Unusual rules of airlines of South Koreahttp://awabi.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/news4plus/1373897844/[Asiana machine accident]
"The thing autopilot state and flight experience of them."
Original instructor exposure lowdown shocking Korean pilot training
German paper
Work Konakatta original voice actor φ ★ 2013/07/15 (Mon) 23:17:24.24 ID that came back: 1:??
July 13, 2013, in response to the accident to Boeing 777 Asiana Airlines failed to land in the U.S. San Francisco Airport,
Attention has been focused on some mail. Sender of the email in the original pilot instructor,
I have uncovered the inner workings of pilot training in South Korea. German paper Welt Di is reported.
To 2008-2003, the person calling himself Tom Brown, has served as instructor of flight simulation in Korea,
I have described in detail the flow of pilot training in Korea.
"Nausea was an accident of Asiana Airlines"
Brown said he is surprised that what this type of accident does not happen more.
It has been told "as long as it does not change significantly the way of training, similar incidents will occur in the future," said
Remarks instructor pilot and the other tells us that the authenticity of this mail is high.
that there is that Mr Brown has also worked for several months to Korean Air and Asiana Airlines.
Since the accident occurred frequently in the 1980-90 period, airlines of South Korea was barred from flying worldwide.
Therefore, since 2000, airlines of Korea is obliged to employment as a pilot instructor of Western forces.
Mr. Brown, pilot training in South Korea as it's very poor,
It is said, "in an attempt to maintain the acceptance criteria" normal ", many instructors were laid off" he said.
Mr Brown has also questioned about the flight distance the pilot of South Korea to report,
Said, "the flight experience of their own sit the audience in general, refers to the state in the autopilot state plane" he said. (Translation and editing / Okamoto Yuma)
http://www.recordchina.co.jp/group.php?groupid=74301&type=068: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/15 (Mon) 23:45:02.13 ID: u + AIwBn7
What >> 1, prefer employees of multinational companies who travel between countries
It gonna be experienced than Asiana Airlines pilot?
Also, I could not be ... Ha ha ha
92: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/15 (Mon) 23:55:31.31 ID: hIqqIy0I
1 >>
I was been reading the original article Welt, but the important part is he'll like the mistranslation Rekochai article.
(Umlaut replaced by + e because it results in an error below, and if you are going to write)
> Suedkoreanische Fluglinien seien zu Beginn der 2000er-Jahre gezwungen
> Worden, US-amerikanische und europaeische Ausbilder anzustellen, weil es in
> Den 80er-und 90er-Jahren zu Zwischenfaellen gekommen war, die beinahe zu
> Einem Landeverbot fuer suedkoreanische Maschinen gefuehrt haetten.
ttp :/ / www.welt.de/vermischtes/article117942424/Warum-Suedkoreaner-so-schlechte-Piloten-sind.html
It happens when you translate accomplice of ingredients.
> South Korean airlines were forced to the beginning of the 2000s, to provide
> American and European instructors, because it came in the 80s and 90s to
> Incidents that nearly led to a landing ban on South Korean machinery.
In other words, "it was almost received a landing ban in the world Korean airlines (not receiving)"
There and it would be a correct answer.
Because I only did in two out of the University of German, their sure people erotic someone.
(Tue) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/07/16 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 01:39:51.87 ID:: 176 Rz8GAPKh
1 >>
Fabrication of the flight time things are true, pilot of the country outside of Germany knows it,
Transportation department in charge of the national government had knew that fact, why, and whether touted Boeing in such country
U.S. is not it would have been criticized. Itself to market the Boeing aircraft on the country not only inexperienced pilot 's crime.
The Government of the United States I do not and do not do the apology and compensation.
(Tue) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/07/16 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 01:51:42.09 ID:: 178 vKA / SKuB
176 >>
It is self-responsibility of Korea.
Because he do not even have in a position to be interference.
There will not be determined does Nara Nya not operating it Once you buy.
Use some customers respectively.
(Tue) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/07/16 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 01:57:51.83 ID:: 181 OCzUzZka
176 >>
W anywhere Moraeru will sell if put out even gold Boeing given that they have a normal company
While comes to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport of South Korea who had acquiesced If you're in the problem 's wrong?
The Nuko plus ◆ TMb.tT1ehod4 2013/07/16 (Tue) 06:38:49.37 ID:: 248 CL01DCU4 BE :428728043-2BP (3581)
1 >>
The Ubaitoreyo license ships, aircraft from South Korea, people ... Is the other.
(Tue) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/07/16 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 07:37:28.81 ID:: 273 K8rSiUOO
1 >>
Indeed, knothole president 's the reason which will excuse "responsibility in the captain all" and because there is such a weakness. The specialized sub-quality w is indeed
12: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/15 (Mon) 23:23:11.20 ID: V7O0A + T9
Favorite Germany like the Korean'll'm saying
Please apology and compensation quickly
The rupture Nida and <ヽ `∀ '> Choppari: 14! 2013/07/15 (Mon) 23:23:28.53 ID: 3p6a9F4b
"I try to stick to the pass criteria" normal ", many instructors have been fired"
∩ _
ヽ <<<
∩ ___ ∩ | |
| Nono!
/ ● ● | /
| (_ ● _) / not-this is all.
彡, | ∪ | /
/ __ No /
(___) /
19: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/15 (Mon) 23:24:51.54 ID: tlT/8nDu
It is a destination end up with result-oriented approach, formalism this to try to form the target even forcibly of Korea.
There is something that leads to phase Cena this.
36: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/15 (Mon) 23:34:28.06 ID: lbfSTBGm
why the Korean government is trying to blame the airport and aircraft desperately Na is this.
Reason If confirmed officially, the United States served by Korean airline is prohibited.
Countries also follow it of course.
37: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/15 (Mon) 23:34:30.18 ID: DcGa0GKt
> "What is their flight experience, their sit the audience in general, refers to the state in the autopilot state plane"
W You will say, passenger
39: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/15 (Mon) 23:34:40.31 ID: Xhhg9QyN
Well the flight time of me, I have done 200 hours per year.
41: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/15 (Mon) 23:34:57.60 ID: 79gDBwne
I also w Na become a pilot to be a standard Chung
42: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/15 (Mon) 23:35:24.08 ID: ml5Xsjh2
The'm like love is Germany 's Chung
The guy from Hey Is there ever seen such as world reputation survey of BBC
W Germany even though it has already been imposing ranked in hate country Korea
Fell in love with the 15th September @ Born On August 15 [wall] ・ ω ・ ') gander 2013/07/15 (Mon) 23:49:43.78 ID:: 81 kLbrRddp
42 >>
49 >>
('・ Ω ・ `) and try to explain -
It is not only able to deal with the problems that exist in front of the eye to them.
That we're filled with content Otogibanashi manner that will not stick to integrity If you look at the Urinari fantasy view of history
44: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/15 (Mon) 23:36:53.04 ID: sPwONOhp
Person of AKB who have experienced formation flight maneuvering the small aircraft abroad in the variety show is Maybe many time-of-flight
Can be used to get the license because it is recognized officially this time-of-flight
46: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/15 (Mon) 23:37:53.33 ID: iGATpG / j
South Korea has cited the country, You say are you guidance in a direction not responsible for any pilot desperately
It whether such fear of flying Korean pilot, to be banned again?
And I was wondering though not that of Japan, since the bit so
If interest is concerned, I easy to understand
50: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/15 (Mon) 23:39:26.25 ID: BroSpLHt
Better image of the instructor, built by well or not?
58: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/15 (Mon) 23:41:37.65 ID: S76hQ3xa
50 >>
Some sort of monument I will stand absolutely
Because it seems to be habit for you do not forget a grudge
67: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/15 (Mon) 23:44:53.03 ID: iioxJMGF
58 >>
But first thing out of his mouth or allowed to stand then.
52: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/15 (Mon) 23:40:09.46 ID: f673 + OpE
The impression that was hit by the vertical-fall from plane Buster favorite Germany?
(Tue) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/07/16 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 00:09:40.34 ID:: 116 Zx15H6mI
52 >>
"We lost to the United States in World War II, Germany, whether not frustrated"
South Korean media's hit "Germany had become a dog in the United States," said a matter of time.
(Tue) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/07/16 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 00:12:44.76 ID:: 120 Jpmy2Jxp
116 >>
And Quruli
I might say, "Uri Axis Nida same as Germany," What.
(Tue) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/07/16 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 00:15:24.37 ID:: 121 gVUoGWuN
120 >>
The first thing out of his mouth make noise in the major premise is there was no South Korea in the era of the Axis powers
57: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/15 (Mon) 23:41:31.08 ID: NEBcW2 + r
As long sleep sitting on the seat
Flight experience and Earn miles! ! !
'll Great! Korean-style sleeping pilot training method! ! !
Korean-style If you fly a 777! ! ! ! !
59: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/15 (Mon) 23:41:57.43 ID: ROH3krpI
It's what, whether there was flight experience I
66: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/15 (Mon) 23:44:31.28 ID: kegA6B0x
Adverse testimony in earnest or not you came out from Ho~u, Korean because prolong the situation
What happened in an attempt to scapegoat illegally Indian captain, do not do not to learn at all
Fellows because I do not even have in the North Korean residents in Japan in the Japanese pre-acquisition
83: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/15 (Mon) 23:49:53.33 ID: OcCtCIs8
If you have an unfair attack Asiana grounds the claim based on false segregationist who like Germany,
Do not be caught because in the obstruction of business crime always.
The troubled child will port image came out Once done in the raid?
I'll be kicked out if there is a job loss job When you are in detention if you're a student.
The stow the Hikokomori other than
(Tue) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/07/16 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 01:08:02.91 ID:: 153 usH0MHZY
83 >>
It's all right bestiality thing 's not illegal!
(Tue) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/07/16 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 00:00:35.09 ID:: 100 5n6bo4DU
Te friendly countries of South Korea, Na no one.
(Tue) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/07/16 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 00:02:07.15 ID:: 102 rrIjqLBK
100 >>
I do not know I went to prostrate to Shina During this time, whether or not friendly.
(Tue) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/07/16 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 00:24:30.82 ID:: 129 4wQhe35w
Do not will disagree with compensation.
how the Koreans complained of the Korean company, crying out loud to the president of the United States for some reason comes to eye.
(Tue) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/07/16 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 00:45:23.47 ID:: 139 C27ZyLP6
You mean threw information in German paper wonder if the people of the original Lufthansa?
Asiana What was the Star Alliance affiliation same as Lufthansa.
(Tue) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/07/16 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 00:55:45.95 ID:: 148 8wZg + QTI
139 and 140 >>
According to the original article, this e-mail
ttp :/ / www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-bloggers/3041469/posts
↑ I and other, it is to write a "appeared" to more than one site
You do not write do not know whether she is sent to the paper Welt
I do not know about the Lord of the mail, only to have called himself Tom Brown
The place where I went to the site, but was written in English the contents like it,
But this would of a text?
(Tue) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/07/16 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 01:10:30.37 ID:: 157 t4wTREzX
Is it something that can be hidden until now from 2000 to train system useless in such a sloppy?
Tom Brown other than goodwill that have determined the accusation finally
"I try to stick to the pass criteria" normal "" and "was fired" our instructor many
Or What was guarding the confidentiality to this very day.
That outrageous sore Asiana pilot was Tsu accident Well hate unimaginable it is true.
As it, it is like a lie, something even this email.
(Tue) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/07/16 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 01:21:39.60 ID:: 168 BOBmNoU9
157 >>
The person who said Shi Moraen believe to say the normal time Kanen is human treatment funny.
It was a situation having you convinced that the said anomaly is simply because I been exposed to come out in various ways.
Also, it only has elaborate those guys is me bombed out.
173: <丶 `∀ '> 2013/07/16 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) (Tue) 01:24:51.16 ID :/ zHqSatq
168 >>
South Korea 's too treasure house of the situation that I do not think reality.
(Tue) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/07/16 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 02:52:14.16 ID:: 192 iB1rZ + Qc
Original mail Subject: I have spread well enough and google in Low-down on Korean pilots.
https://www.google.co.jp/search?q=Subject% 3A + Low-down + on + Korean + pilots
Is in the pilot training of Korean origin Asiana Airlines and accident
http://biglizards.net/strawberryblog/archives/2013/07/post_1546.htmlLet us put a pseudonym and Brown captain because it is anonymous email. Date of the email on the 8th July 2013.
After retiring captain of the seat of UAL (Standard captain), Brown captain of the Boeing system
It becomes instructor Sean simulated flight in Alteon Inc., it became Asiana Airlines service.
Brown, soon as it comes to Asiana Airlines in charge, and was stunned to lack of basic knowledge of pilots.
Such rules that continue to promote over two decades from decades to captain from deputy captain usually in the company of other
To (captain from deputy captain) left seat from the right seat pilot of ex-servicemen and also, with a high on a priority basis rather than
It was going at a speed of about extreme Compared promotion also and the United States. Not only does this Asiana,
That situation was the same at all even from moving to Korean Air to six months later.
There is a web site of non-public among pilots, instructor pilots are each there in Korea
Posted and exam questions and training by, trainees who that other's have come to be able to prep.
Pilots of South Korea that could not be answering all emergency situations that do not know the answer in advance.
Korean Air and Asiana's invited the instructor from abroad, was that of being forced out of other countries.
International expansion of South Korea As the airline is expanding, Korea machine accident by steering mistake captain
It often came to the attention of other countries. So the American FAA, Transport Canada,
Recommendation and suspend the fly to other countries from Europe, if you do not improve the technology of pilot
Is was the.
Resistance to training by foreign instructor is very large from South Korea, and the common technique in Europe and the United States
And that was dismissed on the reason a competent instructor that forced learning is too out a dropout from one minute to the next.
Item from the Chosun Ilbo pilots of 2005 Asiana Airlines requested in strike (dead link)
http://japanese.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2005/07/21/20050721000056.htmlGen'in 1. Foreign pilot
Foreign pilots adoption was passed through an agreement with 2. Unions
When 3. Overseas business trip, be always ready to set 4 golf set in the hotel.
That it provides a round-trip ticket of 14 years set to the families of the pilot you are staying in 4. Overseas.
(Change the right of cabin crew to captain) veto (such as stewardess) cabin crew assigned 5..
That you do not drinking and drug testing drug testing of 6. Before flight.
Ensuring employment grades at worst 7. English language proficiency exam.
Include a flying time travel time to get to 8. Missions
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Instead of eliminating the paid leave of one 9. Month, for 7 days from the 2nd to the "adjustment vacation", paid of menstrual leave
Abolish the English test of time for 10. Promotion
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I will give you the holiday of the 10th month in November. Pilot
To obtain the consent of the union when you discipline the executive of 12. Union
I extend to 61 years the retirement age of pilots has become a 55-year-old 13. (Action inception) currently
I extend to 58 years the retirement age of pilots has become a 55-year-old 14. (After the change) currently
Pilot air traffic controllers in Korea weak in English! ?
ttp :/ / japanese.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2007/03/18/20070318000005.html ※ broken links
> In the air traffic controllers and pilots of aircraft of Korea, of the people who take the international aviation English proficiency test, a result about 36% of the reference level below is found,
> Pointed out that there is a risk of accident, large-scale English shortage of pilots is caused is out.
English test pilot, mechanism of failure zero (top)
ttp :/ / www.chosunonline.com/article/20081228000006 ※ broken links
> To see the unsuccessful candidate after another, to teach problem expected in advance
> Still 95% 79 points or less, and re-evaluated after three years
(Tue) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/07/16 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 03:32:47.82 ID:: 206 lKeZRqll
That accident or get started training only in Korea people no longer have instructor foreign
Some leading to the difference in North Korea operated by only Koreans and South Korea involved in the state operated by Japan and the United States
(Tue) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/07/16 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 06:25:45.74 ID:: 243 WfjcP5Lc
Due to gdgd Koreans but noisy, the first place 's Korean pilot
What about? Issue I wish's they've expanded to processing me.
Thankfully As a matter transpired well, but I wish a deployment of a nightmare in Korean.
(Tue) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/07/16 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 06:30:18.08 ID:: 245 HXlcS69t
The w bow their head immediately only to Cena for some reason
Korean have been trained well