Work Konakatta original voice actor ƒÓ š 2013/06/23 (Sun) 14:26:33.92 ID that came back: 1:??
Afternoon on the 11th this month, unique weapons appeared to War Memorial of Seoul Yongsan, I attracted the attention of people passing by.
Unmanned robot vehicles armed with machine guns, such as video and equipment for daytime, nighttime,
Get used to move and lightly in the "Superman" even if carrying the luggage of dozens kilogram "muscle strengthening Robot",
And small drones MAV-like bird was on display.
These robots, received that (-hye) administration chose the growth engine of the creative economy, national defense unmanned robot technology Park Geun-hye,
The thing that has been on display at the symposium, such as Agency for Defense Development and Defense Acquisition Program Administration has held for consensus formation.
Prior to this, June 22, Park Geun President attended the forces of commemorative events made in Korea maneuver helicopter's first "Surion"
He stressed, "combined with the creativity of the private sector, defense industry in South Korea, should be at the center power blooms of creative economy Now is" he said.
Defense industry and South Korea military, in academia, embraced high expectations to these developments, we believe positively.
So far, the defense industry to make weapons, cases be mistaken to be a presence exhaustive there is no contribution to the private sector is because were many.
But at the same time, as a basis the attitude of the current administration for certain businesses
Suspicion that "I do not know yet the Korean government or have strongly how much will that will unite the national defense and creative economy" also has emerged in part.
Typical example is a matter Korea type of fighter (KFX) development project. KFX business, in order to replace the fighter dilapidated and F4 E F5,
It is planning to develop its own fighter of middle class high performance rather than F16, is to deploy 120 machine. Full consideration since the start in 2001,
Over about '10 until now, Validity has been made over a period of five times Korea Development Institute, etc. (KDI).
Refers to the advanced development of full-scale development before the "search and development", 44 billion Korean Won (about 3.7 billion yen at the current rate, the same below) until last year,
A total of about 55 billion won Indonesia 11 billion won (about 900 million yen) (about 4.6 billion yen) was cast.
But the end of last year, Lee Myung-bak administration is a significant reduction in the development budget as we need again Evaluation of business,
I was asked to consider research institutions. And even in the current administration, he seems to have no significant change in the ambiguous attitude of the South Korean government authorities.
Agency for Defense Development, etc. (ADD), and if we develop the Korea type fighter to invest 6 trillion won (about 500 billion yen) against this,
Than when you buy directly from abroad 5 trillion won can (about 420 billion yen) saving, industry ripple effect 19 trillion won (about 1.6 trillion yen)
It is claimed that there is job creation effect of 40 000 -9 million people.
But opponents, and by comprehensively taking into account such as the possibility of export and technological capabilities of Korea,
I counter that the risk of development of Korean-made fighter to fail, and large.
What is interesting in this is, it's change of attitude of Korea Air Force to use the fighter. Initially, South Korean Air Force was negative in the development of South Korea type fighter.
But from 1-2 years ago, has changed the flow of the opposite. General with the Korean Air Force because it uses the import fighter such as "F15K, F16,
On overseas trader comes lifted the price of repair parts, the case is not made rapid parts supply to meet the desired time of many military,
The "he said began to desire the development of Korean-made fighter.
Only necessary funds in the amount astronomical, willingness to approach carefully is important to fighter development.
However, for Korea type fighter to get the Korean government is at the center of the defense business and creative economy,
It has been pointed out that an attitude more ambiguous and undesirable.
After you "(quick Get Carter) Fast follower" creativity and economy Korean government to emphasize
I think that turn into "(pioneer of market) first mover".
I hope that the Korean government, make a rational decision as a first mover.
Yoo Yon'u~on military expert reporters
[Military] "was not also obtained the results of what" Indonesia condemns š 3 [06/01] Korean type fighter business
The Nuko plus Ÿ TMb.tT1ehod4 2013/06/23 (Sun) 14:27:25.19 ID:: 2 oJWtdo8u BE :1750638277-2BP (3581)
1 >>
Unreasonable force
When you say from domestic production the manufacturing of F404 or F110 or rather
(Sun) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/06/23 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 14:28:04.22 ID:: 3 es6P7qz7
1 >>
> To only the required amount of funds is astronomical, willingness to approach carefully is important to fighter development.
Y'know astronomical amount of South Korea, I'm low double-digit one digit from the sense of Japan ...
(Sun) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/06/23 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 14:29:35.23 ID:: 6 PkRmNJ3l
1 >>
> He stressed, "combined with the creativity of the private sector, defense industry in South Korea, should be the central power blooms of creative economy Now is" he said.
As a result of doing it ages ago, the United States Na but still has its government has been taken over by corporate giants.
(Sun) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/06/23 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 15:05:14.53 ID:: 21 SmJeQrx7
or projects that Indonesia has expired spotted
(Sun) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/06/23 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 15:38:24.40 ID:: 28 5BJiD12p
8 >>
The South Korean government wish because they become a "instrument to make the best use of Samsung" anymore (laughs)
(Sun) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/06/23 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 14:50:58.97 ID:: 18 GKrFKzHt
Although I think not only to the conclusion that you say that you think rationally really, when you give up all
(Sun) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/06/23 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 17:31:33.56 ID:: 36 7EmqdTuV
If you can own development fighter 500 billion raised dot
I'll Nikki off the rudder to one selected domestic Discard Nanzo FX selection
(Sun) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/06/23 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 17:35:38.92 ID:: 38 FGcZ5HI1
š ww the country can be seen in exports
¡ train of Korea made one more failure in Ukraine Ukraine TV
Limited express train of Hyundai made in Korea introduced "Ukraine is hoping will continue to malfunction.
But was also planning to attract train manufacturing plant of Hyundai in Ukraine, Hiroshi is at fault - often settlement to tow a diesel locomotive through.
At 5,000 yen, fare between Donetsk Kiev does not change the local train and broken express to be \ 20,000 train in (bed). "
Train made in Korea for the first time traveling TV Ukraine of May 2nd 2012 failure followed by Ukraine
. Hyundai train then you first run it full of hope in May "in 2012, and 99 times in six months failure -. Was happy still beneath, news of the first run.
In running a second time, brake was already broken. In the winter, could not stand the severe winter of Ukraine, Hyundai has broken - was reported, but it began to break from June to why. I broke from the warmer months. "
Train of Korea made three first anniversary day Ukraine TV failure followed by Ukraine
Hyundai express train was broken 178 times in one year from Ukraine's first run of the 25th May, "012 years.
Also be substations burned short of the pantograph.
Some people say the person may as well walk around ride in Hyundai's better. I look back a year. "
(Sun) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/06/23 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 17:38:59.41 ID:: 39 FGcZ5HI1
š ww the country can be seen in human
The teacher was masturbating in front of the [Korean] student prison sentence of 10 months imprisonment [06/22]
[Korean] - Changwon Burberry Man mass arrests "Masturbation in front of women" [06/20]
Man of sexual desire transformation - "terrible's opened my eyes" fury (Cheonan-Asan region) Burberry Man [Korean] front of the school, [06/20]
[In Korean] "Trainee of assault" entertainment representative office confirmed six years in prison [06/21]
Suffer from hard work a 12-hour Korean women ... one day expedition to prostitution to [research] U.S. [06/19]
40s [Korean] and "street masturbation" - military, caught one after another (Suwon) [06/11]
At the library [Korean] university - "... on the spur of the moment raining" Masturbation (Seoul) [06/13]
Rape murderer was [Korean] beast "sexual impulse in women nursery nursery", and intellectual disabilities defense [06/20]
(Sun) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/06/23 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 17:48:23.72 ID:: 42 FGcZ5HI1
¡ After all, the story of a poor country that could not be spread over a period of hundreds of years the water wheel.
Many times he has been populated from the Chinese and Japanese agricultural technology but did not keep up forever, even standing.
Reporting water mill of Japan on December 3, '11 1429 King Sejong is great.
To try to make a water wheel 27 September 1430 King Sejong '12
China and Japan have gotten the interest of water mill May 17, '13 1431 King Sejong but do not have it in Japan (Korea).
Description of the study of water mill of Japan and China tidbit November 18, '13 1431 King Sejong.
Try the waterwheel introduction December 25 '13 1431 King Sejong.
Failure to the introduction of water mill Apparently November 18, 1451 statement Zong first year.
(Heard from without .... And) There are attempts waterwheel introduced June 24 '19 1488 Seongjong
(Heard from without .... And) attempts waterwheel introduced March 4 1996 1502 Yeonsangun has been written
Attempt waterwheel introduced February 1 1546 Myeongjong first year, and so on. I learned in China and Ryukyu (Okinawa)
It is like a water wheel of Fujian formula.
Does not mention that the 100-year water wheel from here. Seems to have disappeared.
No description in '30 and attempted introduction of water mill May 15 1650 Hyojong first year.
Description and was made the water mill March 3 5 years 1679 King Sukjong. And no description '70.
I no longer such as water mill April 5th '16 1740 Yeongjo.
"How to control ‰—ŠO Zhi Takashi Sejong ¦”Ð Liao àc… car, who see no existence now."
Description and was built a water wheel also November 20, '16 1740 Yeongjo. There is no manner of spread at all.
(The impression of noria Dian Castle) of Korean envoys of 1764 year 1763-1764 to "Nitto Takeshi —V‰Ì"
Yes description "It's enough to want to make it emulate sophistication of how it works".
Come out actively for system Zhi waterwheel February 18 '19 1795 Jeongjo. Feel that is popular not.
Do we need something in the water mill description here March 30, '11 1811 Sunjo? At all is written and
It has not been widespread readable.
And child w poor self-proclaimed domestic tanks do not perfect, even over current '19
„¬ „ª „ª „ª „ª „ª „ª „ª „ª „ª „ª „ª „ª „ª „ª „
„« / - born legs are weak \ „« Fukupyo Chan œc P P \ / \.
„« / / I will be incapacitated broken engine and transmission that œc _ È Mi `\ \ „« copy generates heat immediately
„« /, œc 'P ::::::::: \ Isuzu i "" | development costs huge becomes naught in this state „«.
„« | | :::::::::::::::::::::::::: | | ‚ | „« You can not export
„« / |: Ü :::::::::::: Ü ::::: | | \ / „«
„« / "Isuzu œc / :/ E \ :: / E \ :: | 2 through both tank Type 90 is the base out of the dream also „« \ i \.
„« T __ œc |. ::: Ü (__ people __) Ü :: | \ miso T „«
„« \ "| Let's watch the Namaatatakaku __> ˜¦ „« Fukupyo Chan | \ :::: To~e~e~ei ::::: /
„« T `over''" Mi Mi \ | thank you for cooperation if / „«.
„¯ „ª „ª „ª „ª „ª „ª „ª „ª „ª „ª „ª „ª „ª „ª „®
(K2 tank) 19-year-old Chan Fukupyo
Engine and transmission is '19 Damedame w, if I copy it attracted foreign parts
It is a gun imports but rupture promise ww immediately if domestic production
History forgery country Korea ww you do not learn in history w sac sickly
- Angry wonder if Chinese and Korean - ""..
- Korean situation with wwwww in the case ..
- Koreans claimed to have Manet Japan stol..
- Koreans w Na was lie it was - or - Cove..
- South Korea Do not misunderstand 's comp..
- He ww is Urisuto teaching system is defi..
- Even this www professorial - [ Chosun I..
- Korea steal , relentless Country w racke..
- Koreans given that they have textbooks j..
- South Korea and has not turned a deaf ea..