
[Korean] Japanese hunting by South Koreans, Crisis of the assassination of President Park Geun "... The public opinion 'public indignation' to malicious Japanese media [07/18]

You can not hide the daily,Korea

1: Large chief φ ★ 2013/07/19 (Fri) playing the piano 06:33:46.62 ID:???
"Japanese hunting in South Korea, Park Ohakune assassination of President crisis" public opinion 'public indignation' in news media coverage of malicious ... Japan

Photo = Internet community MLB Park

[Cookies global village] security youths is a Japanese hunting in South Korea, Park Geun (Park Ohakune) President and placed in danger of assassination
Malicious Japanese media collapse that serious is causing the public indignation of public opinion in Japan.

Leave the 17th, security collapse in the 'South Korea economic deterioration, evening edition of Fuji series of far-right-oriented company, Sankei Shimbun of Japan affairs of President Park personal
I was reported in one plane headline article entitled great concern 'to. This Internet news site of the same affiliate-
I was also put crunch (zakzak.co.jp).

When discontent will explode in Korea unemployment rate increase as "stock plunge, economic meltdown, tourists plummeted, in small and medium-sized financial institutions go bankrupt evening paper Fuji
While the situation "that might, security deteriorates quickly people living in the streets and with unemployment soaring in regional cities, such as" Busan (Pusan),
Insisted youths and some "Japanese began hunting with a weapon.

Ask a stand against comfort women issue and (Tokuto) Dokdo Japanese hunting team of "3-4 people wandering the streets. Stroll the streets afraid to continue
I can not. The Japanese people out of some claims of some Japanese people that "began to escape from Korea living in South Korea
I told've been.

"You are a spy. Prosecution of the authorities" because they did not answer the standpoint of South Korea in response to the question for the history issue from Professor
Japanese and foreign students in South Korea that fled to Japan in response to the threat that, it is not possible to find a "hope, about 33 million (3 million yen
Korean reporters that described Koreans fleeing to the Philippines to have won more) and "have increased, such as to confirm the entity
Coverage source that can not also been enumerated.

Coverage amazed of this media did not end here. Leave the 11th, Democrat-pyo Hong wing saying 'Angst' of (Hong Ikupyo) Rep.
And the murder of Park Chung (Park Chung-hee) former president a situation where National Intelligence Service and the controversy is subject to parliamentary investigation in the presidential election intervention suspicion
The comparison, was interpreted as "a spokesman for the main opposition party was implied to crisis assassination of President Park" he said. This media foreign affairs police
I told executive has said, "not strange situation President Park is even when the assassination", but it did not show the nationality of the relevant executive.

Social network services and Internet community site in Japan news content such evening paper Fuji to (SNS)
It aroused public indignation by being transmitted. Or "a fantasy novel of Japan that was created against the South Korean" netizens our "day
Poured criticism that you get out of expectation is always as "not far-right newspaper of this. Some netizens a prepared to spill over to the "foreign affairs
Minus the attention of netizens other talking with "no choice but to see that it was reported by.

National Daily News cookie Kim Choruo reporter

Source: National Daily News cookie (Korean) input: 2013.07.18 00:00 modified: 2013.07.18 23:59

(Friday) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/07/19 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 06:57:49.57 ID:: 66 2lt + xPj +
1 >>
Korean people are refuted, wonder if a person living is stable?

It seems in any country, but life when it becomes unstable even 1% of the people, who overseas flight and criminals of increase is natural

Even developed countries are holding in social welfare but, in the case of South Korea. . .

(Friday) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/07/19 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 07:10:43.14 ID:: 96 XIi6Y5tD
>> I was looking at one half eyebrows, but will Awateyo that, do not he was true

2013/07/19 (Fri) Italy 58 ◆ AOfDTU.apk 07:31:10.28 ID:: 140 o4dXwgNi
1 >>
Mother and father of the President, because he was assassinated, to think my daughter might be the case, you will be there.

> Ask a stand against comfort women issue and (Tokuto) Dokdo Japanese hunting team of "3-4 people wandering the streets. Stroll the streets afraid to continue
> It is not possible. The Japanese people out of some claims of some Japanese people that "began to escape from Korea living in South Korea
> I told've been. >
> "You are a spy. Prosecution of the authorities" because they did not answer the standpoint of South Korea in response to the question for the history issue from Professor
> Japanese and foreign students in South Korea that fled to Japan in response to the threat that, it is not possible to find a "hope, about 33 million (3 million yen
> Korean reporters that described Koreans fleeing to the Philippines to have won more) and "have increased, such as to confirm the entity
> Interview source that can not also been enumerated.

I think the No way, it's that it may be likely if South Korea,
I think that it is a result which has been doing a demo such as death of a thousand cuts in the pig and pheasant ever.

(Friday) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/07/19 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 07:33:05.38 ID:: 147 h + WEy2OB
140 >>
That the anti-Japanese → boost regime after the end of the administration end, following the tragic fate

From being a bite out of the gate the anti-Japanese boost, I might follow a miserable end to during his tenure ...

(Friday) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/07/19 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 07:32:07.80 ID:: 142 Kj / BdFDt
1 >>
In Korea, actual content of this article does not deny any

2013/07/19 (Fri) Italy 58 ◆ AOfDTU.apk 07:35:32.34 ID:: 152 o4dXwgNi
142 >>
1 >>>
> In Korea, actual content of this article does not deny any

Well, I such that.
The nowonder that such Japanese hunting also that has begun.
Damage is just not publicly.

3 kerf ◆ YL2WBq55YzJ9 2013/07/19 (Fri) love Nuko 07:49:35.48 ID:: 175 Ond1L/cR
152 >>

Even if hidden, it is the Western news agencies which
The www mew think it's barrel in Suppanui also whether a matter of time

Nante guy to go South Korea, or a guy who was taken in by Masugomi
The Nyan I think there are only homecoming.

(Friday) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/07/19 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 07:37:14.88 ID:: 154 DHq6gIpO
1 >>
Is reporting the fact that what you're Korean and Ru fire disease (laughs)

(Friday) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/07/19 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 07:37:20.87 ID:: 155 xxxwAiIu
1 >>
It would have allowed to write this article in their stage of last year. Idiot is w

[The assault continued aim foreign tourists people]
[Travel company does not damage declaration as "undermine the image of South Korea"]

Inconvenient fact or fantasy. The presence of Korean's a nightmare no doubt but w

(Friday) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/07/19 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 08:02:17.02 ID:: 207 0rgEJxI5
1 >>
> It is a fantasy novel of Japan that was created in the background South Korea "
> "Never get out expected always far-right newspaper in Japan"

It's like bear truly is that you are always in Korea.

(Friday) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/07/19 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 08:08:54.00 ID:: 220 LvQUELZn
1 >>
It's denied the news of the "crunch"
It is a bulletin board news I've never heard willl "National Daily News cookie" to be the leading media of South Korea has proved all.

2013/07/19 (Fri) Ta152 H-0 ◆ Tank/Ja2RQ 08:45:18.51 ID:: 350 rWwXeqPH
But, story of individual articles that have been featured in >> one, huh story found to have leaked trickles.
Just me for the first time were written together.
If you're to be a hype article, you will say about you wrote exaggerated.

(Friday) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/07/19 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 08:56:17.35 ID:: 399 HgKOny + i
1 >>
Do you say, excitement
It only has N Fabyo usual as a "fact that do not want to accept". Fantasy and their
In addition, howl and fix a reality that does not fit figure to be Tonaeyo one million times the self-obsession is "mad"
Itself. Better to either break-off of diplomatic relations quickly, and in a vacant lot Peninsula will do just fine. This nation on earth
It is not only poison

(Friday) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/07/19 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 09:00:55.30 ID:: 416 IB6j59lm
1 >>
But it would've been doing the Japanese hunt.
Japanese will avoid Korea thoroughly now.

(Friday) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/07/19 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 09:30:20.62 ID:: 480 4a3cjtiy
1 >>
Japanese hunting by Koreans in Japan or it's happening in Japan

(Friday) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/07/19 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 10:22:01.27 ID:: 526 hOiLvewS
1 >>
> Cookies global village] security youths is a Japanese hunting in South Korea, Park Geun (Park Ohakune) President and placed in danger of assassination
> Malicious Japanese media collapse that serious is causing the public indignation of public opinion in Japan.

If you do say even public indignation, I Ja should I say "there is no such fact, and. To be punished by a severe punishment the perpetrator when there" 's own president?
The reason it can not be said, and Lynch have frequently actually, be because there is no mind to stop the Korean government?

(Friday) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/07/19 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 10:24:38.61 ID:: 529 Pxuc5u1c
1 >>
Keep in doing negative campaign of Japan terrible, and the fact that this time from Japan
Wwwwwwwwwwwwww or "Fabyon" just to have been pointed out

(Friday) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/07/19 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 11:57:41.90 ID:: 629 f1tZTnHY
1 >>
Retaliation Korean people angry, and was Japanese or hunting after all

(Friday) <丶 `∀ '> 2013/07/19 (` c') Mr. ('・ ω ・ `) 12:01:49.83 ID:: 635 fZiMG61v!
1 >>
W Korea paper or something not it Ne written only lie
ラベル:Japanese hunting
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