From elementary school do not know Thank you also? 6.25 with me fighting against Japan
Junior high and elementary school students from colleagues wrote a letter of thanks to these brave you have participated in the Korean War (Korean War) of 1950. But the meaning
Students who do not know at all were many.
Let's look at the contents of the letter. Lee Yujon reporter tells.
4:00 dawn June 25, 1950, began with the invasion of North Korea Korean War (Korean War). 1.5 million people died, 3.6 million people were injured.
There are not many students know correctly tragedy of ethnic, 6.25.
Elementary school with Daejeon. I wrote to brave it fought a letter of "Thank you for getting me fighting with Japan" by mistaking independence movement 6.25.
Students that "I thought our sense of 6.25 each country that fought". Some students who think 6.25 is a August 10, such as lasted 50 years.
From junior high school also do not know the same thing.
I do not know it yet ... Well (or what is the day and 6.25?): Grade 1 [certain Miss Kim / junior high school. (Did you happened to what year?) 1945 ...]
Grade 1 [Kim certain you / Middle School: South Korea and the military (North Korea) North Korea's army fought ... in 1964? Or was not ...]
You learn modern history, including the 6.25-5 grade elementary school, national history is out of the compulsory subject of Aptitude test in 2005, in 2011
that intensive courses system was introduced is large.
[Choi Jung-min / Faguet teacher in society: there is a part that treats neglected Korean history, students can be well aware of the important events of modern history
There is no part. ]
Warrior that fought represents regret.
Never seen because there is no experience: [Choi Gioku / 6.25 veterans. If you teach while showing movie (video) to study at school
Children can be seen, but I do not know the words. ]
Voice that they must strengthen the national history education has increased.
Source: JTBC News (Korean) input 2013-06-18 22:01
Combat Organization
"Korean War in the north aggression" and 69 percent of high school students [Korean] answer President Park "shocking result" [06/18]
Saturday, three yen 2013/06/22 second national anthem circle one way 13:20:50.86 ID:: 97 fAdRRlTi
1 >>
What was the "correct recognition of history gar" What? Fool Chung
(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/22 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 13:30:44.41 ID:: 116 MeYmkdtv
1 >>
> [Choi Gioku / 6.25 veterans: never seen because there is no experience. At school
> Children but understand it if I teach while showing movie (video) to study,
> I do not know the words. ]
It looks do not have verbal aptitude really ...
(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/22 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 13:34:34.80 ID:: 128 eNuVWnyJ
Sons this >> 1 Na wonder you do not even know that war with North
Even what is divided into north and south Why There seems ever wondered ('・ ω ・ `)
(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/22 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 14:43:20.19 ID:: 308 xCcM6TPH
1 >>
Oh yeah, do not I also met Korean film.
Title ... was someone called "somehow Brother?" Guy that was the theme of the Korean War.
In the words of Korea soldiers come out to it
"I'm thinking ours is fought with Japan in what I think!"
Noble gas like there is something called the
・ ・ ・ W when'm fought against Japan
(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/22 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 15:12:11.70 ID:: 353 84J87lM6
>> If you teach history one seriously, and because he will be full of contradiction? w
(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/22 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 15:26:48.40 ID:: 375 FNU0P0m0
1 >>
Well, because I'm educated Nikushi Japan so
Do not I think it fought against Japan surely.
(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/22 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 15:50:09.10 ID:: 413 j5Xlae9h
1 >>
Will not only elementary school students?
South Korea all men,
Overriding the memory of the Korean War, it would have been doing anti-Japanese
(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/22 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 16:12:33.14 ID:: 462 dp2y9j3l
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Education elementary school students give that kind of answer than funny, at least?
(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/22 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 17:14:49.17 ID:: 536 hYfTxQP6
1 >>
By mixing lie history, history of fantasy, question Koreans even is no longer Wakan Wake.
Do You mean
(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/22 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 17:29:50.32 ID:: 543 ycnntS0h
1 >>
After all, w Do not had that convinced "to the war, and Japan country was won once," What 's Korean
Oh yeah, on television tackle at one time or another in gold Kei ball of the Tokai journalist Yamagiwa is "independent
Gate I built what to celebrate? Dare to say! You and bit ", is a scene that money fled
I was. Where such, I guess there is a nature
(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/22 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 18:24:20.66 ID:: 564 6vj5THTA
1 >>
> Korea that share the values of democracy and Japan
Where? wwww
(Sat) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/06/22 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 19:34:08.26 ID:: 581 BLabDjWM
1 >>
It is do not you try to broadcast in South Korea throughout the Korean War feature you were doing in the old days History Channel (UK BBC production)?
Korean War because you what, (I had to say that it is not thought of as a military), or was the army nor their tons is miserable and how
If you're claiming What with the correct history, It 's that familiar with the country of war as seen from such third party.
・ ・ ・ I w I would go mad with disease 100% fire definitely Well
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