1 Name: HONEY MILKφ ★: 2013/06/03 (Mon) 07:56:18.95 ID:???
I thought in the past history negative by unscrupulous politicians of Japan, Japan's position in the international community would have become stricter.
But the reality is, like Not exactly. Each year, the United Kingdom the BBC country as a country of some continents
We have been reputation survey. In this year's survey, Japan was the country 4th most popular in the world. In this study,
To target about 20 countries, the people of the 25,000 people around, specific country "or positive, or negative impact on the international community"
I asked. It has been conducted every year since 2005, statistics that have been accumulated so far (on having to decipher the international relations)
Can you give some tips. Last year, Japan was the country's most popular in the world. Japan, the top almost every year
I in range. This year, up to April 9, had become the study period. Thoughtless words of acting blindly Japanese politicians, as it is
Would never be reflected. But in the study of next year, Japan is the top area of the "country of people around the world like"
I think it will not come off.
Korea was surveyed from 2010. I have been back and forth between the 12 and 10 in place of the 17 countries. Investigative
The people of the world, simultaneous country of the Republic of Korea (South Korea) is and exert a positive impact on the international community to look at the numbers
We believe in, and has had the effect not good in much the same way. In almost all countries, South Korea, especially in Western Europe
But the impact on the international community, it was evaluated quite negative. But for Japan, Western Europe 2 countries
With the exception of, it was a positive assessment in most countries. Popular in Japan, are distributed evenly throughout the world almost.
If you do not have overwhelming negative evaluation by Chinese and Korean, this year, Japan's seat of the country's most popular in the world
I might have contested.
Countries that have received the best rating in this year's survey, was Germany. As with Japan, a country of war criminals of World War II, but Germany
In countries that have continued to reflect that it was thorough, Japan is not the case. Japan, also do not take the attitude of Germany
Reality regardless, that they are respected in the international community in Germany as well. Here, the past history of the Korean problem China and Japan just
I think There might be a source.
Good faith and conscience about what may be also state, and there will be a number of answers. I was opposed to the earliest slave trade
There are countries that took France to let go of the UK, a colony of many, such as the United States that released the slaves, the action conscientious.
However, in the back, that the environment and the necessary national that had to do so was always present fact. UK,
France, Russia, the United States defeated Germany in the war, I occupied the territory. Jews by German massacre, U.S.
It was the power to move the. Such forces and countries is, surrounds the Germany. Past history conscientious reflection of Germany,
In some ways, it is also intended to be derived from the external environment no choice but to do so.
Source: Chosun Ilbo (page 2)
I >> followed by 2
2 Name: HONEY MILKφ ★: 2013/06/03 (Mon) 07:56:29.54 ID:???
1 >> More
South Korea, was not able to break the Japanese in the war. U.S., UK, France, Germany or outdo in all aspects,
Or became a country of equality, but South Korea did not. South Korea was not familiar as France and the UK
In Peace, act like this against South Korea, if Japan is going to behave with respect to South Korea, Japan, the people of the world
I prefer Japan. In Japan, the outside will not stand if you do not the past history reflection conscientious compared to Germany
There is no environment is tantamount.
Currently, China's rise is due, the Japanese are increasingly victim mentality in reverse. The survey of the BBC, 21% of Korean
There was a positive view of the Japanese, but there were only 19% Japanese with a positive view of the South Korea. Chinese, 17%
There was a positive view of the Japanese, but the Japanese have a positive view of the Chinese was only 5%. Competition between Japan
As long as it intensifies, there is no possibility to become like Germany Japan will change themselves. After all, the problem of Japan, South Korea is further
It is depends on whether we grow. Like China, it is not a problem to solve with only strong carpopodite. Japan,
It will proceed in the opposite direction more.
Not just to become stronger, and is liked by the people of the world, that South Korea would grow further, respected
It states that there will be in the country. That South Korea would grow more, courtesy, faith, honesty, cleanliness, discipline, law-abiding, honest, unity
It states that there will be countries that Korea is not inferior to Japan in terms of. Japanese politicians, to worship at Yasukuni Shrine If that happens
You'll be able to hear the complexion of others even when. Someone like Hashimoto mayor and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is the support of the Japanese people
You will not be able to obtain, by the Japanese Dokdo: territorial claims (Japan name Takeshima) has become meaningless, in Japan
It will be forgotten even.
In rural city with a Japan visited a while ago, one also did not see the illegal parking. People who spit on road, car
People throw away a cigarette butt out of the well, was not one person. Also place a block of sidewalk is shifted,
I did not see most of the time. When you took a taxi, and make a phone call to fellow coming from after a phone call to the driver
I asked to tell your location to the other by passing, but the driver is a "has been that you can not phone while driving"
To say, refused to politely. You have trouble finding the road, but who did not complain to us. The reputation for the country
Thing is, do not arise from something very much something.
's It ☆
Quoted source: http://awabi.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/news4plus/1370213778
11 Name: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ') says: can not be after (Mon) 08:00:08.80 ID: L5bvRrYx
What WW2, there not nothing to South Korea
No, I'm serious
23 Name: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ') says: can not be after (Mon) 08:04:47.26 ID: Y6FmYv +0
Such as we saw a little while back exactly the same article there something
26 Name: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ') says: can not be after (Mon) 08:05:44.50 ID: OokNt2Tr
If you are living in fantasy can not face up to history, do not'm not become country unlikely as this.
30 Name: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ') says: can not be after (Mon) 08:07:05.59 ID: L5bvRrYx
South Korea is in spite to say "Rekishiga! Rekishiga!" Is,
I do not learn history at all
35 Name: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ') says: can not be after (Mon) 08:07:25.85 ID: D2IpiyZF
> No Korean care such logic 1 from the international level, to have dissociated. South Korea This degree also self-styled intellectuals. Let alone the general public www
36 Name: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ') says: can not be after (Mon) 08:07:28.09 ID: 0LGX8CKS
The Did the war Te Japan and South Korea?
You guys, Did not you not fought with the Allies as the Japanese army?
48 Name: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ') says: can not be after (Mon) 08:12:43.92 ID: VKx / IFZd
> Germany country has continued to reflect a thorough
The w I want to specifically described here
Germany is going to the apology and compensation also have not been as a country.
However, I think it would be the largest that there is no Korean Sina and around but w
What base foreign world stamps Hey what are concentrated next to Japan.
W Germany is too jealous
65 Name: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ') says: can not be after (Mon) 08:19:13.87 ID: nhtJ4RIT
What some words Sino-Japanese war, but I wish I do not know 's Japan-Korea war
Well, w I guess exist in Korea
67 Name: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ') says: can not be after (Mon) 08:19:52.02 ID: VKx / IFZd
> I not hear the story I just Korean people. It used to human
Also be pointed out the fact that nothing in such contempt, and even an insult without discrimination also be reflect
Hey, since only make noise.
There is no reason that you can grow.
87 Name: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ') says: can not be after (Mon) 08:25:48.88 ID: Am1 / h + Sr
I know the effort that do not stretch to first get out of the developing countries
Infrastructure development even wonder a still?
89 Name: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ') says: can not be after (Mon) 08:26:25.04 ID: 1wTa8WMs
Countries where Korean War is still followed: North Korea
Countries that World War II is still followed by: Korea
Country Shina Incident continues still: China
115 Name: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ') says: can not be after (Mon) 08:36:59.26 ID: yRuAKovv
Koreans you have a tool to belittle Japan at the expense of the German
So ww'm hated thoroughly in Germany
122 Name: Ella Communication: can not be after (Mon) 08:39:10.49 ID: onVztv / F
115 >>
Each time the Koreans use as a pretext the German,
Reality from neighboring countries that examined the actual situation, the demand for Germany's What becomes severe.
Germany Na because not experienced Oh My God, was forced out a half of foreign exchange reserves with the state.
118 Name: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ') says: can not be after (Mon) 08:38:10.20 ID: CtM7OsEQ
Courtesy, faith, honesty, cleanliness, discipline, law-abiding, honest, unity
Also do a catch-up? I think it's impossible
121 Name: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ') says: can not be after (Mon) 08:39:04.34 ID: joClLogX
> South Korea, was not able to break the Japanese in the war.
I do this story anywhere in the parallel world. Your ancestors Anta from the Japanese
It was not? Peace did you war with the United States to ~I~tsu statement.
Oh yeah, merged their country, of losing the homeland and I will not interesting,
As soon as we lost, and to deny the history, for ever Nante man that returned palm
I get no respect.
140 Name: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ') says: can not be after (Mon) 08:45:07.17 ID: VKx / IFZd
121 >>
For averted eyes that merged is not interesting, nor from the fact that you have asked permission to Japan from their own country
I'm not good.
129 Name: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ') says: can not be after (Mon) 08:41:42.98 ID: ZBBjdPzw
The seems to be saying that it is a comparatively better actually setting or rather assumptions underlying the discussion is wrong various
It what happens when you live in smeared with lies and delusion
170 Name: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ') says: can not be after (Mon) 08:53:03.85 ID: YNdLJmLC
129 >>
Way of brainwashing wise con artist and to explain carefully to mix fact and lie.
In itself leading newspaper of South Korea and dignified write a lie made to seem as if you had a war with Japan, represents the country of Korea.
For America, Korean'll I fought along with the Japanese in World War II as a Japanese! Chosun Ilbo is liar!
It also show an article and imposing in Japan is subject to this lie.
Is attempting to trick you into thinking that it is not written by lies from write dignified.
Way is the same as the con artist and gangster completely.
ラベル:Japan loved