
Asiana Airlines - American fourth estate More of honor seems to be more important than the aircraft accident that killed Koreans. Lawsuit against the U.S. media is "The goofy lawsuit threat"

Discretion is not cod Korean


American fourth estate
More of honor seems to be more important than the aircraft accident that killed Koreans.
Lawsuit against the U.S. media is "The goofy lawsuit threat"

1: FinalFinanceφ ★ 2013/07/17 (Wed) 13:46:34.27 0
Asiana Airlines has reported the wrong name of their pilots in racial representation
When announcing the lawsuit plan to deal the United States, the San Francisco area broadcasting station KTVU
U.S. some speech criticized this immediately.

Los Angeles Times (LAT) to pray the opinion of the (local time) experts 15
Insisted that it is not that the case of Asiana sensible.

Alan Meyer consultant of 42 West Gate management company in an interview with the LAT
Why do people 'Do not focus on the tragic accident (thinking) to Asiana in the lawsuit "
It is possible to think that 'or focus on such problems "
I spoke with.

Howard also Pregnant Mont reputation dot-com Vice President
"Asiana was to finish by a statement of the strong tone (in the press) to request an apology"

Although unacceptable act of "broadcasting station offensive
Undergo insult people will die difference is very large "

I insisted.

View likelihood of success of Asiana would not greater came out.

McDonald's paradox vs. Pepperdine law professor after the accident
It is set to be higher than the general population defamation criteria for Asiana when considering that Asiana became interest
that was careless and the more you know the broadcasters the wrong name
Was described LAT When must unless demonstrated 'of substantial evil'.

Eric Wester system pull Washington Post reporter of (WP) in the statement I gave to their blog
I told the information broadcast is different then even though recognized as disparaging the Asian
"Defamation prove difficult for any of the public target without damage Asiana receive"
I insisted.

U~emupuru reporter described as 'goofy lawsuit threat' plans Asiana Proceed

The 'Which is the worst in public relations of Asiana, legal, of flight' for them to "litigation
Nice debate that will spread "

Discussion of the other is also expected with the tongue-in-cheek.

Carry is a one LAT opinion brush at the front is Klein

'Asiana, do not suit to grasp the atmosphere moderation'

I requested a withdrawal lawsuit directly in the statement entitled.

Defamation legislation Korean powerful
Now that Korean companies and others utilizing a lawsuit Nagaraku for image protection
Claim lawsuit that begins even came out.

Law of the land Joseph Heart Institute Professor of Columbia Law School
"It is much more sensitive to losing it Koreans think important to the dignity"
I spoke with. He was assessed likelihood of success of Asiana is greater.
http://www.excite-webtl.jp/world/korean/web/?wb_url=http% 3A% 2F% 2Fwww.yonhapnews.co.kr% 2Fbulletin% 2F2013% 2F07% 2F16% 2F0200000000AKR20130716177600009.HTML & wb_lp = KOJA & wb_dis = 2 & wb_chr =

Combat Organization
Deflection U.S. media reports, miss the normal course. Determine that the pilot misses the cause of the accident "patriotic" news, South Korea and paper ... the responsibility of the media is asked
The aviation ... Asiana "was to fool the pilot honor and Company", consider legal action against the NTSB and U.S. media

3: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 13:47:46.61 0
Have U.S.noticed by now

The 5: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 13:48:41.45 0
Tone of candy publicly but looked like at the time of Apple vs. Samsung roughly
Do not because dominance of Samsung rather if you look at the world
This is also a bluff candy public specialty

The 101: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 18:52:33.49 0
5 >>
Crushing defeat of Samsung If you see the world.
Do not invent casually.

The 102: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 19:10:15.82 0
5 >>
Bluff, but does not work towards the Chong probably good

The 7: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 13:50:24.58 0
"Koreans are funny head" When you paraphrase

Swiss players were expelled during this time with Olympic was correct.

The 8: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 13:51:02.84 0
American taste to fully Uzza of Korea but good
You'll get a little feeling of Japan in this

The 10: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 13:52:27.22 0
Over there is' goofy litigation ". What I do here be?

> Asiana Airlines that failed to land in the U.S. San Francisco International Airport, it was up in flames
> 83 passengers of the Boeing 777 airliner, Boeing it is manufactured aircraft,
> I filed a class action lawsuit seeking damages heavily in.

The 11: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 13:54:26.06 0
'Asiana, do not suit to grasp the atmosphere moderation'

This w "Koreans air daughter-in-law" Na's
You probably did not think Americans come in and accused of trifles No way

The 14: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 13:56:14.46 0
Can I do it thoroughly.

Chung and aviation is good w if Yararere thoroughly

The 15: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 13:58:14.94 0
Maybe Korean Might not be that suffer terrible someday

The 17: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 13:59:16.46 0
Well, South Korea
If there is an accident, Japanese dies even one Korean people died and 100 people,
ww Do not because guys rejoice
The ww trap opts' s common sense

The 18: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 14:05:03.54 P
Stinker around the world
Koreans it

The 21: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 14:06:46.38 0
> The 'Which one of the worst public relations of Asiana, legal, of flight' for them to "litigation
Nice debate that will spread "

Which is the worst among South Koreans lies, ignorance, incompetence if the litigation
Ugly controversy that will spread

The 23: Save up to! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 14:15:10.00 0
In, what I guess is commented alleged Onishi and Mike Honda

The 25: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 14:19:02.29 0
I'm glad circle of hate and Korea also spread to America
Japan and the United States Na's friend to share the values ​​still

The 29: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 14:22:11.56 0
At nasty Koreans
It will come under the impression that it is the truth that lie myself → lie evasive to a lawsuit →
Where you are doing in this country units

The 35: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 14:31:44.25 0
That you are convinced to become the truth if chanted hundred times lie terrible place of South Korea

at 37: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 14:37:05.80 0
35 >>
Decent people roughly from Na would relented before tailed hundred times lie in not completely socially
So Might not get the wrong end of the stick

The 43: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 14:50:50.97 0
35 >>
Person that is throwing up a lie because Na be fooled first

The 41: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 14:42:25.24 0
Well, "If you interact with Koreans, this is sick," and with that the Russian
Do not because guys accounted said, there is a need to isolated from the international community.

The 46: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 14:52:47.34 0
It's erected a bronze statue of a prostitute addicted to lobbying the guy from
U.S. a country of you guys.

48: ■ Let's rid, (water) (Sucks constant display) ■ 2013/07/17 14:59:14.03 0 excess display and useless display of television programs

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Americans should be aware of, to be a problem of similar shape and comfort women issue is this.

I'll not only Korean, are writing shame built a comfort woman statue, American! ! !

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

The 51: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 15:31:50.55 0
The "colonization" of the annexation and Japan, the "sex slave" the comfort women only
The attempt to change to make a propaganda, because I'm successful middle
I'll be very bad if you do not properly resistance Stop it mimics the United States also attached to smile?

The 60: Save Up! 's name oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 16:41:43.95 0
Claim the American speech is I was relieved to quite right, obediently
This then, right's sense of normal ...

The 61: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 16:43:44.76 0
What happens when pamper Koreans, would have found much also from Anta> candy's

The 70: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 17:13:56.81 0
>> Undergo insult people will die is a very large difference

If Koreans brain
Korea insult >>>>>>>> Chinese death >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Japanese death

The 74: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 17:19:22.56 0
Rather than an insult so and so, Koreans always
Without in any way to be considered "suffering I granted to others", although not also reflect
Forever continue to stir exaggeration regarding "suffering given to others myself"
Insensitive to the pain of others, and ultra-sensitive to their pain, DQN thinking the very

The 81: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 17:29:18.47 0
74 >>
The first thing out of his mouth remains of the infant 's spirit of those guys
Come to the defense of relatives if self-centered, can afford everything, but not caring to a stranger
Spit just lie in the near term We can not also be acting in self-control thinking also do not work, that of the destination
The struggling trying Hiko the sympathy of the strong always, without any reason to be made of cornered just cry

The 123: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (Thursday) I'm nameless 2013/07/18 12:52:55.51 0
81 >>
Also in China during the half a million years, have used to dump garbage or vassal state the peninsula, Na I have responsibility.

The 90: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 18:06:23.00 0
The Chosun Ilbo, a major paper of Korea, on this issue accident, it is recommended the following 5 things.
This is what is under attack (1) U.S. National Transportation Safety Board from (NTSB), and fight back in case NTSB and Boeing as soon as possible
For (2) U.S. citizens, as long as you board the Boeing aircraft, Shimeyo know the potential victim of a defective aircraft
The tension and organizations with antipathy to (3) NTSB, the united front pilot crew and trade unions, such as (ALPA), Whatever pursue the responsibility of Boeing
Is not only (4) Private Regardless protest multilateral using various diplomatic channels government
Whatever warning "can worsen the Korean people feelings is a loss" that was touted (5) Koreans to have hated the Boeing

The 98: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) I'm nameless 2013/07/17 18:35:26.98 O
, America
It's commonplace specific Asia
It 's valuable knowledge you do not learn in textbooks

The 114: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (Thursday) I'm nameless 2013/07/18 08:48:28.90 0
That if the advice in the United States, it is not added to the discretion in this matter
After the Buddha's heart out badly, I will have to make a cause that is gathered begging even to the fact that distortion in the future

The 115: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (Thursday) I'm nameless 2013/07/18 09:35:42.69 0
114 >>
Probably I do not have justice such as Buddha's heart for Korean-Americans.
How can you get the provision of prostitutes and bribes from the Korean people are interested that lobbying.
The work too hard to increase desperately lobbying expenses behind the scenes Well
Do not wonder would be great to no longer be reduced later.
Korean tragedy will from there.

The 119: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (Thursday) I'm nameless 2013/07/18 12:20:58.87 0
Still, America is not known what's called Koreans.
"Holler a lie that could be subterfuge is natural right" in the culture of the Korean people.
America theory that violates the rights, that, bad across the board.
The Koreans, trying to think that someone is screaming a lie for prevarication also America.
The guy so-called, of self projection.
American Nida should have lied!

Evidence shows the mistake of the pilot.

If the evidence is fabricated Nida!

It would be hard to believe that theory for most of the world perhaps, but not in such an advanced litigation threat.

The 121: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (Thursday) I'm nameless 2013/07/18 12:42:52.72 0
The large but it's told you, too late notice America,
Korean'm hated in the United States long ago.
When I look at the news via Masugomi of Japan, but I will not feel so.

History trumped ethnic "Kilian" coming out in the "witness of 700 years after" Star Trek Voyager # 91 story
Such as, Keanu Reeves "rule of man with a fake City (2008)" or.
posted by nokija at 23:00| News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

Asiana Airlines What Bibi to criticism from the U.S. fourth estate The stop action against broadcasters

Mindlessly of Koreans as usual


Asiana Airlines
What Bibi to criticism from the U.S. fourth estate
The stop action against broadcasters

1: FinalFinanceφ ★ 2013/07/17 (Wed) 19:26:31.88 0
I have a report that Asiana Airlines to San Francisco Airport-deprecating accident airliner pilot
It was revealed on the 17th that it has decided not to cause a lawsuit against the U.S. regional broadcasting station KTVU.

Asiana Airlines has planned to raise a civil action in the field initially
Likelihood of success is also not large action plan Asiana is unwise in the U.S. speech
Seen and changed the date and time position is headwind while the coverage critical.

Asiana Airlines in the press release on this day
There is that "KTVU announced the apology formal for the corresponding coverage,
It was decided not to proceed with legal action in order to tilt the competence of all the accident out of control "
I explained.

Asiana Airlines leave the 15th
"Honor of the company has been seriously damaged for coverage"
And then was selected law firms for litigation while the
Have you made it clear that it is planning to submit (complaint, small intestine), director in local court.

KTVU is a San Francisco area broadcasting prior to
Was distorting the name of the four pilot using the expression that deprecating Asian.
http://www.excite-webtl.jp/world/korean/web/?wb_url=http% 3A% 2F% 2Fwww.yonhapnews.co.kr% 2Fsociety% 2F2013% 2F07% 2F17% 2F0706000000AKR20130717182900003.HTML & wb_lp = KOJA & wb_dis = 2 & wb_chr =

Combat Organization
Deflection U.S. media reports, miss the normal course. Determine that the pilot misses the cause of the accident "patriotic" news, South Korea and paper ... the responsibility of the media is asked
The aviation ... Asiana "was to fool the pilot honor and Company", consider legal action against the NTSB and U.S. media
"Towards the dignity seems to be more important than the aircraft accident that killed Koreans. Lawsuit against the U.S. media is" The goofy lawsuit threat "" America fourth estate

The 4: Save up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 19:30:11.33 0
Koreans can have advanced emotionally without any prospect of success

That it has withdrawn reason to go back for a moment

The 9: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 19:35:50.39 0
How Korean passengers were sued Boeing and wonder to?

The 49: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 21:26:03.82 0
9 >>
Was compiled litigation Do not like the counsel of Asiana
Litigation expenses www Is Asiana even have

Source seems to blog in Korea

2013/07/17 (Wed) 19:36:50.24 0 Please do not give the name: 12
Hetare indeed!

Well I'll not say from the beginning. Embarrassed fellow eye.

It's my oleoresin, (water) 2013/07/17'm nameless 19:39:14.45 ID:: 13!!! DRSw8afu0!
The Chong or run away by winding tail!

The 14: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 19:39:54.19 0
I'm was true that those guys shut up if delle bullish
On the other hand, Japan had come to reverse

The 20: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 19:45:42.60 0
That one? Hetare eyes w coward because though it is strong that it is Japan partner

- 22: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 19:49:13.07 0
Cowards who wore fangs to the U.S. in large favor with the help of Wei Shina is, is a little wind
Was wrapped in tin tail when it becomes bad. I wish if delle strongly in this manner, successive Cabinet
Is, it was doing hear that you say one by one. It's that it was a big mistake.

The 27: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 19:51:31.92 0
It is correct for the peninsula,'s come out strong as China and the U.S. That was definitely proven
So, the biggest problem is that the Korean system I come looms is the Japanese media, but ...

The 32: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) I'm nameless 2013/07/17 20:02:01.84 O
Would never and willing to argue from the beginning
Pose. Pose.

The 34: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 20:06:20.98 0
You say, "I'll leave it to this place today," Keep in returns is returned to beat shit
Warota w It looks like rubbed off show

The 35: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 20:07:58.81 0
Let erected Asiana Airlines catastrophe accident anniversary memorial in San Francisco.

The 47: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 21:04:31.46 I
South Korea was Tsukeaga~tsu Japan because too much sweet face ever
It's clearly stop baby.
Japan Na must change. If you do not do something the first Masugomi

The 50: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) I'm nameless 2013/07/17 21:39:47.01 O
Japan is bad enough this.
It was too prearranged own way 'em to say' s "Responding adult" until now.
So I have rung up to fight in the United States aboard tone.
You gotta do and kick ass in the future

The 52: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) I'm nameless 2013/07/17 21:47:45.08 O
Or the same as or place and out of the "North"? w
W Na is indeed the same ethnic

The 54: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 22:07:26.13 0
Interns and broadcasters bad perfect this
It is also too early Asiana's Ru hetare

The 57: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 22:34:13.98 0
It looks there is in effect the person who said strong after all.

The 60: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 22:44:00.90 0
57 >>

Japan should emulate the U.S.

The 61: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 23:26:38.78 P
57 >>
Proof of the pudding

The 64: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (Thursday) I'm nameless 2013/07/18 00:30:03.94 0
57 >>

Large Qing emperor merit monument

* Stupid Korean king was against the great Qing emperor.
* The chides stupid Korea Wang, Qing emperor was doing admonished this mortal sin.
* Korean king awakened conscience, vowed to serious soul-searching the stupidity of their own, to become a vassal of the great Qing emperor.
* In order to reflect on the stupid crime was Tsu reverse the Qing also, do not forget forever the merits of the Qing emperor, my Korea, decides to build this monument.

The 66: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (Thursday) I'm nameless 2013/07/18 04:32:36.96 O
In Jan standing death flag because I sold fight to Boeing as airlines when you abandoned prosecution against media
Asiana Hey, you seen the stars shining light on the side of the Big Dipper?

The 67: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (Thursday) I'm nameless 2013/07/18 04:53:48.86 0
I wish I see

Opponent over and over is forced entrainment over comfort women to Yasukuni Shrine is both foolish critic's Japan
Na what you've got to cover fire

No wonder America is still through envy

The 68: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (Thursday) I'm nameless 2013/07/18 06:50:22.46 0
Do not understand it or were to take a view Jupp is spoiling how

The 71: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (Thursday) I'm nameless 2013/07/18 08:36:30.11 0
Not amusing. Although I thought when you Horuhoru stand statue of captain blowing the TV station before
Koreans thought beggar also unprofitable 's other than Japan also?

The 72: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (Thursday) I'm nameless 2013/07/18 09:52:19.48 0
Such a thing Nante Korean
Can not only be droop and rounded tail when you are out with a strong attitude
Japan is also trying to destroy the thugs beggar with a strong attitude of the original

The 77: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (Thursday) I'm nameless 2013/07/18 15:22:45.47 P
And even though I wanted to take care of Koreans what Koreans have litigation. Such as the economic sanctions such as large anti-Korean movement, and to want to develop in the United States

The 78: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (Thursday) I'm nameless 2013/07/18 15:56:24.31 0
W Na's Gukku Dasse
posted by nokija at 22:00| News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

Questioned Asiana pilots, postponed fire disease Hospitalized immediately after returning home Contact with the outside refusal

Koreans just liar


Questioned Asiana pilots, postponed fire disease
Hospitalized immediately after returning home
Contact with the outside refusal

1: FinalFinanceφ ★ 2013/07/17 (Wed) 19:17:02.58 0
Leave the 6th (local time) by landing the United States, San Francisco Airport morning
(Bottle) B777-200 passenger aircraft wreckage 214 reviews Asiana Airlines that crashed into the runway

Land, Infrastructure and Transport Department is Asiana Airlines passenger plane accident pilot
The findings will mental stress that severe of (doctor)
I made it clear the 17th was delayed to the 19th interviewed dates.

Ministry official was scheduled belongs aviation safety inspectors and flight safety to investigate the pilot this day
It has been described that it has not granted the search medical staff is that it is unstable psychological state thereof.

State of the pilot if upturn ministry
It is planned to investigate these and did observe the flight procedures, such as come the 19th Asiana headquarters.

Pilot is taking a rest in the hospital contact with the outside remains blocked and returned home leaving the 13th.
http://www.excite-webtl.jp/world/korean/web/?wb_url=http% 3A% 2F% 2Fwww.yonhapnews.co.kr% 2Fsociety% 2F2013% 2F07% 2F17% 2F0706000000AKR20130717167800003.HTML & wb_lp = KOJA & wb_dis = 2 & wb_chr =

W from what and to what Hwang was the same pattern If you think something deja vu

The 26: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 19:47:41.86 0
1 >>
America, this or were you questioned without consideration of mental state and health of the pilot
Peace confusion and excitement, ... can not be credible

The 39: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 20:45:37.66 0
1 >>
Weak human spirit is not you unfamiliar 's pilot?

The 4: Save up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 19:20:27.24 0
Mental stress?
Shit is not enough! Shit is not enough! ! Is missing or shit! ! !

The 6: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) I'm nameless 2013/07/17 19:21:49.98 O
i wonder how a pilot, just like Korean is flying still?

The 7: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) I'm nameless 2013/07/17 19:23:01.04 O
The origin of concealment Korea Nida

The 8: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 19:23:02.34 0
Korean pilots given that they have fire disease have
In the future, will not pass an aviation medical!

The 11: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 19:25:04.80 0
Just kimchi and lack of tonsil,
Roundworm in the brain it will only make noise.

The 15: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) I'm nameless 2013/07/17 19:32:49.33 O
> You can cut off contact with the outside and return home in the hospital ...

* Meeting in
Or brainwashing in

The 20: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 19:39:31.23 0
15 >>
Eye baked in order to balance a budget of "because the laser attack from Japan"

The 16: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 19:33:44.44 0
Chung commit a crime in the country costume.

The 18: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 19:35:26.70 0
Feigned illness Northern ━ ━ ━ ━ of specialty (° ∀ °) ━ ━ ━ ━!!

It's my oleoresin, (water) 2013/07/17'm nameless 19:38:08.61 ID:: 19!!! NvlEFEdp0!
> Did not license the research medical staff is that it is unstable psychological state of these

From what I understand, thought we were Iwasa said it was acquired by Chung

The 23: Save up to! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 19:44:30.56 0
> Did not license the research medical staff is that it is unstable psychological state of these
What psychological state of Korean,
Do no less than to the other two state of sexual arousal during fire or disease?

The 25: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 19:47:19.96 0
23 >>
It would be a wise man about time?

The 27: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 19:51:54.01 0
I will make a new statement and South Korea pilot with cooperation.
It would be a different content and survey data in the United States.
This means that America is bad

The 29: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 19:53:13.28 0
Well, country of South Korea will no longer be trusted more and more.

The 32: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 20:08:11.83 0
Earnings Nida time of Kuchiura match

The 34: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 20:15:10.65 0
The w Might not be counted flight time of return

The 40: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 21:03:29.82 0
Or Kuchiura match

The 42: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 21:38:41.92 0
Before you can become apparent in various ways, I feel like I put out to

The 43: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 21:39:50.32 0
Yeah, this Korean pilots commit suicide
Can I bet
"Heart attack due to psychogenic stress" is Na would be reasonable cause of death
And no way to something autopsy course
Hospitalized patients die in hospitals Do not because it is an everyday occurrence

The 52: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (water) 2013/07/17 I'm nameless 22:42:52.95 0
Nida w to be able to make a favorable situation in the country in the "Chung this country
Nida www hand same as rape spokesman has Spoken "
"Oh, Chung is served prohibited ask them went out. Mendokusai another" American Emperor
Chung country "discrimination Nida!"

The 57: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, Thursday 2013/07/18 I'm nameless 00:49:54.35 0
The isolated, it would've been to memorize a scenario in which the government has provided one now

The 62: Save Up! 's oleoresin me, (Thursday) I'm nameless 2013/07/18 10:14:36.31 0
the pilot have been to not speak beaten the various drug

It's oleoresin me, and I'm nameless 2013/07/18 (Thu) 16:02:38.10 ID:: 70!!! X44xH6SL0!
You had better remain in the United States if the pilot Might was good
And then a disclaimer if you speak the truth
I hope unless it is that it is! ......... To just returned to Korea
posted by nokija at 20:00| News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

[Asiana aircraft accident] "concerned about the impact on the Chinese market due to pilot negligence coverage" [07/17]

Korean is not known


[Asiana aircraft accident] "concerned about the impact on the Chinese market due to pilot negligence coverage" [07/17]

Work Konakatta original voice actor φ ★ 2013/07/17 (Wed) 11:30:36.62 ID that came back: 1:??
in an accident Asiana aircraft failed to land at San Francisco Airport,
Some impact, but are on the sales in China of Asiana Airlines,
It did not result in reservation status guests and offer a cancellation at this time.

Travel company officials in Beijing to deal with passengers Korea and China 15 days,
Because it is "immediately after the accident, rather than Asiana Airlines, customers choose another airline often,
Did on percentage is "higher Chinese guests, explained the situation, such as reservation or cancellation" Refunds will "not happening.

Asiana Airlines flights destined for the United States at the Incheon International Airport via are not affected so much.
According to the local media, Asiana Airlines flights towards the U.S. via Incheon from Chengdu, Sichuan Province, is,
In order to hit the demand season, that it is fully booked almost state.

However, China branch office of Asiana Airlines, are concerned about the image lower than the effect on operating current.
This is because on Chinese guests there were many in the aircraft, U.S. media reports to highlight the negligence of the pilot are transmitted in China as it is.

Officials of Asiana Airlines China branch than operating loss of "the time being,
The person said that the U.S. media reports branding it's the fault of the pilots as it is spread in China is "a big problem.

Beijing = Yes planted Choi (Choi Yushiku) correspondent


(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 11:47:59.78 ID:: 17 j6Mw6Qeo
1 >>
I do important than gold condolences to the people who died

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 11:31:56.35 ID:: 2 LYaI9rhL
All the details of Asiana accident

And communication to inform you that landing of the aircraft is not normal from control
• The panic noticing finally (from voice recorder)
• If you try to Yarinaoso landing but crashed pratfall → w is too late anymore
And communication was to direct the rescue team from the control. Meaning unknown cockpit fire disease
-That it was left playing passenger crashed after what is discovered
・ CA7 name fainting CA is allowed to escape shooter deployment on board. Inferno of pandemonium
・ Escape shooter another deployment own passengers. Escape while with luggage, ignoring the CA
• Never can be decent induction of passengers, death one of the passengers is run over by a vehicle emergency
Crew can not completely confirm the safety of passengers, announced that 40 people before and after missing one o'clock
・ Conference ← American side discomfort in the face and such a CA that was instrumental to the end to escape the passenger
In fact, many passengers were left behind on board. It's helped them it has been rescue the airport turned out to
- It was to confirm the safety of passenger aircraft in the end, not the crew, it was a police officer at the airport duty also found
・ CA Mr. Lee you doss face conference, stand motionless figure which stunned next to the escape shooter open on the inside has been taken on passengers.

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 11:34:29.33 ID:: 5 mPIIQlSQ
Yea, not the level of market such as China, the correspondence after the accident is too badly
You say do not want to use worldwide.

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 12:55:40.84 ID:: 59 EQAslJ8u
5 >>
Reactive Asiana is, Na It is cruel of the level to be irrelevant anymore Nante negligence of the pilot.
Anyway, I can not help in the hope that fly Asiana is prohibited in all international airports in the world.

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 11:34:50.41 ID:: 6 KYQIXFX3
> Chinese guests there were many in the aircraft
This fact ('・ ω ・ `)
> This is because the U.S. media reports to highlight the negligence of the pilot are transmitted in China as it is.
The cause of the other can not find anything emphasis
U.S. media will not say to lie totally shines just like ('・ ω ・ `)

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 11:36:17.00 ID:: 8 x29nwI7Q
Victim Durango as if wronged to a perpetrator

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 11:48:54.43 ID:: 19 g2UBP9 +4
Koreans? W or not mistaking organizations like NGO, the organization called NTSB

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 11:51:45.47 ID:: 24 lK5LjkXj
Captain that does not speak English is to what court?
The interpretation put on?

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 11:57:49.42 ID:: 27 0eMCSph2
Koreans could go bad coverage inconvenient ...

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 12:32:46.94 ID:: 40 e4kHd6qK
Original 777 have been developed as an extension type B767-X of B767,
There are circumstances that because unlike a B767 too, code is attached as B777.

B777 is, because it was developed based on the results and analysis of the crash until it
Degree of safety is completely different.

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 12:48:14.38 ID:: 49 beIPFOBr
Koreans that it is suing Boeing 83 passengers (laughs)
Koreans stupid or far out nationalism

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 12:48:32.09 ID:: 50 ShXGPHSp
Too funny comments of candy and her friends of CNN
Paving company and construction company that made the seawall also do not forget?
Sun Pacific Ocean and the airport and also would have forgotten

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 12:52:25.35 ID:: 55 dLkj70gv
China's economy ww ww Do not though I would also companion Korea Well w all to rush to rock bottom now 's concerns about the China market

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 13:53:45.37 ID:: 76 waY1d6uR
Day out to free such as half a galaxy like in w Na close

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 14:03:29.29 ID:: 78 7x7jFYDK
It'll be ok ~ N ~ Asiana is
The company w ~ be Chinese or is bought me
You're fired doss face CA other than everyone who did a good job but personnel value ~ w

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 14:06:34.01 ID:: 79 vVk37eIg
78 >>
∧ ∧
/ Support
(`C ') Al to get a woman just put why
posted by nokija at 20:00| News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

[Asiana Airlines] Fuel leak at the Los Angeles airport B777 aircraft of Asiana Airlines To abort take-off [07/17]

Accident is followed by South Korea


[Asiana Airlines]
Fuel leak at the Los Angeles airport B777 aircraft of Asiana Airlines
To abort take-off

1: Tokyo Romantica φ ★ 2013/07/17 (Wed) 13:29:01.66 ID:???
[Seoul on the 17th (Reuters) - the 17th, Asiana Airlines to take off preparation in the U.S. Los Angeles International Airport,announced Boeing 777 airliner that had entered has ceased takeoff for fuel leakage.
The aircraft was about to head to the Incheon International Airport in South Korea.

The aircraft turned to maintenance, passengers wait about 17 hours to take off aircraft transfer to another
That was necessary.

Boeing 777 passenger aircraft of Asiana Airlines, landing failure on the 6th in the U.S. San Francisco International Airport
There was just an accident. Authorities of the U.S. and South Korea are investigating the cause of this accident.

The June 2, fuel leakage is found in one of the engine based on 777 different Asiana Airlines operated a fleet,
There were also circumstances that delayed take-off in San Francisco International Airport.


(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 13:41:03.97 ID:: 31 QmzkzKDj
1 >>
I want to think this is just a poor maintenance, but also orchestrated South Korea is trying to Karameyo emergency landing accident earlier this, I do be only meaningless result
Upset if it occurs with equal frequency in the B777 aircraft in other countries, because it does not recognize "quality of South Korean aviation company is bad" and only

... Do not be trying to Yarakaso work activities with trespassing in garages of other countries
Do not because terrorism state specified in the questions asked can I it

(Water) Regguuyo @ EDF ◆ R2uckTZDGs 2013/07/17 16:10:58.07 ID:: 102 T7PV0JTs
1 >>
Do not is simply poor maintenance.
The small wonder What Asiana, mechanic and pilot's also decent.

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 13:31:02.86 ID:: 3 G3McirAN

I want to hear the translation say

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 13:31:10.32 ID:: 4 pT5BwA9i
Primary succession also more than once so clear distinction

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 13:31:31.38 ID:: 7 9KImmq0p
What is 777 and Asiana, w I wish I good affinity

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 13:31:37.93 ID:: 8 RD88EzKo
Kana harassment of America

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 13:33:42.24 ID:: 14 mSHAHyu7
Or expected airframe failure
Koreans'll be forbidden to come out and do the very explicit
Do not think it Dekin
How can you get the punch line 's lack of aircraft maintenance

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 13:35:13.29 ID:: 18 NCMqAYnk
Bakachon "Nida - from aircraft-ho is bad"

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 13:35:29.09 ID:: 20 HoV0gKBl
Asiana is wonderful who does the same thing without Boeing Airbus relationship

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 13:35:59.32 ID:: 21 UNKPb1P9
Do not break Koreans well Asiana
Is it Koreans doing maintenance?

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 13:58:10.18 ID:: 56 aDCNS3lN
21 >>
Nida that <丶 `∀ '> Uri are doing with responsibility

The more convinced ('・ ω ・ `)

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 13:36:07.56 ID:: 23 Jrym66js
The w'm good in fly limit

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 13:36:08.29 ID:: 24 iYJlMKBy
Koreans no way a decent mechanic and pilot because Koreans terrible

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 13:38:52.76 ID:: 27 70q/h/iG
Fuel leakage Oke Koreans put in duct tape.

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 13:43:07.78 ID:: 36 NyGEO9I7
27 >>
Duct tape that was stuck in Kenchanayo repair I might have come off

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 13:59:12.31 ID:: 60 aDCNS3lN
27 >>
Koreans do not need to duct tape it because I just need a plug I close properly

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 13:41:58.33 ID:: 33 i45Tbge7
Koreans Ja do not leak if you do not put the fuel from the beginning?

Chung Tobeyo by humans

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 13:42:01.09 ID:: 34 ILKxI8Pm
In every department of any organization Korea because it is bankrupt state
Discipline maintenance also Might not a worn out.
It gave me anti-Japanese at the right moment.

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 13:44:07.02 ID:: 37 9dWCI3j1
Or are you maintenance properly?

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 13:45:21.00 ID:: 38 Mo/2TEMu
Nida that, I do not know how to maintenance

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 13:46:23.64 ID:: 39 VXLHK3ZF
South Korea is the aircraft, the carrying frequently - despite you are saying the possibility of liability to queuing,
The kiddle've been flying 777 Buddha ~
To stop for a while in flight volume - in queuing ...
It might be to me to listen to some extent Speaking of ...

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 13:46:31.21 ID:: 40 MaxgkMpP
Recurrence in 5 days from the fuel leak last

[China] Asiana aircraft, this time Shivering fuel leakage accident ... passenger in Shanghai [07/12]

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 13:49:05.13 ID:: 43 17lfMXnd
Asiana Airlines de Drabble, in Los Drabble, in Shanghai at Sendai Airport just after the accident
W I or Rubble

Asiana Airlines, w be a good and a no-fly all over the world

149: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/18 (Thu) 11:26:18.15 ID: rfzGiwu1
43 >>
I wanted to appeal if there is a problem with the aircraft
I wonder are kno

Do not I do seen only as a problem with the airline
Because I'm no problem most in the company of other

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 13:52:53.14 ID:: 46 HoV0gKBl
Is it going on to me like that often fuel leak?
And around 3 between January only half Asiana ...

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 13:52:58.00 ID:: 47 jB78XfqQ
Incident or continued. . Na become accident soon, this is Asiana Airlines.

W or two, do you crashed again

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 13:57:55.09 ID:: 54 jB78XfqQ
How can you get just poor maintenance. Because there is no money, I wonder if the shoddy maintenance. And then a company in bankruptcy once.
In the SF airport this before, a voice What I wonder flew to say Oh for fuel cost savings, but it must have been quite.

In other words, the risk of developing serious accident soon is very high to Asiana.

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 13:58:33.13 ID:: 57 kOdRAi1U
Trouble for the time being is! Never happens because I fell once
We're Gonna not Spoken in Korean?

I just don daredevil ride such as Asiana ...

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 13:58:57.18 ID:: 59 nnSuU2M /
Do not put on a show or come against the other responsibilities in theory that if you say

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 14:03:05.73 ID:: 64 2x6pt8tV
It's obvious poor maintenance. Doing on purpose in order to produce a defect of Boeing surely
Do not you have?

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 14:09:28.24 ID:: 67 t8zQAeF2
Often only trouble w B777 of knothole

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 14:16:49.80 ID:: 73 ycPhjZBy
Is it on purpose did you mean
Security failure 's'll just be banned at the airport in the world even if it is not so

77: <丶 `∀ '> (water) (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 14:27:53.11 ID: I0C +6 dRB
Small accidents occur frequently in front of major accidents
Asiana machine Na fall soon

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 14:50:37.76 ID:: 84 SFIp5WK +
Maintenance parts, Yeah there was using cheap Korean-made mock me!.

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 14:54:15.01 ID:: 86 lzVbfiNY
The street can be seen from the series of accidents
Overthrow to think that there is a deficiency in the maintenance system of Asiana Airlines
If you do not fly in the Asiana Airlines worldwide Seriously
It's not strange accident they occur on the sky and if it's a bad case

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 15:24:03.76 ID:: 91 OJDsYRLd
Was that for? KTX thread was that? Railway plate
have read the story the driver being an absolute, ground work and track maintenance personnel have been looked down upon

Aviation industry too Ja do sensory same?
So mechanic or that lost motivation, and likely if Korean

(Water) Ninpocho that began Urushihara Hanzo corrupt priest @ trumpet [Lv = 30, xxxPT] (1 Tasu0:9) [80.4%] TEPCO ◆ hakaiM9XNY 2013/07/17 15:27:21.70 ID:: 94 YfBljcpB
Miso of this matter is that they are frequently only to 777 of Asiana.

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 15:28:00.09 ID:: 95 l3Tiudm8
Over and over gasoline leaked wonder spread in the form of the Rising Sun flag

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 15:52:25.70 ID:: 98 Vo6/Eo8Q
In the aircraft safe worldwide, B777 was zero fatal accident until now

Why accident or to frequent only now Asiana Airlines?

This too would be reflected in the Korean economy worsening

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 16:18:59.30 ID:: 104 g+ jAk + NX
Chong Irya put in place, it would be any aircraft of high quality, but it is not unreasonable when they become piece of junk.

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 17:45:00.17 ID:: 112 jLd/b0cj
Victim Asiana softening Because it seems began sued Boeing,
W will do began to work for the cause Comunidad, parts manufacturers say me bad Comunidad defects in 777
Do not I easy to understand what one of over one.
Victims sued Boeing anyway also wonder a Korean

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 19:27:02.76 ID:: 125 iCBdUsVJ
Have you started to play the Mata Bakachon facing victims kno
Failure of Boeing aircraft Na come out in which Korean Air

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 23:27:35.05 ID:: 142 xIaQfWt6
ANA shares of Asiana Airlines held
I hear you are considering to be sold to Air China to join the same Star Alliance.

147: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/18 (Thu) 00:50:25.74 ID: Hu6c6did
142 >>
Not it's has in place commissioned Asiana machine because it is an affiliate of ANA.

150: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/18 (Thu) 11:39:38.29 ID: iXm3vKSl
Folly 鮮人 w to make noise in aircraft Wayakucha proven most sense it is of all places
Ww maybe closed a little sympathy When was Yara Bombardier
posted by nokija at 19:00| News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

[Asiana aircraft accident] "treatment is unfair compared to the Korean-American," "after-care is insufficient" Chinese passengers blame to the post-accident response[07/17]

South Korea is the country of discrimination


Work Konakatta original voice actor φ ★ 2013/07/17 (Wed) 15:57:26.76 ID that came back: 1:??
One man injured in the accident landing failure of Asiana aircraft July 16, 2013, took place in the U.S. San Francisco,
Felt that Chinese passenger is under unfair treatment. North American flower-shaped paper and the world is daily said.

By way of example, hotline Asiana Airlines was established to passengers of American and Korean in after the accident
It was intended to lead 24 hours, but contact phone against Chinese passenger was something that does not lead only until 9:07 pm to am.
Reason was the description of the Chinese staff corresponding with because missing.

However, Chu San Francisco Chinese Embassy is to negotiate, hotline for Chinese passenger was also 24 hours.
One of the passengers suffered mild in an accident, Xu (shoe)'s
It said, "but instead of could not be from the beginning, Asiana Airlines do not appear to have been underestimated us" he said.

4-year-old son of Xu had been admitted to hospital with a broken left foot in an accident of this time. Although rested in local hotels with his parents now,
Since the meal out of the hotel does not meet your mouth, Gibbs is relaxed, and that had thin enough leg moves in.
Although I asked Xu is to help by providing the Chinese to Asiana Airlines,
reply that the company has issued standing 4 days was something "so are looking for a hotel with kitchen, where I want you to self-catering" and.

Xu If you move to. Hotel that had substantial support "hospital
The talk was worried (from airlines) to be than be not be able to receive sufficient support, but only if it is "became a reality.
I ask what the answer to "consider" "I will report again" and "wait a moment" that just come back.

Admission, son of Xu had received care in mental addition to the treatment of injuries, but it was also lost after moving to hotel.
Xu are concerned about this accident is due, and the son from being no longer ride in the vehicle transportation. (Translation and editing / Kitada)


Memorial civil society [07/15] [Korean] "established a bust of three Chinese victim of Asiana machine accident, the development of friendly relations, China and South Korea"

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 16:04:22.78 ID:: 17 hjgC7uau
1 >>
Asiana is to sue the TV station of the U.S. even racism
racial discrimination in the treatment

Koreans past self-indulgence, have nausea (° д °), Ped

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 15:59:13.00 ID:: 2 + RpNEgah
This is Korea's hate racist

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 15:59:38.40 ID:: 4 nL5/wf3x
W Incheon or disappear when you poor

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 16:00:57.30 ID:: 9 whOONM2c
Is it also the rules that have to be continued to cause man-made disaster?

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 16:01:24.67 ID:: 10 B1ZFhkqg
China it's okay if you annexed Korea.
Treatment of Comunidad and Shiner will be the same at least doing so.

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 16:03:16.07 ID:: 11 heu5QW84
10 >>
And even though it has already been looking at the situation (`c ') of Japan's annexation of the Korean Peninsula after the blur or something merged! Al

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 16:03:19.83 ID:: 12 fYcsJlK5
Those who do not think it is snub is wrong. Opponent'll's Chung
It is a charge account you use something the airlines Chung

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 16:03:55.89 ID:: 15 h/6M8CMf
It Is not should Korea Uttaere with racism for the time being

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 16:04:01.99 ID:: 16 LXuqj3md
Japanese and "can not",
Korean I "can",
Do not trust the Chinese to the "could be".

Japanese you could say
"I was able to here Good luck somehow thanks to the cooperation of all of you"

Korea who were unable to say
"Nida He must conspiracy of Japanese"

Chinese that were not doing is say
"Al takes money even to do halfway. Still last"

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 16:04:54.81 ID:: 19 6TRqGNkL
> Description of Chinese staff corresponding with because missing
But may not be helped this

It was changed at once if you moved from the hospital last is in line with the little
I do not know mere with any request
(Room ... the image that requires reckless' s Chinese such as meals such as hate)
Em to the mental care, and I would be high insurance because not listen
You can be a little cheaper, such as compensation, such as a trial, impression of judge-jury will also be better

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 16:05:36.36 ID:: 20 NzW3cTYu
ASIANA is, I'll have been cheated I will not think ANA,,,

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 16:07:22.72 ID:: 21 5YJTRjv9
Do not you Mekuso snot each other to a collection Begging it with cavil
Well you'll do it w.

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 16:07:50.54 ID:: 22 lKnbQ4hp
> Since the meal out of the hotel does not meet your mouth, Gibbs is relaxed,
And that had thin enough leg moves in.

W'd only had fat by eating Bakka originally high-calorie

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 16:08:12.58 ID:: 23 amtWNCGt
Well it Irya to Gibbs, arm I dwindle.
Al because of ripped off! Such as, Do not is expected.

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 16:11:19.34 ID:: 26 wBHnoZ2O
Also, the rice of America 's day and night morning be painful comparatively

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 16:11:46.21 ID:: 28 Qk2aI3vS
Korea have something unreal in disarray
Chinese also whether the appeal?

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 16:12:06.37 ID:: 29 YWr5VFqO
Contact, w captured area is the disease ... Do not be involved in each other never guyz

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 16:17:04.80 ID:: 31 aarxY9Dm
>> For meals out of the hotel does not fit into your mouth, Gibbs is relaxed, and that got skinny enough legs to move in.

Or translation issues, it became about foot moves in Gibbs and if I lost weight. Or that.
Do you did you even fasting Either way, two weeks but not stood still, and me lose weight so much.

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 16:20:14.56 ID:: 35 OJDsYRLd
Japanese rode wonder if all right
Worry because there is no coverage at all

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 16:22:25.45 ID:: 38 qa3/cM5q
Koreans' s too ethnic look down on other than their own from

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 16:23:15.48 ID:: 40 wh9Yxlls
U.S. rainy day in Sandwich Korea

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 16:23:41.46 ID:: 41 eUxnTiHF
Chun, a habit that the behavior and morals of the brown rat following
Although scream and you! "Discrimination is a tea distinction" only there is a slight difference of treatment Japan
Civil litigation + Japanese w'm whether fair to Japanese companies that are expanding?

And w by the habit of not dealing fairly and foreigners every foreign companies.

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 16:27:43.78 ID:: 44 hG1u8xki
> Although I asked Xu is to help by providing the Chinese to Asiana Airlines

The w trap story You say of you doing the Na I wish Asiana Airlines Okya go with in-flight meals
W Oke is Kuwase in kimchi

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 16:42:53.83 ID:: 48 sOaqI949
In spite that caused an accident, do not have skimp on the embedded support
I do Ja dangerous cash flow?

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 16:46:56.71 ID:: 49 ANl1T/zI
In South Korea there is only consciousness up and down, because it exceedingly bad is racism.
(American) scary Caucasian, and have to Hekora in Arigataga~tsu,
Colored Nante (Chinese), because there is only consciousness' s under the Korean, the awful treatment.
Is not it so, hey, Arita Sensei?

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 16:52:08.39 ID:: 50 i45Tbge7
And his real ability too specialized sub, one and all

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 16:53:12.56 ID:: 51 blQz/Gx8
Korean Koryo stick of child keeps to believe what you and I can be for the Chinese in the real intention.
Estimates that much cheaper than American brethren shop the price of the life of Chinese people into the bargain.
It is stepped on to become even cheaper if Tatere in statue.

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 17:06:08.70 ID:: 54 sVb8VvvB
Dorojiai wwww in the U.S., China and South Korea

The rare Japan has not yet participated really

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 17:37:16.72 ID:: 64 UC808UP3
54 >>
The hero Korea
It's cause every time problem by also rummage Korea

W without any high ratings mistake if in a dramatic re-enactment every week Ujiterebi

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 17:06:55.41 ID:: 55 sLnmiM0f
Asiana is Korea is said not otally motivated incident response in the United States.

To give priority to Korean annoying like crazy commotion with the United States coming to support severe among them of course.
Chinese not a do not make noise about Koreans from buried as soon as it was an accident in China.

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 17:13:34.99 ID:: 58 EPTC + qAX
It 's rubbed suzerain like also fallen

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 17:25:09.03 ID:: 62 amtWNCGt
Until last week, Kinpe, Kunekune
‥ ‥ It used to be love love the pupil eyes and look at each other

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/17 18:42:32.44 ID:: 72 nkww1/D4
W Causes of composition to conflict with the United States if there is Korea together again
Turning back w Do not impossible anymore
posted by nokija at 18:46| News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

Korean War began in the invasion of North Korea by South Korea

True History is
South Korea begins to invasion preparations for Japan →U.S. withdrawal from Korea →North invaded war in Korea

"The Korean War, Nida, which began in the invasion of North Korea by South Korea" is 70% of high school students in South Korea ... [the origin]

(Tibet Autonomous Region) 2013/06/18 (Tue) Sphinx 08:25:25.33 ID:: 1 7XUmm7ZJT ● BE :425472236-BRZ (10100) Award points

70% of high school students in South Korea answered "Northern aggression", President Park "shock"

Fox worded it wrong 70% of high school students in Korea means "invasion of North Korea by South Korea" for the Korean War called "Northern aggression"
For door, (Park Ohakune) The president emphasized the idea that need to be improved as "shocking" Park Geun-hye.

A survey of South Korea Seoul newspaper said in conjunction with examination of skill in the art, approximately 70% of high school students is different from the historical fact about the Korean War,
I responded to mean "invasion of North Korea by South Korea" and "Northern aggression". In the textbook, North Korea been invaded to the south to be "Nanshin"
Are marked. Seoul newspaper was or did not know properly why the war happened or has misunderstood the meaning of "term for this
I have pointed out is "revealed.

Park Geun President pointed out that the "shocking results" about this. Moreover, there is absolutely possible to distort the truth and history in the "education
Also shown along with the idea that there is a problem in the education field and "should not be Te, thought of the need to improve as a" can not miss "
I have highlighted the. (The 17th 22:28)

Could it be on so the textbook? ('・ Ω ・ `)

(Home) 2013/06/18 (Tue) Ragamuffin 08:29:14.97 ID:: 4 jQuxsJzd0
Fight the Sino-Russo-Japanese the hard way Japan is only braided before the war think this yeah
Trap there is no reason that it can be seen or defended from communist capital Manchuria Korean Peninsula ...

(Kyoto) 2013/06/18 (Tue) Sabatora 08:30:16.73 ID:: 10 WcgV3tRY0
How can you get age of South Korea had been genocide spying certification of North Korea citizens unrelated 's that time

Do not talk about at that time in the state the current situation

(Soft bank) 2013/06/18 (Tue) 08:30:53.79 ID Nuko:: 6OnRNgcUP 11
> There shall be absolutely able to distort the truth and history in the "education

Mother, Swarovski soot key

(Nagano) 2013/06/18 (Tue) 08:37:05.53 ID and Nuko:: 9U4r9Tsd0 23
If you are gaining strength in the sea side trying Semekomo in Japan that was weakened by defeat
I was tired Semekoma a chance from the back.

Do not because there was a Japan

Because of Japan

(Tokyo) 2013/06/18 (Tue) Panpasuneko 08:47:46.55 ID:: 30 02kM3viP0
How can you get any good How about history if you had got to fake anyway

(Kanagawa) 2013/06/18 (Tue) Ragdoll 08:59:17.58 ID:: 47 yluT3u + p0
Www what has become 's history in Korea
Is it not only with respect to Japan, it's a confused the

(Garden) 2013/06/18 (Tue) Jofuroineko 09:00:19.29 ID:: 50 8/UQnMpo0
Urinara fantasy of truly

(SB-iPhone) 2013/06/18 (Tue) Siberian 09:03:58.10 ID:: 51 UcoTqbrXi
Ethnic groups do not know what is also true whether the lie full of documents as well past

(Niigata) 2013/06/18 (Tue) tiger 09:12:41.98 ID:: 56 a6QFHA9l0
You guys may feel funny to say such a thing, but keeps to have no interest in history 's Korean
Fool you are misunderstanding that it is a thing of the Japanese independent Dongnimmun is not so much from the Qing even many,
Interest from low to history rather not mean me because of trumped distortion separately. I do not know the simple

(Miyagi) 2013/06/18 (Tue) Bombay 09:21:35.16 ID:: 59 + W7rfmrd0
Nida is not way also "Northern aggression", "Nanshin" even then the same pronunciation in Korean!

It does Te Na is, w Na'm not in the expected

(Dion Army) 2013/06/18 (Tue) Siberian 09:34:17.25 ID:: 66 oSYbfEeg0
Distortion is too, make sense is wonder no longer meet various
There is a decent reading comprehension, as well as fact and name of an era, for people to be Yomitoko the context
The reading history textbooks Peninsula It Perhaps there painful
There is no way even lost interest in history

(West) 2013/06/18 (Tue) imitation of classical styles 11:06:33.44 ID:: 100 O0vs0dz +0
I wonder if has taught me is that it was killed instantly in North Korea

(SB-iPhone) 2013/06/18 (Tue) Sphinx 12:40:28.95 ID:: 115 8582I4Yji
To spite you wearing cavil in the country's history of human
Stupid nation that can not even national history education of mere decades.
Things to do in previous anti-Japanese, pile w

(Ishikawa) 2013/06/18 (Tue) Korat 18:11:41.62 ID:: 120 ULC/dL2Z0
Busan brink to was occupied side that invasion is losing ...
Tsu will too stupid

(Osaka) 2013/06/18 (Tue) Cornish wreck 11:00:14.29 ID:: 97 iq15 + b + s0
: You do not even tell their own war, Do not be following her cavil textbooks other countries.
ラベル:Korean War
posted by nokija at 06:00| News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

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