
[Soccer] Japanese Order of the Rising Sun, wielded flag before ... South Korean media rebuttal [07/30]

Koreans liar

1: Zoo ƒÓ š 2013/07/30 (Tue) 22:03:10.60 ID:???
2013/07/30 (Tue) 21:01

The 29th, Daein country Wataru president of the Japan Football Association East Asian Cup soccer fans in South Korea
For that you have raised a banner political towards Japan in 2013, and submitted a letter of protest, the organizers side
We found that it was determined the search. China net Japanese version (China net) reported.

In the final game of the East Asian Cup 2013 which took place on the 28th, Korean fans in the bleachers on the front
In addition to put up banner that says "no future in the nation to forget the history", history of two people
huge banner that portrait is printed appeared at the same time. 1 person was assassinated Ito Hirobumi in 1909
Ahn, one other is General Yi Sun-sin of the 16th century.

According to the Korean media, "Before the banner is raised, the Japanese supporters of some
Was brandishing two minutes 1 minute to the Rising Sun flag. Act that symbolizes the invasion and Japan this militarism of Korea
And that "offended the football fan.

banners then, football fans in Korea listed were confiscated by the site staff.
Under the Federation Internationale de Football Association, soccer player, coach, audience political position during the match
indicate is prohibited. (Editor: Yonehara Yuko)


(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 22:05:32.18 ID:: 6 n / GjPpTM
1 >>
> Before the banner is raised

you lie Koreans, as Exhaling

(Fire) ('E ƒÖ E `) Ÿ 2tPdxjo/wc 2013/07/30 22:09:23.98 ID:: 17 YcwRephF
1 >>
> Act that symbolizes the invasion and Japan this militarism of Korea
And that "offended the football fan.

and even though it has already been prepared such as banner before you get angry, what are you saying ...?

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 22:15:15.76 ID:: 41 GQzBucfD
1 >>
The chapter is, and w'll get to that FIFA itself has been violated

Official poster of the FIFA Confederations Cup
ttp :/ / livedoor.blogimg.jp/jpn_foot/imgs/e/3/e3470997.jpg

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 22:23:32.23 ID:: 59 ZbaCp1xQ
1 >>
That there was a banner from the game before the start w I have Barre

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 22:29:22.01 ID:: 76 nGutlAQa
1 >>
> Japanese supporters of some

Unfortunately, the guy is in Japan www

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 22:30:04.83 ID:: 78 GQzBucfD
1 >>
Rising Sun flag that does not violate Bosch just a few minutes,
Neglected in the first half of the game, banner that violate then removed

In addition, banners were out of the game before.
ttp :/ / f.image.geki.jp/640/pics/orig/ppMM9aV174.1.Koki% 2520NAGAHAMA.jpg

Nothing was no problem even if the Rising Sun flag of Japan and South Korea when war you did in Seoul two years ago.

(Fire) 680 yen Ÿ 7ZL.3C19WKcC 2013/07/30 23:30:28.16 ID:: 148 bWqSCa5C
1 >>
I Shibaki Corps and, not Japan

(Water) <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2013/07/31 04:06:50.55 ID:: 217 + s9CiqGM
1 >>
I do go out suddenly springs out banners that do not carry only multiplied dozens
ttp :/ / harukovsky.cocolog-nifty.com/photos/uncategorized/2010/10/15/dscf3458.jpg

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 22:04:48.87 ID:: 3 Q5NUENJN
And curtain slogan was written also very careful w What are you saying
The habit had come prepared from the flower curtain in photo of the terrorist.
Do not face a vivid ethnic lie to vomit breath.

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 22:05:18.15 ID:: 5 iJ1PTuf /
The over Is not it had to say to issue out of the previous several days
It was to support boycott of subsequent removal not fit muscle Rising Sun flag but was put away

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 22:05:47.34 ID:: 7 EUyAG + ET
In the first place although the Rising Sun flag itself is also a noproblem
Why Rising Sun flag Do not you go, are you Tsu Korean that can be described in detail?
Although I'm annoying It's a symbol of militarism, and just tilt the one pattern of lack of knowledge

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 22:06:19.99 ID:: 8 cQ7qn2eE
So Do not be shake a symbol that was earnestly massacre in Vietnam

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 22:07:44.47 ID:: 15 iPF + CZdr
I understand they can not yet a "time series" in Korean

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 22:08:41.47 ID:: 16 7/f/epD2
What Rising Sun flag became a problem since I was probably the incident of Kison'yon monkey.
I'm started to say for the excuse of mismanagement of their own from.
I Kiren relationship with Koreans.

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 22:09:28.95 ID:: 18 4zT7eQGu
Chung both even though the Barre and standing under the banner from the game before

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 22:10:11.10 ID:: 20 EUyAG + ET
First place in the game the day before
These guys Na I was saying things like I'll do

What would do arrive with a clear conscience the barrel lie immediately

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 22:10:44.86 ID:: 22 YpEQusMv
Shake [match] pump racist Shibaki Corps, Order of the Rising Sun flag

2013/07/30 (Tue) 18:09:38.78 ID:: 124 Name: (Chugoku) [] Posted on rolling Sobatto j298TEqu0 [2/3]
Excuse Korean stars a fake If you checked on the net a little bit about this matter now Wait a minute
South Korea is said to me "did because Japan issued the Rising Sun flag", but banner Na Tarashii it is installed before the start of the game
> That claim is a big lie.
> I have been installed in the stadium already played before.
http://f.image.geki.jp/640/pics/orig/ppMM9aV174.1.Koki% 2520NAGAHAMA.jpg

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 22:46:49.90 ID:: 99 Du0V5UAq
22 >>
The Koreans w whether they lied

Photo 's cruel honest

24: Ninpocho [Lv = 40, xxxPT] (1 Tasu0:9) 2013/07/30 (Tue) 22:11:06.22 ID: XCohWlnX
Chung'm such looks appear to be of of wanting a new taboo Order of the Rising Sun flag
Because he was from recent Sawagidashi one by one to the Rising Sun flag

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 22:11:30.63 ID:: 25 SEM6snW +
The first place did not you were going jut banner even if there is no rising sun flag?
Do not you do said to have written on the fly shop at such a fool?

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 22:11:42.11 ID:: 26 k3yDsE4J
To participate in Shibaki Corps that he said there was "friends with South Korea", the habit that has been swinging in Korea
That fool came back without even a scratch let alone body integrity why not?
Of not it a result of collusion in the Korean officials from disadvantage was a problem with Iran?

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 22:11:52.27 ID:: 28 Skrdjy6t
In order to say to South Korea this word indeed
Shibaki Corps is he? Shook Rising Sun flag
Betrayal of one's own country in spite of anti-Japanese racist
Forever Na use the dirty hand

32: <˜¤ `Í '> (Tue) 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 22:12:11.65 ID: iWCE +6 Q /
Partner of Korean I'm tired
The white and understanding it do not have any problem with that flag

Heck, before it, you guys, but you are a tournament host country?
Is that stupid?

(Tue) <˜¤ `Í '> 2013/07/30 (` c') Mr. ('E ƒÖ E `) 22:17:31.13 ID:: 46 1DSt + D7L
Person who was such a news is you will be pleased to Koreans in Korea domestic market
But Now you not a coverage of truth
Do not you think there should be departure from Urinara fantasy soon?
ƒ‰ƒxƒ‹FEast Asia Cup SOCCER
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