
To 20% power saving in the public sector Power supply and demand measures announced = South Korea

Hurricane and earthquake's not even come
All Nuclear power plant stopped at failure in korea

Can not be after (Fri) 17:46:23.09 ID: work Konakatta original voice actor φ ★ that came back: 1:??
The 31st, in response to that power flame of summer is a concern three nuclear power plants is to stop the operation, reduction of 20% or more maximum power usage of public institutions, Industry and Trade and Energy of Korea to large consumers of power has announced the enforcement of regulations aimed at conserve "power supply and demand measures" and against.

The 28th, Korea Nuclear Safety Commission decided the shutdown of Unit 1 nuclear power plant and new moon Castle Unit 2 nuclear power plant new hometown the installation of control cable test report has been forged was confirmed. Unit 1 New Kori that stop operation 8 days same reason has decided to extend the maintenance period, the worst past backup power drops to 1.98 million kilowatts are also contemplated.

According to the measures, all public institutions were reduced by 15 percent year-on-year monthly power usage, we decided to reduce more than 20% during peak hours of 2:00 to 5:00 pm. In addition to turn off the half of the lighting and set it to 28 degrees or more cooling temperature during peak hours.

It runs the emergency generator power supply and demand alarm "preparation and interest stage" in (from 3 million to 5 million kilowatts power reserve), the operation of cooling equipment "• Note of warning stage" in (from 1 million to 3 million kilowatts power reserve) stop. Were to be set to 26 degrees or more cooling temperature building large non-public institutions.
building cooling temperature regulation applies to about 68,000 locations in more than 100 kilowatts power contract. I extend 1-3 minute service interval of 13 metro lines in the metropolitan area during peak hours.

For large customers, it is recommended that you implement the power saving of 3-15% 4 hours a day (morning 10:00 to 11:00, 2:00 to 5:00 pm) to up to 30 to 5 August found electricity demand is rapidly increasing seek. The target company is expected to be in the 28,036 companies of 5000 kilowatts or more contract power.
Raised up to three times the electricity charges during peak hours and peak day demand for electricity in the July-August, non-peak time to expand the fee-based enforcement to discount.

On the other hand, politics is also working on a power-saving measures. Largest opposition Democratic Party and the ruling Senuri Party has decided to attend the meeting and no tie from the same day.


Can not be after (Fri) 17:52:40.34 ID:: 14: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' bOf6016 +
It is and was trying to buy electricity from such countries such as power shortage disaster's not even going on
We're Gonna I'll sell electricity from Japan rather

Can not be after (Fri) 17:57:13.76 ID:: 23: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' 51YDZFx7
14 >>
Construction assembled from ('・ ω ・ `) design
Koreans get'm doing to repair maintenance management.
You get what I say without saying with this disaster.

Can not be after (Fri) 17:58:40.47 ID:: 25: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' jAIpz0EB
25% of the total usage supposed to be reduced to just stop the F5 roll.

Can not be after (Fri) 17:58:49.12 ID:: 26: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' ku2NvyeS
Reason for the nuclear power plant stopped ~ w Na says it national character

Can not be after (Fri) 17:58:59.54 ID:: 27: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' qwwyE + xB
The w'll's now north if attack
Can not be after (Fri) 18:13:51.43 ID:: 43: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' eM4ekMJy
Wwwww 's 20%
Wwwww but not been able to even 10% in Japan

Can not be after (Fri) 18:17:11.70 ID:: 45: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' I80RVYDG
If you've been a terrible waste of original electrical,
20% reduction in margin wonder about
No problems

47: Ninpocho [Lv = 40, xxxPT] (1 Tasu0:9): can not be after (Fri) 18:18:36.46 ID: YOGLLKdl
45 >>
About power shortage has occurred in either midsummer or midwinter or rather
Willing it was South Korea whether not afford .......

Can not be after (Fri) 18:29:42.46 ID:: 57: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' yHH2Iizj
This dope but also power, w and will are you told you do not have a nuclear power plant
W easy, because should I have to power 20% power saving

Can not be after (Fri) 18:31:01.50 ID:: 58: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' 0UIE2elD
That one?
Nuclear power plant in Korea I thought you were really safe?

Can not be after (Fri) 18:32:21.14 ID:: 60: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' 7 + APsbJU
Which is Wakan'ne do is earthquake country

Can not be after (Fri) 18:33:25.52 ID:: 62: (`c ')' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' PaTN + XgV
60 >>
Japan earthquake attaked country
Korean man-made failed country

ラベル:nuclear power plant
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