
[Soccer] Japanese Order of the Rising Sun, wielded flag before ... South Korean media rebuttal [07/30]

Koreans liar

1: Zoo ƒÓ š 2013/07/30 (Tue) 22:03:10.60 ID:???
2013/07/30 (Tue) 21:01

The 29th, Daein country Wataru president of the Japan Football Association East Asian Cup soccer fans in South Korea
For that you have raised a banner political towards Japan in 2013, and submitted a letter of protest, the organizers side
We found that it was determined the search. China net Japanese version (China net) reported.

In the final game of the East Asian Cup 2013 which took place on the 28th, Korean fans in the bleachers on the front
In addition to put up banner that says "no future in the nation to forget the history", history of two people
huge banner that portrait is printed appeared at the same time. 1 person was assassinated Ito Hirobumi in 1909
Ahn, one other is General Yi Sun-sin of the 16th century.

According to the Korean media, "Before the banner is raised, the Japanese supporters of some
Was brandishing two minutes 1 minute to the Rising Sun flag. Act that symbolizes the invasion and Japan this militarism of Korea
And that "offended the football fan.

banners then, football fans in Korea listed were confiscated by the site staff.
Under the Federation Internationale de Football Association, soccer player, coach, audience political position during the match
indicate is prohibited. (Editor: Yonehara Yuko)


(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 22:05:32.18 ID:: 6 n / GjPpTM
1 >>
> Before the banner is raised

you lie Koreans, as Exhaling

(Fire) ('E ƒÖ E `) Ÿ 2tPdxjo/wc 2013/07/30 22:09:23.98 ID:: 17 YcwRephF
1 >>
> Act that symbolizes the invasion and Japan this militarism of Korea
And that "offended the football fan.

and even though it has already been prepared such as banner before you get angry, what are you saying ...?

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 22:15:15.76 ID:: 41 GQzBucfD
1 >>
The chapter is, and w'll get to that FIFA itself has been violated

Official poster of the FIFA Confederations Cup
ttp :/ / livedoor.blogimg.jp/jpn_foot/imgs/e/3/e3470997.jpg

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 22:23:32.23 ID:: 59 ZbaCp1xQ
1 >>
That there was a banner from the game before the start w I have Barre

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 22:29:22.01 ID:: 76 nGutlAQa
1 >>
> Japanese supporters of some

Unfortunately, the guy is in Japan www

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 22:30:04.83 ID:: 78 GQzBucfD
1 >>
Rising Sun flag that does not violate Bosch just a few minutes,
Neglected in the first half of the game, banner that violate then removed

In addition, banners were out of the game before.
ttp :/ / f.image.geki.jp/640/pics/orig/ppMM9aV174.1.Koki% 2520NAGAHAMA.jpg

Nothing was no problem even if the Rising Sun flag of Japan and South Korea when war you did in Seoul two years ago.

(Fire) 680 yen Ÿ 7ZL.3C19WKcC 2013/07/30 23:30:28.16 ID:: 148 bWqSCa5C
1 >>
I Shibaki Corps and, not Japan

(Water) <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/31 04:06:50.55 ID:: 217 + s9CiqGM
1 >>
I do go out suddenly springs out banners that do not carry only multiplied dozens
ttp :/ / harukovsky.cocolog-nifty.com/photos/uncategorized/2010/10/15/dscf3458.jpg

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 22:04:48.87 ID:: 3 Q5NUENJN
And curtain slogan was written also very careful w What are you saying
The habit had come prepared from the flower curtain in photo of the terrorist.
Do not face a vivid ethnic lie to vomit breath.

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 22:05:18.15 ID:: 5 iJ1PTuf /
The over Is not it had to say to issue out of the previous several days
It was to support boycott of subsequent removal not fit muscle Rising Sun flag but was put away

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 22:05:47.34 ID:: 7 EUyAG + ET
In the first place although the Rising Sun flag itself is also a noproblem
Why Rising Sun flag Do not you go, are you Tsu Korean that can be described in detail?
Although I'm annoying It's a symbol of militarism, and just tilt the one pattern of lack of knowledge

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 22:06:19.99 ID:: 8 cQ7qn2eE
So Do not be shake a symbol that was earnestly massacre in Vietnam

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 22:07:44.47 ID:: 15 iPF + CZdr
I understand they can not yet a "time series" in Korean

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 22:08:41.47 ID:: 16 7/f/epD2
What Rising Sun flag became a problem since I was probably the incident of Kison'yon monkey.
I'm started to say for the excuse of mismanagement of their own from.
I Kiren relationship with Koreans.

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 22:09:28.95 ID:: 18 4zT7eQGu
Chung both even though the Barre and standing under the banner from the game before

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 22:10:11.10 ID:: 20 EUyAG + ET
First place in the game the day before
These guys Na I was saying things like I'll do

What would do arrive with a clear conscience the barrel lie immediately

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 22:10:44.86 ID:: 22 YpEQusMv
Shake [match] pump racist Shibaki Corps, Order of the Rising Sun flag

2013/07/30 (Tue) 18:09:38.78 ID:: 124 Name: (Chugoku) [] Posted on rolling Sobatto j298TEqu0 [2/3]
Excuse Korean stars a fake If you checked on the net a little bit about this matter now Wait a minute
South Korea is said to me "did because Japan issued the Rising Sun flag", but banner Na Tarashii it is installed before the start of the game
> That claim is a big lie.
> I have been installed in the stadium already played before.
http://f.image.geki.jp/640/pics/orig/ppMM9aV174.1.Koki% 2520NAGAHAMA.jpg

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 22:46:49.90 ID:: 99 Du0V5UAq
22 >>
The Koreans w whether they lied

Photo 's cruel honest

24: Ninpocho [Lv = 40, xxxPT] (1 Tasu0:9) 2013/07/30 (Tue) 22:11:06.22 ID: XCohWlnX
Chung'm such looks appear to be of of wanting a new taboo Order of the Rising Sun flag
Because he was from recent Sawagidashi one by one to the Rising Sun flag

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 22:11:30.63 ID:: 25 SEM6snW +
The first place did not you were going jut banner even if there is no rising sun flag?
Do not you do said to have written on the fly shop at such a fool?

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 22:11:42.11 ID:: 26 k3yDsE4J
To participate in Shibaki Corps that he said there was "friends with South Korea", the habit that has been swinging in Korea
That fool came back without even a scratch let alone body integrity why not?
Of not it a result of collusion in the Korean officials from disadvantage was a problem with Iran?

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 22:11:52.27 ID:: 28 Skrdjy6t
In order to say to South Korea this word indeed
Shibaki Corps is he? Shook Rising Sun flag
Betrayal of one's own country in spite of anti-Japanese racist
Forever Na use the dirty hand

32: <˜¤ `Í '> (Tue) 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 22:12:11.65 ID: iWCE +6 Q /
Partner of Korean I'm tired
The white and understanding it do not have any problem with that flag

Heck, before it, you guys, but you are a tournament host country?
Is that stupid?

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 22:17:31.13 ID:: 46 1DSt + D7L
Person who was such a news is you will be pleased to Koreans in Korea domestic market
But Now you not a coverage of truth
Do not you think there should be departure from Urinara fantasy soon?
ƒ‰ƒxƒ‹FEast Asia Cup SOCCER
posted by nokija at 23:00| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | News | ‚±‚̃uƒƒO‚Ì“ÇŽÒ‚É‚È‚é | XVî•ñ‚ðƒ`ƒFƒbƒN‚·‚é

Chopsticks use of Koreans became gorgeously beautifully thanks to the kimchi [06/21]

Work Konakatta original voice actor ƒÓ š 2013/06/21 (Fri) 20:32:06.49 ID that came back: 1:??
Have you ever stopped to Japan cafeteria in Northern Europe someday. Sushi, but he was sold,
Customers of local many began to notice every move of me I look like a Japanese enters.
Japanese I wanted to know how to eat sushi as it were.
To think "OK, I'll show the place with a decent" and was a laborer who looks clean use chopsticks.

As is known, it is interpreted as a measure of the social status high ability to use chopsticks well in Western Europe.
I have explained in detail about the chopsticks to use the Internet for this and this. to learn how we use a knife and fork ....

Well, Salmon roe of seaweed sushi came out. It is sushi wrapped around with glue and put on top of the rice Salmon roe. I do not eat in one bite it,
I ate it by pinching with chopsticks one by one Salmon roe . While conscious customers surrounding the attention to carefully and using chopsticks to maximum elegance.
Every time it is transferred to port one by one how much about mung bean, local people seemed unable to close the open mouth.
Westerners may say manners of chopsticks and how good at, that we pinch the small things slick as how much,
It is because it was almost impossible.

How to use chopsticks is completed fine joints and muscles of the hand is made through the training of many years.
While the training to manipulate independently without suit hit the chopsticks, I was young, we would have a hard time how.

Yoon Denyon teacher novelist, wrote chopsticks to play a five functions in a statement. It is a function that by pinching, transferred, cut, taking, rip.
Even if you are able to mimic generally, four types described above would be frustrated in the last feature for Westerners.

For example, a method to use when splitting the kimchi and (get baked) Pajon of Korean cuisine. It must be ripped while opening outwardly a centralized chopsticks.
Children this is good were adult treatment.
Of the children of the same age, children who grew up under the strict family education I learned quickly such a function mainly.

Or could be and how modern comparing the severity of Shokuzen education. Even adults who can use chopsticks to some extent,
Scene that use the split function seems to fade away gradually if I throwing out long. Bend mainly "grab" the muscles of the hand and then accustomed especially,
It seems there is also because it does not memorize the motion to open from the inside to the outside. We can be said've kept the characteristics of the use of chopsticks Korean while generations teach this behavior.

To food in China and Japan next door "split" the use of chopsticks is the unlikely. It is because it is the largest food that can be kimchi use that function.

By the way I felt or from the time, my children are not being taught this feature. Chopstick use is he poor.
Not really If you said so that it how to handle well with fork and knife.
If you go to the cafeteria to take out a whole chicken, only one fork is given without a knife.
It is also the funny story there is no precedent in the world a creative manner that it is (?) Vessels to use, it will not help much in the international community.

Education of children these days seems to be very nice. But also be used beautifully handling chopsticks well a knife and fork,
To inform that it is a way that you can live well the world is also important. While competing or the power of calculus I met foreigners,
More of that to interact intimately while a meal together would not many more.

Food columnist / Park Chaniru


(Gold) can not be after three yen second national anthem circle one way 20:54:21.88 ID:: 79 wNKF39DX
1 >>
Do not live confessed proudly to "spoofing" from the opening, you die

(Friday) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/06/21 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 20:43:56.99 ID:: 33 JYScX + AX
1 >>
You guys, w be nice if for mixin' mixin', only spoon of stainless

(Friday) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/06/21 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 20:50:54.64 ID:: 56 OJ2z7t3J
1 >>
The such as eating with chopsticks picking for pride, Ikura Gunkan-Maki
Stupid Koreans too self-conscious.

(Friday) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/06/21 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 21:05:45.55 ID:: 98 z9Lgdjyl
1 >>
But this guy is eating dog without using the absolute left hand.

(Sat) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/06/22 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 03:37:05.57 ID:: 224 JNcWJ600
1 >>
Although I think there plenty early how to use chopsticks What seat of the split, boiled fish? ?

(Sat) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/06/22 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 03:41:02.71 ID:: 226 mGANoulE
224 >>

Because there is no tradition or culture of chopsticks in Korea, They do not know.

(Sat) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/06/22 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 03:51:13.29 ID:: 230 ooYKCzqj
1 >>
> Food columnist / Park Chaniru

It's like the writers of professional self-styled, food-related, but it can occupational function in not know even how to eat sushi properly

(Sat) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/06/22 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 06:31:34.05 ID:: 313 pb6QFWqa
1 >>
The Gunkan Maki to be, not seaweed roll.
Is it stupid and such as to how to eat such a tool of Gunkan Maki

(Sat) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/06/22 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 06:36:31.58 ID:: 318 W87jMPIq
313 >>
It's not a fool in fool. However, w is the only Korean

(Sat) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/06/22 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 11:36:49.14 ID:: 395 jKYL4feT
1 >>
Thankfully Taiko Hideyoshi brought pepper to barren peninsula.

(Friday) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/06/21 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 20:36:26.99 ID:: 9 Jwet2qyl
It entered an idiot full throttle suddenly

(Friday) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/06/21 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 20:40:08.65 ID:: 18 C1uoNz1p
> Seaweed sushi Salmon roe came out. It is sushi wrapped around with glue and put on top of the rice Salmon roe.

I wonder I'm acrobatics such as wind and ride.
The Bring the great craftsman

(Friday) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/06/21 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 23:56:54.76 ID:: 204 At9ZgK0e
18 >>
I think you can not use words is caught to regulation ... what perfer warship wound.

(Sat) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/06/22 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 17:24:59.34 ID:: 471 GMQygJZc
204 >>
?? (As it is, it also Gunkanmaki reading)
This columnist is just do not know

Because he has much Horuhoru Delighted with how to eat strange way sushi Japanese food

(Friday) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/06/21 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 20:41:36.18 ID:: 25 ncqcPspJ
> Every time is transferred to port one by one and how much, local people seemed unable to close the open mouth.

Open mouth or why did not close, and someone teach to him

Www because nobody do not how to eat such a fool
ƒ‰ƒxƒ‹Fkimchi sushi Park Chaniru
posted by nokija at 22:00| News | ‚±‚̃uƒƒO‚Ì“ÇŽÒ‚É‚È‚é | XVî•ñ‚ðƒ`ƒFƒbƒN‚·‚é

[Chosun Ilbo] ~ Words written on banners of red devil Kan Chief Cabinet Secretary do not know the Rising Sun flag or evoke a hideous how memory [07/30]

Delusion of Korean

Work Konakatta original voice actor ƒÓ š 2013/07/30 (Tue) 11:03:48.17 ID that came back: 1:??
Sunday night football match A match is made for the first time in a long time at the Olympic Stadium in Seoul Jamsil.
So the "red devil" official supporters group of Korean national soccer team in the East Asian Cup Korea-Japan war
Was spread to write a big banner "The Future is not to race you forget your history," the words (Shin Cheho) has left independent activist Sal Chae-ho.
And I shook in the curtain aside a large portrait depicting Ahn (Anne geun) Gishi and Yi Sun-sin (Lee shin) General was drawn.

It was all right at first. However, the Korea Football Association has received a protest of the Japanese side has removed the banner in the first half after the end of war.
Then red devil boycotted the support of the second half.

Is a symbol of militarism supporters group of Japan national football team also "Ultras Nippon" in the same stadium
Was waving (Rising Sun) flag large Rising Sun. Rising Sun flag appeared well in international matches by the Japanese representative to compete.
It is a sight to the eyes always Asian Football Confederation in the (AFC) Champions League.

Japanese media have questioned the banner of the Red Devils, but I did not point out for the Rising Sun flag.
I said, "It is extremely regrettable" to the word of the banner of the devil even Chief Cabinet Secretary is red (29 day) yesterday.
Chief Cabinet Secretary would not know what a thing is the Rising Sun flag evoke how horrible memory for the people of Asia perhaps.

October 2010, Korea-Japan soccer friendly match was held at Seoul World Cup Stadium in Seoul Sangam.

Large banner of more than 50 meters next to the fence that separates the stadium and stand behind the goal on the north side has been raised since then.
"No future in the nation you have forgotten your history". It was the same as the font size and the banner of the Olympic Stadium this time.
It was a big character than about the height of an adult on a white background.
The cheering, waved curtain portrait of (Yoo Gu~ansun) willow Hiroshi order of female independence activist and Admiral Yi Sun-sin was drawn.
Dozens of photographers had gathered near the goal. Was not interested in the character of the banner everyone. I had a problem, especially at that time.

mood swells patriotism also help the A match national to confrontation. However, dangerous powder keg no better than a football field.
Outpouring of emotion to the extreme can not be restraint ignite the gunpowder. Nothing happened in 2010, but it might be a flashpoint of conflict in 2013.
Korea-Japan relations are walking place "cliff" grazing now. In between the two countries Dokdo (Japan name: Takeshima), history textbook distortion (distortion) problem,
Problem signs of military power of the constitutional revision of Japan, thoughtless words of comfort women related a series, such as the visit to the Yasukuni Shrine by Japanese politicians are overlapped over and over again.

1969, disputes of World Cup qualifying time becomes trigger, Honduras and El Salvador in Central America was to war over five days.
Cheering or sounded the horn of the car accommodation close to the opposing team player, inception, and beating the drum
It was the uproar that interfere with sleep spread.

There was a event that this time, it was buried in the banner problem in Seoul Olympic Stadium.
National anthem at the time of Japan, three children Seoul Gwangjin multicultural (International marriage home) choir he sang "Kimigayo" in Japanese.
Either the mother or father is the children of Japanese. It was not possible "is reached out" sight also interesting that way.

Kim Gu~an'iru editorialist


The only criticism of anti-Japanese banner [Chosun Ilbo] Japan and South Korea soccer game, the Marinos supported the "Rising Sun flag" Japanese government and media conniving [07/30]

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 11:17:04.73 ID:: 39 b5 +1 yd6k
1 >> Tsukkomi far from Osugi

> Rising Sun flag occur call hideous how memory for people in Asia Chief Cabinet Secretary
You will not know a thing to

What is the "People of Asia", Dozo the country specific

> Dangerous powder keg no better than a football field.
> Outpouring of emotion to the extreme can not be restraint ignite the gunpowder.

I'm saying where anyone that exactly?

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 11:22:13.98 ID:: 59 IgZDLGh3
1 >>
Disease anymore.

62: <˜¤ `Í '> (Tue) 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 11:22:39.58 ID: dmPa +4 GU
1 >>
And, I write a delusion article as if it had experienced the war ...

75: <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) (Tue) 11:26:44.33 ID :/ to6cJvJ
1 >>
Korea would not struggling with this flag?
Fought with this flag While it is Sino U.S. and Britain and France orchid?
Korea Why do not like who fought together rather
Was merged It 's too bad, but Urame an ancestor if blame
Towards the rising sun is but should have been to many eyes at the time of the annexation ruling from the Rising Sun flag
Is it not in the national flag leaf problem?

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 11:35:36.75 ID:: 117 nGutlAQa
1 >>
No, How old guy?
Korea since the can, it is a translation have passed in '60 ... around.

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 11:38:33.84 ID:: 135 LU0F6z5x
1 >>
The hideous memories did not you come to revive from 2012 London Olympics suddenly

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 11:45:46.68 ID:: 172 W7j4Z0oG
1 >>
If you issue can evoke memories, national anthem and flag of the Rising Sun 's no good to the Rising Sun flag in through why
Where the drawing'm coming
The Hanaseyo in theory, not emotion

Tuesday professional Ÿ rmQHiMIZU 2013/07/30 ice water 11:47:01.88 ID::. 178 BpoBthFE
172 >>
Product will then thought it had been unison interference skipping boo.

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 11:47:10.65 ID:: 180 xepUyxCK
1 >>
> "No future in the nation you have forgotten your history". It was the same as the font size and the banner of the Olympic Stadium this

Tanker doing before. But the Rising Sun flag and Na 's no object if it is unquestioned

202: <˜¤ `Í '> (Tue) 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 11:52:24.13 ID: E +0 nUh9b
1 >>
"Newbuildings memory" also I must do a cinch.

Or affinity mad barrel of the Korean nation. w

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 11:53:11.08 ID:: 206 V88I/zMi
202 >>
From the moment of the next lied, the lie is the fact that from the old days.

This is the truth of the Korean people.

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 11:56:59.20 ID:: 220 6M83/Zir
1 >>
Do not because accusation was squeezed from the head full of envy and malice of their

I U Ozomashikaro yeah

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 12:09:27.23 ID:: 262 s0QK8ZFz
1 >>

To anticipate and deny entry to volley as it's the same name as a war criminal of them! !

For example, former Japanese military personnel, such as politicians, hideous name. w

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 12:19:28.13 ID:: 286 fY33FNSW!
1 >>
There is no sort of thing such as experience such as experience at the time, Nida certain memory! ! !

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 12:23:00.02 ID:: 295 6InZCLJ4
1 >>
It was blamed on Japan Hora.
unpleasant feel to win nor lose.

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 13:09:50.06 ID:: 404 t7s9PwqT
1 >>
Do not seem to not know that there is no that Japan and South Korea were the war this fool

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 13:13:33.56 ID:: 409 KDHGcSG5
404 >>
The following pattern: I like many

1, in World War II, and fought with Japan is South Korea (U.S. only fought only a little)
2, (where North Korea went?) Korea is fought with Japan in the Korean War

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 13:14:38.38 ID:: 412 wfZiRQiZ
409 >>
It will not stupid enough to believe such mon indeed

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 13:15:23.38 ID:: 415 49MWul5f
412 >>
Pattern of entering comparatively.

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 13:20:37.51 ID:: 424 KDHGcSG5
412 >>
For 1,, are comparatively people believe that "Because it had won fighting the Japanese in World War II, Korea! I was able to separate" and

For 2, it was reported for elementary school students who wrote a letter of "Thank you for fighting the Japanese in the Korean War"

416 >>
It 's an example of the easy-to-understand Urinara of Fantasy

Tuesday, hyper over succubus Tan ‰ Ÿ nlbVtkkhNY 2013/07/30 13:17:09.75 ID:: 420 K3xYyVsO
409 >>

Source of 2 for the time being

Responsibility as Japan ... war parties to the economic recovery in the special demand of the [Korean] Shimpo Korean War, took part in the operations at the front is very heavy [07/2]

On the other hand you partner countries ...

[North Korea] professed "Japan ... feeling that defeated the United States boasted the world's strongest in the Korean War is good" children are [07/27] in the United States hate

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 13:24:40.52 ID:: 433 KDHGcSG5
420 >>
Thank you

I do not think I seen in this light, the only and are really confused

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 11:05:38.08 ID:: 4 ZDl/v5A4
W Is there a memory from before birth to Korean

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 16:12:11.07 ID:: 897 E5rQNGfm
4 >>
How can you get reverse, Rising Sun flag'm Surikomo is full of lies such as the symbol of the devil because not alive at that time.

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 16:14:05.01 ID:: 903 4OGAtKlb
897 >>
I rewrite from easily store their own. W if you know how to keep easily "moral victory Law"

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 11:07:37.08 ID:: 10 wM/8OkwH
Original pirates do apologize, and Takeshima, nor Japanese killing many.

More than 300,000 people in Vietnam, South Korea, massacre further,.

Koreans rape spree in "Randaihan" Vietnam,
Vietnam, mixed-race full of Korea.

Na is this.

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 11:12:05.49 ID:: 24 IgZDLGh3
> Kan Chief Cabinet Secretary do not know the Rising Sun flag or evoke a hideous how memory

After that it says really, do you not you sick of the spirit?

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 13:49:39.52 ID:: 511 Ie26ExdN
What hideous memory that is installed to the ‘Nl born after the war
's Wakewakaran guys
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