
Korean situation with wwwww in the case of the comfort women - Arrest [03 / 26] the broker sent out to the sex shop and Japan 108 people [Korean ] Korean Women


1 : Shirai Kuroko ◆ KuRokoMU3c 2014/03/27 ( Thu ) 09:37:46 ID: xin8555kF
Broker arrest was sent to the sex shop and Korean women 108 people Japan

The United States and Hong Kong , Japan by recruiting want to guarantee high profits on the Internet 108 Koreans women ,
Broker illegally sent overseas sex shop , such as Mexico was caught by the police .

Chungnam ( Chun'namu ) Cheonan ( Cheonan ) Northwest police station to open a morning briefing on the 26th
Is looking to engage local women overseas sex shop to bait and high profits guaranteed by the " Internet
The illegally and karaoke room and salon six countries of Japan and Hong Kong , the United States , and Mexico in
With the same suspicion B ( 45) Mr. and restrained by the Employment Security Act violation alleged broker Mr. A that sent the ( 49)
I was in the clear " was not restrained .

Such as the A 's in the Internet job sites until recently from May 12, 2009 leave , according to police
The suspected was illegally sent to the nightlife receptionist over 611 times outside sex shop looking for women
I have received惑.

A result of the investigation of the police , these overseas sex shop undergoing 50-1000000 won per person cost introduce women
That it has revenues of 400 million 6 million won worth by sending to have been revealed .

The police high- up to 10 million won from 5 million won a month to women that they want a sex shop overseas employment
Advances the interview by recruiting that we can earn money , employers of foreign sex shop is prophy women
Have been described and were selected by looking at the Le .

While you want to check the damage could not be some women to receive gold on the spot , police now
Was added to 108 women who were confirmed to , was to identify the women of the remaining investigation for complicity and
I have expanded .

Cheonan , which went on a briefing this day ( Cheonan ) Northwest police station Kim Byonju警正is "Women
're Not if you also somewhat because stay abroad in response to the ( 2 months) tourist visa working visa instead of ( 6 months)
Illegal employment abroad in " currently incarcerated in local law or stay , damage such as trampling on human rights as well as " is concerned
It warned that it " plans to be notified Interpol of the corresponding state for some outside business owners and women
Were .

Hankook Ilbo ( Korean )

Arrest [03 / 26] the broker sent out to the sex shop and Japan 108 people , [Korean ] Korean Women Source:

2 : Nameless 2014/03/27 ( Thu ) 09:38:19 ID: xin8555kF
It is fu Anne Jugun-i of later

4 : Nameless 2014/03/27 ( Thu ) 09:39:47 ID: uGVLBfJpy
Crime huh smuggling of biochemical weapons Korean

5 : Nameless 2014/03/27 ( Thu ) 09:43:03 ID: IGSCTFvlH

Koreans and still fool Korean female Korean

It is not a Japanese army than ever in Japanese .

7 : Nameless 2014/03/27 ( Thu ) 09:55:29 ID: hmgiNIgdD
How can you get bad and not strictly limited immigration from this country Korean
The Stop it Nobiza

10 : Nameless 2014/03/27 ( Thu ) 10:07:37 ID: eJhgRTV0G
7 >>
Who Hey Did I orchestrated this Nobiza
I do not think it only was some jostling Gori Koreans because I'm only a high crime rate this

8 : Nameless 2014/03/27 ( Thu ) 10:02:00 ID: 7B3P8cCvB
Korean overwhelming share
Urinara Korean prostitutes of pride

9 : Nameless 2014/03/27 ( Thu ) 10:02:32 ID: xl13lEyuq
Koreans structure w exactly the same as the comfort women issue

[ Lv = 94, Hiragana Glasses ] 2014/03/27 ( Thu ) 10:28:25 ID Ninpocho :: jTjqn6Nvq 12
Koreans NeWaka ry is the smuggling of industrial products

13 : Nameless 2014/03/27 ( Thu ) 10:30:47 ID: PVhb7Hpy1
It is a historical work , Koreans there not doing much hundred years ?

16 : Nameless 2014/03/27 ( Thu ) 10:36:59 ID: C6wxM2d4r
Korean situation with wwwww in the case of the comfort women
Korean 's race you do not really grow

17 : Nameless 2014/03/27 ( Thu ) 10:46:52 ID: Yxa9vyQiZ
After 60 years

"We are forced taken to Japan , Korean Uri-ra received a ( gold ) humiliation as sex slave " prostitute

20 : Nameless 2014/03/27 ( Thu ) 10:56:22 ID: nj0L5kzcn
Numbers ...... I mean what I mean ...... I also industry 108 people .

Before you can say history yada gar it now, right now , Korean is please stop and hang trouble in other countries .

34 : Nameless 2014/03/27 ( Thu ) 12:34:00 ID: Sg9MV04s6
20 >>
And I w is the number of earthly desires

To seek out the Korean broker Damakurakashi the comfort women , the South Korean government should I Shiboritore to one's heart's content
You're such long wearing your cavil are still in the projects that have been resolved in the Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan and Republic of Korea , Koreans would not aging established

21 : Nameless 2014/03/27 ( Thu ) 11:02:29 ID: Yxa9vyQiZ
Koreans say famous demonstration of comfort women

Ey prostitution , Korean Stop that human rights violations
Koreans Nida there is a right to food for life in prostitution to us

That's that demo Tteyuu
Kune Hey did not say anything to any

23 : Nameless 2014/03/27 ( Thu ) 11:12:59 ID: yD9vJzYtq
21 >>
Koreans can not be understood by ordinary people rough array , since this is this spirit

26 : Nameless 2014/03/27 ( Thu ) 11:14:27 ID: TWKYPKrCz
Somehow , Koreans that was forced taken to Japan a few decades later

Expected to have become .

29 : Nameless 2014/03/27 ( Thu ) 11:27:08 ID: Yxa9vyQiZ
The first place because I prostitution = crime

36 : Nameless 2014/03/27 ( Thu ) 12:56:27 ID: Yxa9vyQiZ
> Women who want sex shop overseas employment

Korean 's unlikely that even mean was deceived
Is this the Koreans

37 : Nameless 2014/03/27 ( Thu ) 13:11:44 ID: H8GvGB5ow
36 >>
Do not lick the logical leap of Korean

After 50 years ...
" Koreans were forced to work in forced sex shop When you depending on the recruitment and have a job in Japan, " Chung

" The Japanese government did not venture out because the raids sex shop aggressively , had to be forced into prostitution long term Chung

Chung " Japan is bad , gold Nida want than apology "

Koreans seem to say normally things like this

39 : Nameless 2014/03/27 ( Thu ) 13:13:13 ID: 7sN7YvWV4
Em to guess
Koreans , have suffered from the disease who will die a woman is not prostitution ,
Korean man , I'm a disease not go live not Uritobasa the women and children
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