
South Korea and has not turned a deaf ear to talk inopportune Conflict in the agenda of the Korea-Japan director-general level talk "Comfort women" limited South Korea [03 / 30]


(Sun ) [ Lv = 48, Devil May Wither ] 2014/03/30 15:42:29 ID Ninpocho :: shqmhLQSd 1
Tokyo [ Yonhap ]
( Dear )
Told reporters , such as Yonhap , who visited Japan as part of the exchange program , " China-Japan -Korea trilateral cooperation secretariat (TCS) " international organization that aims to promote cooperation between Korea and Japan , China , Foreign Ministry officials on the 28th , did on outlook director-general level talks would be held in April and do not stand , was to clear opinion of the two countries are not the same circulates the agenda .

In addition , I showed the idea that desirable to deal comprehensively diverse agenda between the two countries as well as comfort women issue .

Statement of the officials , is received by the position of the consultation should also concern other such as Dokdo issue for Japan to claim sovereignty over the director-general level talk . This is something that goes against the position of the South Korean government that want to limit to the comfort women issue the agenda .

The 30th , and said, " as consultation has announced already that for the comfort women issue ," said South Korean Foreign Ministry officials suggested the position of the unacceptable request of Japan .

I found when the groove of the opinion of both over the agenda is not filled , and there is also a possibility that the consultation to take place was expected to Korea and Japan visit before U.S. President Barack Obama or postponed , be canceled .

It is also a condition of virtually for South Korea to accept the three countries summit Korea-US Sun , which was held the other day in The Hague , if the talks did not happen , director-general level consultations affecting considerable again in the Korea-Japan relationship it is expected .

When you officially announce the Korea-US -Japan summit meeting held , the Korean government had announced " the South Korean government is promoting the consultation in order to hold a director-general level discussions related to the comfort women issue with the Japanese government " he said.

2014/03/30 10:09 Yonhap News

( Combat Organization )
" Is a matter that we would like to insist in Japan ", " comfort women" director-general level talk

Quoted source : in the agenda of the Korea-Japan - director-general level consultation "comfort women" limited conflict = South Korea [03 / 30]

(Sun) 2014/03/30 Nameless 15:44:49 ID:: 2 CmyK5bZDo
Buddha statue and Takeshima
Japan discount
Koreans white talk was comprehensive

(Sun) 2014/03/30 Nameless 15:47:13 ID:: 4 Ktd127FWf
I do not mind because it to end in " thing Well , I no " when the Japan

(Sun ) [ Lv = 9, shadow ] 2014/03/30 15:48:16 ID Ninpocho :: GP6TSlFYx 5
South Korea and has not turned a deaf ear to talk inopportune

(Sun) 2014/03/30 Nameless 15:52:45 ID:: 6 dl6vHKMsm
Japan would not matter to Ocean Princess

(Sun) 2014/03/30 Nameless 15:57:47 ID:: 7 dNhzFLy4g
Japanese people it is not necessary to force discussed consultation content if not determined in Japan and Korea !
Originally , Nantes comfort women was built up in the forger
Japanese because I meaningless I talked about how much !

(Sun) 2014/03/30 Nameless 16:07:58 ID:: 10 05beBZ6w9
The only comfort women 's meaning is unknown
Japanese and does all done it if you do

(Sun) <丶∀> (ω) ( c ) @ Open2ch 2014/03/30 16:25:22 ID:: 11 H0EbEGjcx
Koreans or w that mean anti-Japanese line maintained stable as long as it is not broken South Korean Foreign Ministry

(Sun) 2014/03/30 Nameless 16:32:48 ID:: 12 Y0rRq1qvx
In fact there is or agenda comfort women fraud
Or withdraw request of fake propaganda
And removal request of comfort women image
・ Brutality Memorial Hall waste request of Emperor Sun
・ Revision request Korean history textbook
The There may be other , but if you let off the history forgery anyway
And disclosure of leftist in Japan that helped forge
And disposal of the proposed study and leftist in Japan
To occur again unless this is done such as the

That's impossible . The w 's no choice but to know hit after all

(Sun) 2014/03/30 Nameless 16:35:45 ID:: 14 3Fkz5sJGC
So I without the need to do ?

(Sun) 2014/03/30 Nameless 16:41:48 ID:: 15 FFlKpgVmF
What Koreans I wonder discuss as being limited to the comfort women

Tteka , Koreans ' s " Nida in accordance with the consultation from the Japanese government admitted that there was a problem with the support of the comfort women of Japan-Korea Treaty " doing the consultation of limited comfort women ,
Koreans also wonder 're going around to the tell-tale diplomacy .

( Sun) open one 2ch 2014/03/30 #> wall ('・ ω ・) 16:41:57 ID:: 16?? IsKp0elQy
Koreans whether the consultation bother with things resolved . That's hard work .
Japanese lazily
Do you re- discuss the Japan-Korea Basic Treaty ? It may do it to hear that .

(Sun) 2014/03/30 Nameless 16:43:41 ID:: 18 Ae1Lwvfld
There is no merit to talk to South Korea for Japan

(Sun) 2014/03/30 Nameless 16:53:00 ID:: 20 FFlKpgVmF
Anyway Korea if break the ice in the field of consultation unilaterally , at the time you make an official "comfort women issue consultation " ,
It no longer be resolved , in the Japan-Korea Treaty, and defeat of Japan , and myself from a definite victory of Korea .
It is no way accept that if they decent diplomat .

(Sun) 2014/03/30 Nameless 16:58:50 ID:: 22 hm0eaXJjz
Broke down w high prior consultation stage
Not a be good because I do not mean to do in Japan ?

(Sun) 2014/03/30 Nameless 18:42:40 ID:: 27 6ELV17URK
22 >>
That kind of thing .
If you would put in extrajudicial anything and everything , same confusion will occur everywhere .
If there is authority to what can be requested in more than the word of the people there is no responsibility or liability to think what that far ... what would if you put , and to guarantee the freedom and safety of affairs and human rights in Japan ... ?
Even though it is also at home in South Korea , Koreans fraud associated with the comfort women issue have come out and - would not be a situation where South Korea is out of the North-South relations above all , I put suffer unnecessary dispute .

(Sun) 2014/03/30 Nameless 17:06:30 ID:: 23 Ab0ivqOb5
I try to A~tsutoki before coming Obama to earn the face of America
The Mon probably much , this

(Sun) 2014/03/30 Nameless 17:08:30 ID:: 24 wWusDYyPH
There is no reason to be drawn from Japan answer resolved other than Japan and Korea Basic Treaty , and I it rubbed barren .

(Sun) 2014/03/30 Nameless 17:24:27 ID:: 25 jStwbCjAE
On the agenda ! Repayment of yen loans

(Sun) 2014/03/30 Nameless 17:27:20 ID:: 26 GP6TSlFYx
Koreans - still diplomatic relations severed in breach of the Convention ? w
ラベル:comfort women
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