13 billion?
> It Is not made to be like that do just fine separately?

Do not think I do it and come down head for that.

20: Nameless @ 13 anniversary can not be after (Mon) 15:07:22.37 ID: oIvigUZO0
If you request
It can be useful to have the emphasis. He and colleagues from Na say Japan has done without permission

50: Nameless @ 13 anniversary can not be after (Mon) 15:09:31.49 ID: kYUDLP8i0
I do come to say really?
By requested When you request, Leonardo will also end up in domestic

66: Nameless @ 13 anniversary can not be after (Mon) 15:10:41.73 ID: tDImc0QhP
50 >>
I've been asked behind the scenes from the Japanese side

If Ihare and
He et al, w Do not believe because it

51: Nameless @ 13 anniversary can not be after (Mon) 15:09:42.25 ID: PeoWDC2F0
Only Yan Man Man will do

58: Nameless @ 13 anniversary can not be after (Mon) 15:09:59.57 ID: oYdNjD/20
Do not I used as a diplomatic card If you do do

136: Nameless @ 13 anniversary can not be after (Mon) 15:14:39.43 ID: 0LTibjmo0
Swindler Abe ww ww indeed that Japan has continued into the prostrate mode as expected Now

152: Nameless @ 13 anniversary can not be after (Mon) 15:15:27.84 ID: 7vfwGqMG0
1 >>
After refill
Definitely proportional, do not a big crushing defeat.

312: Nameless @ 13 anniversary can not be after (Mon) 15:24:46.09 ID: Nq8Ky8lj0
Global point of view ()
The wonder not turn off anyway

327: Nameless @ 13 anniversary can not be after (Mon) 15:25:38.42 ID: 0rfCJJSa0
I'm dead

345: Nameless @ 13 anniversary can not be after (Mon) 15:26:51.44 ID: kBhmcnxpP

352: Nameless @ 13 anniversary can not be after (Mon) 15:27:18.92 ID: DtHrfOdC0
Na or full of air to

362: Nameless @ 13 anniversary can not be after (Mon) 15:27:41.01 ID: YaTzolul0
I can not see only the composition that has requested extension Japan and kneeling down on the ground.

376: 149 can not be after (Mon) 15:28:23.59 ID: OEeycqqk0
I can not put it in the other LDP After Ya~tsu this indeed
posted by nokija at 01:00| News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

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