
[Korean economy]negative impact on korea economy

South Korea to go away from the United States rapidly
[Korean] "against Iran economic sanctions, negative impact on our economy" [06/26]

Work Konakatta original voice actor φ ★ 2013/06/27 (Thu) 00:18:41.48 ID that came back: 1:??
University officials in South Korea, was the term "sanctions against Iran by the U.S. has had a negative impact on the Korean economy" he said.

According to our Press TV, Kim Jonsuku Dean of the Faculty of Economics of Korea, Hongik University, the
"We have a strong economic relationship with Iran, it is the face of failure by these sanctions.
I have said the South Korean economy and "has received the kind of damage.

Kim Dean, "the world economy with a focus on South Korea and the wide range of deeper cooperation in Asia"
At the meeting of 12th entitled, we made this assertion.
For two days from Tuesday the 25th, with the cooperation of MBRI and Korea Economic Research Institute, the conference kicked off in Tehran University in Iran.
Strengthening of the relationship between South Korea and Iran has become one of the purposes of this conference.

In this meeting, 40 domestic and foreign experts of Iran South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, and the United States attended,
We are considering experience problems and South Korea, for the expansion of international cooperation.
In addition, representatives of the Korea Economic Research Institute said, "Korea and Iran have economic ties for more than 50 years," said
I told "small and medium-sized companies have suffered damage by up to slowdown in exports and imports" he said.

From last summer, EU and the United States has exercised a new sanctions prohibiting transactions with Iran central bank and oil imports from Iran.
Always, America, Israel, its allies have been accused Iran is seeking military purposes in nuclear activities.

Iran denies these claims, signatory states of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation "NPT nuclear weapons,
It has been claimed as the Member States of the IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency, and "has the right of peaceful use of nuclear.

Representative of the IAEA also several times, and then inspect Iran's nuclear facilities, but have not found evidence that Iran's nuclear activities would be outside.

http://japanese.irib.ir/news/latest-news/item/38253- Korea, "sanctions against Iran, a negative impact on the Korean economy."

46: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/06/27 (Thu) 02:01:35.94 ID: auE + FvYH
1 >>
Korea w what is on the way to the non-aligned countries Shinachiku to instigate

50: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/06/27 (Thu) 05:37:42.62 ID: mBfK1EfE
No >> 1, probably due to football? w

12: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/06/27 (Thu) 00:28:58.10 ID: JWbCitJ9
If you from the United States, or Hey You mean I Soroero pace

14: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/06/27 (Thu) 00:31:23.40 ID: dNoEOp1H
And next ○ ○ 's bad or from the following
ラベル:negative impact
posted by nokija at 03:00| News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

Development of ammonia car

The Hontaku, I is the food of the Republic of Korea originated

Can not be after (Thu) 22:00:11.16 ID: work Konakatta original voice actor φ ★ that came back: 1:??

Announced the car (KIER) is powered by ammonia Korea Energy research Institute. Yonhap news reported.

It has not been clear of any car company is what is used specifically.
However, the car is running in a mixed fuel of gasoline and ammonia was mixed at a ratio of 7 to 3 in any case.
According to the KIER, The use of this fuel, CO2 emissions would be reduced by 70%.
Greenhouse gas is not generated ammonia even if the combustion.

According to KIER, ammonia fuel, if fuel system Ijire little, it is to be used easily.
For expensive, ammonia is not suitable for mass use at present.
But it is the near future, manufactured faster and cheaper, will be done.

Quoted source http://awabi.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/news4plus/1369918811/

4: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ') says: can not be after (Thu) 22:01:38.51 ID: 3erGIPUW

Hontaku car.

It can not be after (Thu) 22:02:15.58 ID:: BuEs7xdL hermitage ◆ ddCcroSSko to Pira: 6

... How to make ammonia,
You will be using the Haber-Bosch process ....

Like a big waste.
14: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ') says: can not be after (Thu) 22:04:46.64 ID: sq2hA45a

korian will like that have been friends sense to ammonia
19: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ') says: can not be after (Thu) 22:05:37.38 ID: kJQRpc7 /

And the cheaper 's ammonia?

It can not be after (Thu) 22:08:54.25 ID:: BuEs7xdL hermitage ◆ ddCcroSSko to Pira: 35

19 >>
Because it is the basis of nitrogen fixation, up there is not necessarily high.
About 1kg25 yen.
The much cheaper than LPG.

20: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ') says: can not be after (Thu) 22:05:59.89 ID: wQt4EFwx

NOx or will the problem?

43: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ') says: can not be after (Thu) 22:12:03.71 ID: XkcXI1md

20 >>
It will come out supermass.

The gasoline engine of today, some of the nitrogen captured from the atmosphere becomes nitrogen oxides are oxidized.
However, the fuel nitrogen is one of the main components. I do not know hundreds of times or get out.

Moreover, such a concentration'm not usable platinum catalyst now. I think it's a poison gas making machine seriously.

22: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ') says: can not be after (Thu) 22:06:38.01 ID: XkcXI1md

Aside from carbon dioxide, NOx and w if you're going to

Or going to sink into the sea to rot deeper than Beijing!

24: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ') says: can not be after (Thu) 22:06:44.86 ID: SalQblje

Wwww Na is expected
posted by nokija at 01:00| News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

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