
Koreans drinkers the world's most powerful nation, Alcohol consumption of distilled liquor twice the Russians, Four times that of the American Violence by drunk to multiple [02/15]

There is no decent liquor in Korea
Not about the alcohol culture in Korea
South Korea media performing "coverage of lies"
Abnormal spirit of Korean


Work Konakatta original voice actor ƒÓ š 2014/02/17 (Mon) 02:09:12.80 ID that came back: 1:??
February 13, 2014, according to the U.S. Time magazine,
amount of Koreans drink distilled liquor with high alcohol content is that it is the world largest. Modern Kaiho was told.

A survey market research firm Euromonitor, went to target 44 countries,
The amount of liquor that Koreans drink a week filled with 11.2 average. Russians drink vodka in about five cups,
Half of the Korean. Americans even less, do not drink only the amount of one quarter of Korean.

Amount of drinking of spirits extraordinary Koreans, a sign of feelings of Koreans love white rice.
Because Korea distilled liquor that is a raw material mainly white rice,
It is because accounting for 97% of the domestic wine market of South Korea.

By Koreans drink in favor of the spirits as strong as this, violence did on drunken frequently,
Has become a social problem. For this reason, South Korea and health welfare section in 2011
It is implemented in a big way a campaign calling for the public to be "Let's drinking Omotte abstinence". (Translation and editing / Hongo)


Quoted source: The study, [Korean] 2 times the Russians, four times the amount of drinking American drinkers the world's most powerful nation, the spirits - but the violence by drunken multiple [02/15]

38: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/17 (Mon) 02:30:58.17 ID: MOnZ8jWg
1 >>
Koreans only if there is no moderation, enough with just being drunk alcohol ...

148: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/17 (Mon) 09:10:58.30 ID: Za2dD91m
1 >>
Tighten the ¦•³'ll eat Hontaku drinking tonsil anyway Koreans. It is in sickly or try belly dance.

¦•³ look good together is the most in differents like Korean! Ww Keep your mouth eat shit life

159: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/17 (Mon) 09:31:18.53 ID: 3l02lBvk
1 >>
> Violence is drunk by multiple

Do not drink alcohol without a relationship?
I have an image, such as those set fire is violence on a daily basis, but Korean w

174: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/17 (Mon) 09:52:02.44 ID: Xhrd4/yT
1 >>
Koreans say whether anything if the world?
Koreans' s not race that drinking world roughly
Koreans' s Ne w or race you are drunk on alcohol world

208: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/17 (Mon) 16:55:36.33 ID: qjGneekE
1 >>
> Violence is drunk by multiple
Do not would be one of the factors, no doubt also that the quality of the liquor is bad this.

7: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/17 (Mon) 02:12:30.33 ID: fIbQgf8L
<˜¤ `Í '>" Nida you flew to hear that tonsil "

[K-POOP Summary] template latest version 13/12/01
E Human waste liquor of the feces liquor] Korea tonsil "tonsil" - KOREAN POO WINE (© NEW!)

Cat also used as the material is sold also available / current human waste liquor of the traditional Korean "tonsil"
E [Sashimi marinated skate in human excrement] Hontaku
E [The change to entertainment health diagnosis and after licking shit] ¦•³
And training of Korean military to wash your face with shit for some reason
E "Delicious poo" picture book Korea
E Korean picture book that you want to make him eat shit Magoga to bedridden grandmother
E [I] antipyretics of human waste and dry-yeti [in the throat of the singer], [Kuso-sui for the treatment of serious diseases and food poisoning], human excrement juice shit gun, money juice [manure weapons of Korea militia]
[Fountain] human excrement | Joongang Ilbo | JoongAng Ilbo (South Korea)
South Korea Army Training Center caecotrophy incident
http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/% E9% 9F% E5% 9B% BD% E9% B8% E8% BB% 8D% E8% A8% E7% B7% B4% E6% 80% E9% A3 % 9F% E7% B3% 9E% E4% BA% 8B% E4% BB% B6
E "Poop is all sorts of disease agent"
E "Poo puppy"
E [I added a small amount of human waste for fermentation promotion of human excrement] Kimchi Kimchi
E [Such as salmon roe and shellfish oysters, and scallops seafood human excrement]
-Man rampage and sprinkled while eating what you mixed with miso and shit opposed to same-sex wedding (© NEW)
[Korean] The book "shit's rice" [14 July 2012]

10: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/17 (Mon) 02:14:24.49 ID: L6Si5ynw
Koreans will not be doing it unless drink ...

14: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/17 (Mon) 02:15:31.04 ID: k5Bwcv +4
> Korean love white rice

Korean 's thanks to the Japanese colonial rule. Koreans habit was only sorghum.

19: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/17 (Mon) 02:17:01.54 ID: aCpChkyi
The majority of soju in Korea, because the guy that was divided by water beverage alcohol, Koreans would not use something the United States.

23: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/17 (Mon) 02:20:33.10 ID: + zQvFRV +
The first place and whether the frequency with shochu of guy like Korean and vodka?

27: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/17 (Mon) 02:24:57.25 ID: 62Kww77D
In Korea, I from being sold shochu made in whiskey and water state.
I do not think Koreans also strong in alcohol compared to the Russians truly.
Alcohol Similarly, Korean This number also I guess has been "inflated".

33: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/17 (Mon) 02:27:47.57 ID: pgz4r3D9
In my experience, there is no strong liquor to Koreans.
But Koreans to absurd to pretend strong.
So, Koreans strong in the drinking you do not think about consequences.
Korean cause a problem then, but it is because of Nichitei.

39: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/17 (Mon) 02:31:59.02 ID: ughp32eA
Koreans also mean strong liquor, liquor of Korea is neither necessarily delicious,
Simply, Do not you means more than just self-control force is, there is no Korean?

43: Shunpu-tei strange Taito Ÿ netuyo / RT 2014/02/17 (Mon) 02:35:11.41 ID:. CeZm +2 Ld
39 >>
W that has made this site to us why foreigner
ttp :/ / blackoutkorea.blogspot.jp /

W I site a collection of photos of drunk Korea

40: Shunpu-tei strange Taito Ÿ netuyo / RT 2014/02/17 (Mon) 02:32:57.94 ID:. CeZm +2 Ld
That one? It was to also use other than rice I Soju
The first place w 's dilution formula I shochu of Korea
This means that Koreans w it's the drink you diluted bother frequency is higher

@ 12 anniversary smartphone Ÿ HIRO / m.jqg 2014/02/17 Sukapontan (Mon) 02:34:55.01 ID:: 42 jYTCkivz
40 >>
I'm a substantial safety sake, the array ww The material basis

46: Shunpu-tei strange Taito Ÿ netuyo / RT 2014/02/17 (Mon) 02:38:59.06 ID:. CeZm +2 Ld
42 >>
And I'm so even if the rice wine
Sake of Korea junkst basically
But there are exceptions, such Ho-shu like
And to not sell liquor drunk in general and not cheap
That amount, and there is also a w Shi liquor they sell and diluted depending on a thing

44: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/17 (Mon) 02:36:20.53 ID: yfmrh4IK
Koreans violence even as tight as a drum, with or without.
Violence Korea origin.

49: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/17 (Mon) 02:44:38.44 ID: dSVEA9a2
[Korean] Korean government, "Liquor Tax Act and drinking habits Japanese colonial residue" and justify the tax increase (Korea: My Daily paper) 05/09/14

14, ™Ä—Ç Hitoshi (Byun Yangyun) Planning and Budget Secretary that it is reasonable soju tax hike
For that seat in the press conference to the effect, it has been described as "remnants of Japanese colonial soju is (Soju)", many
People are puzzled.

In the seat of a press conference of the 14th, ™Ä’· officer sake of the common people "soju According to media reports
Came out in her grip on the liquor monopoly right day emperor to eliminate the tradition of Japanese sake, became is, of Japanese colonial
As "he residue, to settle the over-drinking culture that was forced by the" Japanese imperialists, the liquor tax adjustment
I explained that "inevitable.


> Soju has became the drink of the common people, it comes in to take the liquor monopoly right day emperor to eliminate the tradition sake of our country,
> As "he residue of Japanese colonial rule, in order to settle the over-drinking culture that was forced by the" Japanese imperialists, and ....

Although I doing teach the preparation method of shochu in Korean, Koreans w I'm gonna check mutual hostility
In addition, Koreans I "over-drinking culture that was forced to Japanese colonial rule." . . You fool! !
Koreans in the habit you are Hozai "Japanese colonial era, Chosen who had been forced to live no better than slaves," I usually from you guys,
Koreans or w Tatte to drink enough to take a drink in fact
Korean 's slave ethnic playful. . .

Evicted brasserie of [domestic] Tokyo "Why Korean" ...? Koreans must be remedied 'binge drinking culture' [2/5/10]
URL: http://yutori7.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/news4plus/1265351158/
"You are not allowed to be brought into the kimchi, red pepper paste, shochu in restaurants overseas" [Korean] international business etiquette (Korea Economic Daily) 06/09/04
Of Korean tourists to the "Ugly Korean" sore expostulation [Korean] Swiss ambassador is [uncut News] 06/07/04
[Korean] "ugly Korean" to stop it - Germany, Sunday and Nakasan countries candid advice Consul General of residence is (Yonhap News) 07/03/11
I saw in the [Korean] foreign "not only Korean on the planet people through shorts, slippers figure in the lobby of the first-class hotel" (South Korea Flash Report) Korea Tourism and Culture - [07/05/23]
In breach of manners of [Asian] Korean travelers Asian countries cringing [07/09/25]

92: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/17 (Mon) 03:50:18.60 ID: UgY8J3IM
49 >>
> Japanese colonial rule is to eliminate the tradition of our country liquor

Japanese I'm tried to make him quit Korean tonsil because he is filthy.
After all, Koreans probably it 's the real cause of the curse thousand years.

[The harsh colonial rule by the Japanese colonial]

Na eat! !

È ___ È pen / / / /
¼ (, # '„D `),, then J / / / /
Oh Lee È _ È (Roh and pi-)! A very fine Unkonida! !
/ / | To tonsil immediately 'So œc Y Ü Y * `„D'> E E E E
/ Bruno / | \ œc while (
__) __ R /, and / R / R /)

52: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/17 (Mon) 02:48:22.00 ID: qUP/6emG
Liquor, kimchi, shit
Brain but they get completely broken Korean

67: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/17 (Mon) 03:04:59.21 ID: 7W3UkRgn
South Korea is not only drinking fool.
Penetration rate of stimulant drugs too because abnormal Korean.
I do not come out in the news for some reason do you less likely to be caught.

74: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/17 (Mon) 03:11:06.88 ID: VfmWzWe3
Korean double or more by the power of the liquor but there is a deterioration of fire disease gene in sober.
And rape and violence sake, I'm Tonsura Saikyo.

97: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/17 (Mon) 05:24:43.04 ID :/ fix0BTJ
Heavy drinker pride w
Of this kind does Hen-ra the saga of DQN with childish pride.
There is no big deal about a guy bragging quarrel with wine and women, yet manners over drinks is bad.

108: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/17 (Mon) 06:07:31.65 ID: iI4lZhtg
Koreans but would only animal of monkey following there is no "self-control".

Korean woman nor drinks politics economy Korea eh anything.

116: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/17 (Mon) 06:42:05.77 ID: 499d1wxP
> Amount of drinking of spirits extraordinary Koreans, a sign of feelings of Koreans love white rice.

« This is the correct answer
Drinking amount of tonsil extraordinary of Koreans, a sign of feelings of Koreans love the feces.

126: <˜¤ `Í '> (' E ƒÖ E`) (`c ')' s 2014/02/17 (Mon) 07:24:47.39 ID: kCsXpREd
Korean ethnic drunk sake of world's worst

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