
North Korea attacked South Korea defense minister


Threat ... dog South Korea defense minister attack North Korea, in the photo delivery
(Sun) 2013/04/07 18:53:47.64 ID:: three brothers ρ ★ corps child shadow: 1?? 0
The 7th, Korean Central News Agency of North Korea delivered the pictures of the scene that attacked military dog doll with a face photo of gold Hiroshi鎮国proof phase of South Korea.
As part of the threat that has received the US-ROK joint military exercises, aim to incite fear also suggests.

The same communication, North Korea soldiers, was also delivers pictures when shooting training from close range to the target pictures of U.S. soldiers gold and Defense Minister.

Defense Minister Kim such as the instructions in the "North Korea way prepared to hit in the first race (if there is provocation) bad state., Can stop Ikinone the enemy at the end," said
I have shown a decisive stance on North Korea. North Korea had been rebound "We issued a death sentence simply a special war criminal's money Hiroshi Town" he said.

3: Nameless @ 13 Anniversary: ​​(Sun) 2013/04/07 18:54:44.54 ID: oHoTRGgi0
> Photos of the scene that attacked military dog doll
Barros w

4: Nameless @ 13 Anniversary: ​​(Sun) 2013/04/07 18:54:45.97 ID: 2YFbol5qP
Do not show no mercy indeed such as intimidation in dogs

(Sun) 2013/04/07 18:55:11.60 ID:: 5: Nameless @ 13 anniversary dPLY8Nsd0
That what to say when compared to fried rice this?

(Sun) 2013/04/07 18:59:45.66 ID:: 29: Nameless @ 13 anniversary iGPwt/yD0
5 >>
It's Aru brought to spoon If you think dish is empty

(Sun) 2013/04/07 19:12:59.91 ID:: 113: Nameless @ 13 anniversary IX + yZXYz0
5 >>
I show off a photo of the customer have another eating fried rice with relish

(Sun) 2013/04/07 19:25:02.75 ID:: 170: Nameless @ 13 anniversary vIiCzvG60
5 >>
It exhibited a poster of fried rice to make now in the store

(Sun) 2013/04/07 18:55:22.08 ID:: 6: Nameless @ 13 anniversary X5Ux93uw0
Do not'm ruthless ... Ah the beginning of the week

8: Nameless @ 13 Anniversary: ​​(Sun) 2013/04/07 18:56:13.98 ID: G4PA8vi10
The analog and the photo
ラベル:North Korea
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