
Koreans drinkers the world's most powerful nation, Alcohol consumption of distilled liquor twice the Russians, Four times that of the American Violence by drunk to multiple [02/15]

There is no decent liquor in Korea
Not about the alcohol culture in Korea
South Korea media performing "coverage of lies"
Abnormal spirit of Korean


Work Konakatta original voice actor φ ★ 2014/02/17 (Mon) 02:09:12.80 ID that came back: 1:??
February 13, 2014, according to the U.S. Time magazine,
amount of Koreans drink distilled liquor with high alcohol content is that it is the world largest. Modern Kaiho was told.

A survey market research firm Euromonitor, went to target 44 countries,
The amount of liquor that Koreans drink a week filled with 11.2 average. Russians drink vodka in about five cups,
Half of the Korean. Americans even less, do not drink only the amount of one quarter of Korean.

Amount of drinking of spirits extraordinary Koreans, a sign of feelings of Koreans love white rice.
Because Korea distilled liquor that is a raw material mainly white rice,
It is because accounting for 97% of the domestic wine market of South Korea.

By Koreans drink in favor of the spirits as strong as this, violence did on drunken frequently,
Has become a social problem. For this reason, South Korea and health welfare section in 2011
It is implemented in a big way a campaign calling for the public to be "Let's drinking Omotte abstinence". (Translation and editing / Hongo)


Quoted source: The study, [Korean] 2 times the Russians, four times the amount of drinking American drinkers the world's most powerful nation, the spirits - but the violence by drunken multiple [02/15]

38: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/17 (Mon) 02:30:58.17 ID: MOnZ8jWg
1 >>
Koreans only if there is no moderation, enough with just being drunk alcohol ...

148: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/17 (Mon) 09:10:58.30 ID: Za2dD91m
1 >>
Tighten the 嘗糞'll eat Hontaku drinking tonsil anyway Koreans. It is in sickly or try belly dance.

嘗糞 look good together is the most in differents like Korean! Ww Keep your mouth eat shit life

159: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/17 (Mon) 09:31:18.53 ID: 3l02lBvk
1 >>
> Violence is drunk by multiple

Do not drink alcohol without a relationship?
I have an image, such as those set fire is violence on a daily basis, but Korean w

174: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/17 (Mon) 09:52:02.44 ID: Xhrd4/yT
1 >>
Koreans say whether anything if the world?
Koreans' s not race that drinking world roughly
Koreans' s Ne w or race you are drunk on alcohol world

208: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/17 (Mon) 16:55:36.33 ID: qjGneekE
1 >>
> Violence is drunk by multiple
Do not would be one of the factors, no doubt also that the quality of the liquor is bad this.

7: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/17 (Mon) 02:12:30.33 ID: fIbQgf8L
<丶 `∀ '>" Nida you flew to hear that tonsil "

[K-POOP Summary] template latest version 13/12/01
・ Human waste liquor of the feces liquor] Korea tonsil "tonsil" - KOREAN POO WINE (← NEW!)

Cat also used as the material is sold also available / current human waste liquor of the traditional Korean "tonsil"
・ [Sashimi marinated skate in human excrement] Hontaku
・ [The change to entertainment health diagnosis and after licking shit] 嘗糞
And training of Korean military to wash your face with shit for some reason
・ "Delicious poo" picture book Korea
・ Korean picture book that you want to make him eat shit Magoga to bedridden grandmother
・ [I] antipyretics of human waste and dry-yeti [in the throat of the singer], [Kuso-sui for the treatment of serious diseases and food poisoning], human excrement juice shit gun, money juice [manure weapons of Korea militia]
[Fountain] human excrement | Joongang Ilbo | JoongAng Ilbo (South Korea)
South Korea Army Training Center caecotrophy incident
http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/% E9% 9F% E5% 9B% BD% E9% B8% E8% BB% 8D% E8% A8% E7% B7% B4% E6% 80% E9% A3 % 9F% E7% B3% 9E% E4% BA% 8B% E4% BB% B6
・ "Poop is all sorts of disease agent"
・ "Poo puppy"
・ [I added a small amount of human waste for fermentation promotion of human excrement] Kimchi Kimchi
・ [Such as salmon roe and shellfish oysters, and scallops seafood human excrement]
-Man rampage and sprinkled while eating what you mixed with miso and shit opposed to same-sex wedding (← NEW)
[Korean] The book "shit's rice" [14 July 2012]

10: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/17 (Mon) 02:14:24.49 ID: L6Si5ynw
Koreans will not be doing it unless drink ...

14: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/17 (Mon) 02:15:31.04 ID: k5Bwcv +4
> Korean love white rice

Korean 's thanks to the Japanese colonial rule. Koreans habit was only sorghum.

19: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/17 (Mon) 02:17:01.54 ID: aCpChkyi
The majority of soju in Korea, because the guy that was divided by water beverage alcohol, Koreans would not use something the United States.

23: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/17 (Mon) 02:20:33.10 ID: + zQvFRV +
The first place and whether the frequency with shochu of guy like Korean and vodka?

27: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/17 (Mon) 02:24:57.25 ID: 62Kww77D
In Korea, I from being sold shochu made in whiskey and water state.
I do not think Koreans also strong in alcohol compared to the Russians truly.
Alcohol Similarly, Korean This number also I guess has been "inflated".

33: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/17 (Mon) 02:27:47.57 ID: pgz4r3D9
In my experience, there is no strong liquor to Koreans.
But Koreans to absurd to pretend strong.
So, Koreans strong in the drinking you do not think about consequences.
Korean cause a problem then, but it is because of Nichitei.

39: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/17 (Mon) 02:31:59.02 ID: ughp32eA
Koreans also mean strong liquor, liquor of Korea is neither necessarily delicious,
Simply, Do not you means more than just self-control force is, there is no Korean?

43: Shunpu-tei strange Taito ◆ netuyo / RT 2014/02/17 (Mon) 02:35:11.41 ID:. CeZm +2 Ld
39 >>
W that has made this site to us why foreigner
ttp :/ / blackoutkorea.blogspot.jp /

W I site a collection of photos of drunk Korea

40: Shunpu-tei strange Taito ◆ netuyo / RT 2014/02/17 (Mon) 02:32:57.94 ID:. CeZm +2 Ld
That one? It was to also use other than rice I Soju
The first place w 's dilution formula I shochu of Korea
This means that Koreans w it's the drink you diluted bother frequency is higher

@ 12 anniversary smartphone ◆ HIRO / m.jqg 2014/02/17 Sukapontan (Mon) 02:34:55.01 ID:: 42 jYTCkivz
40 >>
I'm a substantial safety sake, the array ww The material basis

46: Shunpu-tei strange Taito ◆ netuyo / RT 2014/02/17 (Mon) 02:38:59.06 ID:. CeZm +2 Ld
42 >>
And I'm so even if the rice wine
Sake of Korea junkst basically
But there are exceptions, such Ho-shu like
And to not sell liquor drunk in general and not cheap
That amount, and there is also a w Shi liquor they sell and diluted depending on a thing

44: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/17 (Mon) 02:36:20.53 ID: yfmrh4IK
Koreans violence even as tight as a drum, with or without.
Violence Korea origin.

49: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/17 (Mon) 02:44:38.44 ID: dSVEA9a2
[Korean] Korean government, "Liquor Tax Act and drinking habits Japanese colonial residue" and justify the tax increase (Korea: My Daily paper) 05/09/14

14, 卞良 Hitoshi (Byun Yangyun) Planning and Budget Secretary that it is reasonable soju tax hike
For that seat in the press conference to the effect, it has been described as "remnants of Japanese colonial soju is (Soju)", many
People are puzzled.

In the seat of a press conference of the 14th, 卞長 officer sake of the common people "soju According to media reports
Came out in her grip on the liquor monopoly right day emperor to eliminate the tradition of Japanese sake, became is, of Japanese colonial
As "he residue, to settle the over-drinking culture that was forced by the" Japanese imperialists, the liquor tax adjustment
I explained that "inevitable.


> Soju has became the drink of the common people, it comes in to take the liquor monopoly right day emperor to eliminate the tradition sake of our country,
> As "he residue of Japanese colonial rule, in order to settle the over-drinking culture that was forced by the" Japanese imperialists, and ....

Although I doing teach the preparation method of shochu in Korean, Koreans w I'm gonna check mutual hostility
In addition, Koreans I "over-drinking culture that was forced to Japanese colonial rule." . . You fool! !
Koreans in the habit you are Hozai "Japanese colonial era, Chosen who had been forced to live no better than slaves," I usually from you guys,
Koreans or w Tatte to drink enough to take a drink in fact
Korean 's slave ethnic playful. . .

Evicted brasserie of [domestic] Tokyo "Why Korean" ...? Koreans must be remedied 'binge drinking culture' [2/5/10]
URL: http://yutori7.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/news4plus/1265351158/
"You are not allowed to be brought into the kimchi, red pepper paste, shochu in restaurants overseas" [Korean] international business etiquette (Korea Economic Daily) 06/09/04
Of Korean tourists to the "Ugly Korean" sore expostulation [Korean] Swiss ambassador is [uncut News] 06/07/04
[Korean] "ugly Korean" to stop it - Germany, Sunday and Nakasan countries candid advice Consul General of residence is (Yonhap News) 07/03/11
I saw in the [Korean] foreign "not only Korean on the planet people through shorts, slippers figure in the lobby of the first-class hotel" (South Korea Flash Report) Korea Tourism and Culture - [07/05/23]
In breach of manners of [Asian] Korean travelers Asian countries cringing [07/09/25]

92: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/17 (Mon) 03:50:18.60 ID: UgY8J3IM
49 >>
> Japanese colonial rule is to eliminate the tradition of our country liquor

Japanese I'm tried to make him quit Korean tonsil because he is filthy.
After all, Koreans probably it 's the real cause of the curse thousand years.

[The harsh colonial rule by the Japanese colonial]

Na eat! !

∧ ___ ∧ pen / / / /
⊂ (, # 'Д `),, then J / / / /
Oh Lee ∧ _ ∧ (Roh and pi-)! A very fine Unkonida! !
/ / | To tonsil immediately 'So 彡 Y ⌒ Y * `Д'> ・ ・ ・ ・
/ Bruno / | \ 彡 while (
__) __ ヽ /, and / ヽ / ヽ /)

52: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/17 (Mon) 02:48:22.00 ID: qUP/6emG
Liquor, kimchi, shit
Brain but they get completely broken Korean

67: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/17 (Mon) 03:04:59.21 ID: 7W3UkRgn
South Korea is not only drinking fool.
Penetration rate of stimulant drugs too because abnormal Korean.
I do not come out in the news for some reason do you less likely to be caught.

74: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/17 (Mon) 03:11:06.88 ID: VfmWzWe3
Korean double or more by the power of the liquor but there is a deterioration of fire disease gene in sober.
And rape and violence sake, I'm Tonsura Saikyo.

97: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/17 (Mon) 05:24:43.04 ID :/ fix0BTJ
Heavy drinker pride w
Of this kind does Hen-ra the saga of DQN with childish pride.
There is no big deal about a guy bragging quarrel with wine and women, yet manners over drinks is bad.

108: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/17 (Mon) 06:07:31.65 ID: iI4lZhtg
Koreans but would only animal of monkey following there is no "self-control".

Korean woman nor drinks politics economy Korea eh anything.

116: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/17 (Mon) 06:42:05.77 ID: 499d1wxP
> Amount of drinking of spirits extraordinary Koreans, a sign of feelings of Koreans love white rice.

↓ This is the correct answer
Drinking amount of tonsil extraordinary of Koreans, a sign of feelings of Koreans love the feces.

126: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/17 (Mon) 07:24:47.39 ID: kCsXpREd
Korean ethnic drunk sake of world's worst

posted by nokija at 20:00| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

Abnormal vindictiveness of Korea to keep the diminished Ohno player Salt Lake Olympics ('02) still ... corresponding first time in an adult of Ohno against the stunning [02/11] no.2

Koreans do not understand the sportsmanship
Koreans ignore the Olympic Charter
Abnormal spirit of Koreans annoying in the world

[Sankei Shimbun]

Work Konakatta original voice actor φ ★ 2014/02/12 (Wed) 12:05:15.02 ID that came back: 1:??
Abnormal vindictiveness - Korean. It seems unchanged over the Winter Olympics even "historical awareness".

Short track event of the U.S. Salt Lake City convention in 2002.
U.S. players, Apollo Anton Ohno Nisei you have finished the race in 2 place in the men's 1500 meters
To matter who won the gold medal by the interference of course St. Kimuhigashi of Korea that goal in the first place
South Korean side is for the "recognition".

Korean side protest and appealed the foul gold AzumaKiyoshi over-action to Ohno to win the gold medal.
Continued to slander Since then, Korea JoongAng Ilbo paper at the time (electronic version)
I reported, "home page International Olympic Committee (IOC) has been paralyzed completely in protest of" bomb-mail, "" he said.
In addition, there may also e-mail contents to be threatened Ohno himself, the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that began the investigation.

In addition, South Korea World Cup of soccer that is open in the same year (W Cup) Japan and South Korea Competitions - AHN is you decide the game-tying goal against the United States,
The mimic the action of the scene that Ohno is interlaced with gold AzumaKiyoshi in Salt Lake City Olympics, and drew cheers from supporters Korea.
W Cup short track may have been held in South Korea the following year,
Cyber ​​attacks and threats to Ohno is one after another, the United States the whole team, including Ohno became the non-participation.

Ohno competed in the Olympics in three consecutive tournaments until 2010 Vancouver tournament four years ago,
Earn medals total of eight, including a gold in Salt Lake City. I was retired in April last year.

More than 10 years have passed since the "incident", the person in spite of being retired,
I dredge up the story every time the "Winter Olympics" approaches. Moreover, intimidation and slander himself went,
The way to tailor the "bad guys" and Ohno without any, to reflect on cyber attacks, there is something in common with the anti-Japanese attitude somewhere.

Ohno appeared as a commentator for NBC Sports in the United States Sochi Olympics kicked off in (the early hours of the 8th Japan time) on the 7th.

In order to win after three gold medals at the '06 Turin Games, JoongAng Ilbo (same) leaking from the Korean national
Ohno is "the most beautiful skater in the world" the AnKen洙 to compete as a Russian representative in Sochi this
In an article to introduce that you have praised the tournament in Salt Lake City, "Ohno Hollywood action (over-reaction)
The show, won the gold medal while disqualified gold AzumaKiyoshi, I bought a Korean fan anger.
I posted a text snide Ohno will start faster than the rival players in Turin Games, and "won the gold medal.

Rarity of ethics suggests the attitude that demean the person you want to praise the players of Korean.

On the other hand, Ohno is "Do not be misled by the uncertainty of victory" business insider of the U.S. news site
Comments "If there is nothing to try to incline something passion, we should pour our best to it 100 percent," the article with.
At all, it does not touch the Salt Lake City Games.

Ohno of "corresponding adult" and South Korea continue to have to root the "past" one-sided in the "accusation".
If Kim Jonah called "sister of the people" in the figure skating of Sochi have lost to Mao Asada,
Will you come with a kind fate.


Quoted source: Supports the first time an adult of Ohno against ... the extraordinary vindictiveness of Korea to continue the diminished Ohno player Salt Lake Olympics ('02) still, the Sankei Shimbun [] impressive [02/11]

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 12:09:10.78 ID:: 5 aXSK3aMx
And guys like Koreans continue resentment that this trivial,
Not that you can get along is probably Ne.

"Let's get along with the people of South Korea"
Guy she saying is, you will not want to miss this face such a reality!

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 12:10:01.85 ID:: 6 Gc / VQTcm
990 years

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 12:32:45.20 ID:: 29 3lyJG37Y
6 >>
Korean because it is likely to be reset each time it is something, in 1000 Jamaica forever?

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 12:12:33.39 ID:: 10 pzUL9xaL
Chinese, but also said, "The Japanese should you have a grudge against the United States have dropped the atomic bomb. Retaliate in the United States always" or
It 's really implacable What people of China and South Korea

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 12:17:09.15 ID:: 15 glILM0rV
10 >>
I mean Koreans and implacable
Because are not able to resolve the problems of both government incompetence
Koreans that have to continue to divert over there by creating a different enemies always the eyes of the Korean people.
Complaints because you would explode toward their Korean at a stretch Koreans Otherwise.

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 23:59:23.65 ID:: 97 7vxKR4DA
15 >>
Moreover, Korean I to run in capital punishment immediately because it is the last straw cultural standard is too low
Korean's guys inferior to African tribal society really

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 12:16:59.04 ID:: 13 MPG56Oxk
Guy I've just lunatic I Koreans

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 12:19:35.27 ID:: 19 CJLKtkrw
Koreans Korea Do not you tell us morality ....

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 12:27:59.97 ID:: 25 Oj4O7PBL
19 >>
Koreans humans who also teach Koreans

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 12:32:37.67 ID:: 28 MtNfzkXq
Koreans continue grudge forever
Resentment is amplified as the year goes by Koreans

The terrible oh

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 12:37:51.49 ID:: 33 qLEPrDcQ
Ugly Korean w

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 12:39:55.20 ID:: 35 J543se / t
Koreans wish I had best by pointing and academic art, technology to improve its tenacity.

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 12:44:08.89 ID:: 36 TFXbqufe
Koreans pathetic Yo No ethnic

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 12:46:00.43 ID:: 37 waY3Bri7
Korean or bring up again Ohno is to live in retirement.
However, headache and nausea he begins to If you look at the article of this kind of action in Korea, but I guess a normal reaction perhaps.

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 12:51:48.39 ID:: 39 LJQPiaTQ
> Extraordinary vindictiveness

It is so to say in the sense of an ordinary human, but the Koreans because they're sick.

It might be about to be isolated if it originally, that it can not be the biggest problem.

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 13:00:11.63 ID:: 42 hNpe3W / D
Well Koreans because I'm still coming to say also that 70 years ago, it would've been thought of as events of only a few hours ago Nantes event of Salt Lake
I think after 10 years, Ohno and are tailored to the character that has increased the degree of heel more

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 13:01:45.05 ID:: 44 dQdL8M9H
Koreans seem to want to say Choppari dirty imperialism Ohno in Japanese Americans with a good sense Mike Honda.

I Ya idea impossible only in that country Korea.

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 13:05:41.69 ID:: 48 TsB2Jk / b
> To mimic the action of the scene that Ohno is interlaced with gold AzumaKiyoshi, and drew cheers from supporters Korea.

The ow cold one by one

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 13:05:49.12 ID:: 49 bXVnQ6y +
The reason for the objection also good, but what danger that behave compromise.
When you come Suriyo~tsu is most dangerous.

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 13:45:05.20 ID:: 61 gX6JnSEu
What too late.
From the Edo period, Japan and Dano something like a thing my Japan Dano envy, distributed to Korean to 致 to current Japanese people do not you have been sticking.

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 14:01:40.67 ID:: 68 hk90gTs9
Korean Speaking of abnormal.
Abnormal Speaking Korean.

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 14:33:48.71 ID:: 73 rPp9oT / R
South Korea because it is a country like boasts Far ashamed that there is a "culture of resentment"

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 14:50:17.32 ID:: 74 fC9lRxzV
You're not qualified to do sports I Korean
Koreans low brain exactly the same, in the vulgar even skate in soccer

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 15:24:53.21 ID:: 76 fb6aMF6E
It with a pretext to Asada many times already, Jonah was infuriated figure fan of Japan.
Although you appeared on ice show star many skaters is carried out in Japan
Jonah who bought the wrath of Japan sequential schedule and Fugyua Japanese fans I do not come to the show in Japan.

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 17:10:29.16 ID:: 83 olED1bkt
76 >>
Excess Mao duster Korean media also boosted, to Kim I hated from the organization and players of other countries
Koreans in that the "sister of the people ()" is in the bocce in the world because of the coverage of the Korean attitude from their
W hilarious anyone's not aware

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 15:35:27.58 ID:: 77 kHrRqmFD
Stickiness is the companionship, I guess to receive Carolyn and Obama.

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 22:35:29.36 ID:: 93 LIfLvner
Koreans w Kawana's by far the lowest cultural standard that does not allow the follow-up of the other in the OECD countries

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 23:54:00.76 ID:: 95 Rj5JfAHT
Sometimes when the London Olympics, a determination or anything I do not like, and handed out on the net nude image of fencing athletes in Germany Koreans.
Koreans also countless harassment of Japan national football team.
Koreans unprecedented mad race in the world.

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 23:57:57.01 ID:: 96 302/OWaP
I'm beyond category of cultural standard.
That is a word you can feel the possibility of changing something.
Abnormalities of the Korean problem is not solved because personality disorder, and it does not heal as well.
Koreans not human speaking clearly.
Korean is not a people because not human. Like that.
ラベル:Sochi Olympics
posted by nokija at 19:00| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

Former highest point of Hanyu Yuitsuru in the "Sochi Olympics Korea media The thing led by "Kim Jonah division" " [02/14]

Koreans do not understand the sportsmanship
Koreans ignore the Olympic Charter
Abnormal spirit of Koreans annoying in the world


Work Konakatta original voice actor φ ★ 2014/02/14 (Fri) 16:49:28.37 ID that came back: 1:??
The 13th, Sochi Winter Olympics is done figure skating men's short program (SP),
(19) is more than 100 points the first ever Hanyu Yuitsuru aiming for gold medal of the men's Japan's first Olympics first appearance
Take out the 101.45-point, it stood in the first place.

In South Korea, the coach of Hanyu that Brian Orser, former coach of Kim Yu Na also has become a hot topic.

Of Japan led the "rising star" Hanyu, author Mr. jumped to the top and break through the 100 point range the first ever at the SP.
Coach Tracy Wilson and Mr. author,
David? Wilson, who was in charge of the six years Kim Jonah has served as the choreography.
For Hanyu, South Korea media led to a gold medal Kim Jonah in Vancouver Olympics
I told that it has received guidance from "Kim Jonah division".

Hanyu won a total of 101.45 points 46.61 points to 54.84 points art technology point point in the game.
After the introduction of the new scoring system, I became a player in excess of 100 points for the first time.

Second place with 97.52 points Patrick Chan gold medalist of the Vancouver Olympics (Canada),
Javier Fernandez (Spain) was the third in 86.98 points.
On the other hand, Evgeni Plushenko listed in the potential winner (Russia) abstained in the injury of the waist.

Free is carried out (early morning of the 15th Japan time) on the 14th. (Editors: RiNobue)


Quoted source: "It's those led by" Kim Jonah division "past the highest point of the Hanyu Yuitsuru in the Sochi Olympics" ・ [Korea] searchina media [02/14]

(Gold) <丶 `∀ '> 2014/02/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 17:19:01.42 ID:: 72 f5egTqnD
1 >>
Kim Jonah Division

Brian Orser "huh?"


(Gold) <丶 `∀ '> 2014/02/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 18:43:57.80 ID:: 178 uF9Wu25Y
1 >>
Korean Did already forgotten it was a fight in trouble parting of gold

(Gold) <丶 `∀ '> 2014/02/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 16:52:13.39 ID:: 5 3LZEyEiZ
Leaders'm great, rather than 's Kim
Koreans had admitted himself like that? ?

(Gold) <丶 `∀ '> 2014/02/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 16:52:42.98 ID:: 8 9zolcmnD
Korean 's poor people of the mind

(Gold) <丶 `∀ '> 2014/02/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 16:55:29.57 ID:: 13 wfrmo8Y8
I do not know the meaning to this country I wonder if not perish quickly

(Gold) <丶 `∀ '> 2014/02/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 16:55:58.50 ID:: 14 5Y74E82 /
Is disgusting is really Korean.

Friday 12 anniversary @ smartphone ◆ HIRO / m.jqg 2014/02/14 Sukapontan 16:56:13.17 ID:: 16 faEcBzHS
Really, Korean Ya I Chiyau Mindjiyoku Explain all defense mechanism.
Koreans ww is dumping most part, have failed

(Gold) <丶 `∀ '> 2014/02/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 16:56:40.86 ID:: 19 LWTDqcUk
If you think whether the Korean coach it because he like "Kim Jonah division", w and Ne Some one

(Gold) <丶 `∀ '> 2014/02/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 16:59:16.10 ID:: 24 kgmRsAxL
If you have any thing themselves so as not to Hokore Koreans

If you have any thing else will praise Korean
Thanks to their Korean

Koreans this Zama and be able to provide any convincing or cause-and-effect relationship

Hitomodoki who thinks negative emotion is not born in this is really strange
Korean I mon beings that story is not through clearly ...

(Gold) <丶 `∀ '> 2014/02/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 16:59:35.67 ID:: 25 uXSHlxS2
Ww a usual thing uh

(Gold) Men's V ◆ VEKO / uuXGAFk 2014/02/14 mysterious 17:00:28.31 ID:: 27 4GcYAZaY
Korean I'm want to add to the achievement of their own if even doing ...

(Gold) <丶 `∀ '> 2014/02/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 17:00:50.19 ID:: 28 VeoIDnZJ
W wonder if not ashamed to be alive I Koreans

(Gold) <丶 `∀ '> 2014/02/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 17:01:00.12 ID:: 31 hES6oH + /
The'm I think it, and so that is saying himself Kim Jonah Te,'m not great ...

(Gold) <丶 `∀ '> 2014/02/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 17:04:11.83 ID:: 38 uXSHlxS2
31 >>
No, there are different
Kim w 's amazing
This is the thinking of Chung

(Gold) <丶 `∀ '> 2014/02/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 17:04:51.43 ID:: 40 rcVOWp5N
Begin with w habit boys to fly 4 turn Korea Nantes absent
Koreans w wonder there is no relationship qualities of the person If you put out a result coach is good

(Gold) <丶 `∀ '> 2014/02/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 17:05:10.82 ID:: 42 VeoIDnZJ
Concept of Korean

The amazing "Kim Jonah division" Korean people → amazing

Common-sense way of thinking

Brian Orser said, Tracy Wilson, great David Wilson

(Gold) <丶 `∀ '> 2014/02/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 17:07:12.92 ID:: 49 RmDe368m
Koreans this remark w Keep in beating out the author only and no medal for cod caught

(Gold) Men's V ◆ VEKO / uuXGAFk 2014/02/14 mysterious 17:11:06.86 ID:: 55 4GcYAZaY
49 >>

Once upon a time, I Was saying Borokuso with traitor treatment at first, Koreans "real victory Korea won in Japan because it is thanks to the RiTadashiNaru" Japan team when winning
What too late to guys that I made noise in the heroes, returning such as palm.

(Gold) <丶 `∀ '> 2014/02/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 17:08:38.54 ID:: 51 WPXUaZna
Korea origin theory of w Na leave the hub Yuitsuru soon

(Gold) <丶 `∀ '> 2014/02/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 17:11:52.62 ID:: 56 FdpgI853
How can you get Canadian stick? This means that performance of Kim I'm good at it and I can not be in Korea leader?

(Gold) <丶 `∀ '> 2014/02/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 17:12:59.78 ID:: 59 mmvfuHbv
Was much better Hanyu has gone to the author it would be fact
But hey w Korean relations
Feeling bad enough, Koreans still

(Gold) <丶 `∀ '> 2014/02/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 17:13:36.69 ID:: 61 Pr2IMLPp
Parasite www Seriously Comunidad
Country of shameless Nantes probably impossible so far?
Koreans are saying in this serious?

(Gold) <丶 `∀ '> 2014/02/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 17:15:44.98 ID:: 63 kDELENoF
We must not forget that there is a Korean Food in the shadow of the activities of Ichiro! It was also for me.

(Gold) <丶 `∀ '> 2014/02/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 17:17:21.43 ID:: 68 Bo3WaMVv
Brian Orser said to have been released unilaterally contract to coach Kim Jonah
Announced, while in the relationship resolved after it has developed into a mudslinging contest mutually accused each other
Bad feeling you would say "Kim Jonah division".

Too much you are going to tie myself to somehow take credit for the others, like South Korea
Insanity nation that would say unabashedly that embarrassed.

(Gold) <丶 `∀ '> 2014/02/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 17:21:53.04 ID:: 79 uobfesVR
W Do not likely to Horuhoru by adding the number of gold medals Korea If he can take the gold medal

Japan has been a generational change, but steadily, Korea wwww anyone such Yo does not come out except to Kimoyona

(Gold) <丶 `∀ '> 2014/02/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 17:31:50.68 ID:: 102 eJgZ1AX3
79 >>
Because Kimoyona is to leave
Koreans what you're taken to crush the other

(Gold) <丶 `∀ '> 2014/02/14 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 17:36:19.63 ID:: 111 W7opC7MT
That is,

Or that Kim's natural for figure is that thanks to colonial rule (laughs)

ラベル:Sochi Olympics
posted by nokija at 18:00| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

Abnormal vindictiveness of Korea to keep the diminished Ohno player Salt Lake Olympics ('02) still corresponding first time in an adult of Ohno against the stunning [02/11]

Koreans do not understand the sportsmanship
Koreans ignore the Olympic Charter
Abnormal spirit of Koreans annoying in the world

[Sankei Shimbun]

Work Konakatta original voice actor φ ★ 2014/02/12 (Wed) 12:05:15.02 ID that came back: 1:??
Abnormal vindictiveness - Korean. It seems unchanged over the Winter Olympics even "historical awareness".

Short track event of the U.S. Salt Lake City convention in 2002.
U.S. players, Apollo Anton Ohno Nisei you have finished the race in 2 place in the men's 1500 meters
To matter who won the gold medal by the interference of course St. Kimuhigashi of Korea that goal in the first place
South Korean side is for the "recognition".

Korean side protest and appealed the foul gold AzumaKiyoshi over-action to Ohno to win the gold medal.
Continued to slander Since then, Korea JoongAng Ilbo paper at the time (electronic version)
I reported, "home page International Olympic Committee (IOC) has been paralyzed completely in protest of" bomb-mail, "" he said.
In addition, there may also e-mail contents to be threatened Ohno himself, the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that began the investigation.

In addition, South Korea World Cup of soccer that is open in the same year (W Cup) Japan and South Korea Competitions - AHN is you decide the game-tying goal against the United States,
The mimic the action of the scene that Ohno is interlaced with gold AzumaKiyoshi in Salt Lake City Olympics, and drew cheers from supporters Korea.
W Cup short track may have been held in South Korea the following year,
Cyber ​​attacks and threats to Ohno is one after another, the United States the whole team, including Ohno became the non-participation.

Ohno competed in the Olympics in three consecutive tournaments until 2010 Vancouver tournament four years ago,
Earn medals total of eight, including a gold in Salt Lake City. I was retired in April last year.

More than 10 years have passed since the "incident", the person in spite of being retired,
I dredge up the story every time the "Winter Olympics" approaches. Moreover, intimidation and slander himself went,
The way to tailor the "bad guys" and Ohno without any, to reflect on cyber attacks, there is something in common with the anti-Japanese attitude somewhere.

Ohno appeared as a commentator for NBC Sports in the United States Sochi Olympics kicked off in (the early hours of the 8th Japan time) on the 7th.

In order to win after three gold medals at the '06 Turin Games, JoongAng Ilbo (same) leaking from the Korean national
Ohno is "the most beautiful skater in the world" the AnKen洙 to compete as a Russian representative in Sochi this
In an article to introduce that you have praised the tournament in Salt Lake City, "Ohno Hollywood action (over-reaction)
The show, won the gold medal while disqualified gold AzumaKiyoshi, I bought a Korean fan anger.
I posted a text snide Ohno will start faster than the rival players in Turin Games, and "won the gold medal.

Rarity of ethics suggests the attitude that demean the person you want to praise the players of Korean.

On the other hand, Ohno is "Do not be misled by the uncertainty of victory" business insider of the U.S. news site
Comments "If there is nothing to try to incline something passion, we should pour our best to it 100 percent," the article with.
At all, it does not touch the Salt Lake City Games.

Ohno of "corresponding adult" and South Korea continue to have to root the "past" one-sided in the "accusation".
If Kim Jonah called "sister of the people" in the figure skating of Sochi have lost to Mao Asada,
Will you come with a kind fate.


Quoted source: Supports the first time an adult of Ohno against ... the extraordinary vindictiveness of Korea to continue the diminished Ohno player Salt Lake Olympics ('02) still, the Sankei Shimbun [] impressive [02/11]

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 12:17:02.13 ID:: 14 w2WJf/1x
Great personnel selection! ! Full of sportsmanship
The appointment 2014.1.6 to Pyeongchang Olympics ambassador ShinMamoru the fall of the U.S. Major League Baseball Rangers
Pyeongchang Winter Olympics organizing committee, working on PR Pyeongchang tournament as athletes representing Korea,
You are expected to want to contribute significantly to the creation of mood for the tournament success.

Choo and the
(Ju soo, 30) hero rice MLB Indians Choo of Korea beyond the Ichiro
May 5, ended in two walks two no-hit at-bats in the game against the Oakland Athletics Choo.
Since been arrested for drinking and driving it's a no-hit in two consecutive games.
The video at the time who was arrested by the police to be published in the 5th, I was disappointed big fan.
In the video, after receiving an alcohol test more than one, "I want you to miss if" the police officer Choo
"Life is the end you return to Korea. Can not return here ever again," "I'll hear whatever your request"
Had acquired it and talk to. It is extremely normal Kuzuchon an attempt is made to acquire cop with drunk driving.

Arrested in video evidence MLB Axin protect drinking and driving

January 7, 2014 JoongAng Ilbo Choo, in Pyeongchang Winter Olympics ambassador
January 6, 2014 Chosun Ilbo in Axin Mamorutaira Akira Olympics ambassador of Rangers

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 13:47:50.69 ID:: 63 5nNa2hgz
Certainly after the Olympics,
Koreans After determining goal against the U.S. war of football,
Chung players I'm done skating performance

Chung is really mad!

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 15:24:53.21 ID:: 76 fb6aMF6E
It with a pretext to Asada many times already, Korean Jonah was infuriated figure fan of Japan.
Although you appeared on ice show star many skaters is carried out in Japan
Jonah who bought the wrath of Japan sequential schedule and Fugyua Japanese fans I do not come to the show in Japan.

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 15:39:16.53 ID:: 78 e4v/679B
76 >>
Korean gold medalist is not limited to Japan, not called for anywhere from country

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 16:22:37.13 ID:: 80 zaHYwyEx
In the game of Italy VS South Korea World Cup
Ichonsu kicked rock out the back of the head of Maldini.
Person was described as did the team from being defeated later.

The host country, the behavior of South Korea and seem utterly

After knee to Tootsie representative of Italy, and yellow card in Tootsie, which is

I will elbow out to Del Piero

Italy players shed blood

Referee Moreno of Ecuador who was acquired by South Korea,
Deprived of their qualification from FIFA referee then, it has been arrested for drug trafficking then.

TeiYumejun to be order to improve the performance of the W Cup Korea, it is assumed that the acquisition.
He became by the power of gold to vice-president of FIFA a major shareholder in a modern car company president of South Korea (Fu~yundai)
I would make it the co-host force the World Cup held in Japan.
The Mushiritori money from Japan such as saying there is no holding cost, it does not return.

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 17:33:19.97 ID:: 84 wXCrKsFL
Women's hockey Korean players 2 students injured exit chickens come home to roost

dirty elbows girls hockey game in Japan and Korea where the Korean players did not see the referee

Rough play women's hockey team Korea

00120-6-600701 2014/02/12 (Wed) mail account 22:14:17.22 ID:: 91 uAnw6AGU
It is not only Ohno. South Korea is doing in Vancouver last.
That's the lowest worst fucking nation 's Korea. Spread the bad karma of Korea permanently by diffusing.

In Korea] Olympic short track 3000m relay eventful, without gold [02/25]
And referee - referee Hewish of "gold AzumaKiyoshi incident eight years ago" evil destiny Korean short track [Olympics] Women's relay, the referee [02/25]
"To blow up the Austrian Embassy" [Korean] "grudge Olympic short track disqualification" - [02/26]
On the Internet leakage of private life information Hewish referee who disqualified the Korean team in the Olympics] [Women's short track [02/25]
Hero that gold AzumaKiyoshi's [Korean] Short track, corporal punishment in the United States in turmoil Trainee verbal abuse, assault allegations [02/21]

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 23:54:00.76 ID:: 95 Rj5JfAHT
Sometimes when the London Olympics, a determination or anything I do not like, and handed out on the net nude image of fencing athletes in Germany Koreans.
Koreans also countless harassment of Japan national football team.
Koreans unprecedented mad race in the world.
ラベル:Sochi Olympics
posted by nokija at 17:00| Comment(0) | TrackBack(1) | News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

Speed ​​skaters of South Korea "Dokdo belongs to Korea" Move carry bag that has been written in English

Koreans do not understand the sportsmanship
Koreans ignore the Olympic Charter
Abnormal spirit of Koreans annoying in the world



1: rough seas φ ★ 2014/02/12 (Wed) 15:03:28.23 ID:???


That you are moving in the carry bag written a political ideology Motebomu players playing an active part in the men's speed skating in Korea was found.

It is written, "Do you know? [Dok-do]" and "DOKDO BELONGS TO KOREA" in the carry bag.
It means "Do you know Dokdo?" And "belonging to the Korea Dokdo" When you paraphrase.

Since the text of the bag is in English rather than Korean, it is KiMitsuru people to appeal around the world.

Players of South Korea became a problem by raised the placard of "our territory Dokdo" in the middle of a football in the past.

It does not matter so much this time because it is moving, but it appears to be a desire to appeal to Dokdo by far.
Bringing politics and religion because it is prohibited, political thought that these are the ones that want you to forget during the competition at the very least.

It is one that can be played as Korea representative much trouble, I want you to challenge the competition fair and square.

2014.02.12 14:05

Quoted source: in the carry bag that speed skater, [Olympics] Korea is English name "Dokdo belongs to Korea" and the mobile [02/12]

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 15:06:48.68 ID:: 8 T7dCTFz /
1 >>
Well, if Uttaere the tournament Steering Committee normally, some sort of punishment would be made.

104: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 (Wed) 15:43:05.63 ID :/ rDv6HE9
Although had to cooperate with the diffusion.
>> I wrote because sons suspicion to the source of one.

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 15:44:17.59 ID:: 106 qLEPrDcQ
104 >>
But not the Kola?

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 15:56:53.06 ID:: 134 45ukFee0
1 >>
Korean or also
This nation Do not no good anymore
Koreans of me there is a problem with the frontal lobe also'll understand

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 16:11:56.10 ID:: 188 YVppE6KL
1 >>
And I still find if protests have dominated Japan
Korean Because he not be holed up in their Koreans murdered fishermen

As a bonus, I Koreans from a country that worships terrorists still
Dunno, Korean's terrible national character or what she'll do

375: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/13 (Thu) 02:28:07.66 ID: iJ4myu / A
1 >>
How can you get reported to the IOC

393: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/13 (Thu) 06:16:31.77 ID: wA7BkQIB
1 >>


Here's a Korean!


(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 15:06:03.99 ID:: 3 Y5DPvlmL
When no problem Olympics athletes in toward the Olympics venue?

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 15:06:19.01 ID:: 5 MPG56Oxk
Koreans have insulted the Olympic spirit to perfection

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 15:06:21.47 ID:: 6 S0NoUfi1
Koreans like 'em all.
Korean is not known, such as the Olympic spirit.
Koreans the same level as the guys that graffiti on the wall of the city.

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 15:06:56.81 ID:: 9 ps1 + Rcuk
Children become an everyday affair is rape - abnormal Korean society children

Whatever I face South Korea! It is a barbaric act of rape, massacre of South Korean troops did in Vietnam is this!

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 15:51:16.53 ID:: 120 ns38TORY
Reaction overseas to the acts of soccer players in South Korea claimed "Dokdo is Korean territory" in Olympics
"Celebration Masu (c) a major earthquake in Japan" at the soccer venue Korean Korean

ttp :/ / blog-imgs-34.fc2.com/d/e/l/deliciousicecoffee/20110928080902b5c.jpg
"Ceremony monkey" of South Korea representative Ki Sung-Yong in the Asian Cup semi-final

Japan and Korea against the 2013 East Asian Cup Soccer Tournament
Korea cheering is listed the banner of the "no future ethnic you have forgotten your history."
http://f.image.geki.jp/640/pics/orig/ppMM9aV174.1.Koki% 2520NAGAHAMA.jpg
Japan and Korea against the 2013 East Asian Cup Soccer Tournament
I listed a portrait believed to be Ahn who assassinated Ito Hirobumi
┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐ ('⌒ `) Japanese
│ Dokdo Uri |. ('⌒ `) l | / Yamatosaru Nida! ! ('⌒ `)
│ of our territory! | L | / / three ヽ l | /
(Yo Korean ─ ∧ ∧ ─ E) Λ Korea Λ O. "` 'L | l; "O /) Korea ∧ Λ Λ ∧ Korea Korea (\
\ <# `Д '> / mc9 <` field' # >> 9 cm ヽ "fields." Bruno | | `Д '> ◯ <` field' #> ◯ <`Д '# | |
(. ◯) Y Y. \ / | <) \ / (> Roh
------------ / ' ̄  ̄  ̄  ̄  ̄' / ---------- / ' ̄  ̄  ̄  ̄  ̄  ̄  ̄  ̄  ̄  ̄  ̄  ̄  ̄  ̄' / - -
 ̄  ̄  ̄  ̄ | |  ̄ | no future ethnic you forget the history | | Japanese .. |  ̄ | |  ̄  ̄  ̄  ̄  ̄
 ̄  ̄  ̄  ̄ | |  ̄ | it.  ̄ | | |  ̄  ̄  ̄ |. |  ̄  ̄ a major earthquake
 ̄  ̄  ̄  ̄ | |  ̄ | and  ̄ | | |  ̄  ̄  ̄ |. |  ̄  ̄ celebrate your
 ̄  ̄  ̄  ̄ | |  ̄ t_______ t,  ̄ | |  ̄  ̄  ̄ t________________ t,  ̄

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 15:07:48.76 ID:: 13 ASRaHA1V
The carry-back but it is prohibited to bring Olympic parties facility course?

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 15:07:55.31 ID:: 14 LKfvmpBT
Tachi is worse than the North Koreans.
Koreans sick.

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 15:10:06.27 ID:: 23 OVsanBr7
Do not wonder swell fellow in the athletes' village to look at this, Koreans hero treatment
You're the gold medal Koreans! You know you do such as? Bakachon

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 15:13:55.58 ID:: 31 xIfbQXf1
Koreans W I WAKE "nothing" and did not learn in London

Chung W fool indeed

420: <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/13 (Thu) 11:27:30.56 ID: 6zrSESYb
31 >>
Koreans know you have learned.
To say that reason is broken if arm-twisting.

(Water) mizuhashi Parusu~i ◆ BYV0iumJBA 2014/02/12 15:16:40.22 ID:: 44 A6W7eT4M
Korean I mean to defy the warning of the London Olympics
I'm does not appear to be a presence worth more I IOC that it remains this

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 15:16:46.70 ID:: 45 P23Y8G / S
The island even my mon
Are you allowed to stand to specify that a repeat?

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 15:17:26.12 ID:: 46 5Zg3juCW
Japan for just How about Korea or going to amplify the hatred in this state
Thank you increase the Korea really hate
Korean parents to remain that want to cavil with the business community also incidentally the only business community

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 15:18:45.48 ID:: 50 KMitfweM
There is no problem Olympics athletes participate and political appeal to the Olympics being held
Cane is too stupid I
Tteka Koreans will say, may be Apire Arebado and we have belief that 's palliative Koreans

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 15:19:34.34 ID:: 53 SRNww7cp
And do social and stifling as beyond imagination for me from Korea Well I
Have been found to give

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 16:56:02.42 ID:: 278 Q7PLh9Z9
53 >>
I think South Korea and China also North Korea that kind of country to'd there are a lot of various people.

But the feelings of the Japanese people now just because, it is whether I forgive Japan is demonized.
Koreans want to say You look away from the distortion of the country South Korea in the blame others also white irresponsible.

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 15:23:26.35 ID:: 63 94CRPqAL
A thing called sportsmanship seems to not exist in Korea as ever

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 15:25:32.79 ID:: 68 FCPx8vFc

So I told, FIFA also IOC also Apparently it has underestimated the abnormalities of Chung

I'll I noticed sloppy, my brain weather Chairman us ('・ ω ・ `) Haa


(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 15:26:05.19 ID:: 70 TGysYyrX
In the midst of the Russian government is earnestly nervous invested in a huge budget to counter-terrorism even just
It is a walk while showing off seeds of conflict all the way

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 15:35:32.82 ID:: 92 SWPewfRS
Illegal occupation because guilty, Koreans w not mean that such a thing

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 15:57:34.30 ID:: 137 rj5tmlrE
"Dokudo do not know something, but understand that even stupid Koreans can not read air" gaijin

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 16:04:23.86 ID:: 157 3cM3K6cD
Suitcase of another guy ...
And such as are deco articles such as your own photos
Too liver'm a narcissist Dondake

Results in this or
Miss also ... medals not two consecutive mode-Tebomu, in S skating 500M

Tonsura because we had counted as ensure the gold medal of guy
Insanity in ww now

(Water) <丶 `∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/12 16:10:21.82 ID:: 182 bRsFBfhR
157 >>
I did not get medals w design competition suit is kana not come out criticized just because the Rising Sun flag was Poka~tsu

ラベル:Sochi Olympics
posted by nokija at 11:46| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

South Korean Internet users intimidation comment on the UK player . International Olympic Committee Mark Adams spokesman " . Overkill to clear " [02 /17]

Koreans do not understand the sportsmanship
Koreans ignore the Olympic Charter
Abnormal spirit of Koreans annoying in the world

[ Olympics ]

1 : rough seas φ ★ 2014/02/17 ( Mon ) 11:17:45.40 ID:???
The 17th , China Paper, Guangzhou Daily in the 500 meters final women's short track of Sochi Olympics ,
In face book of Alice Christie in the UK involving a fall the Park Hee of South Korea ,
I reported threatening messages such as " I'll kill " has been received from the Korea Internet users .

Italy fall and players Christie in contact with each other, Park that had been slipped in front is involved in this in the race .
After the race , Christie has expressed an apology through Facebook itself , but the anger does not fit Korean Internet users .

"4 years of the Park is ruined "
" South Korea 's ! Cine not forget you, forever ! "
Comments and criticism " took the gold medal from the Park " is a rush ,
I was asked to threats such as " I'll kill " among them .

Christi no longer endure the criticism of South Korea user was closed Facebook .

On the other hand , Mark Adams spokesman for the International Olympic Committee, a British same as Christie
It is said, " . Christie may unless shocked extreme overkill to clear " he said.

February 17, 2014

South Korean Internet users intimidation to comment - [ Olympics ] UK players Source: . International Olympic Committee Mark Adams spokesman " . Overkill to clear " [02 /17]

72 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 11:34:27.27 ID: N3Hz0/SG
Even talk of trouble during the race
And though some such as story coach of other countries has been finished to lend a ski skis players broken
Just talk like this >> 1 Korean is involved

199 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 12:09:12.15 ID: UFSWmC4r
1 >>
Too much ? No, this is the Korean normal

306 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 13:54:07.09 ID: 6xEOLgzn
1 >>
Koreans w begins in harassment to the IOC this time

309 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 14:00:13.53 ID: PTGYN6sd
1 >>
Caucasian ! Japan is every day for that! I write hangs the UK and who diminished the Korean players in textbook built the image of the British who were in the United States of which fall

344 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 16:11:47.35 ID: Nt0fjONT
1 >>
So about it with white isolation by providing a new of the Korean Peninsula limit the " Colin Pick " ...

3 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 11:18:29.51 ID: XR + / m6iQ
Irresponsible , Europeans and Americans also , is Korean
Learning , you will not want to miss the whether the guys what ...

4 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 11:19:11.78 ID: 9PKaza8E
~ヽsomehow allowed the International Olympic Committee will because I go unchecked Koreans (`Д ') Bruno

198 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 12:08:02.03 ID: cigg + T + j
4 >>
Anyway if players are doing , ( once ) because I'm such things are doing is public Korean irrelevant , honest , Koreans in the IOC
Do not have much of a choice anymore .
I do not mean that there Nantes effect where it said the criticism , but still , there is no way of doing the other really .

Ethnic ... that does not pass through the reason is because this is ... ... !

258 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 12:55:21.35 ID: zvvWT + w7
198 >>
No, Koreans will say, unchecked even players

5 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 11:19:13.46 ID: MgU1OdZc
Japanese 'm exposed to Korean stress on a daily basis .
I wonder I should I me struggling to understand a bit of Japanese ...

162 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 11:52:18.02 ID: P2tNJqXc
5 >>
Korean stress , adoption .
Let Nerao year's wordsmiths .

299 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 13:29:59.61 ID: TbyoBEbx
5 >>
> Korean stress
I 'm totally ...

9 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 11:19:41.44 ID: S5lmV + nm
And too sweet to Korea is referred to as the FIFA called the Olympic Committee
Do they also received something in the entertainment in the back

18 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 11:21:55.03 ID: PZAjy9Mi
It is still sweet Hey junior college together .
The Korean players to again repeat the threat and accused of protest to the other party that won the Korean players more more
If you do not admit to the whole world the excellence of Korean so as not to have the feeling that you want to win .
Not equal to name the world's best race is go out of fashion . Biggest victim because 'm Koreans always .
It is tepid recently . It is to fool the Japanese Well such a thing to the defeated .
Korean players from the other party with a cowardly hand After All competitors Koreans should win it and to lose
Steal the gold medal and took the win. To not be revered from all over the world 's such a thing towards the Pyeongchang
Country that tries to learn to Korea would be reduced .
Enough to be crazy to death in anger on the spot remember the London Olympics and Seoul Olympic
If you do not thoroughly protest against unfair treatment and discrimination to the Korean players to show a shrieking
He keeps track record in the 4-position W Cup I also hazy .
What happened Koreans recently . Pathetic . The do also write as natural
If you do not show off aggressiveness Korean furiously on the spot .
Do not pierce not a quality of Korean guys in the developed world precisely at a time like this .

19 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 11:21:55.55 ID: BGKR0GsX
Koreans waste what to say because it is a country of Kramer in from the President

20 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 11:22:03.15 ID: m8kaxwxz
By the way, is a country YOU chose the Winter Olympics next

26 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 11:24:04.94 ID: Crw6spY2
Koreans because I'm causing trouble every time convention
IOC also would have to understand the cultural standard of Korea

The White disable the Korea participation in the international game !

33 : Filthy foot length Uncle ◆ NZFfGE93kg 2014/02/17 ( Mon ) 11:25:48.00 ID: I3aDYQpa
26 >>
Pass , Korean I Ja prohibited to participate in the international community ?

30 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 11:24:54.43 ID: 5HLqdHpk
>> International Olympic Committee Mark Adams spokesman

W I rush to criticize this after speech found in Korean

32 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 11:25:32.15 ID: + dI0FUY3
Japan be , you're a done this in 70 years, the national costume

38 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 11:27:06.91 ID: GfOfk + el
And South Korea , and I like that a country .
Koreans did not commence now .
South Korea , third-rate second-rate national No - in all . And I'm a country the worst .
Around the world , shalt to confirm this fact .
I forgot to mention . China is also the same .

42 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 11:27:58.93 ID: TpfHBAr8
Koreans w it 's blame others what do if it was just
The mistake that was to participate in the Olympics Korean

51 : emoticon ('・ ω ・ `) Jibunkao ◆ 9uZFxReMlA 2014/02/17 ( Mon ) 11:30:28.18 ID: + km7asd3
Korean 'm not suitable for sports .
Feel bad win or lose .
Opponent only to be unhappy .

59 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 11:31:45.43 ID: Oh3rm8Sf
Koreans I do too much because it is stupid

61 : original Fukue citizen 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 11:32:01.00 ID: Iih8gHi4
If this happens to me , usually
Such as the person in charge of the Olympic parties of the country
Although I or care committee of the IOC in the country is out statement

Koreans still acquiescence ? Certified ? Recommended ?

100: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 11:38:37.57 ID: ricdoYtx
Let's protest you guys is because sweet to the IOC

125 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 11:42:53.76 ID: tqYHFwpu
That of everyday experience and from someone's point of view of this Japanese
Vending flaps always Korean

130 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 11:44:10.05 ID: UYYHpQkC
Much verbal reprimand 's does not work
Koreans do not learn at all from the previous
Koreans do not know even basic sport that not a political
Koreans We'll see will be in Pyeongchang
Korean or 've got to athletes oath in any face

144 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 11:47:46.46 ID: dtYiqb / 9
130 >>
Koreans will be sworn normally
Or more is a country Korea held for Korean guys
Justice is that Korea will win in every Tedate
Course ( hear it and say Do not say complain ) that the countries participating in it flatter
That's what it called fair and square

Koreans believe and
Is seriously

141 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 11:46:16.49 ID: ptou + ps9
Such as threatening e-mail I 'm spill over to Mark Adams spokesman

I ◆ v/rTh0HxaQ 2014/02/17 original in Japan (Mon ) 11:57:27.83 ID:: 181 du6OnzVq
There earlier " conclusion convenient for me " first Korea
Koreans come to distort the process forcibly in order to towards its conclusion

Koreans recognize that it is " true " and " that he 's convinced "
If you do not go as he had thought things , Koreans impute to others the responsibility
And Koreans begin grudge against others

The idea is simple Koreans in many cases
Almost , Koreans apply to this pattern incoherent behavior , also remark

296 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 13:25:13.71 ID: 4dGaIqeh
181 >>
Another feature of
Speak badly of someone , and diminish Koreans

Is refuted

Korean defeat

Dredge up the same story ( their memories starts here ) Koreans

Is refuted

I can no longer talk decent and discrimination Nida

224 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 12:25:48.31 ID: rjTXtiqr
So this is the Korean people
A similar thing I will continue all the way in the future Korean
Koreans to not you guys like you stop it with the attention ...

235 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 12:33:51.68 ID: pbfrBsSs
Englishman in w Na no big deal
Ww just the beginning and from someone's point of view of this Korean

257 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 12:55:10.31 ID: mwS7X2dN
Yara What disposal Yaro had been made up to this time in India .
The do and doable , IOC and w white sanctions on South Korea properly

327 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 14:58:39.47 ID: Z2oh3k92
257 >>
Gyakuni thing itself it , or are contaminated below I still can not Kudase disposal

259 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 12:55:23.77 ID: JadmhxoF
Same time in Salt Lake ,
Koreans in England opponents in the next World Cup
I would got to Hidee harassment and just revenge of Sochi .

Since World Cup , South Korea has become hate .
Vindictively far , there is no resentment Masui countries .

275 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 13:06:30.31 ID: vq2cmhqV
British , taste carefully,
W ze and a little bit different such as Scotland Ireland
ラベル:Sochi Olympics
posted by nokija at 11:45| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

Medal of player was naturalized in Russia Koreans regarded as a " revenge " ! ? Question of Korean reporters sarcastically [02 / 13]

Koreans do not understand the sportsmanship
Koreans ignore the Olympic Charter
It's an unusual spirit of Korean

[ Sochi Olympics ]

Work Konakatta original voice actor φ ★ 2014/02/13 ( Thu ) 19:35:19.26 ID that came back : 1 : ? ?
The 12th , China Paper, Guangzhou Daily was naturalized in Russia from Korea
Short track speed skater , Viktor Ann : The ( Korean name AnKen洙Anne Hyun-soo )
About what brought the first medal in Russia , it was reported that the Koreans seem to be regarded as " retaliation " .

In 1500 m Sochi Winter Olympics short track men , Viktor Anne won the bronze medal ,
I brought the first medal in Russia . Anne was brought to South Korea three gold medals at the Turin Olympics in 2006 ,
It is caught up in the factional fighting of the Korean skating world such as the dissolution of the team ,
Missed the participation to the Vancouver convention of 2010 , was followed by stagnation .

The aim for a miracle , was discarded and the Korean nationals in the next 11 years , and naturalized in Russia , played a revival beautifully .

Or from these circumstances , it seems to be regarded as " retaliation to South Korea ," the medal of Anne in Korea .
Too much of chagrin , Korean reporters in Kosterina spokesman for the Sochi Olympics organizing committee
Question sarcastically " impression that I won a medal for the first time ever thanks to the original Korean players with different nationality ? " He said.

Then , spokesman I am very pleased that " Anne is a Russian in a resolute attitude .
He said he and only " became a big star of Russian short track world ,
And that it has refused Opinion . ( Edit the translation Azusawa Noriko )


Koreans regarded as " retaliation " in the medal of the player was naturalized in - Sochi Olympics [ Russia ] Source: ! ? Sarcastic question of Korean reporters [02 / 13]

17 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/13 ( Thu ) 19:41:39.59 ID: OTfZpc30
1 >>
> I brought to South Korea three gold medals at the Turin Olympics in 2006

It would have to last me a lifetime contribution to Korea again in this first

> It is caught up in the factional fighting of the Korean skating world such as the dissolution of the team
> Missed the participation to the Vancouver convention of 2010 , was followed by stagnation .

It will run away if curving closed road of recovery in South Korea
Do Jan deficiencies in the system at the Korean you

34 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/13 ( Thu ) 19:50:14.16 ID: tD9Um + jh
1 >>
That's stupid I Korean

81 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/13 ( Thu ) 20:41:36.58 ID: cnxQwvnU
1 >>
Korean I just discarded Korea because of family trouble of good , ... Te irony .

10: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/13 ( Thu ) 19:40:01.38 ID: D3SLr3Z6
Korean or not Hey Why Raren give pleased obediently must also be considered.

If you look objectively
Rather than of Victor Anne player as " retaliation "
The Mienwa Korean press only " prejudice envy "

12 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/13 ( Thu ) 19:40:29.61 ID: F0wGN/kV
Korean decent to exile or commit suicide

13: <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/13 ( Thu ) 19:40:43.02 ID: gOk4BuHZ
That this small vessel Koreans (° д °)

14 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/13 ( Thu ) 19:41:05.00 ID: gPjc9MlU
Koreans w 'll Urame the skating world of Korea
Koreans really stupid

18 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/13 ( Thu ) 19:42:39.28 ID: omfZY2vK
Koreans w I'm gonna check sarcasm to a spokesman for Sochi Olympics organizing committee

Koreans TokotonchiIse~ena - I wonder somehow

19 : Sagittarius typeO Ninpocho [ Lv = 40, xxxPT ] (1 +0:9) ◆ ae5q2SvKZ 2014/02/13 ( Thu ) 19:43:14.23 ID:. ZFQtzh80
Why , Korean Hitting a third party of a good reward the ugliness of their suffered due ?

Reflection , you will not want to miss , waste nation .

21 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/13 ( Thu ) 19:43:24.15 ID: 1P4sXXUe
Immigrant poverty , orphans export , expedition prostitution
All 's retaliation to Uri ethnic Koreans

22 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/13 ( Thu ) 19:44:16.91 ID: uiRFeH3S
AnKen洙the ~ Na fled from South Korea well

24 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/13 ( Thu ) 19:44:51.41 ID: xas/1ZJF
There is only envy in the head Koreans

25 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/13 ( Thu ) 19:45:40.90 ID: + vs + + ozz
Koreans or say to those who are interested in local media in any case if such as net
So Koreans I 'm hated all over the world

26 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/13 ( Thu ) 19:46:07.79 ID: NXsyVs4D
Skating world of South Korea even though bad , Koreans 've got to say what the spokesman of Russia ? Korean 's fool

32 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/13 ( Thu ) 19:49:37.81 ID: jLG39y0Y
Koreans wonder can this embarrassing question what do not you

33 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/13 ( Thu ) 19:49:57.31 ID: 4Vwv73y7
This Invision only saved one person players that could not be activities to think in Korea

36 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/13 ( Thu ) 19:53:21.15 ID: Q0Pr35nI
It is no use
It's what Korean

37 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/13 ( Thu ) 19:53:24.67 ID: llGKqRDq
Koreans useless does not come Bakka is involved in absolutely the Chung

38 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/13 ( Thu ) 19:53:44.59 ID: KCg + VgAk
Koreans ww how I know you doing next , what country Korea held

Wajin ◆ 9tUJ3WBIrc 2014/02/13 Nameless ( Thu ) 19:55:08.58 ID:: 39 WnMYEfj1
Koreans do not be surprised if out is known as " naturalization was forced by Force taken to for Russia to take a medal " them

42 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/13 ( Thu ) 19:55:55.99 ID: XVqt4RXt
Why had to be naturalized in Russia
Where you take out to Russia to South Korea is in the cause debris Koreans very

46 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/13 ( Thu ) 19:57:11.53 ID: XxL8XoAt
Koreans Koreans 's litter seeded around the only abnormal discomfort win or lose .

50 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/13 ( Thu ) 19:58:15.21 ID: rfGWez6L
Korean players also press I coaches ' ​​s embarrassing country

51 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/13 ( Thu ) 19:58:28.12 ID: PiAYxvBK
Player who ever wondered Korea sporting world is trying to play an active part discard Korea nationals out into more and more overseas !

62 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/13 ( Thu ) 20:10:24.10 ID: alymn2Tx
51 >>
Extremely annoying dust simply by diffusion in the world .
鮮人correct answer is to leave to isolate the peninsula .
I think so seriously when I saw people in Japan South Korea .

58 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/13 ( Thu ) 20:07:52.94 ID: ned2uG5Y
When you get down to it , would that began with the cold raw deal to the people of Korea .

63 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/13 ( Thu ) 20:10:23.92 ID: YUE3N3im
Na feel worse tonsil people in Seriously just being where you really sports

People tonsil Please do not come in honesty
Bad mood win or lose doing sports and Korean guys

70 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/13 ( Thu ) 20:15:32.83 ID: rVqZbqIf
" The impression that I won a medal for the first time ever thanks to the original Korean players with different nationality ? "

" One's heart goes out to the history that was to be played for the Russian representative in naturalized in Russia "

The wwwww I Kirikaese so much

74 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/13 ( Thu ) 20:18:35.45 ID: zloNzxi +
Koreans will whine do I rewrite the Korea -flagged a record of the IOC that must elapse before a few years anyway ?

82 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/13 ( Thu ) 20:42:19.73 ID: FRHoglJ1
It 's not sarcasm ,
How can you get provocation sell quarrel .
Koreans w Do not fool 's ethnic bottomless

83 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/13 ( Thu ) 20:42:40.54 ID: jLG39y0Y
It is nationalist patriotic , and anti-Japanese , but I hate each other thoroughly hostile once in cognate usually
Hatred is a motivation wonder the same as the relationship of the north and south

89 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/13 ( Thu ) 21:01:02.69 ID: 9YuZ3/yb
Really , Koreans w and s a very vulgar ethnic

90 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/13 ( Thu ) 21:04:09.03 ID: 5WRmL3wD
> Then , spokesman I am very pleased that " Anne is a Russian in a resolute attitude .

Better to ask a question, if the person returns this usually I 'm not be not even stand to be away shame

91 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/13 ( Thu ) 21:13:36.03 ID: NGAgFk4Q
Korean is the same as treatment of Admiral Yi Sun-sin
Enemy of the Korean hero Koreans
ラベル:Sochi Olympics
posted by nokija at 11:45| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

The abusive players rush to fall in short track " White suicide" Players " doing its best for the military service exemption " To write and to fire oil [2 / 16]

Koreans do not understand the sportsmanship
Koreans ignore the Olympic Charter
Koreans have altered mental

[Korean ]

1 : Zoo φ ★ 2014/02/16 ( Sun ) 20:15:26.50 ID:???
The number of abuse and is said to be " ! Rather die " if it fails competitive spirit of South Korea that has gone too far , even in the Olympics players = short track athletes each fall

February 15, 2014 , according to Tencent physical education , at 5000 meters relay semi-finals Sochi Olympics men's short track ,
For Korean players who fall in contact with the U.S. players , the eyes of severe criticism has been directed in Korea .

It is a Korean team , which has been listed in the favorites in the men's 5000 meters relay , but in just a few laps to go
Fall Lee capture player comes into contact with the U.S. players , missed the opportunity to medal without advancing to the final .

Internet users in Korea saw this big rage .

" Let me die rather . If you want to fall in are paying taxes in order to assume a gold medal "
Eg, " white suicide by jumping in the Black Sea as it is without return " , abuse of Lee to capture players one after another .

Shin down junior players because of the gold medal , " Lee capture senior teammates ,
We junior is to be received the exemption from military service , by force is standing on ice while holding a great deal of thought .
Written to the net added, " want to stop the verbal abuse anymore , this is a form of pour oil on the fire , thin players also subject to abuse .

That the purpose of Olympic participation that military service exemption Barre , it has been accused .

Quoted source : in - [Korean ] Short track athletes of the fall rush abusive " white suicide" players write to be " working hard for the military service exemption " to fire oil [2 / 16]

(Sun) <丶`∀ '> 2014/02/16 (` c ') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 20:34:52.23 ID:: 54 r8g1KQ + o
It should be put Combat Organization !
75 , who is hitting the prophecy
Contact (・ ω ・) eyes (・ ω ・) and (・ ω ・) jar (・ ω ・)!

"What say bad things about why" Shindaun players of South Korea failed to [ Olympics ] finals and " stop scolding " [2 / 15]
ttp :/ / awabi.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/news4plus/1392447906/l50

2014/02/15 ( Sat ) 16:37:09.99 ID:: 75: (` c ' )' s '(・ ω ・`) <丶`∀>' fZcl/Qy3 >> 1
Blog guy is fire , until the apology template by kneeling down on the ground now

Do not race out to the right of the Korean people and let's say bad things about

(Sun) <丶`∀ '> 2014/02/16 (` c ') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 20:38:19.13 ID:: 63 t5Xj9Q2z
1 >>
Recently , Japan once it is no longer give to the other party , Korean or falling out . Koreans do it more .

(Sun) <丶`∀ '> 2014/02/16 (` c ') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 20:39:14.87 ID:: 66 Bh3/TQse
1 >>
Turn over of ethnic inferiority complex with the Korean people

(Sun) <丶`∀ '> 2014/02/16 (` c ') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 20:39:26.38 ID:: 68 cJwCalS6
1 >>
Korean I 'm desperate than North Korea softening
Koreans also be national players .
Running Across such as life Olympics , where the dictatorship it ?

(Sun) <丶`∀ '> 2014/02/16 (` c ') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 21:33:13.16 ID:: 150 UlvFj + / v
1 >>
Koreans w I hide that mean for pension and bounty

(Sun) <丶`∀ '> 2014/02/16 (` c ') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 20:18:08.48 ID:: 7 I5KBgiss
What What these guys w players nor national .
Koreans ethnic inferiority w

(Sun) <丶`∀ '> 2014/02/16 (` c ') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 20:21:55.28 ID:: 18 Fkfjz + aN
In this degree , Koreans ' s still .
Player who is cursed , to isolate the house of fans cursed
If you do not 's enough to arson , fire as disease in the country of kimchi ,

(Sun) <丶`∀ '> 2014/02/16 (` c ') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 20:22:30.42 ID:: 19 8ullrxTg
Korean After twice military service if you do not get medals ?

239 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 02:27:53.69 ID: 1BioUzT6
19 >>
Warota w
Adverse effect www decreased absolute competition population

241 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 03:54:12.69 ID: xpT2CIW8
239 >>
W will be where you want it to take on the world

(Sun) <丶`∀ '> 2014/02/16 (` c ') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 20:23:10.30 ID:: 23 nL2W7Pxt
Korean 's both stupid

(Sun) <丶`∀ '> 2014/02/16 (` c ') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 20:25:53.21 ID:: 30 wDba + COC
Do not seen or shown patriotism in what players of South Korea to appeal to anti-Japanese than necessary
Koreans prevent criticism by making a patriotic appeal decried Japan because there is fear to be beaten by South Korea country
So Koreans to flatter each time you smell such as fought at the risk of life for the people of South Korea even when you win

Kim is also a poor toys Masugomi in that sense , but it w Naren to love

(Sun) <丶`∀ '> 2014/02/16 (` c ') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 20:26:19.97 ID:: 31 SNgbgLIR
Better of dangling carrot I also exemption from military service was stopped a good thing Koreans
Koreans Na will stop this system If you stick reluctantly military service

(Sun) <丶`∀ '> 2014/02/16 (` c ') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 20:27:02.61 ID:: 35 + unhYbx1
"We junior is to be received military service exemption , standing on ice while holding a great deal of thought . Verbal abuse I want you to stop it ," Shin down
It's overkill fan but human nature of this fellow Hide~e w
Koreans w such as advocacy to spill your mercenary credit of others

(Sun) Rommel public bath soldiers ◆ JAlCYz0cLBMK 2014/02/16 20:27:13.52 ID:: 36 jz0taos1
I funny .

It ought to be "The American players were buying there is Nida . Course interference Nida bad " and if it always .

(Sun) <丶`∀ '> 2014/02/16 (` c ') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 20:58:26.83 ID:: 115 X1baqxjq
36 >>
Koreans did it soon
Koreans to have threatened to kill me
Have quite a plan to Chung

(Sun) <丶`∀ '> 2014/02/16 (` c ') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 20:29:39.27 ID:: 42 CWP7wxQP
It is still sweet unwillingly .
Koreans in Korean players again repeatedly accused of protest to the other party that won the Korean players more more
Which should continue to send to the whole world the excellence of Korean so as not to have the feeling that you want to win .
Not equal to name the world's best ethnic Koreans go out of fashion .
Korean is tepid recently . It is to fool the Japanese to Koreans defeated Well such a thing .
Korean players from the other party with a cowardly hand After All competitors Koreans should win to Koreans would lose
We're grabbing the win . To not be revered from all over the world 's such a thing towards the Korean Pyeongchang
Country that tries to learn to Korea would be reduced .
Koreans to unfair discrimination and treatment of Korean players remember the London Olympics and Seoul Olympic Games
He keeps track record in the 4-position W Cup I also hazy If you do not protest thoroughly .
What happened Koreans recently . Koreans should not be penetrated without a quality of Koreans what time like this .

(Sun) <丶`∀ '> 2014/02/16 (` c ') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 20:33:17.62 ID:: 49 l5CklmJU
W article to understand the identity of the guys crying thief 's tax to players in Japan

Japan should be more honest taxpayer money .
Hey , Is there a financial resources such as anti-Japanese ODA to countries such as welfare of foreigners .

(Sun) <丶`∀ '> 2014/02/16 (` c ') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 20:33:22.30 ID:: 50 K0OIDBxN
Japan is over you do not blame the players
Country has not yet put out much money to players and knows
It 's to dregs of mercenary interests such as JOC

(Sun) <丶`∀ '> 2014/02/16 (` c ') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 20:36:15.25 ID:: 58 8EK/dzB8
Koreans hurl from Bakka this verbal abuse
Player was South Korea nationals of boys and I thought you were naturalized to Russia
Korean 's typical of the country stupid to crush their own talent

( Sun) timid clione ◆ HPbPYoY6YI 2014/02/16 20:40:08.48 ID:: 70 wUJPUvyM
> Competitive spirit of Korean and excessive
Korean Jean of very different natural ( * __ ) Bruno彡☆ Bang Bang !

(Sun) <丶`∀ '> 2014/02/16 (` c ') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 20:41:20.68 ID:: 76 tyC/PfP4
You work hard I do not want North Korea ... forced labor
You work hard I do not want to reach South Korea military service ...

I wonder why it what

(Sun) <丶`∀ '> 2014/02/16 (` c ') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 20:42:17.25 ID:: 80 T9B8NAKN
76 >>
North and South Korea , Which if live ? I trouble to reply that it is said I

(Sun) <丶`∀ '> 2014/02/16 (` c ') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 20:44:55.96 ID:: 93 5g4xEfoT
80 >>
Because say such a thing
I do stick Nishigami Japan Japan Koreans desperately

(Sun) <丶`∀ '> 2014/02/16 (` c ') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 20:42:57.91 ID:: 83 FdfOeSsD
I hope separately if you're closed in South Korea
England players to Nantes 500 women came out much trouble Olympics
Tteyuu Akannen such is said to there why I feel Ya ('・ ω ・ `)

(Sun) <丶`∀ '> 2014/02/16 (` c ') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 20:45:25.51 ID:: 94 mTKBwlJ2
It is also interesting national player also looks very Korean
Do not become a copy and paste this Korean to explain briefly what kind of race
The w It 's just copy and paste the legendary also present in the 100 years
ラベル:Sochi Olympics
posted by nokija at 11:44| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

" China has stolen the gold medal in the women's short track 500m! " South Korea defeated the rage [02 /14 ]

Koreans do not understand the sportsmanship
Koreans ignore the Olympic Charter
Abnormal spirit of Koreans annoying in the world

[ Sochi Olympics ]

Work Konakatta original voice actor φ ★ 2014/02/14 ( Fri ) 16:39:38.50 ID that came back : 1 : ? ?
The 14th , Tencent sports site physical education in China in the 500 meters Sochi Olympics short track women ,
I reported the Korean media is up in arms , "I stolen the gold medal in China ."

Ambush of China , Rikenyawara had won the 500 meters short track women was ( Lee Jienrou ) .
O濛Ace ( one- mon ) is sidelined due to injury ,
Eliminated are caught up in a fall in the semifinals of teammate范可New expectations had also took ( fan Koshin ) .
South Korean media had a laugh biting gold medal in this event is a certainty .

However , unexpected events occurred . Is Park Hee of South Korea was as good as a gold medal in hand
Fall along with the British players and Italian players . Lee who had slipped the fourth he scored a goal and leisurely .
Cause is unknown and in contact with each other "Why did they fall Become a loaf Korea media .
It is reported in the complaint seems to Li , China was fourth fastest is " won the gold medal .

Korea Internet users also " was stolen in Chinese player the gold medal that was in front of "
While detonate complained , " bad luck ", " worth more than money is also a bronze medal ," such as ,
Encouragement to the Park players have also been received . ( Edit the translation Azusawa Noriko )


Supports the first time an adult of Ohno against ... the extraordinary vindictiveness of Korea to continue the diminished Ohno player Salt Lake Olympics ( '02 ) still Sankei Shimbun [ ] impressive [02 / 11]

Quoted source : - [ Sochi Olympics " ! China has stolen the gold medal in the women's 500m short track " Rage Korea defeated the [02 /14 ]

( Gold ) <丶`∀ '> 2014/02/14 (` c ') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 16:57:41.90 ID:: 65 elKsWwRY
1 >>
> Korean media had a laugh biting gold medal in this event is a certainty .

What is the Korean media bad enough feeling written expression is a subservient one by one

( Gold ) <丶`∀ '> 2014/02/14 (` c ') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 17:01:38.65 ID:: 75 F7pQpaef
1 >>
The Hokusoemi the fall of other countries players , korea abusive and took of grazing are other countries players korea players if the fall .
Korea I do a minimum of Nantes , I will ! The korean 'll sucks too ( laughs)

( Gold ) <丶`∀ '> 2014/02/14 (` c ') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 17:34:52.31 ID:: 177 FdpgI853
1 >>
The w 'll fall at stake Chung to think normally , was almost pulled out as the attempt to prevent by force

( Gold ) <丶`∀ '> 2014/02/14 (` c ') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 17:53:11.68 ID:: 238 F8lBE/Yj
1 >>
W You're thinking like Koreans really

( Gold ) <丶`∀ '> 2014/02/14 (` c ') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 18:32:07.33 ID:: 330 UF8Rs/og
>> It would not China relationship as long as you read one ?
I only turned to gold before simply because moss ,
In What are you made ​​this? w

( Gold ) <丶`∀ '> 2014/02/14 (` c ') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 16:41:44.82 ID:: 2 eGqB3f07
China Korea It 's just at indoor sporting events .
What Koreans 'm not Chikara-i competition outside?

( Gold ) <丶`∀ '> 2014/02/14 (` c ') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 16:54:41.35 ID:: 51 lDNOMG4N
2 >>
I massaged it's good I Shinachon short track

Competition to go out in front before it pushes away the others without hesitation .
Competition ethnicity , leave .

( Gold ) <丶`∀ '> 2014/02/14 (` c ') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 16:43:17.27 ID:: 10 b8XpyZ + C
Na some of this kind of competition every time
Rules www 'm Kaero

( Gold ) <丶`∀ '> 2014/02/14 (` c ') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 17:47:35.93 ID:: 218 6EZoKo8k
10 >>
Rather than a " this game " , " South Korea is a favorite game " Dabe

( Gold ) <丶`∀ '> 2014/02/14 (` c ') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 16:43:48.86 ID:: 11 yixBLbGM
Players of Australia ? But Is not that was .
Koreans and Chinese angry to be unreasonable .

( Gold ) <丶`∀ '> 2014/02/14 (` c ') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 16:44:03.52 ID:: 13 PNY89f7s
Koreans must absolutely hate someone
Koreans of a mechanism like that

( Gold ) <丶`∀ '> 2014/02/14 (` c ') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 16:44:11.01 ID:: 15 y4yOwljL
Korea complain if Makere .
Koreans stow sports .
W I'm gonna check tool to put Ichamon .

( Gold ) <丶`∀ '> 2014/02/14 (` c ') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 16:44:53.35 ID:: 17 Evjd5Jsw
Chinese w and I stole it to not involved in fall

I do not want to be involved in sports because it is humble person I really Chung Korean

( Gold ) <丶`∀ '> 2014/02/14 (` c ') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 16:45:23.10 ID:: 21 1GsRtF07
The person said the men had been taken on the basis of brotherhood that you change nationality in Russia , Koreans cry and was robbed in China towards the girls.

Koreans w It 's just too is Nasakena

( Gold ) <丶`∀ '> 2014/02/14 (` c ') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 16:46:43.04 ID:: 27 SqNyfz7S
It is Urama is 1000 , but I would much 800 years opponent because he is like China .

( Gold ) <丶`∀ '> 2014/02/14 (` c ') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 16:47:21.80 ID:: 29 y6PqlPMS
Korean players is second to none substantially all competitions

( Gold ) <丶`∀ '> 2014/02/14 (` c ') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 17:04:36.07 ID:: 82 D5OWvMHn
29 >>
It is no longer 's sport at the time the Korean players came out , to be excluded from the Olympic Games Korean .

( Gold ) <丶`∀ '> 2014/02/14 (` c ') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 16:50:47.00 ID:: 39 XVdgsmWx
Koreans seem to were less Tsuketodoke .
The amount will rise with each passing time .

( Gold ) <丶`∀ '> 2014/02/14 (` c ') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 16:55:14.69 ID:: 54 SVUBOadI
The Toriagero all the qualify of international matches from Korea . Not be eligible to do the sport Koreans .

( Gold ) <丶`∀ '> 2014/02/14 (` c ') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 16:55:28.52 ID:: 55 mu5DISbE
It 's not even in direct contact this unspeakable Korean (laughs )
Without regard
Is it lined up without having to think unpleasant just to have participated in the same competition ?

( Gold ) <丶`∀ '> 2014/02/14 (` c ') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 16:55:33.94 ID:: 56 8afX66q6
Competition contact becomes subtle Foul What Korea huh strong
Such as soccer , such as short track
Korean because he 'll do a last-minute rules violation
Korean becomes weaker in tin when it comes to competition contact is allowed as such as rugby football

68 : <丶`∀ '> 2014/02/14 (` c ') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) ( Fri ) 16:58:55.83 ID :/ zStuypy
Speaking of that so
Koreans also guy you change nationality in Russia
It 's a lose on purpose in order to exemption from military service to young
If you refused , and Nde is harassment
I 'm the nationality change
Koreans country helpless really

( Gold ) <丶`∀ '> 2014/02/14 (` c ') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 17:04:29.17 ID:: 81 elKsWwRY
68 >>
Whether there was such a situation I Victor Anne
Korean or darn fool such as harassment leading to ultra- medalist candidate

( Gold ) <丶`∀ '> 2014/02/14 (` c ') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 17:01:35.69 ID:: 74 C1q9yMTk
Koreans w it happened to him suicide and I went to interfere with the players of the United Kingdom and Italy were hup

( Gold ) <丶`∀ '> 2014/02/14 (` c ') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 17:05:28.61 ID:: 87 pjoIwoyX
As usual .

< 2012 London Olympic Games in South Korea , national Kiraware in the world >

• The women's basketball final qualifying round , I repeat the rough play in Japan
Japanese , rage .

And traffic accidents in London , in the athlete's village rampage , all player representative Korea → repeat the stalking to other countries players , curfew .
British - sponsored , rage .

• In the soccer match Switzerland vs. South Korea , Park is alerted .
By mutual hostility , the cyber attack the SNS Swiss players opponent .
Swiss , rage .

- Disqualification with intentionally losing → ​​China in the women's badminton .
Suzerain - Chinese fury

• If you lose in the women's fencing , sit-ins . I want to mess the game at a later time .
In addition , out of spite you lose , it locates the nude photos of German opponent to write the F-word a large amount of Facebook .
German , rage .

- The same last name because many , I'm annoyed by being mistaken abroad .
Taiwanese , rage .

• Do not forget ( acquired referee , do the cheating game ) World Cup .
Spanish , Italian , rage

( Gold ) <丶`∀ '> 2014/02/14 (` c ') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 17:07:16.48 ID:: 91 rLWqP28a
" The crying child Moraeru one extra medals " Nida ! !
ラベル:Sochi Olympics
posted by nokija at 11:42| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

The mediocre performance in the " specialty " Short Track , Korea after another foul on China partner - Chinese media [02 /17]

Koreans do not understand the sportsmanship
Koreans ignore the Olympic Charter
Koreans claim to be a right for all Koreans it
Korean is abnormal for

[ Sochi Olympics ]

Work Konakatta original voice actor φ ★ 2014/02/17 ( Mon ) 10:27:29.81 ID that came back : 1 : ? ?
16 ,訊網Tengchong China Media In speed skating , short track of Sochi Olympics
South Korea should be " specialty " can not win the gold medal still ,
I reported players began impatience has committed a foul against Chinese players in quick succession .

The article , in the women's 1500 meters final which took place on the 15th local time
Accident that Alan Kim of South Korea to tip over with RIKEN soft U.S. and Chinese players occurs ,
I told Kim has become disqualified in violation by deliberation .
Because ShuHiroshi of China won the gold medal as well , Lee of " victim " is also that said, " regrets not remain " and in this event .

On the other hand, in the men's 1000 meters final that took place then , TakeMasaru Yasushi Chinese wore in third place in contact with the thin - down of Korea ,
And ended at the 4-position by being overtaken by the Dutch player in the meantime . Singh will be disqualified ,
It was a big deprived as " damage " the medal of the hands of China for bias .

Competition end of the 15th current local time , medal has been determined in four events in the short track .
2 , the one Russia Canada and China consisted of the gold medal , South Korea is not yet acquired . ( Edit the translation Shiroyama Toshiki )


[ Sochi Olympics " China has stolen the gold medal in the women's short track 500m! " Rage Korea defeated the [02 /14 ]
Disqualification " shock " four in five South Korean representatives competed in short track events [Korean ] 15 days [2 / 16]
Entrainment Korean players intimidation sentence short track and murder notice from Korea [ Olympics ] " will not allow forever " in the UK players fall [2 / 15]

Quoted source : The mediocre performance , [ Sochi Olympics ] in the " specialty " short track , the Chinese partner South Korea after another foul - Chinese media [02 /17]

@ 12 anniversary smartphone ◆ HIRO / m.jqg 2014/02/17 Sukapontan (Mon ) 10:29:11.41 ID:: 3 jYTCkivz
Mon to each other like , fight Shinano ww get along

6 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 10:29:53.23 ID: xgKohrXB
Korean players , Abarero more , and Gonero !

7 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 10:29:53.40 ID: JQpVgh1v
This defect competition , I wish if I quit a mile

8 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 10:30:15.89 ID: AQFu784i
Olympics terror

9 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 10:30:33.68 ID: GZJOdX3e
Whether Kim

11 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 10:31:26.52 ID: + fE7svEg
Koreans ^ ^) v Jan I should get a special award and sat down again

18 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 10:33:51.25 ID: ww + AgOIx
When it is such a poor result
Winter Olympics heat of South Korea would not it be cool Koreans ?

19 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 10:34:10.38 ID: 27tePFPx
Korean huh was attacking to Borokuso players that defeated when it was overthrown by the contact ?

26 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 10:37:47.19 ID: 8RVH9gMZ
All persons involved in the wonderfully w 's are involved in a chain of misfortune

29 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 10:38:19.19 ID: MyA49Ww0
Koreans it 's the good at small country competition is narrower

79 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 11:08:47.89 ID: G5MyN/2z
29 >>
Korean people 's countries , but heart No narrow Koreans !

30 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 10:39:13.96 ID: jM50Mju +
The wwww 'll 's China and South Korea for it interesting competition this

31 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 10:39:28.94 ID: eS0xzNW8
Image of shit sport compete for the urgency and we have to figure I had with

37 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 10:42:55.79 ID: 0DiIy8vc
Over or was the hallmark
I was surprised over there

The w Naa mon that there is any kinds acquisition cheating certainly

41 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 10:44:37.84 ID: E0g8j2Es
More of China , though not because the wins still useless .
But Tteyuu Koreans , wonder if the sport for what .
I feel that it is fundamentally wrong by all the softening Koreans .

54 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 10:50:46.85 ID: dtYiqb / 9
41 >>
Thats Koreans have decided to just want to Horuhoru in Urinara Manse
Koreans in the place where Kim Jonah is hard work no matter how
It's not necessarily love or splendor of the competition that figure , the beauty

65 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 10:57:54.90 ID: kYIpgNP9
54 >>
Koreans can not Prove respect all players of other countries as well , I guess such things like that

Koreans will have not only to think about enemies of the game

44 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 10:46:14.81 ID: jmEyGqig
Worse aftertaste in tin Korea is involved
Those of North Korea and China 's is a few steps decent for Sports

48 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 10:46:32.01 ID: zRU6aoa1
Foul of South Korea is a " specialty " is would be like that , noticeable in the short track .

53 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 10:49:10.14 ID: vZuJjOYP
Short track is just What is suitable to the characteristics of the Korean people ,
It going to be a good reason to reconsider the raison d'etre of this competition

57 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 10:52:46.18 ID: QdQwYoBm
Koreans Aaa and I listed the comfort women image by taking gold medal

Ze~e - you are waiting

68 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 11:01:01.05 ID: smFd + WHO
Specialty of South Korea 's not "short track "

It is a " foul " ('・ ω ・ `)

70 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 11:01:14.18 ID: yKrQ + x4R
Koreans probably do not turn to the strengthening of funds short track money at stake in Las acquisition and caught medal ugly figure

146 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 15:34:26.41 ID: YH27ZHPa
70 >>
In fact , Jonah is hated from the short track athletes of South Korea , is being or is expelled from the link

147 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 15:40:53.64 ID: ESClSVai
146 >>
Where Koreans wonder practice

77 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 11:08:24.73 ID: tj6MPYbk
Twenty-three Winter Olympics gold medal Korea

... Short track of them ( laughs ) is nineteen wwwww

・ Koreans around round and round like a fool
• In Sotchinoke speed , interrupt Koreans pushed the others ...
・ Koreans defect competition five times winner like change if five race
• The competition of popular lowest in the developed world that values ​​the fair

Medal of Korea ? It's short track wwww

This is the evaluation of w in Europe and the United States one silver 50 gold medals in short track of < Kasai

80 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 11:09:21.47 ID: 92R0PzfL
W you Thats not taking medal only woman I Korea
Koreans w It seems only Kim girls and two short track events the possibility of the remaining medals

Www I pathetic Korea Men

83 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 11:11:48.91 ID: F4BWBLYE
80 >>
Koreans copper w gold and players who are bullied at the Institute costume in Korea , naturalized in Russia

86 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 11:12:48.69 ID: dtYiqb / 9
83 >>
I'm sorry
Anyone , it?

W will serve to bullying Busachon future

97 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 11:19:56.12 ID: oRi07Rte
86 >>
Gold medal Victor Ann . Multiple players has been naturalized in other countries by repeating the infighting for several years skating world of Korea

105 : original Fukue citizen 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 11:29:15.34 ID: Iih8gHi4
97 >>

Japan , China
Domestic competition is fierce , players leaked naturalized in other countries
Success as a player in the country , based on country praise naturalization after

Koreans defected to other countries since it is the hub Korea is not corrupt , even if there is merit
IyaKan to naturalization after Koreans blame Motokuni

82 : <丶`∀ '> (' ・ ω ・`) (` c ' )' s 2014/02/17 (Mon ) 11:11:22.94 ID: LrVy4E98
In the Olympics this time
Koreans I thought was not looking at a still image to appeal the illegal occupation of Takeshima by winning
Korean I 'm not the first place win

It is a pity that out of place performance of Korean usual is not seen
ラベル:Sochi Olympics
posted by nokija at 11:41| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする