
Advertising Expenditures in Japan criticism such as "comfort women", Korea does not pay the fee, Can be appealed to the advertising agency of the United States New York District Court [2/7]

do not trust Koreans
The reason, Koreans because liar
Americans do not know the Korean


1: Niraikanai ƒÓ š 2014/02/07 (Fri) 07:04:51.38 ID:???
Ÿ Advertising Expenditures in Japan criticism Kim Jang-hoon has issued, not paid to U.S. companies
Litigation-sued advertising company of the United States, the Korean agency

2012, singer Kim Jang-hoon Mr. Dokdo: the comfort women issue of the Imperial Japanese Army and the (Japanese name Takeshima)
Was donated to appeal to the world and on, ad spending of Times Square in New York, USA
(About 10 million yen at the current rate, the same below) about $ 100,000 $ 53,000 out of (about 5.4 million yen),
It has been found that it is not credited to the advertising agency of the United States.

Advertising agency in the United States, as have not received this money, you can complaint against the agency in June last year
It filed a lawsuit, but Shito is not clear also (about 4.8 million yen) $ 47,000 remaining.

June last year, "ISEA communication of two months of December ('12) and in November the City Outdoor
And as "not paid the $ 53,000 advertising fee, about $ 70,000 and advertising costs and advertising withdrawal fee of unpaid amount
I was raised in New York district court a lawsuit seeking (about 7.1 million yen).

Professor Seo made it clear that that was passed to Cho Hyun Joong's advertising expenses received from Kim.
But, for an interview with Anne Ji Young Mr. Cho in the City outdoor advertising expenses
Recognizing that it is not paid, and that broke off contact after that.

In addition, one month of November 12, entertainment program production staff from some of the TV station, Times Square
($ 4,000 = about 410,000 yen) is also advertising fee of video ads of bibimbap, which puts up to electric bulletin board,
litigation documents Jo is not paid to City Outdoor, the company has submitted to the court
Ahn told this matter is, are included.

Chosun Ilbo 2014/2/6

¡ Combat Organization
That it was accused of advertising fees criticized Japan, South Korea is Fumitaoshi rates in the sad news] [New York Times found

Quoted source: Advertising Expenditures in Japan criticized the United States], [such as "comfort women", South Korea is Fumitaoshi a fee, can be appealed to the advertising agency of the United States = New York district court [2/7]

(Gold) <˜¤ `Í '> 2014/02/07 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 08:12:09.48 ID:: 72 YSJpgBja
1 >>
To the decent that you say Koreans, Americans wonder auspicious.

(Gold) <˜¤ `Í '> 2014/02/07 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 09:00:45.00 ID:: 121 TZkNtGGa
1 >>

Betray Koreans are Koreans always

As usual

(Gold) <˜¤ `Í '> 2014/02/07 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 07:05:22.70 ID:: 2 i1K2JJbD
Deposit is obvious if the other party vanguard Cho

(Gold) <˜¤ `Í '> 2014/02/07 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 07:11:31.97 ID:: 9 tKUNlae7
> Korea is Fumitaoshi rates

Koreans thief Korea truly
Koreans Na stand out is vile guts

(Gold) <˜¤ `Í '> 2014/02/07 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 07:13:59.73 ID:: 11 KRt9ZSvD
Koreans had been able to notify the "identity of Korea" without spending a cent.
Koreans I think we lost meaning over gold 's original ad with this?

(Gold) <˜¤ `Í '> 2014/02/07 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 07:25:24.51 ID:: 22 raUx3Fy5
Case to say from now on w Na will do frequently in the United States in

(Gold) <˜¤ `Í '> 2014/02/07 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 07:28:58.12 ID:: 26 raUx3Fy5
Comfort women image too prove to be a problem who will pay.

(Gold) <˜¤ `Í '> 2014/02/07 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 07:31:33.51 ID:: 29 H8jy9HhF
Irresponsible, Americans, and Korean
Learning, you will not want to miss whether the guys what ...

(Gold) six generation Hamada Den'neEmon / P Ÿ AKUMA / .co 2014/02/07 07:37:26.23 ID:: 39 673J9CKf
29 >>
Experience is the best teacher. However, tuition is too high.
~ Thomas Carlyle

(Gold) <˜¤ `Í '> 2014/02/07 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 07:31:33.57 ID:: 30 n + jwCGAS
Americans not it in the bill the Koreans-American organization?
Should not many guys to cut own pocket if no support from South Korea

(Gold) <˜¤ `Í '> 2014/02/07 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 07:34:46.92 ID:: 35 yDKMV6Ay
Punch line that was only advertised the ugly of the actual Korean Korean I try to criticize Japan

(Gold) <˜¤ `Í '> 2014/02/07 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 07:41:02.15 ID:: 42 JP / DwCMI
I do not dub the current thread?

Advertising Expenditures in Japan criticism [U.S.] Kim Jang-hoon has issued, not paid to U.S. companies - Takeshima, comfort women issue š 2 [02/06]

(Gold) Isogai Professor Ph.D 2014/02/07 07:57:29.28 ID:: 56 zQ6YXalJ
>> You pointed out as the 42's, attrition is not it? Dabu~tsu.
Originally, multi-post What a big no-no, but I leave put the same language in this place.

You might foregoing, but "gradual TakashiIsao of Seishin Women's University is a PR expert of Korea (Seo Gyondoku) Professor"
The, I will have a full-fledged "criminal record". You can not trust at all his words and deeds.

-------------------------------------------------- --------------
29 Oct. 2012, according to the place where toll Korean paper JoongAng Ilbo newspapers such as, 50 international students and JoTakashiIsao
There were around to put a poster to protest the comfort women issue in the main universities and about 40 schools in Japan.
According to an article in the JoongAng Ilbo reported that a poster installation activities of October 29, was posted on the University of Japan
The number of posters that go up to 10,000 sheets. However, posters such as long as the universities of Japan has been confirmed
Suspicion one piece not found, was a forgery is news itself is spreading. ]
-------------------------------------------------- --------------
http://www.weblio.jp/content/% E5% BE% E6% AC% E5% BE% B3

(Gold) <˜¤ `Í '> 2014/02/07 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 07:44:40.38 ID:: 44 bJMHmwso
Knock the Japan-American I Koreans it but keen
Or going to move for the home country, it's not like I like that there is a strong will
Koreans it's a "just like the harassment"

(Gold) <˜¤ `Í '> 2014/02/07 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 08:02:39.20 ID:: 59 6Z/PRaXq
They are also in dispute comfort women image
Koreans and I'm going around guys who had collected donations and build a statue to the United States has become the missing suddenly

(Gold) <˜¤ `Í '> 2014/02/07 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 08:05:50.14 ID:: 66 1gWNchtQ
Because I have a gold useless you only make a bronze statue in the United States Korean
Should I take from fee-American Korean Americans
Korean because I got to have money to be used to bribe or statue construction and lobbying expenses.
Soda Koreans let them pay to Mike Honda all. How can you get people who'd like a representative of the Korean-American

(Gold) <˜¤ `Í '> 2014/02/07 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 08:07:42.35 ID:: 67 GeAlkSDk
Koreans patriotic innocence, the bad I guess bring up such as Japan
It does not matter at all Nde Japan me doing only the United States and South Korea

(Gold) Borobboro Ÿ Satori / Ojo 2014/02/07 08:14:41.52 ID and out Omoi:: gWuCjQa9 76
If you think the theory of Korean guy from, and because of the advertising costs that I did not have to out Japan if your reflection properly
Although I think you can settle any where in the Japanese side, should pay in advance, that compensation should be at the same time ...

(Gold) <˜¤ `Í '> 2014/02/07 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 08:28:27.92 ID:: 84 VIWvWVVS
Koreans, a liar.
Koreans lie even full testimony of former comfort women. Come out Yohei Kono.

(Gold) <˜¤ `Í '> 2014/02/07 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 08:35:45.72 ID:: 96 w2TNJAeU
Nobody "Koreans to pay the money as promised."

(Gold) <˜¤ `Í '> 2014/02/07 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 08:48:24.75 ID:: 109 mwSmFbFx
Koreans w Would not you better "Japan! Bad" Tteka in court

(Gold) <˜¤ `Í '> 2014/02/07 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 09:10:37.71 ID:: 140 KRt9ZSvD
109 >>
W to be so maybe
"My bad" because it does not exist in the Korean guys, is refuted ¨ "other party" is refuted ¨ "the business practices of the United States" and ¨ Gununu "Japan!'s Right!" ¨

(Gold) <˜¤ `Í '> 2014/02/07 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 08:55:35.58 ID:: 117 wjl2NI / /
This is ...
Advertising agency is only a fool ...
Japan 's not trust the Koreans I wish a natural

(Gold) <˜¤ `Í '> 2014/02/07 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 08:58:17.91 ID:: 118 1dSMSULT
How can you get Korean normal, and abduction to rape, Koreans Fumitaoshi, fraud.
Korean'm wondering how much was stole gold from Japan and the United States in the war Yaruyaru fraud?

posted by nokija at 10:48| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | News | ‚±‚̃uƒƒO‚Ì“ÇŽÒ‚É‚È‚é | XVî•ñ‚ðƒ`ƒFƒbƒN‚·‚é

Korea magazine also apologized for the "How to deal with Japanese women not exposed", The contents derisive Japan Rush criticism from Japanese [02/06]

Koreans not admit his mistake
Koreans do not apologize
Korean's a stupid racist

[Japan and Korea]

1: ‰ó—´ ƒÓ š 2014/02/06 (Thu) 23:00:09.67 ID:???
The criticism from the Japanese rush to JoongAng Ilbo Japanese version Korea magazine placed apology article is "How to deal with Japanese women not exposed"

For men magazine of Korea bearing the statement "How to deal with Japanese women, not children who nuked" and on the cover, it is inappropriate
It seems to have been pointed out by readers in Korea When it is expressed. Editor-in-chief of this magazine is "overblown" or, and rare as Korea
Was an apology from you to the Japanese, but the contents derisive Japan that less-than-apology "this happen blame of Japan" or
Because it was the voice of anger went up in Japan now.

Published in the electronic version of the influential newspaper of South Korea, "JoongAng Ilbo", this article Ya protests were received from Japan in the comments section of the article
Criticism has been flooded.

I apologize again to the Japanese with the correct recognition to Dokdo and historical problem

According to the February 5, 2014 of Japanese electronic version and the electronic version of the JoongAng Ilbo, male magazine "MAXIM" is, in February 2002
Been pointed out that it is inappropriate for readers who wrote "How to deal with Japanese women, not children of exposed" on the cover and "MAXIM" is
The official website,

The "February issue cover, the words of apology for that, including the statement, such as hurt discomfort in Japanese unspecified number of
To convey "

I posted a. This was the introduction of a book called "What to socialize with girlfriend of Japan," but going to dramatize the exciting is the degree
Were described and will be passed, and the like, had to excessive distortion.

And it should I end with this, but from the next sentence, rasp the feelings of Japanese people going to continue.

Dokdo Japan's repeated "Recent (Japanese name, Takeshima) and related reckless remark Dokdo dispute of (ICJ filed), Abe's Yasukuni Shrine
It has gone in the direction that you put a taunt and condemnation of Japan being conscious worship, such as the comfort women issue is wrong unintentionally "

In addition,

Friendly to the "South Korea, and to apologize again to the Japanese people a lot of it is he has the correct recognition for Dokdo-historical issues.
To say a word of thanks to readers like you who have rebuke from affection "

I went with.

and "Give me to Relocate to Mars every nation for God's sake"

From the people who read this in Japan, is a provocation against Japan disguised the name of apology, this sentence was incorrect Korea
Anger explosion opinion that it is propaganda pressed against unilaterally historical awareness is out, JoongAng Ilbo, which published this article
Criticism and protest flooded in the comments section of Japanese electronic version. Comments more than 130 by 17:00 of February 6, 14,

Believe forgery of Korea friendly to fool. Korea to insult again while insulting the "Japanese, with the excuse apology
Callousness and that apology only in Japanese. Here's a Korean "
"The Korea 4 stream media to write articles that lead to" anti-Japanese "in any matter, and amazed"
"Every day, it has been exhausted and looking article fuff of these guys every day. To me to Relocate to Mars every nation and for God's sake"

Opinion, such as have come up.

J-CAST News: 2014/2/6 18:18

Combat Organization
Representation misuse of articles cover ... "How socialize with Japanese women" [Korean] MAXIM magazine official apology [02/05]

Quoted source: also apologized for the "How to deal with Japanese women not exposed", something like that taunt Japan from Japanese criticism rush-Japan-South Korea [South Korea] magazines [02/06]

55: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/06 (Thu) 23:34:51.97 ID: 2nnFAaFN
1 >>
How to deal with Japanese women that are not exposed

Feature spine-so cold even without the language of "not exposed"
Please forgive me I'll raise Iwai Shimako and Kitahara Minori (> _ <)

(Gold) <˜¤ `Í '> 2014/02/07 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 00:53:33.06 ID:: 122 9yX7kEb0
1 >>
Koreans white kneeling down on the ground the conference in good faith properly
And Koreans swear that it does not go against the Japanese like again

Reflection is not enough Korean

7: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/06 (Thu) 23:04:09.75 ID: yIF + qFIp
> Rush criticism from Japanese

Whether you are flooded?
Except as cockroach Na'm just right (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/06 (Thu) 23:05:15.95 ID: BT2ZCHJS
Once you know it such as leaking radioactivity in their own country South Korea, or would Yeah dead mad Korean guys are ('E ƒÖ E `)

14: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/06 (Thu) 23:05:31.43 ID: AVs8stuq
Is it a fact is not it
Kusochon truly w

15: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/06 (Thu) 23:06:00.57 ID: Ad6R + yyr
Alright Alright, this is w Is given that they have Korean

19: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/06 (Thu) 23:08:21.85 ID: AhFPJVV1
Koreans because the conditions of a country, such as to celebrate the Great East Japan Earthquake, Koreans Tanin'nofukouhamitsunoaji w

Korean's ethnic overachiever self-righteous. I want you to go in Japan of Korean risk factors are also out.

20: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/06 (Thu) 23:08:42.47 ID: n0IExeei
However, the "I'm sorry" is I'm not speaking for me normally Korean.
Koreans will do are on the human society with morality elementary school level in Japan.

28: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/06 (Thu) 23:13:08.33 ID: hPzW8M0V
I do not want to protest in such
To be spread in the world by in English rather

34: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/06 (Thu) 23:15:45.88 ID: wIJ3ca4H
Well, those of South Korea, because I much severe than in Japan.
Just walking down the road in the day-to-day, country exposure, Koreans Korea.

36: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/06 (Thu) 23:16:39.23 ID: KUrQWOnA
What South Korea, ww Do not really like Japan's
Koreans ww bad feeling

45: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/06 (Thu) 23:24:13.92 ID: ZH5dF0ii
'S average hourly wage of \ 400 Seoul

You deal with Japanese impossible.

48: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/06 (Thu) 23:25:04.46 ID: d1kghMYm
Koreans Joseph say whether hate speech in the whole country?

49: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/06 (Thu) 23:27:17.89 ID: c1th1Yuh
Koreans racist through and through

52: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/06 (Thu) 23:31:05.77 ID: E9X4bR / A
In South Korea, and such are all part
Or is it the general
And I'm have a hard time believing corresponding anyhow

57: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/06 (Thu) 23:35:10.49 ID: tvqpPh / O
52 >>
To Ruff, I'm Dattari VANK Dattari Korean media.
However, Korean general's that was countered by looking at such behavior articles and
I've never heard. In other words, Korean general also agree as a result
Can be regarded as. South Korea if it is a democracy freedom of speech.

62: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/06 (Thu) 23:37:56.51 ID: eYV02l5c
Koreans do not know and just said in mouth.
Not the only way to silence by force in the end.
There is no choice but to ignore thoroughly with break-off of diplomatic relations if it is unpleasant.

69: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/06 (Thu) 23:44:43.53 ID: PWWT0fR0
The low resistance of Koreans bottomless

70: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/06 (Thu) 23:47:03.26 ID: NqD8lzKl
To be honest, more of South Korea, probably high dose.

Koreans have been left as it was dumping containment vessel of a nuclear reactor in South Korea waters,
Nantes dose Korean seaweed, would not odd.

Koreans mixed with concrete and asphalt without being able to process, spent nuclear fuel,
Use building materials in building, but it was spread on the road. The whole city was surprised at the level of the abnormal dose.
If Japan, South Korea is not it is specified in the restricted area? The dose you gonna remain high as me.

Become a problem in Korea, it has been re-laid by peeling only asphalt.
Koreans I went to where to have the asphalt peeled off?

Masugomi of Japan had been through, but generally, or thing every time.

Someone, I how to identify female Korean uncontaminated, it em out a book.
Between you and me I Had Koreans that are not contaminated, but w

77: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/06 (Thu) 23:53:04.74 ID: eGd1Tjrd
Koreans w but do not have to apologize separately
Anyway, to'm there hate each other Koreans.
This is probably Korea www usual.

(Gold) <˜¤ `Í '> 2014/02/07 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 00:09:52.47 ID:: 89 FlznkExA
Vulgar press of stupid country South Korea. Korean is likely to exert a blunder does not go in Sochi.

(Gold) <˜¤ `Í '> 2014/02/07 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 00:33:01.03 ID:: 105 QSrh0bG0

Koreans because they think it's stupid, it is not only the feel-I because Koreans' s so much more. w

(Gold) <˜¤ `Í '> 2014/02/07 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 00:35:02.29 ID:: 106 aEtQXAtn
Can be asserted. Type Japanese women dislike first and foremost Nantes Korea male paranoid fully open the insidious

posted by nokija at 10:46| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | News | ‚±‚̃uƒƒO‚Ì“ÇŽÒ‚É‚È‚é | XVî•ñ‚ðƒ`ƒFƒbƒN‚·‚é

Park Geun President I must normalize a "non-normal society, Do not let go until the end Jindo dogs as bite " [02/06]

There is no content in the story of Park Geun-hye
Park Geun-hye's empty


Work Konakatta original voice actor ƒÓ š 2014/02/06 (Thu) 19:57:54.31 ID that came back: 1:??
The 5th, Park Geun (Park Ohakune) President stressed the "Jindo dog spirit".
It's in the seat business report that is open for the first time this year (Policy Coordination Office, Legislation Committee-interest).

While referring to the "normalization of the non-normal", President Park is also a small "issue one,
The last to be addressed until no roots of non-normal, "said important
In need of spirit such as bulldog, Jindo dog more than the Bulldogs (yea) the "State control room,
It is not released until the meat torn if Kamitsuke once. We should not to be addressed in the spirit of the Jindo dog "
I said.

The faces of what will be a very If you can not ", at very prepared to imminent Subsequently,
I spoke long and practices "will disappear from the ground.

President Park was also mentioned "Nobitamen". President Park was digested well and what to eat while it is hot "noodles,
delicious, but the taste fell once extended time has passed fairly, and who "Would eat,
I rebuked that the processing of important bill has been delayed by the National Assembly.

Timing is also important "policy, also what we and real estate law is trying to force followed,
Only then pass on a timely basis, to go out effectively to meet the market demand.
It added that becomes as noodles extending Place than 300 days, if there is no less effective even if it is enforced also "there.

President Park expressed a strong will to the abolition of the regulation in particular. "Regulatory reform, President Park this year is this,
He said to think about the dream, even in a dream, that it "should not to be Ika interested much,
And emphasized various parts processing is concentrated the power, and that we should realize the regulatory reform.

Also it is not necessary to say "to create", "employment, if realized story" unnecessary regulations and "lose valiantly,
Was described as "will create jobs investors to determine the rest.

I was also instructed Internet site production for regulatory abolition.
To create a regulatory site in the "Office of the Prime Minister, if it is inconvenient anyone President Park
The proposed is written in the site constantly, and "should do to take advantage by linking the various government sites it.


Quoted source: - [Korean] President Park Geun "I must normalize the abnormal society, do not let go until the end Jindo dog to bite." [02/06]

65: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/06 (Thu) 20:24:52.17 ID: di1Nc58U
>> In summary 1
I Was not not anything, but I did not do anything after all
You mean

74: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/06 (Thu) 20:30:06.41 ID: WByMVW21
>> "I must normalize the abnormal society ..." 1

As long as there is no shock of something, Koreans would be impossible 20 years.
More likely that unity even as North Korea could collapse, deepen the confusion further high Koreans.

86: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/06 (Thu) 20:43:26.24 ID: qptFH1fl
1 >>
> The faces of what will be a very If you can not ", at very prepared to imminent,
> I spoke long and practices "will disappear from the ground.

« reality

"Human relationship, is it not? Mess up If I observe something law" 60% of the Korean

"To be" common rules "people of all legal order is," "Fast track dependent trend" 85.7% ... 2014/01/16 15:26 ã݇ News

84% people "if successful, also be allowed immoral past"
Only two out of ten of the national economy 2014.01.16 13:17:10 Seoul "trust of society leadership"
It was also aware Six (56.7%) "that strict compliance provisions to the inconvenience of the relationship with others can be" and in ten.
Man (60.8%) appeared much higher than women (52.4%) of this.

108: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/06 (Thu) 21:06:20.99 ID: rrKwETSO
1 >>
N? Park Geun thing I made a declaration to be the country fail to comply with the law and openly from now on?

133: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/06 (Thu) 21:45:37.16 ID: KQoNKG5G
1 >>
I'm not a separate opinion to this
How can you get the impression about "or Sossu" Koreans also heard
I do not know well how many but, Park Geun is probably gonna be "Good luck" after all?

152: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/06 (Thu) 22:26:19.99 ID: 6UmkN4V7
1 >>
I said that good

Park Geun himself I guess I thought

158: Ninpocho [Lv = 40, xxxPT (1 Tasu0:9) [TEPCO 80.6%] 2014/02/06 (Thu) 22:45:15.95 ID: U2KeUYRt
1 >>
Domestic what not it useless because I take the time to foreign trips to Park Geun-hye?

177: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/06 (Thu) 23:43:46.67 ID: 5PLvWSe3
1 >>
Draft specific, they see that there is nothing I wonder if my imagination ...?

(Gold) <˜¤ `Í '> 2014/02/07 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 00:30:03.36 ID:: 188 C8gEashJ
1 >>
The guy that was it is determined that even the only hybrid in the DNA testing What that dog?
The guy I made pedigree only by application anyone record just because no remaining

(Gold) <˜¤ `Í '> 2014/02/07 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 03:28:52.36 ID:: 202 owmHulvj
1 >>
In, what Park Geun've got to end up?

(Gold) <˜¤ `Í '> 2014/02/07 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 04:59:15.32 ID:: 215 xLGGeTll
1 >>
There is not me compared to tonsil seems to be a big Koreans Park Geun

(Gold) <˜¤ `Í '> 2014/02/07 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 05:13:13.60 ID:: 216 vw7ae9Bb
1 >>
Korean or bankruptcy also ...

(Gold) <˜¤ `Í '> 2014/02/07 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 08:43:08.75 ID:: 224 U9nV/ISe
1 >>
Rhetoric full of abstract representation
Park Geun It is Yangban of Mamma Confucianism pickled

Reminds me Noda It was difficult to love

2: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/06 (Thu) 19:59:11.47 ID: l + aZ4GQw
W Naa's flimsy comment

6: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/06 (Thu) 20:00:33.41 ID: TWHJ3Gzg
Point-and-shoot and w toward the stupid further direction
W w Kunekune'll hang in there

12: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/06 (Thu) 20:02:45.13 ID: vEV/Q0eX
Park Geun-hye are you stretch Good luck or what is it can be seen

22: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/06 (Thu) 20:06:32.64 ID: 7VZTUBQb
Not that this is anything new, but Park Geun and w did not do anything with the story real

In conjunction with either a global › › such as creative economy, Park Geun-hye is not mentioned at all what to do specifically, what but how do

168: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/06 (Thu) 23:07:51.06 ID: 3xVyvtqf
22 >>
Park Geun excuse and foreshadowing the National Assembly because did not quite last year passed a bill, the economy has become worse?

28: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/06 (Thu) 20:07:51.84 ID: oB39IZAq
Noodles extending (laughs)
Or dialogue under Tons land there is only instant noodles say ...

And distaste of the punishment game par

30: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/06 (Thu) 20:08:14.00 ID: qqFPFcP8
And I'm worried about very recently.
What does that mean magic word to be good or it's business or employment in the country 's "deregulation"?
Koreans that they quit the conglomerate of support such as Samcheong, power companies also train me to sell everything foreign capital?

36: Filthy foot length Uncle Ÿ NZFfGE93kg 2014/02/06 (Thu) 20:09:34.20 ID: lro / Naxa
Oh, w that we know now
Their lack of a plan because he is in politics, Park Geun is or w What does it! "Let go somehow you guys"

49: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/06 (Thu) 20:14:59.39 ID: wF4EhXGF
Meaning I do not transmitted to anyone and not talk mix example Hangul because of ignorant people character Park Geun
It is also Imifu example, but blame the father to Park Geun unavoidable

62: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/06 (Thu) 20:20:57.79 ID: IGiRnDWX
Even listening to Korean, nobody ww Na to not answer or Jindo dog which dog
Koreans Tsukureyo the words and from then fasten it breeds at least

66: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/06 (Thu) 20:25:20.32 ID: n8ffdjAC
Park Geun President, I wonder if I heard from my father the story of Jindo dog?

Jindo dog: When Korea became a vassal state of the Mongol Empire in the 13th century, Korea and conventional dog
I was born by crossing with military dog ​​of Mongolia.
Dog research policy is spread by the Korean Government-General Academic Affairs Bureau, - 1938
Is specified in No. 53 Natural Monument Korean treasure ruins scenic natural monument

71: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/06 (Thu) 20:28:46.65 ID: wpNgx20h
Is not it Allais I Jindo dog.
If there is a medium-sized dog size close to the small size adult dogs, are Some large dog size,
The Shiba Inu such like even if you put, it's such terrier mix system also like you are
That Jindo dog are you w

75: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/06 (Thu) 20:34:04.61 ID: ItA1hZ / E
You're feeling foolish talk of eye line is frequently used example from above

Because you think the other party is a fool, it is likened to a low dimension of things with all one's might
It is not possible to match the logic myself because he is a fool
W to be those that do not make sense at all through to the other results

76: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/06 (Thu) 20:34:42.23 ID: lB + ocIq6
Park Geun After saying I Nippon capital to withdraw it if I say that
Park Geun is ww habit to palm-back

Even now, Koreans in the habit of the country that can not be anything without the assistance of Japan.

Koreans to not do it on their own courses design of the Olympic Games in Pyeongchang
You've said I me help Do not at one time or another? w

79: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/06 (Thu) 20:41:21.56 ID: n8ffdjAC
The "Jindo dog spirit", the mating of the foreign country is a vassal state, it becomes a New race.
It is named by the Chinese, by the force of the power of other ethnic A new, also independent
It is endangered Lord. Although he read the meaning to say.

ƒ‰ƒxƒ‹FPark Geun-Hye Jindo dogs
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